Sunday, June 30, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-June30 (DQ in a No Rope Barbed Wire Match?, Aftermath of Temptress Turn, American Heroes War, Round Robin 15 and 16 Qualifying Matches, King Of The Ring 2009 Qualifying Matches, Sunday Night Party 103, Tokyo Road 2018 Day 2, First Round Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 39 Part 5, Eddie Venom forced into hard choice)

This Day In Wrestling History-June 30:
Wednesday Night Brawl-6/30/1999 results:

1. Blue Vision and White Vision beat Black Vision and Purple Vision
2. Ninja Kid beat Jungle Man
3. Claws beat Luke and Han
4. Rhendo beat Glove
5. Sagat beat Claw Master
6. Blanka beat Darth
7. King Bison, Commander, Princess Ariel beat Shark Hunter, Surfer, and Lady Sea
8. Joe and Barbecue beat Machine and Evan Hounda by dq in a No Rope Barbed Wire Match.  It was a total mismatch.  They attacked the ref and threw him into the barbed wire.  Machine threw Piloit in the ring.  He and Evan tried to destroy Piloit's leg.  Several TWF wrestlers (TWF TV taping took place before the show) came into the ring.  Machine and Evan took them all out.  Night Brotherss came out but helped take out Joe, Barbecue, Piloit.  More TWF wrestlers came from the back and it soon turned into a battle royal.  Machine and Evan Hounda left as the other TWF wrestlers started to fight each other.  Joe, Barbecue, Piloit got out of the fight with help from Rey Misterio Jr, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Public Enemy.  The wrestlers starting to fight to the back.  It came down to Snake Eyes/Shadow, Spirit/Taion, Ken/Ryu, Falcon/Sgt.  It looked like it was going to be a 8 man tag with Spirit, Taion, Snake Eyes, Shadow Ninja taking on Ken, Ryu, Falcon, Sgt. The ref then asked if they wanted to make it a four way dance.  All four teams agreed.
9. Ken and Ryu beat Snake Eyes/Shadow Ninja, Falcon/Sgt., Spirit/Taion in a Four Way No Rope Barbed Wire Match.

Saturday Slam Bash-6/30/2001 results:

1. Trooper 1 and 3 beat Hoodies
2. Crazy beat Wildfire
3. Spike Dudley beat Machine
4. Chavo Guerrero Jr. beat Speed Lightning
5. Shane Helms beat Cyborg
6. Sean O'Haire beat Strong Ninja
7. Hardy Boys, Joe, Piloit, Mark Night, Chris Night beat Lance Storm, Spirit, X-Pac, Justin Credible, Low Ki, Mankind
8. Rhyno and Dallas Page beat Mike Awesome and Jim Brooks

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-6/30/2003 results:

1. Jade and Temptress beat Steven Richards and Victoria to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
2. Homicide and Mafia beat Chris Hero and Val Venis
3. Wildfire beat Hard Luck Fighters and FBI in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Rhyno beat Vic Grimes to retain the EUWF European Title.
5. New Demolition beat Carnage Crew/Vic Grimes and High Rollers/Street Warrior in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
6. Rob Van Dam and Sabu beat CM Punk/Colt Cabana and Speedster Lite/Super Crazy in a 3 Way Dance.
7. Joe beat Marc Briscoe, Chris Night, Jay Briscoe, Mark Night, Jose Maximo, Joel Maximo in a 7 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
8. Booker T, Dudleyz, Doomsday beat AJ Styles/Syxx-Pac/Chris Jericho/Commander and Jesus Bison/La Resistance/Shane Douglas in a 3 Way Dance. Raven, Triple H, The Messiah, Kaos, Christian, Ric Flair, Randy Orton, CM Punk, Colt Cabana, Xavier, Vlad, Steven Richards, Backseat Boyz, B-Boy attacked all three teams till Doomsday Alliance made the save for their team. Commander's group got styles, pac, jericho, commander out and Jesus Bison's group got their guys out. The show ends with an angry RJ Hammer looking over Doomsday.

