This Day In Wrestling History-February 25:
Thursday Night War-2/25/1999 results:
1. Mike Bison beat El Dandy
2. Taion beat Villaino V
3. Psicosis beat Trooper 2
4. Juventud Guerrera beat Rhendo
5. Bison beat Blitzkrieg
6. Rey Misterio Jr beat Ken
7. Speedster Lite beat Barbecue to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
8. Cactus Jack and Tommy Dreamer beat Justin Credible and Bam Bam Bigelow
EUWF's No Way Out 2001-2/25/2001 results:
On Sunday Night Heat, Jesus Bison is shown going into X-Pac's locker room.
1. Shadow WX and Night Brothers beat Edge, Christian, Mike Bison to win the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles. Animal ran to the ring and attacked Shadow WX after the match. Mike, Edge, Christian held off Mark and Chris. Spike Dudley ran to the ring and tried hitting the acid drop onto Animal but the Wall came from no where. He then choke slammed Spike off of Animal. Rhino then hit the spear onto Spike. Sandman, Balls Mahoney, Dallas Page made the save. Camera in the back show Jesus Bison, Big Show, Scott Steiner, Jeff Jarrett, Rick Steiner walking out of X-Pac's locker room. Triple H walks into locker room and finds X-Pac down and hurt. He also finds blood all over the place.
2. American Turncoats beat Dynamic Duo to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
3. Joe beat Piloit to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
4. Venom beat Chris Benoit to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
5. Naughty By Nature beat Hardy Boys to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Jesus Bison and Rhino beat Triple H and X-Pac. It was pretty much a handicap match until a bandaged up X-Pac limped to the ring. Triple H made the tag in but the see the ref didn't see it. Didn't really matter because X-Pac hit Triple H with a lead pipe. Rhino then speared Triple H and hit a piledriver onto him. Bison, Rhino, X-Pac celebrated after the match and Queen Bison hit Stephanie with a singapore cane wrapped in barbed wire. Sagat picked up Stephanie and the Bison, X-Pac, Rhino left the ring. They headed to the back and Sagat put Stephanie into a limo. Raven is waiting for them in front of the limo.
Jesus: "Told you the fake blood would fool him."
X-Pac: "It worked to perfection."
Jesus: "Raven just make sure Steiner winners the title tonight."
Raven: "No problem." Jesus Bison, X-Pac, Sagat, Rhino get into the limo. Vince McMahon is seen in the corner of the limo before the door closes and pulls away.
7. Speedster Lite beat Steve Corino to retain the EUWF US Title.
8. Doomsday beat Scott Steiner in a Hell In A Cell Match with Venom as Special Ref to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.. It was a back and forth brutal match with tons of blood. Doomsday hit a Doomsday driver through the table onto Steiner after Steiner went for a belly to belly suplex through a table and Doomsday blocked and reversed it. Doomsday covered Steiner but Raven pulled Venom out of the ring. Venom hit Raven with a lightbulb and Venom got back into the ring. Steiner got the shoulder up and it took a second Doomsday Driver through a table for him to get the win.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/25/2002 results:
1. Joe beat Dallas Page
2. Speedster Lite beat Christian
3. Venom and Naughty By Nature beat Hit Squad and Homicide
4. Impact Players and Edge beat Backseat Boys and Eddie Guerrero
5. Ken and Ryu beat Hardy Boys to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Low Ki beat Jerry Lynn to retain the EUWF IC Title.
