Thursday, June 27, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-June 27 (Ultra Clash 1996, Hostile City Showdown 1998, Round Robin 8, Sunday Night Party 49, Great American Bash 2004, Mike tries to cheer Machine up, Apology you never want to make, Living Dangerously 2010/2021, Punk reveals all, Laurie Hammer confronts her dad)

This Day In Wrestling History-June 27:
EUWF's Ultra Clash 96-6/27/96 results:

1. Undertaker beat 911
2. Rob Van Dam beat Razor Ramon
3. Pitbulls beat Bruise Brothers
4. Eddie Guerrero beat Joe in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
5. Mark Night beat Bison to retain the EUWF IC Title.
6. Sandman beat Sabu to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
7. RJ Hammer beat Disel to retain the EUWF US Title.
8. Public Enemy beat Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko to retain the EUWF US Tag Team Titles.
9. Machine and Evan Hounda beat Night Brothers to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
10. Shawn Michaels beat Tommy Dreamer to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

Hostile City Showdown 98-6/27/1998 results:

1. American Heroes beat Wildfire and Crazy in Three Way Dance to win a shot at EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Title at Round Robin 7                   
2. Super Nova beat Joe                   
3. Jim Brooks beat Bam Bam Bigelow to retain the EUWF World TV Title.  Eric Bischoff gets in the ring after the match and screams at Bam Bam.  Bigelow head butts Bischoff and throws him into the crowd.                   
4. 2 Cold Scorpio beat Eddie Guerrero                   
5. Owen Hart beat Chris Candido                   
6. Bret Hart beat Chris Jericho                    
7. Taz lost to Goldberg by DQ to retain the EUWF US Title.
8. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko beat Public Enemy                   
9. Sting and Lex Luger beat Eliminators                   
10. Gangstas and Night Brothers beat Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Syxx, New Age Outlaws.  Night Brothers offered the Gangstas to join the Outsiders.  Both Gangstas spitted on the shirts they were handed on and smashed guitars over Mark and Chris' head. 
D-X members then offered them to join them but Gangstas turned them down and left the ring.                   
10. Steve Austin beat Al Snow                    
11. Tommy Dreamer, Cactus Jack, Sandman, Terry Funk, and Bill Goldberg beat Hulk Hogan, Raven, and Dudleys in a Sky Way Of Hell Match.  Onita was the original fifth partner but turned on his team.  It was four on four after RJ Hammer took care of Big Dick Dudley.  Both teams used all the weapons hanging from the ceiling.  It included Barbed wire, chairs, guitars, frying pans, and a lot of other stuff.  Hogan called out his surprise which brought out all the members of the Outsiders.  Bison troops blocked the entrance to make sure no one made the save.  Goldberg came out and cleared Bison's troops.  Members of the eWo and D-X ran out.  They cleared out the Outsiders members from the ring and ringside.  Goldberg spears Hogan and then Jackhammers him for the pin.  eWo members and Goldberg stood in the ring while Outsiders headed to the back.  RJ looks over at Goldberg and says thanks for the help.

EUWF's Sunday Night Heat-6/27/1999 results:

1. Jerry Lynn beat Shadow in a Round Robin 8 Qualifying Match.
2. Dean Malenko beat White Ninja in a Round Robin 8 Qualifying Match.
3. Booker T beat Speedster Lite in a Round Robin 8 Qualifying Match.
4. Kane beat Bam Bam Bigelow in a Round Robin 8 Qualifying Match.

