Wednesday, June 5, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-June 5 (Round Robin 3 Qualifying Matches, King Of The Ring 4 Qualifying Matches, Triple H double cross RJ Hammer, 1st HCW Show, King Of The Ring 10 Qualifying Matches, 16th Round Of Survivor 2 Tournament, Ultimate Wrestling Championship 6, War 2011/2016/2022)

This Day In Wrestling History-June 5:
EUWF's Wednesday Night Brawl-6/5/96 results:

1. Mark Night beat Shane Douglas to retain the EUWF IC Title.
2. Road Warriors beat Naughty By Nature
3. Rob Van Dam beat Mikey Whipwreck
4. Chris Jeericho beat Stevie Richards in a Round Robin 3 Qualifying Match.
5. Barbecue beat Evan Hounda in a Round Robin 3 Qualifying Match.
6. Bristish Bulldog beat Bret Hart in a Round Robin 3 Qualifying Match.
7. RJ Hammer beat Cactus Jack in a Round Robin 3 Qualifying Match.
8. Mark Mero beat Pitbull 2 in a King Of The Ring 4 Qualifying Match.
9. Rey Misterio Jr. wrestled Venom to a Draw in a King Of The Ring 4 Qualifying Match.
10. Sabu beat Chris Benoit in a King Of The Ring 4 Qualifying Match.
11. Tommy Dreamer beat Dean Malenko in a King Of The Ring 4 Qualifying Match.
12. Public Enemy beat Nightmare to retain the EUWF US Tag Team Titles.

Saturday Slam Jam-June/5/1999 results:

The show began with highlights of Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko winning the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles the night before from Speedster Lite and Jigglin Jimbro Brooks.
1. Blanka beat Silver King
2. Snake Eyes beat Villaino V
3. Shadow beat La Parka
4. Psicosis beat Rhendo
5. Crazy beat Samurai Kid and Ninja Kid
6. Joe and Barbecue beat Wildfire
7. Red and Blue Lightning beat Sgt. and Roadblock
8. Extreme Team beat Venom, Vega, Boxer, Duke
9, Night Brothers beat Naughty By Nature to win the EUWF World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
10. Tommy Dreamer beat Konnan
11. Lance Storm and Chris Jericho beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles and EUWF  6 Man World Tag Titles.   Jeff Jarrett was picked as third partner.
12. Shane Douglas beat Cactus Jack to win the EUWF US Title.  Nights, Storm, Jericho, Jarrett came to the ring.  They all attack Cactus with Douglas working on Cactus' leg.  Public Enemy, Speedster Lite, Jigglin Jimbro Brooks, Joe, Barbecue, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman came out to make the save.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-6/5/2000 results:

1. Terry Funk beat Machine
2. Kronic beat Jeff Jarrett and Mr. Venom
3. Naughty By Nature beat Mike Bison and Duke to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles and World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.  Steve Corino came to the ring as the ref but Basher and Smasher attack him before the match.  Basher threw him to the floor.  Naughty By Nature had the win but no ref.  Kane came to the ring and choke slammed Corino threw a table.  He grabbed the ref shirt and got in the ring.  He counted the three.  Ric Flair came to the ring and attack Corino.  That set up the cage match between Flair and Corino. 
4. Ric Flair beat Steve Corino in a Cage Match.  The match was a squash blood bath as Flair just beat the crap out of Corino and bloody him badly.

HCW's Monday Nitro-6/5/2000 results:

RJ Hammer, Public Enemy, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Jim Brooks, Speedster Lite, Francine, Lady Speed, Michelle, Bam Bam Bigelow come to the ring.
RJ: "Welcome to the HCW's first Monday Nitro.  Tonight we will put on a great shows starting tonight and no one will ever forget it." 
D-X's music starts.  Triple H, Road Dogg, X-Pac, Tori, Stephanie, Falcon, Scarlet, Billy Kidman, Rey Misterio Jr, Juventud Guerrera, Kevin Nash, Konnan, Scott Steiner, Disco Inferno come from the back.
Stephanie: "Hello RJ.  I want to congratulate you for pulling off the big trick on that big idiot Steve Corino.  One problem is that you allowed each wrestler to write there own new contract.  Mine says that me and Triple own half of this company now.  You signed it."
RJ: "Now wait a sec.  I didn't agree to that."
Triple H: "But you signed the contract that says you do.  Seems like we are partners."
1. Spirit beat X-Pac
2. Falcon beat Strong Ninja
3. Blood Ninja beat Tajiri
4. Mark Night and Chris Night beat Edge and Christian
5. Ryuji Yamakawa and Tomaki Honma beat Gado and Jado
6. Shadow WX beat Kintaro
7. Masato Tanaka beat Scott Steiner
8. Shane Douglas beat D-Lo Brown
9. Jerry Lynn beat Billy Kidman
10. Triple H beat Rob Van Dam
11. Jim Brooks, Speedster Lite, Hollywood Doomsday beat Rick Steiner, Tank Abbot, Mike Awesome
12. RJ Hammer, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman beat Kevin Nash, Road Dogg, X-Pac

Wednesday Night Brawl-6/5/2002 results:

Doomsday, Joe, Barbecue, Lady Speed, Speedster Lite walks into Ric Flair's office.
Ric: "You guys don't waist time do you?"
Doomsday: "You know why we are here."
Barbecue: "We want answers."
Ric: "What can I say except I was doing what I thought was right.  Throwing apart the nWo elite and opening room for new people or old friends."
Speedster: "What about the ones that just got thrown out the door?"
Ric: "Maybe I should show you RJ's reasons for the changes."
Rachel: "We let you in control of half this company on one condition.  That was to have you stay in line.  That meant no turning on us or screwing with us or anything like that.  You crossed those lines last Saturday!  Give me one reason why we shouldn't pull the plug on this?"
Ric: "I didn't think it would hurt anyone.  Just give me a chance to make it up to you guys.  I got an idea if any one of those released wins a match in one of their last appearances gets their job back."
Doomsday: "That will work for now!"  They walk out of the room.
1. Jerry Lynn beat Extreme Trooper in a King Of The Ring X Qualifying Match.
2. Johnny Kashmere beat Extreme Kid in a King Of The Ring X Qualifying Match.
Piloit walks into Ric Flair's locker room.
Ric: "I know what you want.  If you want your friends jobs back then help them win a king of the ring qualifying match or round robin qualifying match or a match in one of their other appearances to get their job back."
Piloit: "That was quick!"  Piloit shrugs and leaves the room.
3. Xavier beat Iron Glove in a King Of The Ring X Qualifying Match.
4. Jay Briscoe beat General Destroyer in a King Of The Ring X Qualifying Match.
5. Marc Briscoe beat Sgt. Destroyer in a King Of The Ring X Qualifying Match.
6. X-Pac beat Sgt. in a King Of The Ring X Qualifying Match.
7. Speedster Lite beat Trent Acid to retain the EUWF European Title.
8. Venom, Raven, Hot Stuff, Vlad, Guile beat Doomsday, Barbecue, Steve Austin, Joe, Hardy Boyz

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-6/5/2003 results:

RJ Hammer opened the show announcing that Jesus Bison's new group can stay together for now.  RJ said that he plans to fire Jesus once he finds away around the legal contracts Ric Flair made when he was owner of the company for Evil Alliance.
1. Jay Briscoe beat Spirit, Ric Blade, Spanky in a 4 Way Dance in a 16th Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
2. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Billy Kidman, Justin Credible, Christopher Daniels in a 4 Way Dance in a 16th Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
3. Spike Dudley beat Christian, Paul London, Eddie Guerrero in a 4 Way Dance in a 16th Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
4. Trent Acid beat Brian Thunder, CM Punk, Juventud Guerrera in a 4 Way Dance in a 16th Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
John Cena came to the ring and complained about not being on tv or allowed to speak how he was kept out of the Survivor 2 Tournament.  He said that Mike was also hiding from him and not giving him a title match.  He then complained that The Messiah was going around saying that Cena was stealing his hand signal.  Mike Bison ran to the ring attacking Cena before he could continue.  Jesus Bison then attacked Mike and the two beat on Mike till The Messiah surprisingly made the save with a barbed wire singapore cane.  RJ then made a tag match with mike and the messiah v.s. cena and jesus.
5. Red beat Masato Tanaka, Joey Mathews, Matt Hardy in a 4 Way Dance in a 16th Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
6. Super Crazy beat Quiet Storm, Ruckus, Chris Hero in a 4 Way Dance in a 16th Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
7. Joe beat Michael Shane to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.  Steve Corino, CW Anderson, Simon Diamond, Swinger, Samoa Joe attacked Joe after the match till Doomsday, Naughty By Nature, Road Warriors, Sabu, Mike Bison, Booker T, SAT made the save.
8. Mike Bison and The Messiah beat Jesus Bison and John Cena