7. Jim Brooks beat Jesus Bison to retain the EUWF European Title.
8. Rob Van Dam beat Vlad in a no title match.
9. Masato Tanaka beat Tajiri to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
10. Chris Jericho beat Scott Hall to retain the EUWF US Title.
11. Scott Steiner beat RJ Hammer
12. Triple H beat Doomsday to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
TTWF 2/25/2003 results:
1. Devon Storm beat Nick Mondo to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
2. Wildfire beat Ax and Smash from New Demolition
3. American Dragon beat Piloit
4. Mike Bison, Spanky, Paul London, Ariel Bison beat Devil Bison, Hellfire, Brimstone, Eve Bison
5. Johnny Kashmere beat Mike Quackenbush
6. Reckless Youth beat Colt Cabana
7. CM Punk beat Trent Acid
8. Jerry Lynn and Taion beat Michael Shane and Chris Benoit
Wednesday Night Brawl-2/25/2004 results:
1. FBI beat MFers
2. Jimmy Rave beat Steven Richards to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
3. Piloit beat Val Venis to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
4. Mr. America beat Randy Orton to retain the EUWF IC Title.
Speedster Lite and Lady Speed sat down for an interview. Speedster said they had waited because of all the stuff that had been happening and wanted to figure out where they stood on this. Rachel mentioned that they were both tired of RJ's games but RJ's her brother and she loved him no matter what. She also said that she might always love her brother but that they can never have a relationship again because she tired of being jerked around by him and that she is very hurt by his actions. Speedster said that there will be payback one way or another against him. RJ was then scene and announced a match between him and Speedster Lite later on.
6. New Demolition beat Dangerous Trio to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
7. American Heroes beat APA to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Speedster Lite beat RJ Hammer
ECW 2/25/2005 ECW Arena Show results:
1. Tajiri beat Delirious
2. Chris Candido beat RC Haas
3. Frankie Karazarian beat
4. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Trent Acid
5. Matt Sydal beat Chris Sabin
6. Jimmy Jacobs beat Jimmy Jacobs
7. Colt Cabana and Ace Steele wrestled Doomsday and Venom to a double count out to retain the ECW World Tag Team Titles. The end came when the match became a brawl into the crowd and then took it to outside the arena. The two teams kept brawling till the ref was forced to count both teams out.
8. AJ Styles and B-Boy beat CM Punk and Sonjay Dutt
EUWF's Saturday Nights At The Arena-2/25/2006 results:
1. Ariel Bison beat Lady Trooper to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
2. Mr. America beat Edge, Rhino, Nick Berk in a 4 Way Dance to win back the ECW US Title.
3. Nerco Butcher beat John Cena, Jerry Lynn, Chris Benoit in a 4 Way Dance to retain the ECW World Hardcore Title.
4. Super Dragon beat Rocky Romero, Low Ki, Paul Burchill in a 4 Way Dance to retain the ECW IC Title.
5. Jay Lethal beat Jack Crystal, B-Boy, Spike Dudley in a 4 Way Dance to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
6. Street Saviors beat Mike Bison and Taion to retain the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
7. Venom and Jim Brooks beat Night Brothers to win the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Samoa Joe and Rob Van Dam beat Edge and Claudio Castagnoli in a Dream Partner Tag Team Match.
EUWF's Sunday Night Party 65-2/25/2007 results
1. Venom beat Piloit to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
2. Rhino beat Takeshi Morishima
3. Low Ki and B-Boy beat Mr. America and Nick Berk to win the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Nerco Butcher and Toby Klein beat Edge and Christian Cage in a Non Title Falls Count Anywhere Match.
5. Briscoe Brothers beat Randy Orton and Ray Gordy to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Iron Saints beat Dudleyz in a Tables Match to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
7. CM Punk beat Colt Cabana to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
8. Matt Hardy beat Batistia to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/25/2008 results:
The show began with as promised the announcements by Samoa Joe and Mike Bison of whom the other will make their final title defenses against before wrestlemania. Mike chose Joe to defend in order against Kane, Big Show, Undertaker, Ric Flair. Joe chose Mike to defend in order against Nigel McGuiness, John Cena, Tommy Dreamer, RJ Hammer.