Round Robin 8-6/27/1999 results:

First Round:
1. Lance Storm beat Jeff Jarrett
2. Commander beat Ric Flair
3. Sting beat Falcon
4. Konnan beat Balls Mahoney
5. Shane Douglas beat Eddie Guerrero
6. Jerry Lynn beat Dean Malenko
7. Rocky Maivia beat Undertaker
8. Booker T beat Kane

Second Round-Winners Bracket:
1. Commander beat Lance Storm
2. Sting beat Konnan
3. Shane Douglas beat Jerry Lynn
4. Rocky Maivia beat Booker T

Second Round-Losers Bracket:
1. Ric Flair beat Jeff Jarrett
2. Falcon beat Balls Mahoney
3. Eddie Guerrero beat Dean Malenko
4. Undertaker wrestled Kane to a no contest

Quater Finals-Winners Bracket:
1. Sting beat Lance Storm
2. Rocky Maivia beat Shane Douglas

Third Round-Losers Bracket:

1. Commander beat Ric Flair
2. Falcon beat Konnan
3. Eddie Guerrero beat Jerry Lynn
4. Booker T gets a by

Semifinals-Winners Bracket:
1. Rocky Maivia beat Sting

Fourth Round-Losers Bracket:
1. Lance Storm beat Commander
2. Falcon beat Shane Douglas
3. Eddie Guerrero beat Booker T

Fifth Round-Losers Bracket:
1. Falcon beat Lance Storm
2. Eddie Guerrero gets a by

Quater-Finals-Losers Bracket:
1. Eddie Guerrero beat Falcon
2. Sting gets a by

Semifinals-Losers Bracket:

1. Eddie Guerrero beat Sting

1. Rocky Maivia beat Eddie Guerrero to win the tournament.

Non Tournament Matches:
1. Eric Bischoff beat Vince McMahon
2. RJ Hammer beat King Bison
3. Lance Storm and Chris Jericho beat Bruise Brothers and Night Brothers in a Three Way Dance to win back the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Sandman and Public Enemy beat Crash, Brian Knobs, Barbarian in a Stairway To Hell Match.

Wednesday Night Brawl-6/27/2001 results:

1. Dynamic Duo beat Wildfire
2. Night Brothers beat Crazy
3. Joe, Barbecue, Piloit beat X-Factor
4. Shadow WX beat Matt Hardy to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
5. Speedster Lite beat Lance Storm
6. Dudleys beat Naughty By Nature in a Double Barbed Wire Table Match.
7. Jim Brooks beat Rhyno in a Falls Count Anywhere Street Fight to win the EUWF World TV Title.  Jigglin Jimbro Brooks had the match won but Diamond Dallas Page ran to the ring and hit Diamond Cutter onto Brooks.  Rhyno went to gore Francine through a table but Mike Awesome ran to the ring and Francine low blowed Rhyno.  Awesome powerbombed Rhyno through the table and then powerbombed from the ring to a table that was set up by DDP.  Awesome carries Brooks to the floor and puts him onto Rhyno.  The ref made the three count giving the win to Brooks.
8. Diamond Dallas Page beat Chris Jericho

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-6/27/2002 results:

Venom came to the ring.  He said that Joe stole what has he destiny from him and that was to be the longest running and greatest EUWF world champion ever.  He order flair to give him a rematch later tonight.  Ric Flair comes out and doesn't give him the shot but does give him #1 contenders match with the winner facing Joe next thursday.  Venom agreed to it and said nothing will stop him from getting the title back.
1. Lady Speed beat Linda
2. Shadow WX beat Raven
3. Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio Jr. beat Dynamic Duo
4. Jim Brooks beat Speedster Lite to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
5. Taion and Tommy Dreamer beat Masato Tanaka and Jerry Lynn
6. Ric Blade and Backseat Boyz beat Tajiri and Night Brothers
7. Dudleyz beat Naughty By Nature lost to Dudleyz by dq to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.  Naughty By Nature had the match won but OVW wrestler Prototype and Test attacked Basher.  They put him through the table and put Bubba ray dudley onto him.  They woke up the ref but smasher broke up the pin attempt with a steel chair to the back of bubba.  He then hit Test, Prototype, D-Von, and the ref which caused the dq.  Ric Flair then confronted Test and Prototype about the attack.  He then made a match naughty by nature v.s. test and Prototype for next thursday.
8. Rob Van Dam wrestled Venom to a no contest.  RVD had the match won but Dudleyz, Test, Prototype ran to the ring and attacked RVD.  The ref was knocked out.  Naughty By Nature, Joe, Taion came to the ring.  They all brawled till the ref woke up and threw the match out.  Ric Flair came out and announced that RVD and Venom will face joe next thursday since neither won the match.

