Saturday, February 1, 2025

This Day In Wrestling History-Feb 1 (Dark Horsemen, Super Pre Show 1/11/23, Blood Bowl 10/15/23, RJ Hammer unamerican?, Evolution saves RJ Hammer?, Chris Sabin and Chris Hero, HBK's students send a message to Punk. A New King is crowned, Victor Americca and Mike Bison have a heart to heart)

This Day In Wrestling History-February 1:
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/1/1999 results:

Shane Douglas announced that the new group of his would be named the Dark Horseman.
1. Samurai Kid beat Barbecue
2. Ryu beat Ninja Kid
3. Shadow Ninja beat Ken
4. Joe beat White Ninja
5. Rey Misterio Jr beat Snake Eyes
RJ Hammer came to the ring.
"Okay Shane you call your group whatever you want but its not going to help you.  All you guys are nothing but a bunch of guys that were dumped by the nWo.  I bet the whole retirement thing was just a way to get this new group together.  I know the name Dark Horseman are done as a slap in the face to Ric Flair.  What you want Ric to beat your ass again?  He will if you want to go there again.  Justin Credible got his last night and Shane you want a piece of me again I will kick your ass.  Sagat and Psycho you won the tag titles last night but you guys cheated Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks out of there chance.  Later tonight they will be kicking your ass and getting what belongs to them rightfully.  I just got one other thing to say.  Anyone who wants a shot at the EUWF World Heavyweight Title from now on can just ask and they will get one.  From now to Wrestlmania I got no real challengers.  Trust me I take a chance to take those months off.  So come on up and see if you can take the belt."
6. Lex Luger beat Val Venis
7. New Age Outlaws beat Blue and Red Lightning
8. Kane beat Scott Norton
9. Hunter Hearst Helmsley beat Barry Whindom
10. Syxx beat Curt Henning
11. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko beat Gangrel and Edge
12. Speedster Lite/Jim Brooks beat Night Brothers, Sagat/Psycho, Machine/E. Hounda in a 4 Way Dance to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-2/1/2001 results:

1. Taion beat Christian
2. Dudleys beat Dynamic Duo
3. American Turncoats beat Blanka and Rhendo
4. Chris Night beat Mike Bison
5. Balls Mahoney beat Steven Richards to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
6. Edge beat Mark Night
7. Joe beat Chavo Guerrero Jr. to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
8. Undertaker beat The Wall
9. Venom beat Kurt Angle to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
10. Steve Corino beat Lance Storm to retain the EUWF US Title.
11. Naughty By Nature beat Crash Holly and Hardcore Holly to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
12. Jesus Bison, Big Show, Scott Steiner, Rhino, Tommy Dreamer beat RJ Hammer, Steve Austin, The Rock, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks

Saturday Slam Bash-2/1/2002 results:

The show started with a moment of silence and message with the euwf and ttwf sending their condolences and sorrows to the family and friends of the people who died in columbia disaster earlier today.
1. RC Haas beat Barbecue
2. Devil Bison and Eve Bison beat Fireball and Fire Woman to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
3. Jim Brooks beat William Regal
4. Booker T beat Xavier
5. Island Boyz beat Night Brothers
6. Speedster Lite beat Donovan Morgan
7. Christopher Daniels beat Jeff Hardy
8. Rob Van Dam and Joe beat Kane and Brimstone

Blood Bowl X-2/1/2004 results:

Super Pre Show (2 PM start time):
1. Christian beat Johnny Kashmere
2. Trent Acid beat Lance Storm
3. CM Punk beat Matt Hardy
4. Jim Brooks beat BJ Whitmer
5. Randy Orton beat Ruckus
6. Booker T beat Danny Maff
7. Billy Kidman beat Commander.  Jesus Bison refused to wrestle the match saying that he won't because he already has a match later in the night.  Commander took his place and the end came when Jesus went to hit Kidman with a chair but Jill Night came in.  She threw powder into Jesus' eyes causing him to hit Commander with a chair so it end up breaking the chair in half.  Kidman then hit his shooting star press for the win while Mike Bison came down and dragged Jesus out of the ring.  Jesus Bison screamed at Commander for losing the match while commander was actually being helped by medical people and Baroness.  Baroness and Jesus got into a argument till commander was taken to the back on a stretcher.
8. Bashman Brothers beat Rhendo/Blanka and Mark Jindrak/Garrison Cade in a 3 Way Dance.
9. Briscoe Brothers beat Simon Diamond and Swinger
10. Mike Awesome beat Triple H, Brock Lensar, Goldberg in a Four Way Dance.
11. Jade beat Temptress, Domontirix, Christie, Lady Gangster, Lady Extreme, Lady Lightning, Lady Ninja, Julie, Jill Night, Jazz, Molly Holly, Ms. America, Alexis Larie, Victoria, Fire Woman, Crazy Woman, Gail Kim, Ivory won a Gauntlet Battle Royal to retain her EUWF World Ladies title shot at Wrestlemania XX.
12. Doomsday beat Samoa Joe and Ric Flair in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TTWF US Title.
13. Trish Stratus beat Lady Speed to retain the TTWF World Women's Title.
14. Lita beat Lady Trooper to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
15. New Demolition beat Machine and Nightmare in a Street Fight Match to win the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
16. American Heroes beat Low Ki and Homicide to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
17. Venom and Lady Venom beat Steven Richards and Victoria to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
18. Hard Luck Fighters beat Los Guerreros, Wildfire, Crazy, Special K, Ninjas, Extreme Team, Team Lightning, Troopers, FBI, MFers, Sgt. and Roadblock in a Scramble Rules Match to win the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
19. Taion beat Justin Credible to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
20. John Cena beat Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam in a 4 Way 60 Minute Iron Man Match (Cena-6, Y2J-3, Angle-4, RVD-5) to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
21. Sonjay Dutt beat Rey Misterio Jr., Ultimo Dragon, Super Crazy, Tajiri in a 5 Way Dance to win the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
22. Mr. America beat Homicide in a Barbed Wire Board and Light Tube Board Match to win the EUWF IC Title. Mr. America after the match talked about RJ Hammer putting him in this match and that he won in the face of challenge.  He said that RJ's actions of late have been very Un American and he would be next.  He said also that since he started the Hardcore change in this company almost 10 years ago that it was another reason he hated him.  He also mentioned what RJ was doing to Sandman was wrong and he will pay for it.
23. Christopher Daniels beat Masato Tanaka to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
24. AJ Styles beat Low Ki and Sabu in a 3 Way Dance to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

PPV (8 PM start time):
1. Shadow WX beat Balls Mahoney, New Jack, Venom, Doomsday, Machine, Tommy Dreamer, Hardcore Holly, HC Loc, Devito, Vic Grimes in a Hardcore Challenge to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
2. Joe retain the EUWF US Title and Piloit retain the EUWF World TV Title in a Double Title Ladder Match.
3. Gothics beat Spanky and Paul London in a Ladder Match to win the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Jimmy Rave beat Spirit in a Submission Cage Match to win back the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
5. Dudleyz beat Naughty By Nature and Night Brothers in a Falls Count Anywhere No Rope Barbed Wire Match to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. RJ Hammer beat Sandman in a Dueling Canes No Rope Barbed Wire Match.  RJ continued beating on sandman after the match till MVW made the save and then starting beating on RJ.  It wasn't the Doomsday Alliance that made the save but it was Evolution that did.  RJ was a little surprised but smiled as he watched Evolution leave.  RJ was then shown backstage asking Doomsday Alliance members why they didn't save him and Doomsday said that they didn't like what he was doing.  RJ told Doomsday that they better make the save next time or there will be hell to pay.
7. Chris Benoit beat Jerry Lynn in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Submission Match to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. Mike Bison beat Jesus Bison in a Last Man Standing Stretcher Weapons Death Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title and EUWF World Hardcore Title.  Before the match Jesus did a interview and was asking about how Jesus seems to have no army or men around anymore.  Jesus says he will figure something out and that he always does.  The interviewer asked about Commander and Jesus said he failed him.  The interviewer mentioned that Commander was taken to the hospital and Jesus said that he didn't care and it was his own fault.  The interviewer threw the mic away and left leaving Jesus on his own.  Jesus tried to keep talking but the camera man walked away too.

TTWF 2/1/2005 Show results:

1. Jade beat Lady Trooper to win the TTWF World Women's Title.
2. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Spanky and Paul London to win the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
3. JC Bailey beat Piloit to win the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
4. Mad Man Pondo and Sexxy Eddy beat Samoa Joe and John Cena to win the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.  The end came when Low Ki, Homicide, Havana Pitbulls attacked Cena and Joe costing them the match and the belts.
5. Nate Webb beat Taion to win the TTWF World TV Title.
6. Homicide beat Mike Bison to win the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
7. Mr. America beat Kurt Angle to win the TTWF US Title.
8. Bryan Danielson and Chris Hero beat Eddie Guerrero and Booker T

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/1/2006 results:

The show started with Mike Bison comes to the ring and got the mic.  He was about to say something when Mr. America ran from the back attacking him with a steel chair.  Mr. America continued attacking Mike till Taion ran from the back making the save.
1. April Hunter beat Ariel Bison to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.  After the match Ms. America came from the back challenging April to a bra and panties match for the ladies title at Blood Bowl XII and she accepted.
2. Nick Dinsmore beat Rhendo
3. Hoodies beat Wildfire
4. Dudleyz beat America's Most Wanted to retain the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
5. Naughty By Nature beat Night Brothers to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Triple H won a 20 Man Battle Royal to earn a shot at the ECW World Heavyweight Title at Sunday Night Party 59 on February 12.  Samoa Joe, Jerry Lynn, Ricky Reyes, Venom, El Generico, Super Crazy, Nigel McGuiness, Double C, Brandon Thomassali, Shelton Benjamin, John Cena, Super Dragon, Ray Gordy, Nova, Jay Lethal, Sabu, Nerco Butcher, Shadow WX, Sexxy Eddy were also in the match.
7. Edge won a 20 Man Battle Royal to earn a shot at the ECW World Heavyweight Title at St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2006 on February 14. CM Punk, Low Ki, Rocky Romero, B-Boy, Spike Dudley, Joe, Piloit, Chris Benoit, Red, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Shane Helms, JC Bailey, BJ Whitmer, Masato Tanaka, Jimmy Jacobs, Mike Awesome, Hardcore Holly, Derek Frazier, Kevin Steen were also in the match.
8. Mike Bison, Taion, Jack Crystal beat Mr. America, Rhino, Nick Berk.  Before the match it was announced that at Blood Bowl XII it will be Jack Crystal v.s. Nick Berk in a Submission Match for ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title, Rhino v.s. Edge v.s. Jim Brooks in a TLC Match for ECW US Title, and Mike Bison v.s. Mr. America in a Weapons Match for ECW World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-2/1/2008 results:

1. Delirious, Kevin Steen, El Generico beat MVP, Jimmy Rave, William Regal
2. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Edge and Matt Sydal
3. Hallowicked beat Spanky
4. Brian Thunder beat Cody Rhodes in a Non Title Match.
5. Triple H and Shawn Michaels beat Mike Bison and RJ Hammer in a Street Fight.
6. Chris Sabin and Chris Hero won a 8 Team Gauntlet Match and Hero won the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title and the No Way Out 2008 title shot on Feb 17.  Sabin got the shot at Sunday Night Party 71 on Feb 24.  Ric Flair won the title shot at St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2008 on 14.
Gauntlet Match went like this:

1. Mike Quackenbush and Milano Collection At beat Mr. Kennedy and Human Tornado
2. Mike Quackenbush and Milano Collection At beat John Morrison and Jay Lethal
3. Chris Sabin and Chris Hero beat Mike Quackenbush and Milano Collection At
4. Chris Sabin and Chris Hero beat Alex Shelley and Randy Orton
5. Chris Sabin and Chris Hero beat John Cena and Undertaker
6. Chris Sabin and Chris Hero beat Chris Jericho and Bryan Danielson
7. Chris Sabin and Chris Hero beat Ric Flair and Nigel McGuiness

EUWF's Blood Bowl 15-2/1/09 results:

Super Pre Show 11:
1. North/South Side Dragons beat Lady/Savage Girl Backlot Warrior
2. The Players beat Queens Of Wrestling
3. Wildfire and Fire Woman beat Crazy and Crazy Woman
4. Warrior Ninja 1-3 and Lady Warrior Ninja beat Trooper 3-5 and Lady Trooper #2
5. Rain beat Julie Fire
6. Alex Kisnner and Tammy Knightshade beat Dominatrixic and Erica Tempted
7. Beth Phoenix beat Ms. America and Moonshine in a 3 Way Dance.
8. Serena Vilonanis, Jane, Caroline Dimelight beat Firebird, Kelly Kelly, Kelly Sanderon
9. Cindy Rogers, Gail Kim, Laurie Hammer, Lady Hammer, Daize Haze beat Misty Dawnner, Candice Michelle, Justine Hounda, Katie Lea Burchill, Michelle McCool
10. Lady Speed, Lady Gangster, Jill Night beat Maria, Tracy Brooks, Lady Doomsday
11. Doomsday Girl and Lady Venomous beat Sandy Gales and Becky Knight
12. Karen beat Mayrse, Jillian Hall, Layla in a 4 Way Dance.
13. LuFisto beat Cheerleader Melissa and Mercedes Martinez in a 3 Way Dance.
14. Sabrina and Thorn Rose beat MsChiff and Awesome Kong
15. Sara Del Rey beat Christine Crystal
16. Jade Thunder beat Pink Dudley
17. Mickie Knuckles beat Scarlet
18. Melina beat HC Bytch
19. Hoodies and Street Warrior beat New Demolition, Hot Shots, Vampire Nation in a 4 Way Dance.
20. Backlot Warriors beat Hard Luck Fighters, Rhendo, Blanka, Warrior Ninja 4/5, Road Knights
21. YRR beat Irish Airborne and Naturals
22. Kurt Hawkins and Zach Ryder beat Destroyer and Massacre
23. Colon Brothers beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous
24. Sgt. and Roadblock beat Knockout/Slasher and Sgt/Roadblock in a 3 Way Dance.
25. Manu, Ted Dibiase Jr., Cody Rhodes, Sim Snuka, Harry Smith, TJ Wilson, Ray Gordy beat Chuck Taylor, Billy Roc, Sexy Eddy, Matt Cross, Rhino, Jerry Lynn, Jay Briscoe
26. Ruckus, Sabian, Eddie Kingston beat Chris Night, Duke, Snake Eyes
27. James Gibson beat Petey Williams
28. Jimmy Yang beat Hallowicked
29. Spirit beat Chavo Guerrero Jr.
30. Dudleyz beat John Morrison and The Miz
31. Kevin Steen and El Generico beat Ricky Reyes/Rocky Romero, Hardy Boyz, Motor City Machine Guns in a 4 Way Dance.
32. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Christian Cage to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For ECW World Heavyweight Title.
33. Sami Callihan beat Eric Stevens and Brent Albright in a 3 Way Dance.
34. Barbecue, Boogieman, Funaki, Big Show, Hulk, Great Khali beat Adam Pearce, Ezekiel Jackson, Mark Henry, JBL, Umaga, Mike Knox
35. Ace Steel beat Vito Thomaselli and Sal Thomaselli in a 3 Way Dance.
36. Little Guido beat Jack Swagger
35. Mr. America beat Dolph Ziggler
36. Dingo beat Devnom Moore
37. Shelton Benjamin beat Claudio Castagnoli
38. Michel Elgin beat Paul Burchill
39. Finley beat William Regal
40. Joe beat Jack Evans, Jay Lethal, Ricochet, Sonjay Dutt in a 5 Way Dance.
41. Delirious beat Gran Akuma
42. Kofi Kingston beat Icarus
43. Broadie Lee beat Charlie Haas
44. Mike Quackenbush beat John Cena
45. Low Ki beat Nigel McGuiness and Vladimir Kozolov in a 3 Way Dance.
46. Undertaker and Kane beat Triple H/Shawn Michaels and Speedster Lite/King Jim Brooks 3 Way Dance.
47. Bella Twins beat Lady Naughty By Nature to retain the EUWF/ECW World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
48. Cryme Tyme beat Cheech and Cloudy to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
49. Chris Jericho beat Venom to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
50. Jack Crystal beat Larry Sweeny to retain the ECW IC Title.
51. Mark Night beat DJ Gabriel to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
52. Colt Cabana beat Christopher Daniels to retain the ECW World TV Title.
53. The Brian Kendrick beat Jason Hades to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
54. Venom beat Danny Havoc, Nerco Butcher, Toby Klein, Abyss, Eric Bison, Guile, Tommy Dreamer in a Open Challenge Barbed Wire Ladder Match to win the ECW World Triple Crown HC Title.


1. Alexis Lariee beat Samantha Bison to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. Miss Lee beat Nattie Neidhart to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
3. Troopers 1 and 2 beat Brian Thunder and John Fire in a Ladder Match to win the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Brain Damage and Deranged beat Machine and Sagat to win the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
5. Austin Aries beat Doomsday to retain the EUWF IC Title.
6. CM Punk beat Samoa Joe in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match to retain the EUWF US Title.
7. Chris Hero beat MVP, Roderick Strong, Santino Marella in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF US Title.
8. Tyler Black beat Jimmy Jacobs in a Chain Match to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
9. American Wolves beat LAX to win the EUWF/ECW US Tag Team Titles.
10. Naughty By Nature beat Beer Money Inc. in a Weapons Match to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
11. Edge beat RJ Hammer in a Non Title Street Fight.
12. Mike Bison beat Randy Orton in a No Rope Barbed Wire Match to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.  During the match one side of the wire became lose and towards the end Orton sent mike into.  Mike went flying out of the ring bang his head into the raw announcers table and the ref tried to stop the match.  Mike threatened him not to but Mike was in bad shape and Orton rolled him into the ring.   Orton went for a RKO but Mike threw into the barbed wire and then hit a sleeper suplex.  Mike couldn't cover him and took a few seconds to recover.  He grabbed his barbed wire wrapped singapore cane and put the bison lock #2 (arm sharpshooter) on orton with the cane.  Orton wouldn't give up so Mike put Orton in barbed wire and put the move back on getting orton to give.  Machine, Sagat, Naughty By Nature came from the back to help Mike as Backlot Warriors helped orton to end the show.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/1/2010 results:

The show began with the announcement that Chris Hero and Tyler Black will be getting their rematches at Blood Bowl 16 on February 7.
Edge came out and said he almost wanted to leave wrestling after the injury.  He said he realized there was a lot un finished and not done.  One of the things was settle some old scores epically with Mike Bison.  He couldn't just leave it like this and need to be finished.  He said it starts at WM26 as long as Mike Bison doesn't screw up.
1. Heart Dynasty beat Priceless in a Non Title Match.
2. CM Punk beat Hernadez by dq.  Before the match Punk said that now he won the rumble and Michaels won the EUWF World Heavyweight Title nothing is going to stop him from getting HBK in the ring at WM 26.  The end came when Hernadez soon after the bell went to the floor and Bryan Danielson came from the back distracting Punk.  Hernadez grabbed a chair and went back into the ring hitting back from behind with it.  Hernadez hit him twice more and then hit a border toss onto the chair.  Danielson got in the ring hitting several elbows on Punk till  Colt Cabana came out with another chair to make the save.  Danielson says that it was a message from Shawn Michaels.
3. Kings Of Wrestling beat

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Matches:

1. Austin Aries beat Kevin Steen, Matt Sydal, Kenny Omega in a 4 Way Dance.
2. MVP beat Mr. America, Colt Cabana, Dolph Ziggler in a 4 Way Dance.
3. Christian Cage beat Jim Brooks, Bryan Danielson, Eric Bison in a 4 Way Dance.
4. Speedster Lite beat Triple H, Kane, Undertaker in a 4 Way Dance.
5. John Cena beat Matt Hardy, Batistia, Mark Night in a 4 Way Dance.

TWF's Tuesday Night Brawl-2/1/2011 Card:
TWF's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Tournament-Round 1:

Bracket A:

1. Sagat beat Maison Dixie, Blanka, Trooper 2 (replace Chris Night) in a 4 Way Dance.
2. Mr. America beat Taion, Rhendo, Jackson Rouch in a 4 Way Dance.

Bracket B:

1. Doomsday beat Piloit, Spirit, Eric Bison in a 4 Way Dance.
2. Speedster Lite beat Machine, Mark Night, Joe in a 4 Way Dance.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/1/2012 results:
Elimination Chamber Qualifying Tournament Bracket 1:

1. Kenny Omega beat Cody Rhodes
2. Kofi Kingston beat Joey Ryan
3. Sonjay Dutt beat Yoshitatsu
4. Alex Riley beat Jimmy Jacobs
5. Sheamus beat James Storm
6. Frankie Kazarian beat TJ Wilson
7. Colt Cabana beat Robert Roode
8. Austin Aries beat Samoa Joe

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-2/1/2013 results:

1. Harley Wayfield beat Alicia Fox
2. Vlad and Impaler beat Uso Brothers
3. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Young Bucks

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Matches:

1. The Miz beat Chris Hero, John Davis, Roderick Strong, Eddie Edwards in a 5 Way Dance.
2. Claudio Castagnoli beat Davey Richards, Kane, Ryback, Low Ki in a 5 Way Dance.
3. Michel Elgin beat Homicide, Tyler Black, Drew McIntyre, Ricochet in a 5 Way Dance.
4. Sami Callihan beat John Moxly, Hernadez, Wade Barrett, Randy Orton in a 5 Way Dance.
5. Alberto Del Rio beat Gran Akuma, Rich Swan, Joe Henning, Albert in a 5 Way Dance.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-2/1/2014 results:

1. Christian Cage beat Brett Wayfield
2. Sheamus beat Mr. America
3. Donity Brothers beat Bad Influence in a Non Title Match.
4. Wyatt Family beat AJ Styles and Kings Of Wrestling
5. Eddie Kingston and Robert Roode beat Doomsday and Venom
6. Night Brothers beat Briscoe Brothers
7. Sheamus and Samoa Joe won spots in the Elimination Chamber Match at SNP107, Christian Cage won the spot in BB20 Title Shot, and Kevin Steen won the spot in St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2014 Title Shot in the Battle Royal For Februray Title Shots, Wyatt Family, Rhino, Jimmy Jacobs, Kofi Kingston, Ron Killings, Jigsaw, Hallowicked, Bad Influence, Robert Roode, James Storm, Colt Cabana, Justin Gabriel, 3MB, Colony, Kenny King, Sonjay Dutt, Curt Hawkins, Willie Mack, Chris Sabin, TJ Perkins, Tommaso Ciampa, Amazing Red, Mike Bennet, 3.0, Zach Ryder, AJ Styles, Austin Aries, TJ Wilson were also in the match

Blood Bowl 21-2/1/2015 results:

Super Pre Show 23:
1. Ms. America beat Justine Hounda
2. Moonshine beat Julie Fire
3. Firebird beat Karen
4. Dolph Ziggler beat Jay Lethal
5. Roman Reigns and Tyler Black beat Naughty By Nature
6. Kofi Kingston and Big E beat Donity Brothers to retain the Unified US Tag Team Titles.
7. Hoodies beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Dudleyz to retain the Unified World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
9. Bubba Jones beat Peter Spider to retain theUnified US Title.
10. Freddie Waldeno beat Mr. America to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
11. TJ Wilson beat Rich Swan to retain the Unified World TV Title.
12. Blonde Ambition beat Jade Thunder/Ms America, Gangtas Women, Lady NBN in a 4 WayNo Rope Barbed Wire and Panes Of Glass Death Match to retain the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.


1. Hardcore Bytch beat Pink Dudley in a Weapons Scramble Match to retain the Unified World Ladies Title,
2. Hollywood Doomsday beat Spirit to retain the Unified IC Title.
3. Ash Hyde beat Warrior Ninja Alpha in a Strap Match.
4. Freddie Waldeno, Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson  Low Ki beat Richie Borndo, Tristin Heartsend, New Bruise Brothers in a Hardcore Elimination Match.
5. Pac beat Ricochet and Roderick Strong in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Lightweight Title.
6. Bad Influence beat KENTA and Prince Devitt to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Jack Crystal beat Mr. Venom to win the Unified World Hardcore Title.
8. Claudio Castagnoli beat Cyrus Bourne in a There Must Be A Winner Match to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/1/2016 results:

The show started with Paul Haymen and Brock Lensar coming to the ring.  They called out Power Donity and challenged him to a match.  Lady Donity came out saying that Lensar will get the match but at WM32 and only if Lensar beats Nightmare Warrior at SNP119.  Lensar agrees and tells Nightmare to get to the ring.  Warriors attacked lensar and he clears the ring before attacks Lensar from behind hooking his bad arm in crossface chicken wing.  Officials came down breaking it up.
1. Paige beat Moonshine in a Non Title Match.
2. Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch beat Piloit and Masion Dixie in a No DQ Match.
3. Mr. Venom beat Jay Lethal
4. Samoa Joe, Bryatt Wyatt, Bo Wyatt beat Mr. America, Cyrus Bourne, John Fire
5. Dudleyz beat Jeffery Alpha and Jack Pink
6. Briscoe Brothers beat Naughty By Nature in a Non Title Match.
7. AJ Styles beat Johnny Gargano
8. Chris Jericho beat Hollywood Doomsday
9. Prince Devitt and Pac beat Brian Thunder and Duke in a Non Title Match.
10. Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Donity Brothers beat Kevin Steen, Ash Hyde, Seth Owens, Sami Zayn.  Earlier in the show steen was seen questioning Seth getting a title match against him at After The Dawn.  Seth said he didn't even want it but steen didn't believe him.  This lead to issues between the two and Seth accidentally drop kicking Steen off the ring apron.  Steen walked out after leading to the match mostly being 4 on 3.  After the match the heals beat on Ash, Seth, Sami till Steen came back out making the save.  Seth and Steen got into again leading to ash and sami separating them.  That annoyed Steen more leading to heals coming back out with Warriors attacking all four.  Brock Lensar came out clearing all the warriors again but Nightmare.  The two looked about to go at it when TWF army ran out to make the save.  Angry Lensar attacked the TWF guys as Nightmare, Warriors, Lite, Brooks left.  Mike Bison ran out with a barbed wire bat getting Lensar to stop.  Lensar, Steen, Haymen left leaving faces in the ring to end the show

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/1/2017 results:

1. Power Donity beat Noam Dar
2. All Night Express beat Doomsday Kid and Venoous
3. Naughty By Nature beat Los Ice Creams in a Non Title Match.
4. Chris Hero beat TJ Perkins, Chris Jericho, Danny Havoc in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
5. Adam Cole beat Jay Lethal, James Storm, Cedric Alexander in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
6. Kevin Steen beaet Titus O'Neil, Kofi Kingston, AR Fox in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
7. Shinsuke Nakumra beat Roderick Strong, Eddie Edwards, Tommaso Ciampa  in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
8. Tyler Black beat Davey Richards,
Johnny Gargano, Michel Elgin in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-2/1/2018 results:

The show began with Theodore Richard Bornado III being crowned the new king of the ring.  Theodore then knighted his cousin Tristan Heartsend and introduced everyone to Patricia Bryan as his queen.  Theodore says he is moving on from Peter Spider and looking to TWF World Heavyweight Title Shot at Wrestlemania 34.  Peter Spider came from the back saying he is not done with Theodore as matter of fact because Peter won Lightweight Title last sunday that is for sure true.  Theodore looked confused as Peter explained that Best Of Lightweight Tournament is coming up and either he can defend the title in tournament or vacated it for a TWF World Heavyweight Title Shot.  Peter said he just gone talking to Barbecue and he confirmed that title shot will be at Wrestlemania 34.  Theodore was mad saying he will never make it to WM34 and Peter started to come to the ring.  Theodore mocked him for being alone and Peter stopped.  Freddie Waldeno came from the crowd standing next to Peter and they headed to the ring. Queen Patricia stood infront of Theodore and Tristan.  Freddie got on the mic saying he ran into old friend of Patricia while watching this mess backstage and Misty Dawnner came out.  Patricia up until now had been one third of queens of wrestling with Misty and Caroline Dimelight.  Peter, Freddie, Misty cleared the ring of heals and Barbecue came from the back.  He made a Hardcore Match between Theodore and Tristan v.s. Peter and Freddie and Patricia v.s. Misty for Queens Of Wrestling name at After The Dawn PPV.
1. Ligi Brothers beat Purple Haze
2. The Players beat Maro Sisters
3. Dogs Of War beat Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood
4. Seth Owens beat Speedster Lite, Guile, Eric Bison in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
5. Cyrus Bourne beat Brian Thunder, Stanley Cross, Jack Crystal in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
6. Mark Night beat Ash Hyde, Bubba Jones, Jack Pink in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
7. Bruce Doomsday beat Will Nightmare, Jeffery Alpha, Taion in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
8. Eddie Venom beat Jim Brooks, Spirit, Sagat in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.

ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-2/1/2019 results:

1. Women's Tag Team Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2019 on February 14): Mandy Rose and Sarah Logan beat Carol Ninja and Ninja Girl
2. Women's Tag Team Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (
At St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2019 on February 14): Billie Kay and Peyton Royce beat Lady NBN
3. ECW Hardcore Tag Team Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At HCS2019 on March 10): Ascension beat Rex Lion and Gary J
4. ECW Hardcore Tag Team Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At HCS2019 on March 10): Brisoce Brothers beat Carson Jackson and Daily Watson
5. ECW Hardcore Tag Team Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At HCS2019 on March 10): The Revial beat Taion and Guile
6. ECW Hardcore Tag Team Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At HCS2019 on March 10): Street Profits beat Hoodies
7. ECW Hardcore Tag Team Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At HCS2019 on March 10): Uso Brothers beat Black Jack and Danny Red
8. Ricochet, Jeff Hardy, The Miz beat Bryan Danielson, Adam Cole, Roderick Strong

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-2/1/2020 results:

1. 4 Way Hostile City Showdown 2020's Women Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Deonna Purrazzo beat Asuka, Kairi Sane, Linda Lightning
2. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: reDragon beat Nightwings
Mike Bison was seen texting someone backstage when Victor America came up to him.  Mike ignored Victor till he apologized to him about Wrestlemania 35 and that he never wanted to injury him.  That this whole thing had gotten way out of hand as he gotten mad over TWF Army.  He just wanted payback for it ending one thing he did it right.  Mike says he understands and glad he came to his senses in a way.  Mike says he worried about The Fiend thing and if he had it in him anymore to fight him.  Worried about what fiend might to do him thinking about his kids and Victor says he knows that feeling since he has only been thinking of them a lot since Kobe's death.  This went on as bonded more and Victor said he to get ready for his match.  Victor asked it they were good.  Mike says a lot better and Victor that is a start.  Mike put his hand out before Victor left and he shook it.
3. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Outliners beat Rascals
4. Stacy America beat Queen Patricia.  Princess Caroline joined in attacking Stacy after the match till Samantha Bison surprisingly return making the save.
5. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Silas Young and Josh Woods beat Marcus Croft and Tyson Bronx
6. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: The Forgotten Sons beat Heavy Machinery
7. Chris Hero and Brett Wayfield beat Victor America and Eric Bison
8. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: The North v.s. Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin
9. 4 Way Hostile City Showdown 2020's Men Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Tommy End beat Seth Owens, Greyson America, Jay Briscoe