1. Doomsday and Venom beat Kevin Steen and El Generico
2. Briscoe Brothers beat Team Fist
3. Real Americans Alliance, Joe, Piloit beat Iron Saints and Dudleyz
4. Speedster Lite beat Mr. America and Cody Rhodes in a 3 Way Money In The Bank Qualifier.
5. Brian Thunder beat Randy Orton and Triple H in a 3 Way Money In The Bank Qualifier.
6. Jay Lethal beat Mr. Kennedy and Jim Brooks in a 3 Way Money In The Bank Qualifier.
7. Bryan Danielson beat Shawn Michaels and Nigel McGuiness in a 3 Way Money In The Bank Qualifier.
8. Samoa Joe and Ric Flair beat Mike Bison and RJ Hammer
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/25/2009 results:
1. Spirit and Sagat beat Jack Crystal and Machine
2. Hoodies beat Crazy
3. Dingo beat Speedster Lite
4. TJ Perkins beat Kofi Kingston
5. Miss Lee beat Lady Backlot Warrior to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
6. Low Ki won the 50 Man Gauntlet Battle Royal to win the #1 Contenders Trophy For ECW World Heavyweight Title and joins the 4 Way Dance for the title at Wrestlemania 25. Samoa Joe, Nigel McGuiness, Venom, Tommy Dreamer, Jerry Lynn, Colt Cabana, Vulgar Display Of Power, Hardy Boyz, Machine, Sagat, Spirit, Jack Crystal, Tyler Black, Rey Misterio Jr., Naughty By Nature, Claudio Castagnoli, Randy Orton, Speedster Lite, Beer Money Inc., Danny Havoc, Drake Younger, Little Guido, Stevie Richards, Abyss, Taion, Finley, Paul Burchill, Power Backlot Warrior, Rhino, Jimmy Jacobs, Delirious, Nerco Butcher/Mike Bison loser, Motor City Machine Guns, Jay Briscoe, Petey Williams, Eddie Kingston, Ruckus, Shelton Benjamin, Jimmy Rave, Super Crazy, Eric Young, Kevin Steen, El Generico, Mr. America were also in the match.
TWF/EUWF's Superstars-2/25/2010 results:
1. Brian Thunder and Jade Thunder beat Mark Night and Ariel Bison
Money In The Bank Qualifying Matches:
1. Cyrus Bourne beat Machine and Joe
2. Venom beat Piloit and Eric Bison
3. Doomsday beat Guile and Mr. America
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-2/25/2011 results:
1. Broadie Lee beat The Miz
2. Edge beat CM Punk
12 Way TLC 11 Elimination Match Qualifier-Triple Threat Matches:
1. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Hot Shots. Them and Joker and Sabian advance.
2. Hard Luck Fighters beat Vlad and Impaler. Them and Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel advance.
3. Colony beat Crash and Fire Backlot Warrior. Them and Doomsday Kid and Venomous advance.
Money In The Bank Qualifying One Fall Five Man Matches:
1. Christopher Daniels beat Ted Dibiase Jr. Daniels, Randy Orton, Amazing Red, Drew McIntyre advance.
2. Petey Williams beat Ron Killings. Williams, Roderick Strong, Jay Lethal, El Generico advance.
3. AJ Styles beat John Cena. AJ, Davey Richards, Wade Barrett, Colt Cabana advance.
ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-2/25/2012 results:
1. Beth Phoenix and Nattie Neidhart beat Blonde Ambition to retain the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
2. Naughty By Nature beat Briscoe Brothers
3. Austin Aries beat Justin Gabriel in a Non Title Match.
4. CM Punk beat Robert Roode
5. Christopher Daniels beat Bryan Danielson
6. Samoa Joe beat TJ Wilson
7. Mr. America beat Zach Ryder in a Non Title Match.
8. Mike Bison beat Dolph Ziggler to retain EUWF World Triple Crown Title. Teddy long tried to come out at the start and make this a non title match. RJ said that if it wasn't title match then RJ going to have find a new WM28 main event and was changed back. Mike was a fighting champion and he wasn't going to hide behind WM.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/25/2013 results:
The show began with paul haymen in the ring with Brock Lensar. Haymen said that he asked Brock to watch his back after attack last week. He says that he doesn't believe that Undertaker who attacked him and said that if he was then strike him down now. Brett Wayfield comes from the back going after brock but was attacked by Zangief. He threw Brett into Brock who hit F5. Heals left heading to the back but brock was attacked by RJ Hammer and Zangief attacked RJ. Brock led haymen to the back as Zangief and RJ brawled to the ring. RJ rammed smashed light tubes he got from under the ring over zangief's head and then rammed him into the ring steps. Security came out getting RJ off of him and rj grabbed the mic. He said that he and his daughter might not have had the greatest relationships in recent years but no one F5s her and gets away with it.