TTWF 6/27/2003 Viking Hall results:

1. Ariel Bison beat Julie to retain the TTWF World Women's Title.
2. Kurt Angle beat Eddie Guerrero and Jerry Lynn in a 3 Way Dance.
4. Spanky beat Psicosis, Barbecue, Paul London, Piloit in a 5 Way Dance to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
4. Venom beat Shadow WX to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title
5. American Heroes beat Naughty By Nature in a Ladder Match to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Taion beat Shadow Michael to retain the TTWF US Title
7. Rey Misterio Jr. and Billy Kidman beat Ultimo Dragon/Tajiri, Reckless Youth/Mike Quackenbush, Backseat Boyz, Chris Benoit/American Dragon, Ric Blade/Ruckus in a 6 Way First Team To Win Two Falls Match to win a shot at the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles at Independence Day Bash 2003.
8. Jim Brooks and Torrie Wilson beat Michael Shane and Francine.  Shane went to throw powered into Brooks face but Brooks ducked and hit Francine in the face.  Francine accidentally gives Shane a low blow and Brooks hits a brooks driver for the win.

Sunday Night Party 49: Great American Bash 2004-6/27/2004:

1. Night Brothers beat Gothics, Naughty By Nature, Hardy Boyz, SAT in a 5 Way Dance to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
2. Jimmy Rave beat RJ Hammer to retain the EUWF World TV Title: RJ claimed after the match that he wasn't tapping and attacked the ref. He then hit Rave with a chair locking him in a crossface of his own till AJ Styles made the save.
3. Venom beat Jesus Bison and Sandman in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
4. Sonjay Dutt beat Maven, Sgt., Red, Chavo Guerrero Jr. in a 5 Way Dance to earn a title shot at the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title at Original TWF PPV on July 16. 
5. Hotstuff beat Carnage Crew to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Speedster Lite beat Nick Berk to retain the EUWF US Title.
7. Real American Heroes (Duke and Snake Eyes) beat American Heroes two straight falls to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles and win the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Mike Bison beat Mr. America to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
9. Bryan Danielson beat Piloit, Chris Hero, Chris Benoit in a 4 Way Dance to win the #1 Contenders Trophy For TTWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament Final and earn a shot at the TTWF World Heavyweight Title at Round Robin 11 on July 11.
10. Eddie Guerrero beat Taion to win the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament Final and earn a shot at the TTWF World Heavyweight Title at Round Robin 11 on July 11.
11. Edge beat Doomsday in a Hell In A Cell Ladder Match to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
12. AJ Styles beat Chris Jericho to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-6/27/2005 results:

The show started with the announcement of the big trade (see post after results for new rosters) and Mike Bison walking into the building for some reason.  Mike had not been traded and then was announced that he was there meeting with Michelle and RJ Hammer earlier in the day but Mike never left the building.
1. Sagat beat Viscera
2. B-Boy beat Machine to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
Machine was mopping around about the lose after the match and Mike Bison went up to him asking what was wrong.  Machine said he was upset his lose and Mike said there will always be a rematch.  Mike asked Machine to go out after the show to do stuff with some of the other guys to cheer him up.  Godfather made a surprise return coming up to the two offering Machine a trip on the ho train to make him feel better.  Machine got real happy real quick but some woman grabbed him away from them dragging him away from the hos.  Mike and godfather shrugged and Mike said he is married walking away.  Godfather and girls went to find someone else.
3. Homicide and Low Ki beat Gothics
4. Michael Shane beat Ricky Reyes
Jim Brooks were talking to Michelle and Michelle said that she agreed to what he wanted if he got one of the title shots later tonight.  Speedster Lite then went up to Jim Brooks asking about what's going on with him and Jack Crystal.  Jim said that he was forced into the match but anyway to stick it to Spirit and Lite wondered if Jim is using Jack.  Jim said he wasn't but Jack belongs with them and that he is glad Jack is tired of being pulled around by Spirit.  Lite shook his head as Jim walked away.
5. Nick Berk beat JC Bailey
6. Shawn Michaels beat Austin Aries in a Non Title Match.
Mike Bison went up to Jack Crystal and said he looked like that he need a third option on a hard decision.  Mike said he has a solution for him by joining his group and not have to worry about which side he wants to be on.  Jack said he would think about it when Michelle walked up to them and asked why Mike was still here.  Mike said that he was around because he nothing else to do tonight and didn't feel like leaving.  Michelle said if that is true and Mike is dressed to wrestle he will be in a match against John Cena next.  Mike walked away and Jack stared at Michelle.  Michelle asked what he is problem was and walked away.
7. Mike Bison beat John Cena
8. Eddie Guerrero beat Jim Brooks, Speedster Lite, Jack Crystal, Edge, Chris Hero in a 6 Way Dance to win the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  He gets a shot at the title at Round Robin 14 on July 24.  Jim Brooks being the last man other Guerrero earned a shot at the title at Independence Day Bash 2005 on July 4.  After the match Brooks announced that his title match next monday will be a no rope barbed wire match.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-6/27/2007 results:

The show started with Paul Haymen and RJ Hammer.  RJ talked about finding out about Benoit and his family death.  The company as a whole decide to cancel monday night raw show and do tribute.  He apologized if in light of new info that the show was done in bad taste but EUWF and ECW has lost 3 families in one shocking way.  Paul then started talking and apologized for any comments upsetting anyone but Chris and Nancy will always be apart of their.  He said that a great career is ruined because of one tragic moment that we may never know what fully happen.  Paul said tonight the healing starts with matches and this will be only time your hear chris name tonight.  He then announced saturday will be the first Round Robin 16 Qualifying Matches and with next weeks brawl pre emptied because of Independence Day Bash 2007 the #1 Contenders Trophy Tournament will take place a week from saturday.  RJ then started talking saying that the EUWF's Round Robin 16 Qualifying Matches will take place on this monday's Raw and then EUWF's #1 Contenders Trophy Tournament a week from friday on smackdown.
1. Machine beat Doomsday Kid
2. Austin Aries beat Ace Steel
3. Eddie Kingston beat Rhino
4. CW Anderson beat Homicide
5. Colt Cabana beat Sabu
6. Rob Van Dam beat CM Punk
7. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Edge and Christian Cage
8. Samoa Joe beat AJ Styles in a Non Title Match.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-6/27/2008 results:

1. Delirious beat Spanky to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
2. El Generico beat Mike Quackenbush to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
3. Matt Sydal beat Jeff Hardy to retain the EUWF IC Title.
4. Chris Jericho beat Milano Collection At to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
5. Speedster Lite beat Chris Hero to retain the EUWF US Title.
6. Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Night, Duke, Snake Eyes beat King Jim Brooks, Speedster Lite, Brian Thunder, Mark Night, John Fire in a Elimination Match.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-6/27/2009 results:

1. Laurie Hammer and Nattie Neidhart beat Mickie Knuckles and Miss Lee in a No DQ Match.
2. CM Punk beat Eric Young
3. Jack Crystal beat Spirit
4. Taion beat Primo Colon
5. Jimmy Jacobs beat Carlito
6. Mike Bison beat Eric Bison
7. Jimmy Rave, Claudio Castagnoli, Ray Gordy, Ted Dibiase Jr., Cody Rhodes beat AJ Styles, Rey Misterio Jr., Nigel McGuiness, Tyler Black, Machine
8. Jerry Lynn beat Tommy Dreamer and Necro Butcher in a 3 Way Non Title Match.