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/1/2021 results:

1. Vincent Vlad beat Dolph Ziggler
2. 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Cyrus Bourne beat Dxter Lumis, Tristan Heartsend, Eric Bison
3. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Dean Nuke and Nicky Acid beat Marcus Dove and Owen Star
4. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Leoroy Piloit and Masion Dixie beat Lucha Dragons
5. 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Drew McIntyre beat Christian, Ulysses Taion, Jake Atlas
6. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Fin Sandy and Ben Apocalypse  beat Kong Remer and Link Rod
7. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Grizzled Young Vetrans beat Mac Yates and Mane MacAlister
8. 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Raymond Roadblock beat Jindar Mahaul, Edge, Gavin Guile
9. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Fin Sandy and Ben Apocalypse beat Jupiter Jordan and Xander Seed
10. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Drew Gulak and Tony Neese beat The Miz and John Morrison

TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-2/1/2022 results:

The show began with Adam Pearce announcing that King Stan will defend the TWF World Heavyweight Title at After The Dawn 2022 PPV.  Winner of that match will defen the belt against Harrison Boss at WM38.  Paul Haymen came out asking for Brock Lesnar to be added to Elimination Chamber match at ATD22.   Pearce was reluncted but King Stan came out saying he was up for the challenge.  Pearce then agreed to putting Brock in.

Tag Festival XII Round 3 Matches:

1. Bracket B Match: Snake Byte beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
2. Bracket E Match: Stu Bomb and Rick Knife beat Clifford Darkness and Emanuel Fire
3. Bracket B Match: Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno beat Danny Dagger and Hunter Knight
4. Bracket E Match: Tom Master and Remy Who beat Barney White and Black Jack
5. Bracket B Match: Eddie Venom and Anthony Venomous beat Mark Lite and Jim Brooks
Queen Tabitha cut a promo about facing Sasha Banks at WM38 and looking forward to facing Sailor Boss.  Lita came up to her challenging to a match for TWF World Ladies Title at After The Dawn 2022.  Tabitha agreed.
6. Bracket E Match: David Omega and Gabriel Lock beat Raheem Rhendo and Ben Blanka
7. Bracket B Match: Jeffery Alpha and Jack Pink beat Josh Brigs and Brooks Jensen
8. Bracket E Match: Mickey Sensation and Shaggy Brown beat Fin Sandy and Ben Apocalypse
9. Non Tournament TWF Men's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Cyrus Bourne beat Baron Corbin, BOA, Vincent Vlad

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/1/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 3 Matches:

1. Bracket C Match: Sheepard Mars and Edison Samurai beat Good Brothers
2. 4 Way ECW's Men's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Greyson Waller beat Arthur Star, Ridge Holland, Steven Doomsday
3. Bracket F Match: Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme beat Nightwings
4. Bracket C Match: Hot Shots beat Schism
5. 4 Way ECW's Women's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Alexia Bliss beat Stacy Doomsday, Faith Fire, Gigi Doolin
6. Bracket F Match: Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno beat Samson Sanchez and Hayden Sander
7. Bracket C Match: Jack Flap and Chris Gun beat Pretty Deadly
8. 4 Way ECW's Men's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Bruce Doomsday beat Akira Tozawa, Riddick Moss, Eric Bison

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-2/1/2024 results:
Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 3 Matches

1. Bracket E Match: Carl War and Brent Jet beat Purple Haze
2. 4 Way TWF's Men Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Mark Lite beat Prince Devitt, Brett Wayfield, Cody Rhodes
3. Bracket B Match: Dogs Of War beat Thunder Brothers
4. Bracket E Match: Creed Gaston and Derek Vamp beat Luke Reed and Angel Coal
5. 4 Way TWF's Men Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Austin Theory beat Jack Crystal, Shinsuke Nakumara, Kyle Donity
6. Bracket B Match: Simon Seyes and Stephan Shadow beat Good Brothers
7. Bracket E Match: Johnny The Kid and Ezekiel Street beat Hank Walker and Tank Ledger
8. 4 Way TWF's Men Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Tommaso Ciampa beat Solomon Spirit, Punishment Martinez, Jim Brooks

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