1. Power Donity beat Christopher Daniels
2. Bryan Danielson beat Jim Brooks
3. Gangtas Girls beat Lady PE in a Non Title Match.
4. New Public Enemy beat American Wolves, Kings Of Wrestling, Joe/Piloit in a 4 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Speedster Lite beat Kane
6. Bubba Jones and Undertaker beat Zangief and Mark Henry by DQ. The end came when Brock Lensar attacked the Undertaker. This went on till he went for F5 but RJ Hammer and Brett Wayfield leading to brawl between Zangief, Henry, Lensar, RJ, Brett, Taker. Heals are cleared out of the ring and RJ challenged them to a 6 man match at WM29. Lensar agreed to it.
7. Mike Bison beat Chris Jericho
8. Jade Thunder and Temptress beat Nattie Neidhart and Sara Del Rey
9. El Gemerico beat Rich Swan, Frankie Kazarian, Jackson Rouch to retain the Unified World Lightweight Title. After the match Generico announced that he will not give up the belt for a random date title match but will instead defend the title through the BOLT25. During the show offically announced all 23 living Best Of Lightweight Tournament winners will be in the tournament including Matt Hardy, Paul London, Jerry Lynn (in his final Tournament apperence), Akira Tozawa.
10. Dolph Ziggler beat Jay Lethal in a Non Title Match.
TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-2/25/2014 results:
1. Lady NBN beat Samantha Bison and Ariel Bison
2. Jade Thunder beat Lady Doomsday
3. Ash Hyde won a Battle Royal. Mr. America, Jackson Rouch, Ash Hyde as Final Three Go Money In The Bank Ladder Match at WM30. American Heroes, Night Brothers, Piloit, Masion Dixie, Naughty By Nature, Bloody Donity, Warrior Ninjas, Troopers, Young Guns Army, Wildfire, Crazy, New Demolition, Backlot Warriors, Dangerous Trio, Dragons, Hoodies, Vampire Nation, Bubba Jones, Zangief, Spirit, Machine, Sagat, Ash Hyde, Freddie Waldeno were also in the match. Freddie and Peter eliminated themselves. Freddie challenged Peter to a Lightweight Title match at WM30 after the match but Peter wouldn't have it. Thomas Boss mad the match anyway saying if he doesn't show up at WM30 he will be stripped of the belt and fired.
12 Way TLC 14 Qualifying Match:
1. Donity Brothers beat Guile/Taion, Doomsday/Venom, Piloit/Masion Dixie in a 4 Way Dance
2. Brian Thunder and Duke beat Wildfire, Trooper 1/2, WN Alpha/Sigma in a 4 Way Dance
3. Hoodies beat Brett Wayfield/Jackson Rouch, Mr. America/Ash Hyde, Night Brothers in a 4 Way Dance.
4. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Naughty By Nature, Bison Brothers, Crazy in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/25/2015 results:
1. Machine beat Claudio Castagnoli in a Non Title Match.
12 Way TLC 5 Qualifying Tournament:
1. Briscoe Brothers beat Kappa Brothers. Briscoes, Naughty By Nature, Doomsday Kid/Venomous advance.
2. Colony beat Lightning Duo. Colony, Devon Moore/Luck 13, Richie Borndo/Tristin Heartsend advance.
3. Rockness Monster beat Sgt. and Roadblock. Rockness, Wildfire, Extreme Knights advance.
4. 3.0 beat Worlds Cuttest Team. 3.0, WN Alpha/Sigma, Hot Shots advance.
WM31 Money In The Bank Qualifying Tournament:
1. Dolph Ziggler beat Heath Slater. Ziggler, Sonjay Dutt, Kofi Kingston advance.
2. TJ Wilson beat Sin Cara. Kevin Steen, TJ Perkins, Wilson advance.
3. AJ Styles beat Tommaso Ciampa. Styles, Sami Zayn, Austin Aries advance.
EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-2/25/2016 results:
1. Pink Dudley and Hardcore Bytch beat Naomi and Tamina
2. Samoa Joe, Rusev, Alberto Del Rio, Sheamus, Prince Devitt, Pac beat Hollywood Doomsday, Mr. Venom, Ash Hyde, Cyrus Bourne, Dolph Ziggler, Sami Zayn in a Elimination Match:
12 Way TLC Qualfiying Matches:
1. reDragon beat Johnny Gargano/Tommaso Ciampa and Dagger/Impaler in a 3 Way Dance.