ECW's Living Dangerously 2010-6/27/2010 results:

1. Cheerleader Melissa beat Lady Doomsday, Temptress, Star Pryde in a 4 Way Dance to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
2. Claudio Castagnoli beat Eddie Kingston to retain the ECW World TV Title.
3. Necro Butcher and Eric Stevens beat American Wolves to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.  Necro and Stevens attacked the wolves before the bell taking out Richards before the match started making it a two on one handicap match pretty much.
4. Chris Hero beat Samoa Joe to retain the ECW US Title.
5. Hoodies, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks beat Mike Bison, Naughty By Nature, Doomsday, Venom in a Anything Goes HC Match.
6. Amazing Red beat Sheamus in the Finals of ECW's Million Dollar Money In The Bank Tournament Block A to qualify for the Million Dollar Money In The Bank Match at Superbrawl 2010 on July 18.
7. Low Ki beat Chris Jericho in the Finals of ECW's Million Dollar Money In The Bank Tournament Block A to qualify for the Million Dollar Money In The Bank Match at Superbrawl 2010 on July 18.
8. AJ Styles beat Finley to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-6/27/2011 results:

The show began with clip from Living Dangerously post game show with promo from Mike Bison about the fact that he accepted the Loser Leaves Town Match at Superbrawl 2011 despite rumors of Punk leaving after the show.  He said he wants to make sure Punk is leaving and checks on Brett Wayfield.  Brett said he was okay and then Mike leaves.  Laurie checks on Brett but he says he is okay.  Laurie didn't believe him and goes to get medical.  Few seconds later bandaged up CM Punk and Randy Orton come in attacking him.  They leave him laying and Orton was going to punt him but Punk stopped him.  He said he wanted Brett around to watch Mike get destroyed once and for all at Superbrawl.  The show goes to live with CM Punk sitting in the ring saying that rumors are true he is leaving after Superbrawl but he will be taking time off.  While doing that he will be leading alliance from behind the scenes but he wanted to make Mike watch at home while his alliance destroys ECW and TWF.  He wasn't leaving till he got it in writting though so Mike couldn't get out of it and wanted a added stipulation.  That the loser of the match can after 90 days ask for re installment but only can get if RJ Hammer and the winner of the match both agree to it.  Punk says that Mike can keep trying to return but will never be able to and he can sit back laughing at him.  Mike came from the back and agreed to the new stipulation adding that the match should have no time limit, no count outs, no time limit, anything goes must by a winner.  No excuses and Punk agreed to it.  RJ Hammer announces that the contract singing will take place on smackdown.
1. Maison Dixie and Jackson Rouch beat Doomsday Warriors in a RR Summer Tag Festival Baseball Bat Match.  After the match New Bruise Brothers (TWF students Bruiser and Crusher Watson) made there EUWF debut attacking Maison and Jackson.
2. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Uso Brothers in a RR Summer Tag Festival Cage Match.
3. Dark City Fight Club beat Darkness and Nightmare in a RR Summer Tag Festival Street Fight Match.
4. Beer Money beat Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel in a RR Summer Tag Festival Beer Bottle On A Pole Match.
5. El Generico beat Michel Elgin, Wade Barrett, JTG, Colt Cabana in a RR MD MITB Singapore Cane Qualifying Match.
6. Tyler Black beat Jay Lethal, Ron Killings, Amazing Red, Roderick Strong in a RR MD MITB Tables Qualifying Match.
7. Bryan Danielson beat John Cena, The Miz, Davey Richards, Frankie Kazarian in a Raw Roulette Million Dollar Money In The Bank Submissions Count Anywhere Qualifying Match.
8. CM Punk, Chris Hero, Randy Orton beat Kofi Kingston, Mike Bison, AJ Styles in a Raw Roulette Dog Collar Match.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-6/27/2012 results:

1. HC Bytch beat Laurie Hammer in a Non Title Match.
2. Jack Crystal beat Rhino
Doomsday came up to Mike Bison and said that he wasn't here to fight.  He said he had something to show him and then showed a clip of Jim Brooks talking on to phone someone from Raw.  Mike thought maybe he was talking to him but realized that it wasn't when Jim mentions him.  Mike thanked doomsday and said that he got some talking to do before walking away.
3. Mark Night beat Alex Riley
4. Bryan Danielson won the Battle Royal For Heatwave 2012 Title Shot/ AJ Styles, Doomsday Inc., Night Brothers, Bison Brothers, Taion, Guile, Mr. America, Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, TJ Wilson, Sheamus, Machine, Sagat, Briscoe Brothers, All Night Express, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, El Generico, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Cody Rhodes, Christian Cage, Colt Cabana, Mike Bison

Summer Tag Festival II:

1. Beer Money beat Dagger and Knight Hunter
2. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel beat Naughty By Nature

TWF's Thursday Night Fire-6/27/2013 results:

1. Doomsday won the Money In The Bank Qualfying Battle Royal #1 Match. Duke, John Fire, Snake Eyes, High Flyers, Young Guns Army, Machine, Backlot Warriors, Warrior Ninjas, Troopers, Doomsday, Venom, New Public Enemy, Spirit, Jack Crystal, Rhendo, Blanka, Dangerous Trio, Wildfire, Crazy, New Gangtas, New Demolition, Donity Brothers, Sgt., Roadblock, Hot Shots, Bison Brothers, Taion, Guile, Dynamic Duo, Night Brothers were also in the match.

Summer Tag Festival III:

1. Trooper 1 and 2 beat Spirit and Jack Crystal
2. Eric Bison and Guile beat Rhendo and Blanka
3. Hulk and Destroyer beat Joe and Piloit
4. WN Alpha and Sigma beat Crazy
5. New Gangtas beat New Demolition
6. Donity Brothers beat Wildfire
7. Sgt. and Raodblock beat Night Brothers
8. Brian Thunder and Duke beat Hot Shots

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-6/27/2014 results:

1. Jim Brooks, AJ Styles, Tyler Black beat Wyatt Family

Summer Tag Festival IV:

1. Saviors beat Bravado Brothers
2. Michel Elgin and Roderick Strong beat Trooper 3 and 4
3. Gambit Inc beat Dynamic Duo
4. Young Bucks beat Blood and Crazy Ninja
5. Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano beat Knockout and Slasher
6. reDragon beat Throwbacks
7. American Wolves beat Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexandar
8. Adam Cole and Peter Spider beat Joe Henning and Ryback
9. Kings Of Wrestling beat Outlaw Inc.

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-6/27/2015 results:
Summer Tag Festival V:

1. Ligi Brothers beat Gambit Inc
2. Nightwings beat Team Apocalypse
3. Chris Prime and Matt Pigpen beat Black Valkyrie
4. Premier Athlete Brand beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
5. Eric Bison and Sagat beat East/West Dragons
6. Sgt. and Roadblock beat Crazy
7. Wildfire beat Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme
8. Hoodies beat Night Brothers

EUWF's House Show-6/27/2015 results:

1. Paige beat Ms. America, Hardcore Bytch, Justine Hounda in a 4 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
2. Gambit Inc beat The Masters in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
3. New Bruise Brothers beat Macrus Dove and Owen Sta
r in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
4. Donity Brothers beat Knockout and Slasher in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
5. Night Brothers beat Trooper 1 and 2 in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
6. Sagat beat Roman Reigns, Kane, Bryatt Wyatt in a 4 Way Dance to retain the Unified US Title.
7. King Peter and Freddie Waldeno beat Wade Barrett/Sheamus and Cyrus Bourne/Samoa Joe in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Ash Hyde beat Randy Orton, John Cena, Mr. America in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-6/27/2016 results:

Tyler Black celebrated his win night before and Nakumra challenged him to a rematch but said that he doesn't get one.  Shane McMahon made a match between Nakumra, Claudio, Cole with winner get shot at Heatwave 2016.
Laurie Hammer confronted RJ Hammer about Bryatt Wyatt filming Taylor Lanly and RJ said he no idea about it.
1. Sami Zayn and Shinsuke Nakumra beat Tyler Black and John Moxly

Summer Tag Festival VI:

1. reDragon beat The Beaver Boys
2. Devestation Corp beat Rusev and Zangief
3. Ricochet and Rich Swan beat Grey and Gold Dragons
4. Motor City Machine Guns beat Hot Shots
5. Masion Dixie and Piloit beat Hyper Brothers
6. American Alpha beat John Fire and Snake Eyes
7. The Batari beat Blk Jeez and Pepper Parks
8. Adam Cole and Kevin Steen beat King Peter and Freddie Waldeno
9. Donity Brothers beat Gentleman's Club

EUWF's Smackdown Live-6/27/2017 results:

1. Ms. America and Julie Fire beat Blonde Ambition to retain the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
2. Lince Dorado and Akira Tozawa beat Throwbacks in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match.
3. Ricochet and Rich Swan v.s. Bollywood Boyz in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match.
4. Mr. America and Mark Night beat Tyler Black and Robert Roode
5. Motor City Machine Guns beat Ascension in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match.
6. Colony beat Drew Gulak and Tony Neese in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match.
7. American Alpha beat N_R_G in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match.
8. Christopher Daniels beat Jeff Hardy in a Non Title Match.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-6/27/2018 results:
Summer Tag Festival VIII-PVP:

1. Los Ice Creams beat Dogs Of War
2. KENTA and Prince Devitt beat East/West Dragons
3. Tyler Breeze and Fandago beat Mr. America and Cyrus Bourne
4. Authors Of Pain beat Steven Doomsday and Anthony Venomous
5. Street Profits beat Donity Brothers
6. Heavy Machinery beat Chris Prime and Matt Pigpen
7. Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme beat The Kingdom
8. LAX beat Lucha Dragons

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-6/29/2019 results:

1. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 13 Points v.s. Points Match: Nightwings beat Titus World Wide
2. Guile beat Harrison Boss
3. 4 Way Summer Tag Festival IX Round 13 Points v.s. Points Match: Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc beat Brent Jet/Clifford Darkness, Gambit Inc, Creed Gatson/Derek Vamp
4. Prince Thomas beat Eric Bison
5. 4 Way Summer Tag Festival IX Round 13 Points v.s. Points Match: Connor Stark and Bruce Blood beat Phoenix Edge/Scott Shock, Roman Reigns/Tyler Black, Brett Wayfield/Jackson Rouch
6. Taion beat Sir Tristan
7. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 13 Points v.s. Points Match: Nightmare beat Black Valkyrie
8. NO DQ Match For TWF World Heavyweight Title: King Theodore III beat Gary J (c) by Count-Out.  Gary had put Theodore through a table and rolled him into the ring.  He couldn't get back in like something was grabbing him from under the ring.  The ref counted him out.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-6/27/2020 results:

1. 4 Way Dance: Vincet Vlad beat Fandago, Taylor Wad, GQ Wiley
2. Tag Festival X Round 18 Points v.s. Points Match: Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme beat Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock
3. Sir Fisher beat John Fire
4. Chase Crusher beat Brendon Vink
5. Crusher Jack beat Matt Matel
6. Elimination Match: Braun Strowman, Akira Tozawa, Heavy Machinery, Dark Brothers beat Keith Lee, Jim Brooks, Marcus Croft, Tyson Bronx, Storm Wave

ECW's Living Dangerously 2021-6/27/2021 results:

1. ECW's Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Prince Devitt beat AJ Styles, Apollo Crews, Ash Hyde, Ricochet, Tommaso Ciampa
2. Tag Festival XI Round 17 Points v.s. Points Match: Mickey Sensation and Shaggy Brown beat Connor Stark and Bruce Summers
3. Tag Festival XI Round 17 Points v.s. Points Match: Sir Felix and Sir Fisher beat War Machine
4. Tag Festival XI Round 17 Points v.s. Points Match: Joseph Adventure and Ralph Doctor beat Danny Red and Isaiah Saturn
It was offficially announced that ECW will return to ECW Arena in January 2022.  For first time since before the pandemic.   With PPV Title There Is No Place Like Home: 30 Years Of ECW.
5. Tag Festival XI Round 17 Points v.s. Points Match: Purple Haze beat Black Valkyrie
6. Tag Festival XI Round 17 Points v.s. Points Match: Storm Wave beat Elijah Crash and John Rose
7. Tag Festival XI Round 17 Points v.s. Points Match: MSK beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
8. Rematch For ECW World Heavyweight Title: Kenny Omega (c) beat Stanley Hammer.  Omega and Don Callis bragged about the win after the match.  As Kenny did he goodbye.  Edge ran from the back spearing him.  Edge chases Don out of the ring and PPV ends with him hold ECW Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-6/27/2022 results:

1. 4 Way EUWF's Men Money In The Bank Ladder Qualifying Match: Austin Theory and Tommaso Ciampa beat Solomon Spirit/Jack Crystal, Malik Blade/Edris Enofé, Kenneth Knockout/Santiago Slasher
2. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Masion Dixie and Leoroy Piloit beat Cheesy Warriors
3. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Chad Gable and Otis beat Samson Sanchez and Hayden Sander
4. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Nathan Blaster and Caleb Scare beat Benson Fire and Clay Ninja
5. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Colin East and Colton West beat Rafel Lake and Horus Venus
6. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Barbecue Jones and Joe Jr beat Quinton Snyder and Clyde Neptune
7. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Gambit Inc beat PYT
8. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Axel Grey and Andrew Gold beat Road Knights
9. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Mr. Williams and Mr. Donald beat Gary J and Rex Lion
10. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Security Knights beat Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz
11. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Luke Reed and Angel Coal beat Uso Brothers
12. 4 Way EUWF's Men Money In The Bank Ladder Qualifying Match: Trevor Lee and Mark Night beat Stew Rosen/Leo Ambrose, Angel Garza/Humberto, Rex Lion/Fisher Star

Filmed Exclusively For EUWF Network/Peacock:

1. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Street Profits beat American Brothers
2. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Hoodies beat Dogs Of War
3. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Stew Rosen and Leo Ambrose beat Angel Garza and Humberto
4. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Fisher Star and Felix Bolt beat William Shock and Ethan Rogue
5. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Solomon Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Baker Badar and Kagen Kass
6. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Jack Flap and Chris Gun beat Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme
7. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Brian Thunder and John Fire beat Sheepard Mars and Edison Samurai
8. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Jupiter Jordan and Xander Seed beat Crow Brothers
9. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Malik Blade and Edris Enofé beat Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher
10. Tag Festival XII 19 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Chris Prime and Matt Pigen beaet Mac Yates and Mane MacAlister 

TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-6/27/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Double Elimination Round 2 Matches:

1. 4 Way Women's TWF Money In The Bank Ladder Qualifying Match: Jade Thunder and Becky Lynch beat Athena Thunder/Mina Club, Daniel Westernlock/Raye Action, Casey Crazy/Olivia Down
2. Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend beat Black Valkyrie
3. Angel Garza and Humberto beat Alan Jacks and Tony Torpedo
4. Purple Haze beat Road Ragers
5. Chad Gable and Otis beat Ligi Brothers
6. Gallus beat Veer and Sanga
7.  Hot and Spicy beat Creed Gaston and Derek Vamp
8.  Naughty By Nature beat Dogs Of War
9. Malik Blade and Edris Enofé baat William Shock and Ethan Rogue
10. Tommaso Ciampa won the a #1 Contenders Battle Royal For Future TWF World Heavyweight Title Shot. Wes Lee, Dexter Lumis, Solomon Spirit, , Vincent Vlad, Jack Crystal, Uso Brothers, Brett Wayfield, Kyle Donity, Baron Corbin, Stew Rosen, Solo Sukao, John Fire, llja Dragunov, Matt Riddle, Austin Theory, Theodore Borando, Baron Corbin, Seth Owens, Brian Thunder, Ash Hyde, Riddick Moss, Raymond Roadblock

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