Saturday Slam Bash-6/5/2004 results:

1. Mr. America beat Trent Acid in a Non Title Match.
2. Carnage Crew (Loc, Devito, Credible) beat New Jack, Balls Mahoney, Raven
3. CM Punk and Colt Cabana beat Masato Tanaka and Tajiri
4. Brian Thunder beat Duke
5. Taion beat Jim Brooks
6. Venom beat Speedster Lite in a Non Title Match.
7. Edge beat AJ Styles in a Non Title Match.
8. Mike Bison beat Doomsday in a Non Title Match.

Ultimate Wrestling Championship 6-6/5/2005 results:

Each round except the final two rounds the wrestlers they had to face were picked at random between who was in the tournament bracket and then who was left after each round in the tournament.

EUWF Bracket-Round 1:

1. Booker T beat William Regal
2. Chris Benoit beat Carlito Caribbean Cool
3. Jim Brooks beat Kane
4. Machine beat Bradshaw
5. Austin Aries John Cena
6. Batistia beat Jack Crystal
7. Chris Jericho beat Nigel McGuiness
8. Roderick Strong beat Shelton Benjamin
9. Jack Evans beat Big Show by DQ.
10. Matt Stryker beat Scotty Too Hotty
11. Orlando Jordan beat Ruckus
12. Chad Collyer beat Rosey
13. Izzy beat Sylvain Grenier
14. Deranged beat Steven Richards
15. Guile beat Rob Conway
16. Red beat Vlad

Round 2:

1. Austin Aries beat Booker T
2. Chris Jericho beat Jack Evans
3. Machine beat Batistia
4. Red beat Izzy
5. Deranged beat Orlando Jordan
6. Chris Benoit beat Matt Stryker
7. Roderick Strong beat Chad Collyer
8. Jim Brooks beat Guile

Round 3:

1. Austin Aries beat Red
2. Chris Benoit beat Machine
3. Jim Brooks beat Chris Jericho
4. Roderick Strong beat Deranged


1. Austin Aries beat Chris Benoit
2. Jim Brooks beat Roderick Strong


1. Jim Brooks beat Austin Aries

TTWF Bracket-Round 1:

1. Matt Sydal beat Billy Kidman
2. Spanky beat Chavo Guerrero Jr. 
3. James Gibson beat Brian Thunder
4. Chris Sabin beat Doug Williams
5. Christian beat Mr. America
6. Triple H beat Nick Berk
7. Eddie Guerrero beat Frankie Karazarian
8. Samoa Joe beat Jimmy Rave
9. Jay Lethal beat Azrieal
10. Piloit beat Muhammad Hassan
11. Joe beat Val Venis
12. RC Haas beat Dixie
13. Divari beat Duke
14. Paul London beat Mark Jindrak
15. Snake Eyes beat John Fire
16. Street Warrior beat Fire Backlot Assassin

Round 2:

1. Christian beat Triple H
2. Eddie Guerrero beat Matt Sydal
3. Street Warrior beat Divari
4. Piloit beat Samoa Joe
5. Jay Lethal beat Joe
6. James Gibson beat Snake Eyes
7. Chris Sabin beat Paul London
8. Spanky beat RC Haas

Round 3:

1. Christian beat Street Warrior
2. Spanky beat Eddie Guerrero
3. Jay Lethal beat Chris Sabin
4. Piloit beat James Gibson


1. Christian beat Spanky
2. Jay Lethal beat Piloit


1. Christian beat Jay Lethal

ECW Bracket-Round 1:

1. Edge beat Nova
2. CM Punk beat BJ Whitmer
3. Colt Cabana beat Justin Credible
4. Doomsday beat B-Boy
5. Trent Acid beat Nate Webb
6. Masato Tanaka beat Tajiri
7. Venom beat Rey Misterio Jr.
8. Ace Steele beat Super Crazy
9. Chris Hero beat Jimmy Jacobs
10. Mike Bison beat Christopher Daniels
11. Homicide beat Alex Shelley
12. Taion beat Low Ki
13. Elix Skipper beat Spike Dudley
14. Little Guido beat Jimmy Yang
15. Sonjay Dutt beat Ultimo Dragon
16. Petey Williams beat Sabu

Round 2:

1. Doomsday beat Edge
2. CM Punk beat Venom
3. Homicide bat Elix Skipper
4. Petey Williams beat Ace Steele
5. Trent Acid beat Colt Cabana
6. Mike Bison beat Chris Hero
7. Taion beat Little Guido
8. Sonjay Dutt beat Masato Tanaka

Round 3:

1. Doomsday beat Petey Williams
2. Mike Bison beat CM Punk
3. Homicide beat Taion
4. Sonjay Dutt beat Trent Acid


1. Doomsday beat Mike Bison
2. Homicide beat Sonjay Dutt


1. Doomsday beat Homicide


1. Doomsday beat Christian and Jim Brooks in a 3 Way Dance to win the UWC 6 Tournament.  It's first His first UWC Tournament win.  He now will get a shot at the ECW World Heavyweight Title at Summerslam 2005.

Non Tournament Matches:

It was announced there was a chance in the Survivor 3 Tournament and that a member will be voted off after each week and not after 2 weeks.
1. AJ Styles beat Jesus Bison to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
2. Kurt Angle beat Sagat to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
3. Spirit beat Speedster Lite to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-6/5/2006 Card:

1. New Troopers beat John Fire, Duke, Snake Eyes to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.  After the match the lights went out and when they come on a New Troopers were all knocked out with Snake Eyes standing over them with a smile.
2. Alexis Lariee beat Erica Tempted to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
New Troopers went into michelle office demanding payback after the attack saying it was those damn ninjas and Michelle made a match between New Troopers v.s. Snake Eyes and Warrior Ninjas for smackdown.
3. Nate Webb, Jimmy Yang, Petey Williams beat Old School Troopers
4. Backseat Boyz beat Briscoe Brothers
5. Colt Cabana beat Bryan Danielson to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title,
6. RJ Hammer and Kurt Angle beat Kings Of Wrestling
7. Matt Bentley and Frankie Karazarian beat Austin Aries and Roderick Strong to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Brian Thunder beat Christopher Daniels to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-6/5/2009 results:

The show began with the announcement that the 3 brackets winners saturday during the UWC 10 Tournament will get their company title shots at Summerslam 2009.
1. Charlie Haas beat Roderick Strong
2. Chuck Taylor beat Kenny King
3. Chris Jericho beat Eric Stevens
4. Jimmy Yang beat Jay Lethal
5. MVP beat Brent Albright
6. The Miz beat Jay Briscoe in a Non Title Match.
7. Chris Hero beat Christopher Daniels in Fall 3 Of Their Best Of 7 Series to lead the series 3 falls to 0.
8. Jeff Hardy and James Gibson beat Bryan Danielson and John Cena

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-6/5/2010 results:

1. Star Pryde beat Temptress in a Hardcore Match.
2. Amazing Red beat Cyrus Bourne
3. Jay Lethal beat Yoshitatsu
4. Piloit beat Eddie Edwards
5. Davey Richards beat Joe
6. Naughty By Nature and Lady Naughty By Nature beat Kings Of Wrestling, Michelle McCool, Layla
7. Samoa Joe beat Low Ki in the #1 Contender For ECW World Title Tournament Final Round Match to win a ECW World Heavyweight Title shot at Great American Bash 2010 and Ki gets the Sunday Night Party 85 title shot.  Living Dangerously Title shot will be decide on Wednesday.
8. Nigel McGuiness, Mike Bison, Delirious, Venom, Chris Jericho beat AJ Styles, Necro Butcher, Eric Stevens, Sheamus, Masada

TWF's War 2011 PPV-Hammerstein Ballroom, NYC-6/5/2011 Results:

1. Jim Brooks beat Austin Aries
2. Laurie Hammer beat Star Pryde and Pink Dudley in a TLC Match to win the Unified World Ladies Title.  Beth Phoenix tried to interfere but D-Von Dudley made a surprise appearance carrying her to back.
3. Ricochet beat Mr. America and Matt Sydal in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Lightweight Title.
4. John Moxly beat Venom in a Weapons Match to retain the ECW World TC HC Title.
5. Davey Richards beat Doomsday to retain the Unified TV Title.
6. Machine, Sagat, Balls Mahoney beat Drake Younger, Masada, Abyss in a New York City Street Fight Match.
7. Night Brothers beat Kings Of Wrestling to win the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.  Kings did everything to win but Mark and Chris kept kicking out.  Including out of KRS-1 and loaded elbow pad.  Star Pryde suggest a super krs-1 but as they went for star low blowed both Hero and Claudio.  Mark hit a super fall away powerslam while chris german suplex him the ropes for the win.
8 Kofi Kingston beat CM Punk and Mike Bison in a 3 Way Dance to win the EUWF World Triple Crown Title,

TWF's Tuesday night Wars-6/5/2012 results:
Summer Tag Festival II:

1. Trooper 1 and 2 beat Trooper 3 and 4
2. WN Red and Sigma beat Wildfire
3. Crazy beat New Demolition
4. Naughty By Nature beat New Bruise Brothers

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-6/5/2013 results:

1. Austin Aries beat Jack Swagger.  After the match Teddy Long announced that if Dolph Ziggler isn't able to wrestle at Great American Bash 2013 PPV then he will be stripped of ECW World Heavyweight Title.  Austin Aries will then face a battle royal winner and BJ Whitmer in a 3 Way Dance. The battle royal take place on pre show for the vacant title..

Summer Tag Festival III:

1. Motor City Machine Guns beat Spirit and Jack Crystal
2. Night Brothers beat Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian
3. Briscoe Brothers beat WN Alpha and Sigma
4. Steve Corino and Jimmy Jacobs beat Danny Havoc and Devon Moore
5. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel beat Jigsaw and Hallowicked
6. El Generico and Kevin Steen beat Joey Ryan and Scorpio Sky

TWF's Thursday Night Fire-6/5/2014 results:
Summer Tag Festival IV:

1. Knight Hunter and Dagger beat Trooper 7 and 8
2. Crazy beat Naughty By Nature
3. Daniel Xtreme and Daryl Ranger beat WN Red and White
4. Richie Borando and Tristian Heartsend beat New Bruise Brothers
5. Hoodies beat Doomsday and Venom
6. Dangerous and Nightmare Backlot Warriors beat Ash Hyde and Mr. America
7. Bison Brothers beat Masion Dixie and Jackson Rouch
8. Vlad and Impaler beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks

EUWF's House Show-6/5/2015 results:

1. Ms. America beat Paige to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
2. Night Brothers beat Wildfire in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
3. Knockout and Slasher beat Crazy in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
4. Sagat beat Roman Reigns to retain the Unified US Title.
5. Freddie Waldeno beat Wade Barrett to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
6. King Peter beat Kevin Steen to retain the Unified IC Title.
7. Zach Ryder beat Taion and Eric Bison in a 3 Way Dance to win the vacant Unified World TV Title.
8. Mr. America beat Randy Orton, John Cena, Ash Hyde in a 4 Way Dance to retain EUWF World Triple Crown Title.

TWF's War 2016-6/5/2016 results:

Pre Show:

Summer Tag Festival VI:

1. Iron Gloves II beat Donity Brothers in a Summer Tag Festival VI Match
2. Saviors beat Chris Prime and Matt Pigpen in a Summer Tag Festival VI Match
3. Nightmare and Darkness Warriors wrestled Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio to Double DQ in a Summer Tag Festival VI Match
4. PYT wrestled Grey and Gold Dragons to a Draw in a Summer Tag Festival VI Match