Wednesday Night Brawl-6/30/2004 results:

The show started with Brian Thunder going into the AHLA locker room looking for jade.  She wasn't at the show staying home.  Brian did look worried about her after what happen on raw and that she hadn't been returning his calls the last two days.  Lady Gangster said that she staying home trying to get her head clear after what happen monday and to just let her.
1. Masato Tanaka beat Samoa Joe
2. Homicide beat Hardcore Holly
3. Dynamic Duo beat Ax and Smash from New Demolition
4. Taion beat Tajiri to retain the EUWF IC Title.
5. Jimmy Rave beat Super Crazy to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
6. Speedster Lite beat Tyson Tomco to retain the EUWF US Title.
7. Eddie Guerrero beat Tony Mamaluke to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title and EUWF World Iron Man Title.
8. American Heroes, Hoodies, Briscoe Brothers, Mike Bison, Jill Night, Julie beat Real American Heroes (Rhyno, Mr. America, Nick Berk, Duke, Snake Eyes, Temptress, Ms. America), Joe, Randy Orton.  It seemed like Brian took this match even more personal then before and actually chased after temptress.  Dangerous Trio attacked faces after the mach helping the Real American Heroes and Orton beat on them.  Duke announced them as the final piece of the puzzle to their group.  He said that he lied about their just being one new member for the final piece.  Temptress tries to cut Julie face but High Rollers, Speedster Lite, Tajiri, Super Crazy, Homicide, Dudleyz, Dynamic Duo, Masato Tanaka, Samoa Joe, Taion, Jimmy Rave, Hardcore Holly made the save to end the show before she could.

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-6/30/2005 results:

1. Homicide and Low Ki beat Machine and Sagat
2. B-Boy beat Nigel McGuiness to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
3. Eddie Guerrero beat JC Bailey to retain the EUWF IC Title.
4. Trish Stratus beat Lady Speed to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
5. Austin Aries beat Edge to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
6. Chris Hero beat Shawn Michaels to retain the EUWF US Title.
7. John Cena beat Roderick Strong to retain the Money In The Bank Contract.
8. Jim Brooks and Jack Crystal beat Spirit and Speedster Lite to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.  The match was requested by Spirit and asked to chose any partner.  He chose Lite to the surprise Brooks and Jack.  Spirit attacked Lite after the match with EUWF World Heavyweight Title belt till Jim Brooks came back making the save.  Spirit told Jack he has to monday walking by him as he had stood in the alleyway and was left between Brooks and Spirit not sure which way to go to end the show.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-6/30/2006 results:

It was announced that Petey Williams will take Chris Hero's place in Round Robin 15 Tournament.
1. High Flyers beat Iron Saints to win the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
2. Johnny Nitro beat Machine to win the EUWF World TV Title.
3. Paul London and Spanky beat Jack Evans and Matt Sydal to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Millano Collection AT beat Chris Sabin
5. Alexis Lariee beat Firebird to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
6. Jim Brooks beat Brent Albright to win the EUWF US Title.
7. Charlie Haas beat Joe in a Round Robin 15 Qualifying Match.
8. Brian Thunder and Speedster Lite beat Randy Orton and Bryan Danielson

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-6/30/2007 results:

1. Milano Collection At beat Homicide, Abyss, Trent Acid, John Fire, Guile in a 6 Way Round Robin 16 Qualifying Match.
2. Paul London beat Spanky, Eric Bison, Sagat, Nerco Butcher, Machine in a 6 Way Round Robin 16 Qualifying Match.
3. Claudio Castagnoli beat AJ Styles, Brian Thunder, Finley, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley in a 6 Way Round Robin 16 Qualifying Match.
4. Paul Burchill beat CM Punk, Colt Cabana, Eddie Kingston, Ruckus, Sabian in a 6 Way Round Robin 16 Qualifying Match.
5. Eric Young beat Christopher Daniels, Austin Aries, Matt Sydal, Taion, Ricky Reyes in a 6 Way Round Robin 16 Qualifying Match.
6. Jerry Lynn beat CW Anderson, M-Dogg 20, Delirious, Ace Steel, Jigsaw in a 6 Way Round Robin 16 Qualifying Match.
7. Speedster Lite beat Jim Brooks, Rhino, Drake Younger, BJ Whitmer, Nate Webb in a 6 Way Round Robin 16 Qualifying Match.
8. Chris Harris beat Christian Cage, Edge, Justin Credible, Sexy Eddy, Little Guido in a 6 Way Round Robin 16 Qualifying Match.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-6/30/2008 results:

1. Mark Night pinned Duke in a Fatal Four Way Match (One Fall). He, Chris Jericho, Speedster Lite Advance.
2. Delirious pinned Chris Night in a Fatal Four Way Match (One Fall). Delirious, Paul London, Triple H advance.
3. El Generico pinned Chris Sabin in a Fatal Four Way Match (One Fall). El Generico, Hallowicked, Spanky advance.
4. Matt Sydal, Alex Shelley, Kevin Steen all pinned at once Bryan Danielson in a Fatal Four Way Match (One Fall).
5. Jeff Hardy pinned Kenny King in a Fatal Four Way Match (One Fall). Jeff Hardy, Jay Lethal, Harry Smith advance.
6. Piloit pinned Chasyn Rance in a Fatal Four Way Match (One Fall). Sonjay Dutt, Piloit, Mr. America advance.
7. Carlito pinned Joe in a Fatal Four Way Match (One Fall). Jimmy Rave, Larry Sweeny, Carlito advance.
8. Nigel McGuiness pinned Shawn Michaels in a Fatal Four Way Match (One Fall). Nigel McGuiness, Matt Hardy, Chris Hero advance.
9. Chris Jericho won the 24 Man Battle Royal Match to win the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title and title shot at Great American Bash 2008 on July 27.  Mr. America being the runner up gets the title shot at Round Robin 17 on July 6.  Chris Hero gets the title shot at Independence Day Bash 2008 on July 4.  Mark Night, Speedster Lite, Delirious, Paul London, Triple H, El Generico, Hallowicked, Spanky, Matt Sydal, Alex Shelley, Kevin Steen, Jeff Hardy, Jay Lethal, Harry Smith, Sonjay Dutt, Piloit, Jimmy Rave, Larry Sweeny, Carlito, Nigel McGuiness, Matt Hardy were also in the match.  After the match Jericho confronted Jim Brooks who was sitting on commentary and grabbed EUWF Title belt that was on the commentary table.  Jericho and Jim stare at each other till Jericho hits him with EUWF World Iron Man Title belt.  Jericho then grabbed him and rolled a bloody Jim into the ring.  Jericho beat on Jim and then locked in the walls of jericho.  Speedster Lite came down making the save with a chair to end the show.

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-6/30/2009 results:

Note: All but loser of the fall advance to KOTR Tournament.  Loser of the fall goes to 8 Way Non Tournament Match for Superbrawl 2009 title shot.
1. Roadblock beat Impaler in a Fatal Four Way King Of The Ring 2009 Qualifying Match. Roadblock Christian Gales, Sagat advance in the tournament.
2. Taion beat Tommy Knight in a Fatal Four Way King Of The Ring 2009 Qualifying Match. Jim Brooks, Taion, Duke advance in the tournament.
3. Piloit beat John Fire in a Fatal Four Way King Of The Ring 2009 Qualifying Match. Piloit, Venom, Eric Bison advance in the tournament.
4. Mr. America beat Doomsday in a Fatal Four Way King Of The Ring 2009 Qualifying Match. Joe, Snake Eyes, Mr. America advance in the tournament.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-6/30/2010 results:

The show began with the announcement due to a arm injury CM Punk has had to vacate the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  Punk had been holding off surgery need on arm to keep from vacating the title but couldn't anymore.  Due to length of time needed to heal it would be over the 30 days between title defenses.  Punk will hand over the belt and talk about it on Smackdown this friday.
1. Briscoe Brothers beat Rhendo and Blanka
2. Frankie Kazarian beat Ruckus
3. Sonjay Dutt beat Delirious
4. John Morrison beat Machine
Mike Bison and Chris Hero ran into each other back stage.  This lead to big argument and then they brawl.  That leads to Mike challenge hero for a title v.s. title match this sunday.  Hero agreed.
5. Beer Money Inc. beat Hot Shots
6. Eddie Edwards beat Eric Stevens
7. Sheamus beat Christopher Daniels, Abyss, Roderick Strong, Samoa Joe, Chris Jericho to win the Independence Day Bash 2010 Title Shot.
8. AJ Styles, Chris Hero, Sheamus, Hoodies beat Mike Bison, Cyrus Bourne, Jack Crystal, Naughty By Nature

TWF's Thursday Night Fire-6/30/2011 results:

1. WN Alpha beat Doomsday, Matson Dixie, Sagat, Taion, Mark Night to win a Spot In Sunday Night Party 91 Title Match.
2. Machine beat Jackson Rouch, Barbecue, Jack Crystal, Jim Brooks, Chris Night to win the Spot In Independenc Day 2011 Title Match.
3. Speedster Lite beat Joe, Spirit, Piloit, Cyrus Bourne to win the Spot In Superbrawl 2011 Title Match.
4. Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno beat Road Knights in a Summer Tag Festival ECW Bracket Match.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-6/30/2012 results:

1. Jack Crystal beat Justin Gabriel
2. Machine beat Jay Lethal in a Non Title Match.
3. Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian beat Donity Brothers in a Non Title Match.

Million Dollar Money In The Bank 2012 Qualifying Matches:

1. Austin Aries beat Jack Swagger, Alex Riley, Sheamus. Dolph Ziggler in a 5 Way Dance.
2. Christian Cage beat CM Punk, Colt Cabana, Cody Rhodes, James Storm in a 5 Way Dance.
3. El Generico beat AJ Styles, Frankie Kazarian, Samoa Joe, Robert Roode in a 5 Way Dance.

Summer Tag Festival II:

1. Super Smash Brothers beat Briscoe Brothers
2. Mike Bison and Taion beat Eric Bison and Guile

Sunday Night Party 103-6/30/2013 results:

1. Speedster Lite beat Brian Thunder to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
2. Night Brothers beat Eric Bison and Guile in a Summer Tag Festival III Match.
3. El Generico and Kevin Steen beat 3.0 in a Summer Tag Festival III Match.
4. Fiuture Shock beat Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano in a Summer Tag Festival III Match.
5. Austin Aries beat Samoa Joe to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
6. Motor City Machine Guns beat Team Rhodes Scholar in a Summer Tag Festival III Match.
7. John Moxly and Sami Callihan beat LAX in a Summer Tag Festival III Match.
8. Chris Hero beat Alberto Del Rio to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-6/30/2014 results:

1. Mike Bison beat Bryatt Wyatt in a Non Title Match.  Wyatts before the match claimed to have no competition right now.  Mike after the match said that they now do as Mike will face Bryatt friday at Independence Day Bash 14: Blood, Barbed Wire, Fireworks 11 for EUWF World Triple Crown Title.  Lee and Rowan will defend the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles against four special teams at Superbrawl 2014.

