Thursday, June 20, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-June 20 (Summer Bash 1996, RJ Hammer not going anywhere, Sunday Night Party 20, King Of The Ring 10 Qualifying Matches, Venom gets a Rocky Surprise, Jim Brooks explains his recent changes, Night For Dreamer, Orton tries to ruin the night but ECW stands up, Great American Bash 2010, Ladies Night 2015/2020, Extreme Summer 2019)

This Day In Wrestling History-June 20:
EUWF's Summer Bash 96-6/20/96 results:

1. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Konan
2. Nightmare beat Headhunters
3. Chris Benoit beat Chris Jericho
4. Eddie Guerrero beat Dean Malenko to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
5. Mark Night beat Shane Douglas to retain the EUWF IC Title.
6. Sandman beat Vader by DQ to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
7. RJ Hammer beat Undertaker to retain the EUWF US Title.
8. Public Enemy beat Road Warriors to retain the EUWF US Tag Team Titles.
9. Night Brothers beat Eliminators to win back the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
10. Shawn Michaels beat Sting to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

Saturday Slam Jam-6/20/1998 results:

1. Blue Meanie and Super Nova beat Wildfire                                           
2. Troopers 1 and 2 beat American Heroes                                            
3. Dynamic Duo beat Crazy                                            
4. F.B.I. beat Doomsday and Venom                                           
5. Night Brothers beat Nightmare                                           
6. Jeff Jarrett beat Justin Credible                                           
7. Chris Jericho beat Vega                                           
8. Jerry Lynn beat Marc Mero                                           
9. Bill Goldberg beat Sabu                                           
10. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko beat Harlem Heat                                           
11. Rob Van Dam beat Owen Hart                                           
12. New Age Outlaws beat Eliminators to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles after Raven and Dudleys interfered.  Raven said they were fired and left the Eliminators laying.                                           
RJ Hammer came to the ring.  "The last couple of days there has been many rumors whether I was going to announce either my retirement or that I'm taking a long deserved year off.  I'm here to tell you neither of them is true but I will be out till I get my eyesight back in my left eye.  That will be in a month or so.  Now about skyway of hell match.  I am out of that match but trust me we got a surprise for Raven, Hogan, and Dudleys that won't see coming.  Just wait and see for next Saturday because your going to see the end of those 5."

Sunday Night Part 20-6/20/1999 results:

1. Lady Doomsday beat Chyna to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. Public Enemy beat Crash The Terminator and Brian Knobs to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
3. Sandman beat Hunter Hearst Helmsley to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
4. Brood beat Snake Eyes, White Ninja, Shadow to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
5. Night Brothers beat Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Justin Credible beat Rey Misterio Jr. to retain the EUWF IC Title.
7. Jim Brooks beat Road Dogg Jesse James to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
8. Speedster Lite beat Taka Michinoku to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
9. Lance Storm and Chris Jericho beat Dudleyz to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
10. Rob Van Dam beat Tajiri to retain the EUWF World Cruiserweight Title.
11. Shane Douglas beat Bam Bam Bigelow to retain the EUWF US Title.
12. Steve Austin beat Undertaker to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

Wednesday Night Brawl-6/20/2001 results:

1. Trooper 3 beat Extreme Knight
2. Machine beat Trooper 1
3. Wildfire beat White Ninja and Shadow
4. Ninja Kid beat Lance Storm to retain the EUWF IC Title.
5. Matt Hardy beat Mankind to retain the EUWF European Title.
6. Jeff Hardy beat Low Ki
7. Booker T beat Christian
8. Venom beat Edge to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
9. Basher beat D-Von Dudley
10. Buh Buh Ray Dudley beat Smasher
11. Kurt Angle beat Tommy Dreamer to retain the EUWF US Title.
12. Rhyno beat Mike Bison, Mike Awesome, Bam Bam Bigelow in a Rumble Games Match to retain the EUWF World TV Title.

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-6/20/2002 results:

Arn Anderson knocks on nWo Elite's locker room door and Venom answers it.
Venom: "What do you want?
Arn: "Ric asked me to tell you that someone is coming here to talk to you tonight."
Venom: "Who is it?"
Arn: "I don't know."
Venom: "I know.  It is Austin.  He came here to apologize to me and everyone else for walking out.  I'm going to show the world part of what I'm going to do to the Undertaker this Sunday."  Venom would have to wait all show for whoever it is.
1. Tajiri beat Vega in a King Of The Ring X Qualifying Match.
2. Red beat Extreme Ninja in a King Of The Ring X Qualifying Match.
3. Guile beat Blanka in a King Of The Ring X Qualifying Match.
4. Eddie Guerrero beat Extreme Lightning in a King Of The Ring X Qualifying Match.
5. Jim Brooks beat Trooper 2 in a King Of The Ring X Qualifying Match.
6. Kurt Angle beat Trooper 3 in a King Of The Ring X Qualifying Match.
7. AJ Styles beat Fire Knight in a King Of The Ring X Qualifying Match.
8. Taion beat Fireball in a King Of The Ring X Qualifying Match.
9. Booker T beat Sagat in a King Of The Ring X Qualifying Match.
10. Doomsday (Taking the place of an injured Edge) beat Trooper 4 in a King Of The Ring X Qualifying Match.  Flair made Doomsday Edge's replacement before Doomsday was stuck back with RJ Hammer's group.  As a part of the agreement anyone who holds a title and enters the KOTR tournament will continue in it even if he loses the title.  Even though doomsday is now stuck with RJ's group he allowed to continue in the tournament.
11. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Trooper 5 in a King Of The Ring X Qualifying Match.
12. Billy Kidman beat Steel Claw in a King Of The Ring X Qualifying Match.
13. Joe, Barbecue, Naughty By Nature beat Backseat Boyz/Hit Squad and Spirit/Piloit/Dudleyz in a Three Way Dance.
14. Venom and Chris Benoit beat Rob Van Dam and Undertaker.  Venom stayed in the ring after the match.
Venom: "I'm tired of waiting.  Austin get your ass out here."  The Rock's music starts up and the Rock comes to the ring.  Venom looks in shock.
Rock: "Finally the rock has come back to the EUWF.  For the last couple of weeks I had sit home and idiots like you run around here thinking they own this company is there's.  I watched you and your gay leader just do whatever they want.  I was supposed to come back next month but I can't wait till then.  So I called flair to see if I could come here tonight and he said I could.  I then called up RJ Hammer and ask for the winner of the match between you and the undertaker on Monday night.  To my surprise he agrees.  So if you find a way to survive on Sunday I will be seeing you on Monday night in the ring."
Venom: "Listen to me Rocky.  Who the hell do you think you are?  Movie Star or Wrestler"
Rock: "I'm both of."  Venom interrupted him.
Venom: "It doesn't matter what you are.  You go around Hollywood for a month and then you think you can come back and get title shot?  I don't care what RJ says.  I'm not wrestling you this Monday Night.  I don't plan to be there this Monday night because after I kick the Undertaker's but I will be resting at home."
Rock: "The rock says this, if you don't show up I will go to you home and kick your ass all around your house.  I will then drag you to the arena and pin you one, two, three in this ring.  If you ssssssmmmmmeeeeellllllll what the rock is."  Venom interrupted the rock again by trying to hit with the EUWF world heavyweight title belt but the Rock ducked and hit the Rock Bottom onto Venom.  He then hits the people's elbow onto Venom.
Rock: "If you sssssmmmmeeeeellllllll what the rock is cooking?"  The Rock celebrated in the ring as venom slowly made his way to the back to the end the show.

TTWF 6/20/2003 Viking Hall results:

1. Ariel Bison beat Julie and Trish Stratus in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TTWF World Women's Title.
2. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Trent Acid
3. Spanky beat Barbecue and Tajiri in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
4. Venom and Lady Venom beat Jamie Knoble and Nadia
Jim Brooks had a sit down interview with Joey Styles.
Joey: "Tell us what brought the recent changes?"
Jim: "To be honest after wrestlemania I took a deep look at myself and I didn't like it.  Speedster told me after we lost that I could be a world champion.  I knew it to but I didn't know what was keeping me back.  When I took a look at myself I found out what was wrong.  I had a horrible gimmick and look.  I first came into this company I was suppose to be the ultimate southern hick.  I had the buck teeth, I had to pretend to have a low iq, married my cousin, made love to farm animals kinda gimmick  I didn't mind but as my pushes got bigger I got ride of those parts.  I wasn't that hick anymore but I still looked like and had the name.  The only way I was going to get anywhere was to change my name and my look.  I did that after wrestlemania and when I finally decide to go with Jim Brooks I changed it."
Joey: "Why that name?"
Jim: "I had a lot of thought on that and finally decide on it.  That's why it took a while for me to change it."
Joey: "What about what happen last tuesday."
Jim: "I was hoping you wouldn't bring that up.  Commander brought something up that I been trying to keep hiding.  What me and Torrie do off camera is my own business.  It was something we both decide to keep off camera.  Something we decide not to get involved in with cameras.  We are all scared to do that now.  We have seen attack after attack in recent years on the friends and lovers that we care about.  I'm tired of it and I know a lot of other people are too.  That's why I like Jade's group.  She standing up for what's right in these situation and I wish her all the luck. 
Joey: "Anything you have to say to commander or about?"
Jim: "Commander brook a un written rule in our locker room and next time I see him I will kick his ass."
Joey: "Thank you jim for this interview."
Jim: "Thank you for allowing me to say what I had to say."
5. American Heroes beat Bashman Brothers to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Taion beat Jason Jett to retain the TTWF US Title.
7. Reckless Youth beat Chris Benoit to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy To TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. Jim Brooks beat American Dragon to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-6/20/2005 results:

1. Nightmare beat La Resistance
2. Jack Crystal beat Bradshaw
3. Bashman Brothers beat Gothics
4. Trish Stratus beat Lady Speed to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
5. Machine beat Shane Helms to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
6. Chris Jericho beat Michael Shane to retain the EUWF US Title and EUWF IC Title.
7. Roderick Strong and Austin Aries (Filling in for injured Jack Evans) beat Jim Brooks and Speedster Lite to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Shelton Benjamin and Undertaker beat Spirit and Kane in a Dream Partner Tag Team Match.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-6/20/2007 results:

1. Mickie Knuckles beat Hardcore Bytch in a Non Title Falls Count Anywhere Match.  After the match Mickie challenge HC to a no rope barbed wire and taipei death match for vengeance and she agreed.
2. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Hallowicked and Gran Akuma in a Non Title Match.
3. Nerco Butcher and Toby Klein beat Machine and Sagat in a Weapons Match.  Machine challenged Nerco and Toby to settle things at Vengeance and they agreed to.
4. Brian Thunder and Duke beat CW Anderson and Jerry Lynn.  After the match Anderson challenged Brian to a submission match for Vengeance and Brian agreed to it.
5. Milano Collection At beat Austin Aries in a Non Title Match.
6. Matt Sydal beat Rob Van Dam.
7. Motor City Machine Guns beat FBI to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.  During the match it was announced that Eric Bison and Guile will take the title shot earned by Mike Bison's win last week.
8. CM Punk, AJ Styles, Edge, Christian Cage beat Samoa Joe, Homicide, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks in an Elimination Match.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-6/20/2008 results:

1. Team Fist beat Trooper 1 and 2
2. Jeff Hardy beat Chris Sabin
3. Vampire Nation beat Chris Hero, Matt Sydal, Larry Sweeny, Jimmy Rave
4. Matt Hardy beat Alex Shelley
5. Delirious beat Kenny King to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
6. El Generico beat Mr. America to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
7. Chris Jericho beat Bryan Danielson to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
8. Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Night, Duke, Snake Eyes beat King Jim Brooks, Speedster Lite, Mark Night, Brian Thunder, John Fire

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena: Night For The Dreamer-
6/20/2009 results:

1. Mickie Knuckles beat HC Bytch, Miss Lee, Laurie Hammer in a 4 Way Weapons Match to retain the ECW World Ladies Title. Laurie came out before the match and demanded to be included in the match saying she wanted to prove herself.  The other 3 agreed and then beat the crap out of her all match long but stayed from being eliminated till it was her and Mickie.  Mickie eliminated following a kick to the face with a chair.  All four women got a standing ovation after the match and RJ Hammer came from the back telling Laurie that she proved herself tonight.  Laurie said that she hasn't proven enough yet and doesn't change that she is with legacy.  After the match Mike was talking to Miss Lee who was sad about losing when they were attacked by legacy.  They were dragged into the back of a truck and the truck drove away from the building but all of Legacy was still there.  It wasn't seen who was driving the truck.
2. Christopher Daniels beat CW Anderson and Justin Credible in a 3 Way Bonus Match.
3. Matt Sydal beat 2 Cold Scorpio and Amazing Red in a 3 Way Dance.
4. Claudio Castagnoli beat Rey Misterio Jr., Crowbar, Chris Hammerick in a 4 Way Dance.
5. Tyler Black beat Super Crazy to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
6. Venom beat Rhino, Balls Mahoney, Spike Dudley, Abyss, Eric Bison, Doomsday in a 7 Way Falls Count Anywhere Match to retain the ECW World Triple Crown HC Title.
7. Vulgar Display Of Power beat Naughty By Nature, Dudleyz, Drake Younger/Danny Havoc, Baldies in a 5 Way Dudleyville Street Fight to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
8. Sabu beat Taion (filling in for MIA Mike Bison after the Legacy attack) and Sandman in a 3 Way Dance.
9. Big Stevie Cool (with Blue Guy and Hollywood Nova) beat Machine
10. CM Punk beat Chris Jericho and Jerry Lynn in a 3 Way Dance.
11. AJ Styles beat Little Guido
12. Randy Orton v.s. Samoa Joe never got started as Joe wasn't cleared to wrestle and Orton claimed he was hurting.  Joe came to the ring despite it all wanting Orton and Orton looked like he was going to take the match anyway but Legacy came from the crowd attacking Joe.  Orton beat on Joe's arm with a chair and then punted Joe while his head was in a chair and was held down by Harry Smith, TJ Wilson, Colons.  Locker room made the save getting past the rest of legacy with chairs sending all of legacy running out the front door.
13. Tommy Dreamer beat Necro Butcher with Terry Funk as special guest ref to win the ECW World Heavyweight Title and Tommy will not voluntarily Leave ECW.  After the match the Jerry Lynn, bWo, CM Punk, Sabu, Sandman, Dudleyz, Rey Misterio Jr., Justin Credible came out celebrating with Tommy.  Terry was going to present the belt but Necro grabbed it giving it to Tommy and with Terry putting the belt around Tommy's waist.  Everybody was celebrating to seemingly end the show when Randy Orton's voice was heard as he was in the crowd threanting to kick Tommy's wife in the head like he did Samoa Joe if he didn't get a ECW World Heavyweight Title shot right now.  Tommy reluctantly agreed to it and legacy came back into building attacking everyone else in the ring WITH Tommy and Terry.  As more guys came out Embassy, Star Pryde's guys, Brian Thunder's TWF originals came out attacking non legacy members.  Both Dreamer and Orton had chances to win but when Dreamer had the pin a member legacy got invovled.  When Orton had the chance Al Snow with head, Rhino, and others made the save.  Orton went to kick Tommy with a chair around his head like he did Samoa Joe earlier when Raven snuck in the from the crowd and into the ring.  Orton didn't see him as he had his back turn and back into the corner where raven was and backing into raven.  Raven ddt Orton putting Tommy on top but Nana grabbed Terry who punched Nana afterwords.  Bison Smith made his return from Japan beating on Tommy and throwing raven out of the ring.  Orton went for a punt again while Bison left the ring and then the lights went out.  A bloody with clothes torn Mike Bison was in the ring when they came back on and he beat on Orton till Chris Jericho came out stopping.  Jericho then grabbed a chair and then orton hitting with a code breaker with a chair.
14. Tommy Dreamer beat Randy Orton to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.  The heals grabbed Orton from ringside and left through the crowd as the others checked on Tommy, Terry, Mike to end the show.

Great American Bash 2010-6/20/2010 results:

1. Brett Wayfield and Matt Sydal beat Julies/Jimmy Uso and G Lantern/Flash in a 3 Way Dance to retain the  EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
2. Jim Brooks beat Masada and Venom in a 3 Way No Rope Barbed Wire Match to win the ECW World Triple Crown HC Title.
3. Kings Of Wrestling beat Motor City Machine Guns, Naughty By Nature, American Wolves in a 4 Way 3 Title TLC Match to retain the EUWF/ECW/TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Mike Bison beat Sheamus in a Irish Death Match to retain the ECW IC Title.
5. Eric Bison beat RJ Hammer in a Hell In A Cell Death Match to retain the EUWF US Title.
6. Speedster Lite beat Doomsday to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
7. AJ Styles beat Samoa Joe to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
8. CM Punk beat Austin Aries to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3 Hour Special-6/20/2011 results:

1. Power and Blood Warrior beat Dark City Fight Club in a Summer Tag Festival Match.
2. Hoodies beat Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel in a Summer Tag Festival Match.
3. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Hallowicked and Jigsaw in a Summer Tag Festival Match.
4. Piloit and Brett Wayfield beat Maison Dixie and Jackson Rouch in a Summer Tag Festival Match.
5. Frankie Kazarian beat Ricochet, The Miz, Wade Barrett, Amazing Red in a 5 Way Dance to win a Spot In Sunday Night Party 91 Title Match.
6. Christopher Daniels beat Jay Lethal, Colt Cabana, Roderick Strong, Ron Killings in a 5 Way Dance to win a Spot In Independence Day 2011 Title Match.
7. AJ Styles beat Davey Richards, El Generico, John Cena, Randy Orton in a 5 Way Dance to win a Spot In Superbrawl 2011 Title Match.
8. Mike Bison, Kofi Kingston, Machine, Sagat, Eric Bison, Taion beat CM Punk, Drake Younger, Abyss, Masada, All Night Express in a War Games Match.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-June 20 results:

The show began with the announcement of the second part of the new points system for Summer Tag Festival II Tournament.  This added losing points for each lost.
1. Pink Dudley beat HC Bytch in a Non Title Match.
2. Austin Aries beat Heath Slater
3. El Generico beat Justin Gabriel
4. Mr. America beat Frankie Kazarian
5. AJ Styles, Bryan Danielson, Sheamus beat TJ Wilson, Dolph Ziggler, Machine
6. Power Donity beat Christian Cage to retain the Unified World Triple Crown Title.