1. Pilot beat Tyler Breeze and King Peter in a 3 Way Dance to win the TWF World Lightweight Title.
1. Black Valkyrie wrestled Nightwings to a Draw in a Summer Tag Festival VI Match
2. Ash Hyde and Seth Owens beat Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargan in a Summer Tag Festival VI Match
3. Bruise Brothers beat Brett and Chris Prowl in a Summer Tag Festival VI Match
2. Tyler Black beat Jim Brooks, John Cena, Kevin Steen in a Fatal Four Way to win EUWF World Heavyweight Title Shot at Great American Bash 2016.
4. Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch wrestled John Fire and Snake Eyes to a Draw in a Summer Tag Festival VI Match
5. Knockout and Slasher beat Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme in a Summer Tag Festival VI Match
6. Hoodies beat Harrison Boss and Tommy Bernard in a Summer Tag Festival VI Match to win the TWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
3. Mark Night beat Speedster Lite to win the Vacant TWF World Heavyweight Title.,  Before the match Lite demaned Mark to lay down for him.  Mark wouldn't and lite ripped the Family t-shirt off him telling he is fired.  Mark said that is fine as he is going back to his real family as
TWF Family t-shirt was on under the first.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-6/5/2017 results:

1. Ascension beat Ricochet and Rich Swan in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match.
2. Throwbacks beat Colony in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match.
3. #Broken Matt Hardy beat Eric Rowan, Davey Richards, Aiden English in a Money In The Bank Qulifying Match.
4. N_R_G beat Uso Brothers in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match.
5. #Broken Hardies and Bryatt Wyatt v.s. Bo Wyatt, Tyler Black, Roman Reigns
6. AJ Styles beat Jeff Hardy, Sin Cara, Jay Briscoe in a Money In The Bank Qulifying Match.
7. Bravado Brothers beat American Alpha in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match.
8. Samoa Joe beat Samurai Del Sol, Apollo Crews, John Moxly in a Money In The Bank Qulifying Match.
9. Sanity beat Drew Gulak and Tony Neese in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match.
10. The Miz and Robert Roode beat Bad Influence

EUWF's Smackdown Live-6/5/2018 results:

1. Kevin Steen won the Batttle Royal for GAB 2018 EUWF World Heavyweight Title Shot. Titus O'Neil, Chad Gable, Andrade Almas,. Sami Zayn, Eddie Edwards, Big E, No Way Jose, Rusev, Oney Lorcan, Aiden English, Apollo Crews. Roman Reigns, Sheamus, Mojo Riley were also in the match.

Summer Tag Festival VIII:

1. Hot Shots beat All Night Express
2. Nightmare beat Kings Of Wrestling
3. Briscoe Brothers beat Crazy Lightning
4. Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz beat Streeet Profits
5. War Machine beat Stu Bomb and Rick Knife
6. Gran Mataliek and Akira Tozawa beat Heath Slater and Rhino
7. Tyler Breeze and Fandago beat Steven Doomsday and Anthony Venomous
8. KENTA and Prince Devitt beat Ascension

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-6/5/2019 results:

1. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 9 Match: Titus World Wide v.s. Link Rod and Kong Remer
2. Adam Cole beat Bruce Doomsday
3. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 9 Match: Kings Of Wrestling beat The New Day
4. Eddie Venom beat Elias
5. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 9 Match: Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable beat Lucha Brothers
6. Samoa Joe beat Prince Devitt.
7. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 9 Match: The Revival beat Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock
8. ECW World Heavyweight Title Match: Ricochet (c) beat Bryan Danielson

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-6/5/2020 results:
#1 Contendes Tournament Second Round:

1. Christian Gales beat Nathan Blaster
2. Johnny Garganno beat Black Jack
3. Shane Strickland beat Kyle Donity
4. Austin Theory beat Gavin Guile
5. Elias beat Bruce Blood
6. Claudio Castagnoli beat Phillip Donity
7. Roderick Strong beat Donald Uranus
8. Kofi Kingston beat Brently Justice
9. Bobby Lashley beat Emery Olsen
10. Punsihment Martinez beat Raymond Rowe
11. Kevin Steen beat Bobby Fish

ECW's Saturday Nights In The Thunderdome-6/5/2021 results:

1. 4 Way Women's Money In The Bank Ladder Match Qualifying Match: Tabitha Boshuda beat Princess Caroline, Carmella, Sasha Banks
2. Tag Festival XI Round 14 Points v.s. Points Match: Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz beat Mickey Sensation and Shaggy Brown
3. Tag Festival XI Round 14 Points v.s. Points Match: Snake Byte beat Rey Misterio Jr and Dominik Mysterio
4. Tag Festival XI Round 14 Points v.s. Points Match: Clifford Darkness and Emanuel Fire beat Joseph Adventure and Ralph Doctor
5. Tag Festival XI Round 14 Points v.s. Points Match: Apollo Crews and Ricochet beat King Gary and Sir Felix
6. Tag Festival XI Round 14 Points v.s. Points Match: Colt Star and Patrick Thorne beat Isaac Block and Trey Widow
7. Tag Festival XI Round 14 Points v.s. Points Match: Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch beat Jeffery Alpha and Jack Pink
8. 4 Way Women's Money In The Bank Ladder Match Qualifying Match: Queen Patricia beat Star Pryde, Nattie Neidhart, Naomi

TWF's War 2022-6/5/2022 (From Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC) results:

Pre Show:
1. Tag Festival XII Round 15 Bracket B Points v.s. Points Match: Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch beat Jeffery Alpha and Jack Pink
2. Tag Festival XII Round 15 Bracket E Points v.s. Points Match: Isaac Block and Trey Widow beat Danny Red and Yuri Knight
3. Tag Festival XII Round 15 Bracket B Points v.s. Points Match: Eddie Venom and Anthony Venomous beat Danny Dagger and Hunter Knight
4. Tag Festival XII Round 15 Bracket E Points v.s. Points Match: Hugo Robin and Ivan Shroud beat David Omega and Gabriel Lock


1. No Rope Barbed Wire and Last Man Standing Rematch For TWF World Heavyweight Title: Harrison Boss (c) wrestled King Stan to a
Double Knock out.  Stan hit a air raid crash onto Harrison off a ladder throguh barbed wire tables.  Neither man could answer thc ount.  Reply showed that stan couldn't get to his feet as Harrison held him down.  Stan didn't have the strength to get up.
2. Tag Festival XII Round 15 Bracket B Points v.s. Points Match: Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno beat Vincet Vlad and Ian Impaler
3. Wrestlemania 38 Rematch: Phillip Donity beat Cody Rhodes by forfit.  Cody was injured during training and was going to try to wrestle.  But as his entrance happen it was shown that he had been laid out backstage.
4. Phillip Donity beat Drew McIntyre.  Phillip challenged anyone to face him wanting a real match.  Drew answered the challenge.  Towards the end of the match Drew went for claymore kick but hit the ref instead.  While Drew checked on the ref Lucy Warrior came down and passed Phillip something.  Lucy distracted Drew while Phillip looked to load up his elbow pad.  Then hit drew with a lariet for the win.
5. Tag Festival XII Round 15 Bracket E Points v.s. Points Match: Road Ragers beat Raheem Rhendo and Ben Blanka
6. TWF US Title Match: Kyle Donity (c) beat Baron Corbin
7. Tag Festival XII Round 15 Bracket B Points v.s. Points Match: Grizzled Young Vetrans beat Creed Brothers
8. Tag Festival XII Round 15 Bracket E Points v.s. Points Match: Dean Nuke and Nick Acid beat Hot Shots
9. 3 Way NYC Street Fight For TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles: Jungle Boy and Luchasaurs beat The New Day and Ash Hyde/Seth Owens

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-6/5/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 16 Points v.s. Points  Matches:

1. Non Tournament Pick Your Poison Match: Rey Misterio Jr. beat Santos Escobar
2. Bracket D Match: Bishop Rider and Arthur Star beat Kong Remer and Link Rod
3. Bracket A Match: Ligi Brothers beat Jump Start
4. Bracket D Match: Barney White and Black Jack beat Naughty By Nature
5. Bracket A Match: Dogs Of War beat Masion Dixie and Leoroy Piloit
6. Bracket D Match: Rafel Lake and Horus Venus beat William Shock and Ethan Rogue
7 .Bracket A Match: Cheesy Warriors beat Nightmare
8  Bracket D Match: Bruise Brothers beat Hugo Robin and Ivan Shroud
9. Bracket A Match: Snake Byte beat Atlas River and Hanson Snower
10. Bracket D Match: Danny Dagger and Hunter Knight beat Creed Brothers
11. Bracket A Match: Hit Row beat Malik Blade and Edris Enofé
12. Non Tournament and Non Title Pick Your Poison Match: Sami Zayn beat Tyler Black

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