Summer Tag Festival IV:

1. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Ash Hyde and Mr. America
2. Bad Influence beat Oi4K to win back the Unified US Tag Team Titles.
3. Uso Brothers beat Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexandar
4. American Wolves beat Throwbacks
5. Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano beat reDragon
6. Kings Of Wrestling beat Samurai Del Sol and Sin Cara
7. Adam Cole and Peter Spider beat Bravado Brothers
8. John Moxly and Sami Callihan beat Young Bucks
9. Roman Reigns and Tyler Black beat Ricochet and Rich Swan

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-6/30/2015 results:
Summer Tag Festival V:

1. Vlad and Impaler beat Gambit Inc.
2. Brett and Chris Prowl beat Kappa Knights
3. The Masters beat New Bruise Brothers
4. Richie Borndo and Tristin Heartsend beat Team Tremendous
5. Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme beat Sgt. and Roadblock
6. Wildfire beat Eric Bison and Sagat
7. Crazy beat Hard Luck Fighters
8. Naughty By Nature beat East/West Dragons

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-6/30/2016 results:

1. John Moxly beat Samoa Joe, Roderick Strong, Jim Brooks in a 4 Fatal Way to become #1 Contender For EUWF World Heavyweight Champion and Title Shot at Superbrawl 2016.

Summer Tag Festival VI:

1. Taion and Guile beat Hot and Spicy
2. Ash Hyde and Seth Owens beat Rex Lion and Gary J
3. Enzo Amore and Collin Cassidy beat Dagger and Knight Hunter
4. Vaudevillians beat. Hunters
5. Roderick Strong and Michel Elgin beat Nightmare and Dangerous Warriors
6. RPG Vice beat Kappa Knights
7. War Machine beat Crash and War Warriors
8. Young Bucks beat The Premier Athelete Brand

ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-6/30/2017 results:

Ash Hyde went up to Kurt Angle wanting to be on Heatwave 2017 PPV.  Kurt said that wasn't sure where he fit on it but then said he had idea since he had put together ECW v.s. CZW match for the PPV.  Ash can captain the team v.s. Danny Havoc and his team.
Kurt Angle was shown walking into his office to find Motor City Machine Guns, Bad Influence, Bricoe Brothers, Young Bucks, Kevin Steen/Sami Zayn all arguing over being on Heatwave 2017 PPV.  Kurt calmed them down and then made a match between all 5 teams under scramble rules with Briscoe defending the Unified Tag Team Titles.
Pink Dudley and Hardcore Bytch were talking about where girls place on Heatwave 2017 PPV.  Bubba Ray Dudley made his return going up to them and hugged pink.  Bubba then mocked Pink for being around HC.  That got Machine who was near by mad and challenged pink and bubba to a match at PPV.  Bubba then challenged him to make it a table match and Machine agreed.  Both guys walked away as to girls look frustarted.
1. Mike Bison beat Tommy End

Summer Tag Festival VII:

1. Hallowicked and Frightmare beat Vermin
2. Authors Of Pain beat All Night Express
3. Stu Bomb and Rick Knife beat Lio Rush and Jay White
4. Enzo Amore and Big Cass beat Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson
5. Kings Of Wrestling beat Hype Brothers to win the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
6. Link Rod and Kong Remer beat Tempura Boyz
7. The New Day beat Kevin Steen and Sami Zayn

EUWF's Japan Tour 2017 Day 1-6/30/2017 results:

1. Jade Thunder, Julie Fire, Ms. America, Pink Dudley, Hardcore Bytch beat Asuka, Bayley, Emma, Alexa Bliss, Nia Jox
2. Mr. America beat Karl Anderson, Bo Dallas, Titus O'Neil in a 4 Way Dance.
3. Samoa Joe beat The Miz
4. Tyler Black and John Moxly beat Hollywood Doomsday and Mr. Venom
5. Ash Hyde beat Chris Jericho, KENTA, Mark Night in a 4 Way Dance to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title,
6. Masion Dixie beat Austin Aries and Akira Tozawa in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TWF World Lightweight Title.
7. Bryatt Wyatt and Cyrus Bourne beat Heath Slater and Rhino to retain the EUWF US Tag Team Titles.
8. Claudio Castagnoli beat Roman Reigns, Prince Devitt, Pac in a 4 Way Dance to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-6/30/2018 results:
Summer Tag Festival VIII-Points v.s. Points:

1. Hot Shots beat Chris Prime/Matt Pigpen, Daryl Ranger/Daniel Xtreme, Harrison Boss/Sagat in a 4 Way Dance.
2. Chuck Taylor and Ricochet beat Link Rod/Kong Remer, Crazy Lightning, Heavy Machinery in a 4 Way Dance.
3. Street Profits beat Jump Start, LAX, Peter Spider/Freddie Waldeno in a 4 Way Dance.
4. Donity Brothers beat Stu Bomb/Ric Knife, Lucha Dragons, Ligi Brothers in a 4 Way Dance.
5. Black Valkyrie beat Steven Doomsday/Anthony Venomous, Jeffery Alpha/Jack Pink, PYT in a 4 Way Dance.
6. Snake Byte beat Dagger/Knight Hunter, Mr. America/Cyrus Bourne, Naughty By Nature in a 4 Way Dance.
7. East/West Dragons beat Los Ice Creams, Gambit Inc., KENTA/Prince Devitt in a 4 Way Dance.
8. Dogs Of War beat Marcus Croft/Tyson Bronx, Chris Gun/Jack Flap, Motor City Machine Guns in a 4 Way Dance.

EUWF Tokyo Road 2018 Day 2-6/30/2018 results:

1. Pink Dudley, Becky Lynch, Asuka beat Queens Of Wrestling
2. Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch beat King Theodore III/Sir Tristan, Uso Brothers, Good Brothers in 4 Way Dance.
3. Sheamus beat Square Stanley
4. Lady Bruisers beat IIconics and Naomi/Carmella in a 3 Way Dance.
5. Andrade Almas beat Tye Dillinger
6. Mike Bison and Taion beat Bruce Doomsday/Eddie Venom, Rusev Day, Ash Hyde/Seth Owens in a 4 Way Non Title Weapons Match.
7. AJ Styles and Bryan Danielson beat Mark Lite/Jim Brooks, Brodie Lee/Eric Rowan, Shelton Benjamin/Sin Cara in 4 Way Dance.
8. Samoa Joe beat The Miz to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-6/30/2020 reaults:
First Round Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 39:

1. Clinton Dynamite (7-9-0) beat Kent Wonder (1-10-0)
2. Steven Doomsday (3-2-0) beat Travis Jazz (2-5-0)
3. Chris Prime (5-6-0) beat Chris Gun (1-5-0)
4. Ligi Maro (6-9-0) beat Tony Snake (1-5-0)
5. Owen Star (3-7-0) beat Brentley Justice (3-11-0)
6. Harper Wave (1-0-0) beat Bruno Crazy (7-16-0)
7. Isaiah Saturn (2-9-0) beat Chance Hide (6-17-0)
8. Kong Remer (3-4-0) beat Brent Jet (2-5-0)
9. Marcos Stunt (2-0-0) beat Ace Austin (3-2-0)

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-6/30/2021 results:
Tag Festival XI Round 17 Points v.s. Points Matches:

1. Nightmare beat Colt Star and Patrick Thorne
2. King Gary and Sir Rex beat Brusie Brothers
Edge officially challenged Kenny Omega for shot at ECW World Title at Heatwave 2021.  Don Callius came out saying that he hasn't wrestled since Wrestlemania and hasn't won a singles match since who knows when.  Though he give him a chance to earn a shot at Independence Day Bash 2021.  If and his team wins versus Omega and Young Bucks.  Edge gets a shot at Heatwave but if he loses he leaves EUWF, ECW, TWF.  Edge agrees.
3. Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock beat Clifford Darkness and Emanuel Fire
4. Guardian Knights beat Elias and Jaxson Ryker
It was shown that at Living Dangerously 2021 that King Gary cost Stanley Hammer ECW World Heavyweight Title.  Then backstage Kings Of Wrestling attacked Stanley.  Later Stanley was interviewed.  He said that this had to end and challenged Kings Of Wrestling to second ever Exploding ring hell in a cell war games death match for Independence Day Bash 2021.
5. Shepard Mars and Edison Samurai beat Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz
6. Snake Byte beat Gambit Inc
7. Steven Doomsday and Anthony Venomous beat Wade  Wallace and Westley Watson
8. Jeffery Alpha and Jack Pink beat Tommaso Ciampa and Timmy Thatcher