Summer Tag Festival II:

1. All Night Express beat Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger
2. Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas beat Doomsday and Venom

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-6/20/2014 results:

1. Kings Of Wrestling, Tyler Black, Roman Reigns, Cyrus Bourne beat Wyatt Family, Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio

Summer Tag Festival IV:

1. Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexandar beat Hulk and Destroyer
2. Adam Cole and Peter Spider beat Saviors
3. Jay Lethal and Xavier Woods beat Knockout and Slasher
4. Throwbacks beat Dynamic Duo
5. Michel Elgin and Roderick Strong beat Dogs Of War
6. Gran Akum and Icarus beat Blood and Crazy Ninja
7. Uso Brothers beat Trooper 3 and 4
8. Blk Out beat Samuray del Sol and Sin Cara

Ladies Night 2015-June 20 results:
Singles Tournament:

First Round-Bracket 1:
1. Santana Garrett beat Ariel Bison (LN 2006 Winner)
2. Heidi Lovelace beat Justine Hounda
3. Firebird beat Allysin Kay
4. Lady Speed beat Portia Perez
5. Hardcore Bytch beat Kimber Lee
6. Cherry Bomb beat Caroline Dimelight
7. Jill Night beat Cheerleader Melissa
8. Candice LeRae beat Alex Kisnner

Second Round:

1. Heidi Lovelace beat Santana Garrett
2. Firebird beat Lady Speed
3. Hardcore Bytch beat Cherry Bomb
4. Candice LeRae beat Jill Night

Third Round:

1. Heidi Lovelace beat Firebird
2. Hardcore Bytch beat Candice LeRae

Quarter-Final Round:

1. Heidi Lovelace beat Hardcore Bytch

First Round-Bracket 2:

1. Bayley beat Laurie Hammer (LN 11 Winner)
2. Kong beat Scarlet
3. Saraya Knight beat Samantha Bison
4. Paige beat Karen
5. Jinx beat LuFisto (LN 12 Winner)
6. Serena Vilonanis beat Carmella
7. Sally Gunnstone beat Becky Lench
8. Temptress beat Thunderkitty

Second Round:

1. Bayley beat Kong
2. Paige beat Saraya Knight
3. Jinx beat Serena Vilonanis
4. Temptress beat Sally Gunnstone

Third Round:

1. Paige beat Bayley
2. Temptress beat Jinx

Quarter-Final Round:

1. Paige beat Temptress

First Round-Bracket 3:

1. Natie Neidhart (LN 07 Winner) beat Janet Lee Bison
2. Julie Fire beat Melanie Cruise
3. Alcarda Vania beat Leva Bates
4. Mia Yim beat Moonshine
5. Kelie Slater beat Pink Dudley (LN 14 Winner)
6. Sara Jane beat Alexa Bliss
7. Christine Crystal beat Dana Broke
8. Jessicka Havok beat Misty Dawner

Second Round:

1. Nattie Neidhart beat Julie Fire
2. Alcarda Vania beat Mia Yim
3. Sara Jane beat Kelie Slater
4. Jessica Havok beat Christine Crystal

Third Round:

1. Alcarda Vania beat Nattie Neidhart
2. Jessica Havok beat Sara Jane

Quarter-Final Round:

1. Alcarda Vania beat Jessica Havok

First Round-Bracket 4:

1. Star Pryde (LN 09 Winner) beat Madison Eagles
2. Athena beat Lady Hammer
3. Nicole Mathews beat Jane
4. Lady Donity beat ODB
5. Gail Kim beat Jade Thunder (LN 13 Winner)
6. Charlotte beat Ms. America
7. Lady Trooper beat Sandra Banks
8. Carol Ninja beat Randi West

Second Round:

1. Star Pryde beat Athena
2. Nicole Mathews beat Lady Donity
3. Charlotte beat Gail Kim
4. Carol Ninja beat Lady Trooper

Third Round:

1. Star Pryde beat Nicole Mathews
2. Charlotte beat Carol Ninja

Quarter-Final Round:

1. Charlotte beat Star Pryde

Semifinal Round:

1. Hardcore Bytch beat Paige
2. Charlotte beat Alcarda Vania

Final Round:

1. Charlotte beat Hardcore Bytch to win the Tournament.

Tag Team Tournament-First Round:

1. The Players (LNTTT 12) beat Lady Backlot Warriors
2. Lady Bruisers beat Blonde Ambition
3. Ontario's Top Team beat Maro Sisters
4. Doll House beat Girls Of War
5. Ninja Girls beat Lady PE (LNTTT 13)
6. Gangster Women beat Fire Woman and Crazy Woman
7. Made in Sin beat Queens Of Wrestling (LNTTT 14)
8. Bella Twins beat Spring and Summer

Second Round:

1. Lady Bruisers beat The Players
2. Doll House beat Ontario's Top Team
3. Gangster Women beat Ninja Girls
4. Bella Twins beat Made In Sin

Semifinal Round:

1. Lady Bruisers beat Doll House
2. Bella Twins beat Gangster Women

Final Round:

1. Lady Bruisers beat Bella Twins to win the Tournament

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-6/20/2016 results:

1. Tyler Black and Shinsuke Nakumra beat Sami Zayn and Claudio Castagnoli

Summer Tag Festival VI:

1. Lucha Dragons beat Taion and Guile
2. Thunder Brothers wreslted Kings Of Wrestling to a Draw.
3. Ash Hyde and Seth Owens beat Roman Reigns and John Moxly
4. Uso Brothers beat Masion Dixie and Piloit
5. ACH and Matt Sydal wrestled Bravado Brothers to a Draw.
6. Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson beat The Revial
7. War Machine beat The Batari
8. RPG Vice beat Dudleyz
9. Bad Influence beat Donity Brothers to win the TWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.

EUWF's Smackdown Live-6/20/2017 results:

1. N_R_G beat Colony in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match.
2. Heath Slater and Rhino beat Samoa Joe and AJ Styles in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match.
3. Lucha Dragons and #Broken Hardies beat Masion Dixie, Piloit, Spirit, Jack Crystal
4. Tyler Black, Roman Reigns, John Moxly beat Mark Night, Mr. America, John Fire
5. American Alpha beat East/West Dragons
6. Briscoe Brothers beat Hot Shots in a Non Title Match.
7. Bryatt Wyatt, Cyrus Bourne, Eric Rowan, Brodie Lee beat Uso Brothers and Sanity
8. Randy Orton beat Taion
9. #Broken Matt Hardy won the 20 Man #1 Contenders Battle Royal: to win EUWF World Heavyweight Title shot at Superbrawl 2017 on July 9.  Bryatt Wyatt won the title shot at Indendepence Day Bash 2017.  inners from previous matches. N_R_G, Heath Slater, Rhino, Lucha Dragons, Jeff Hardy, The Shield, American Alph, Briscoe Brothers, Wyatt Family, Randy Orton were also in the match

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-6/20/2018 results:

The show began with the announcement that due to injury Kevin Steen and Sami Zayn have been stripped of Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.  This means finals for STV8 will be moved to summerslam 2018 to crown new champions.
1. Robert Roode won the #1 Contenders Battle Royal. Mustafa Ali, Primo, Matt Taven, Drew McIntyre, Brian Kendrick, Jay Briscoe, Adam Page, Karl Anderson, Drew Gulak, Brodie Lee, Jeff Hardy, Ricochet, AJ Styles, Joe Henning, Bryatt Wyatt, Kyle O'Reily, Baron Corbin were also in the match,

Summer Tag Festival VIII:

1. Hype Brothers beat Chuck Taylor and Ricochet
2. Bad Influence beat Iron Gloves II
3. Throwbacks beat Titus O'Neil and Apollo Crews
4. The Revival beat War Machine
5. The Masters beat TM61
6. Snake Byte beat Authros Of Pain by DQ.
7. KENTA and Prince Devitt beat Chris Gun and Jack Flap
8. The New Day beat Uso Brothers

TWF's Thursday Night Fire: Hardcore Summer 2019 Special-6/20/2019 results:

1. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 11 Points v.s. Points Lego Death Match: Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Stu Bomb and Rick Knife
2. Falls Count Anywhere Elimination Match: Harrison Boss, King Theodore III, Sir Tristan, Prince Thomas beat Gary J, Mike Bison, Guile Taion
3. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 11 Points v.s. Points Double Dog Collar Match: Dogs Of War beat Clifford Darkness and Brent Jet
4. 4 Way Weapons Match For Unified World Ladies Title: Carol Nina (c) beat Nikki Cross, Stacy America, Carol Ninja
5. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 11 Points v.s. Points Food Death Match: Cheesy Warriors beat Gambit Inc
6. ECW World Hardcore Title Match: Ash Hyde (c) beat Jimmy Havoc
7. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 11 Points v.s. Points Barbed Wire Massacre Match: Nightwings beat Shepard Mars and Edison Samurai
8. I Quit Match-If Commander Wins he regains his job as TWF's General Manger: Eric Bison wrestled Commander to a No Decision?  Eric had Commander in a crossface with a barbed wire bat when Thomas "The" Boss ran out hitting Eric with a barbed wire chair.  Mike Bison ran down making the save before they could make eric quit.  Thomas and Commander left the ring.  Commander says he got a better idea.  He and Thomas for Bisons at Summer Warfare 2019.  They win they get full control of TWF.  Mike says only if they lose neither of them will ever be GM or be in any position of power in TWF again.  Commadner agrees.

Ladies Night 2020-6/20/2020 results:
Singles Tournament:

Round 1-Bracket 1:
Xia Li beat AJ Stine
2. Laurie Hammer (LN 11 Winner) beat Leva Bates
3. Sally Gunnstone beat Dana Brooke
4. Helena Bytch v.s. Ruby Riot
5. Bianca Belair v.s. Stacy America
6. Julie Fire v.s. Nikki Cross (LN19 Winner)
7. Candice LaRe v.s. Sonjay Deville
8. Josie Jinx v.s. Penelope Ford

Round 2:

1. Xia Li beat Laurie Hammer
2. Helena Bytch beat Sally Gunnstone
3. Bianca Belair beat Julie Fire
4. Candice LaRae beat Josie Jinx

Round 3:

1. Helena Bytch beat Xia Li
2. Bianca Belair beat Candice LaRae

Quarter-Final Round:

1. Bianca Belair beat Helena Bytch

Round 1-Bracket 2:

1. Taylor Lanley beat
Ariel Bison (LN 2006 Winner)
2. Mandy Rose beat Kris Standler
3. Chelsea Green beat Sara Jane
4. Rachel Speed beat Jade Thunder (LN 13 Winner)
5. Su Young beat Asuka (LN 2018 Winner)
6. Megan Wells beat Kathy Uranosis
7. Charlotte Flair (LN 2015 Winner) beat Serena Vilonanis
8. Princess Tabitha beat Janet Lee Bison

Round 2:

1. Taylor Lanley beat Mandy Rose
2. Chelsa Green beat Rachel Speed
3. Su Young beat Megan Wells
4. Princess Tabitha beat Charlotte Flair

Round 3:

1. Talyor Lanley beat Chelsa Green
2. Princess Tabitha beat Su Young

Quarter-Final Round:

1. Princess Tabitha beat Taylor Lanley

Round 1-Bracket 3:

Alcarda Vania beat Temptress
2. Melody Trooper beat Lia Trooper
3. Dakota Kai beat Queen Patricia
4. Rhea Ripley beat Hikaru Shida
5. Becky Knight beat Stacy Doomsday
6. Justine Hounda beat Molly Moonshine
7. Shotzi Blackheart beat Carmella
8. Jordan Grace beat Penny Firebird

Round 2:

1. Melody Trooper beat
Alcarda Vania
2. Dakota Kai beat Rhea Ripley
3. Justine Hounda beat Becky Knight
4. Shotzi Blackheart beat Jordan Grace

Round 3:

1. Dakota Kai beat Melody Trooper
2. Shotzi Blackheart beat Justine Hounda

Quarter-Final Round:

1. Shotzi Blackheart beat Dakota Kai

Round 1-Bracket 4:

Tegan Knox beat Aliyah
2. Lacy Evans beat Liv Morgan
3. Christine Crystal beat Sandy Gales
4. Io Shirai beat Raquel González
5. Bayley beat Star Pryde (LN 09 Winner)
6. Mia Yim beat Kairi Sane
7. Carol Ninja beat Shayna Baszler
8. Jill Night beat Pink Dudley (LN 14 Winner)

Round 2:

1. Tegan Knox beat Lacy Evans
2. Io Shiari beat Christine Crystal
3. Bayley beat Mia Yim
4. Carol Ninja beat Jill Night

Round 3:

1. Tegan Knox beat Io Shiari
2. Carol Ninja beat Bayley

Quarter-Final Round:

1. Tegan Knox beat Carol Nina

Semifinal Round:

1. Bianca Belair beat Princess Tabitha
2. Shotzi Blackheart beat Tegan Knox

Final Round:

1. Bianca Belair beat Shotzi Blackheart to win the Tournament.

Tag Team Tournament-Round 1:

1. Blonde Ambition beat The Players (LNTTT12 Winners)
Iiconics beat Jessica Jane and Karen Kelly
Delilah Doomsday and Lilith Venomous beat Ninja Girls
Diana Falls and Donna Springs beat Maro Sisters
BYT beat Sophia Warrior and Lucy Warrior
Girls Of War beat Lady Bruisers (LNTTT2015 Winners)
Casey Crazy and Faith Fire beat Norah and Selene Dragon
Gangster Women beat Lady NBN (LNTTT 13 winners)