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-6/30/2022 results:

1. Tag Festival XII Round 19 Bracket B Points v.s. Points Match: Baron Corbin and Riddick Moss beat Raymond Roadblock and Mark Night
2. Tag Festival XII Round 19 Bracket E Points v.s. Points Match: Ligi Brothers beat David Omega and Gabriel Lock
3. Tag Festival XII Round 19 Bracket B Points v.s. Points Match: Mercury Manson and Thomas Berad beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
4. Tag Festival XII Round 19 Bracket E Points v.s. Points Match: Brentley Justice and Percy Grimm beat Dean Nuke and Nick Acid
5. Tag Festival XII Round 19 Bracket B Points v.s. Points Match: Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno beat Black Valkyrie
6. Tag Festival XII Round 19 Bracket E Points v.s. Points Match: Kong Remer and Link Rod beat Fin Sandy and Ben Apocalypse
7. Tag Festival XII Round 19 Bracket B Points v.s. Points Match: Vincet Vlad and Ian Impaler beat Alan Jacks and Tony Torpedo
8. Tag Festival XII Round 19 Bracket E Points v.s. Points Match: Tom Master and Remy Who beat Hugo Robin and Ivan Shroud
9. Tag Festival XII Round 19 Bracket B Points v.s. Points Match: The New Day beat Snake Byte
10. Tag Festival XII Round 19 Bracket E Points v.s. Points Match: Hot Shots beat Isaac Block and Trey Widow
11. 4 Way TWF's Men Money In The Bank Ladder Qualifying Match: Jim Brooks beat Sami Zayn, Jeffery Alpha, Riddick Moss

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-6/30/2023 results:

1. Women's EUWF Money In The Bank Ladder Qualifying Match: Bianca Belair, Stacie America, Caroline Venom, Mia Yim beat Nattie Neidhart, Cora Jade, AJ Stine, Lisa Ninja
2. Stu Bomb beat Felix Bolt
3. Dexter Lumis beat Stew Rosen
4. Jeffery Alpha beat Solomon Spirit
5. Yuri Knight beat Atlas River
6. Jack Pink beat Jack Crystal
7. Duke Hudson beat Mansoor
8. Baron Corbin, Riddick Moss, Abel Moon, Isaiah Saturn beat Creed Brothers and Hoodies
9. Rick Knife beat Fisher Star
10. Eddie Venom came to the ring with Venomized Inc and TWF Mafia.  To make a decision about Beach Blast 2023 main event. Eddie first announced Harrison is out of Money In The Bank Ladder Match at Beach Blast.  Due to wrist injury.  Raw will have a last chance battle royal for his spot.  Patricia Bryan came out asking for his decision.  Eddie tore into her saying that why is Sami Zayn so more important.  What makes him more important.  He said that Venomized inc been loyal to her for years.  Sami been a member for a month.  Caroline and Venom joined with Patricia after Caroline was treated like trash.  Caroline did it because they were friends once in Queens Of Wrestling trio.  They though they could be friends again.  Caroline said that Patricia's ego was to much for that.  Patricia went to slap caroline and venom stopped her.  Eddie said don't put her hands on his wife.  Eddie said he is not giving up the title shot and gives patricia a chance to make things right.  Saying that no matter what would happen title would stay with Patricia Enterprises.  Patricia laughed and slapped Eddie.  This lead to huge brawl between Patricia Enterprises and Venomzied Inc/TWF Mafia.  Patrica's men gain the numbers till American Brothers, Raymond Roadblock, Doomsday Inc, The Family made the save.   Bruce offered eddie a hand up but Eddie rolled out of the ring leaving to end the show.

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