1. Iiconics  beat Blonde Ambition
Delilah Doomsday and Lilith Venomous beat Diana Falls and Donna Springs
3. BYT beat Girls Of War
Casey Crazy and Faith Fire beat Gangster Women

Semifinal Round:

1. Iiconics beat
Delilah Doomsday and Lilith Venomous
Casey Crazy and Faith Fire beat BYT

Final Round:

1. Iiconics beat
Casey Crazy and Faith Fire to win the Tournament.

EUWF's Great American Bash 2021-6/20/2021 results:

Pre Show:
1. Tag Festival XI Round 16 Points v.s. Points Match: Brandom Scarlet and Braden Olsen v.s. Macrus Dove and Owen Star
2. Tag Festival XI Round 16 Points v.s. Points Match: Danny Dagger and Hunter Knight beat Mac Yates and Mane MacAlister
3. Street Fight Match: King Gary, Guardian Knights, Sir Rex, Sir Fisher, Sir Felix, Square Donald beat Stanley Hammer, Thomas Berad, Brett Wayfield, Jackson Rouch, Mark Lite, Jim Brooks


1. EUWF's Women's Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Stacy America beat Asuka, Charlotte Flair, Stacy Doomsday, Queen Patricia, Tabitha Boshuda
2. Tag Festival XI Round 16 Points v.s. Points Match: Chris Gun and Jack Flap beat Jupiter Jordan and Xander Seed
3. Tag Festival XI Round 16 Points v.s. Points Match: Alan Jacks and Tony Torpedo beat Solomon Spirit and Jack Crystal
4. Tag Festival XI Round 16 Points v.s. Points Match: Axel Grey and Andrew Gold beat Quinton Synder and Clyde Neptune
5. Tag Festival XI Round 16 Points v.s. Points Match: Vincent Vlad and Ian Impaler beat The Uso Brothers
6. Tag Festival XI Round 16 Points v.s. Points Match: Claudio Castagnoli beat John Morrison, Roman Reigns, Drew McIntyre, Trevor Lee, Phillip Donity
7. 2 Out Of 3 Falls Rematch For EUWF World Heavyweight Title: Shinsuke Nakamura (c) beat Punishment Martinez.  After the match Nakamura and Martinez shook hands.  Martinez went to leave and Nakamura turnd around to celebrate.  Martinez kicked Nakammura from behind and beating him with the EUWF Belt till Claudio Castagnoli and Sheamus made the save.  Claudio didn't have the MITB briefcase as he and Sheamus checked on Nakamura to the end the show

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-6/20/2022 results:

1. Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles: Lady Bruisers (c) beat Toxic Attraction
2. Tag Festival XII 18 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Benson Fire and Clay Ninja beat Masion Dixie and Leoroy Piloit
3. Tag Festival XII 18 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher beat Luke Reed and Angel Coal
4. Tag Festival XII 18 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Nathan Blaster and Caleb Scare beat Barbecue Jones and Joe Jr
5. Tag Festival XII 18 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Gambit Inc beat Mr. Williams and Mr. Donald
6. Tag Festival XII 18 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Security Knights beat William Shock and Ethan Rogue
7. Tag Festival XII 18 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: PYT beat Colin East and Colton West v
8. Tag Festival XII 18 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Road Knights beat Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz
9. Tag Festival XII 18 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Chad Gable and Otis beat Rafel Lake and Horus Venus
10. Tag Festival XII 18 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Axel Grey and Andrew Gold beat Quinton Snyder and Clyde Neptune
11. Tag Festival XII 18 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Gary J and Rex Lion beat Malik Blade and Edris EnofĂŠ
12. 4 Way EUWF's Men Money In The Bank Ladder Qualifying Match: American Brothers beat Legado del Fantasma, Uso Brothers, Brian Thunder/John Fire

TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-6/20/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Double Elimination Round 1 Matches:

1. 4 Way Men's TWF Money In The Bank Ladder Qualifying Match: Jim Brooks beat Baron Corbin, Stew Rosen, Jimmy Uso
2. Brian Thunder and John Fire beat Barbecue Jones and Joe Jr
3. Rock Holder and Crasher Jack beat Danny Red and Bruno Crazy
4. Street Profits beat Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock
5. Bruise Brothers beat Jack Flap and Chris Gun
6. Cederick Alexander and Shelton Benjamin beat Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher
7. Snake Byte beat Dutch Lane and Abram Max
8. Carmello Hayes and Trick Williams beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
9. Chad Gable and Otis beat Eric Bison and Frank Pluto
10. 4 Way Men's TWF Money In The Bank Ladder Qualifying Match: Shinsuke Nakuamara beat Jey Uso, Brett Wayfield, Kyle Donity

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