2. Uso Brothers beat Trooper 4/5, and Vlad/Impaler in a 3 Way Dance.
3. Young Bucks beat Piloit/Masion Dixie and War/Crash Warriors in a 3 Way Dance.
4. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Ricochet/Rich Swan and Primo/Epico in a 3 Way Dance.
TWF's Saturday Night Fire-2/25/2017 results:
1. Star Pryde, Nia Jax, Sasha Banks, Lady NBN beat Jade Thunder, Ms. America, Julie Fire, Pink Dudley, Hardcore Bytch in a Hardcore Match.
2. Black Valkyrie and Hollywood Doomsday beat King Peter and Ligi Brothers
3. Tristin Heartsend and Masion Dixie beat Jim Brooks and Richie Borndo
4. Briscoe Brothers, Taion, Dogs Of War beat Hard Luck Fighters, Mr. America, Mark Night, Speedster
5. Power Donity beat Mr. Venom
6. Ash Hyde beat Machine
7. Mark Night beat Jackson Rouch
8. Brian Thunder beat Seth Owens in a Non Title Match.
TWF's After The Dawn 2018-2/25/2018 results:
Pre Show:
1. Matt Tremont and War Machine beat Naughty By Nature and Braun Strowman
2. Will Nightmare and Bloody Donity beat Steven Doomsday and Anthony Venomous
3. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat. Brodie Lee and Eric Rowan
1. Caroline Dimelight beat Pink Dudley. Ruby Riot, Nattie Neidhart, Bayley, Asuka in a Women's Elimination Chamber Match to win the Unified Ladies Title Shot at WM34.
2. Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno beat King Theodore III and Sir Tristan in a to win back the Young Guns Army Name and keep their Career.
3. Bryatt Wyatt and Matt Hardy beat Ash Hyde and Bubba Jones
4. Black Valkrie beat Dogs Of War
5. Queen Patricia beat Misty Dawnner to win the Queens Of Wrestling Name. The end came with the ref down Patricia and Misty screamed at Caroline Dimelight (who say at ringside) whose side she was on. Caroline grabbed the chair she was sitting in and teased hitting patricia but hit misty instead letting her win. The two beat on Misty after the match till Tammy Knightshade made the save.
6. Power Donity beat Eddie Venom, Bruce Doomsday, Mark Night, Cyrus Bourne, Seth Owens in a Elimination Chamber Match to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title. After the match King Theodore III and Sir Tristan snuck in the chamber as Seth Owens left it. They attacked Power and beat Power down even tried to put a chair around his neck and Theodore went to the top. Peter Spider, Bloody Donity, Freddie Waldeno made the save. They and Lady Donity checked on Power to end the show
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/25/2019 results:
1. Non Title Match: Nikki Cross beat Julie Fire
2. Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch beat Rey Misterio Jr. and Piloit
3. Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno beat Titus World Wide
4. Rematch For EUWF World Iron Man Title: EC3 (c) wrestled Elias to a No Contest.
5. Lacy Evans beat Sandy Gales
6. Bloody Donity beat Xavier Woods
7. 12 Way TLC 19 Qualifying Match: Hype Brothers beat Iron Gloves
8. Samoa Joe beat Claudio Castagnoli
9. Tommy End beat Sheamus
10. Non Title Match: Kofi Kingston beat Chris Hero
Ric Flair's 70 birthday celebration ended the show that included RJ Hammer, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and more. It was interrupted the Alpha Males Of Wrestling who said that Flair and his old buddies need to go back to old folks home. They are not welcome here anymore. If they won't go back there then they will put them. AMOW started to head to the rng but we headed off but security some of current wrestlers around ringside. This left Flair in the ring and Harrison Boss came from the crowd hitting Flair with a chiar. Harrison said old debts to be paid before being chased back into the crowd to end the show
TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-2/25/2020 results:
1. Tag Festival X Round 9 Match: Hoodies beat Alistar Hound and Travis Jazz
2. WM36 Title Shot Tournament First Round Match:Jack Crystal beat Randy Orton
3. Tag Festival X Round 9 Match: Hard Luck Fighters beat Brian Kendrick and Ariya Daivari
4. WM36 Title Shot Tournament First Round Match: Cyrus Bourne beat Samurai Del Sol
5. Tag Festival X Round 9 Match: Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno beat Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch
6. WM36 Title Shot Tournament First Round Match: John Morrison beat Moose
7. Tag Festival X Round 9 Match: Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson beat Curt Hawkis and Zach Ryder
8. WM36 Title Shot Tournament First Round Match: Bryan Danielson beat Sheamus
9. Tag Festival X Round 9 Match: Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode beat BROserweights
TWF's Thursday Night Wars-2/25/2021 results:
1. Asuka, Ruby Riot, Liv Morgan beat Jade Thunder and Blonde Ambition
2. Remy Who beat Joe Jr
3. Victor America beat Kenneth Knockout
4. Ben Blanka beat Kent Wonder
5. Peter Spider beat Otis
6. Ligi Ligi beat Chris Prowl
7. Matt Riddle beat Joaquin Wilde
8. Elimination Match: Victor America. Roderick Strong, Eddie Venom, Mark Night beat Kevin Steen, KUSHIUDA, Marcus Croft, Mustafa Ali
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-2/25/2022 results:
Tag Festival XII Round 5 Matches:
1. Non Tournament Match: Eliana Flynn beat Liv Morgan
2. Bracket D Match: Crow Brothers beat Road Knights
3. Bracket A Match: Rafel Lake and Horus Venus beat Malik Blade and Edris Enofé
4. Bracket D Match: Cheesy Warriors beat Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz
5. Bracket A Match: Stew Rosen and Leo Ambrose beat Gambit Inc
6. Bracket D Match: Fisher Star and Felix Bolt wrestled Masion Dixie and Leoroy Piloit to a Draw.
7. Bracket A Match: Colin East and Colton West beat Street Profits
8. Non Tournament Match: Claudio Castagnoli wrestled Victor America to a No Contest. Before the match Claudio was asked about his contract being up. He said he would defend the EUWF World Heavyweight Title as long as he had. Will still be here till he loses it. Victor came up saying he didn't believe him. Mentioning BDK and how claudio doubt him when he was forming TWF Army. The two had to be split apart during the interview. The match end when both hit the ref several times leading the match being thrown out. American Hero, Sheamus, Shinsuke Nakumara, Ridge Holland came spliting them apart to end the show
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-2/24/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 4 Matches:
1. Bracket A Match: Quinton Snyder and Clyde Neptune beat Ligi Brothers
2. 4 Way Qualifying Match For 12 Way TLC 22 Match at WM39: Johnny Garganno and Dexter Lumis beat Legado del Fantasma, Marcus Croft/Tyson Bronx, Barbecue Jones/Joe Jr
3. Bracket D Match: Kong Remer and Link Rod beat David Omega and Gabriel Lock
4. Bracket A Match: Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock beat Mac Yates and Mane MacAlister
5. 4 Way Qualifying Match For 12 Way TLC 22 Match at WM39: Cederick Alexander and Shelton Benjamin beat Chad Gable/Otis, PYT, Gambit Inc
6. Bracket D Match: Hugo Robin and Ivan Shroud beat Elroy Stone and Wendell Cheetah
7. Bracket A Match: Atlas River and Hanson Snower beat Cheesy Warriors
8. 4 Way Qualifying Match For 12 Way TLC 22 Match at WM39: Solomon Spirit and Jack Crystal beat American Brothers, Uso Brothers, Josh Brigs/Brooks Jensen
ECW's Saturday Nights Back On The Road-2/25/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 4 Matches:
1. Bracket C Match: Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz beat Carl War and Brent Jet
2. Non Tournament Pick Your Poison Match: Dolph Ziggler beat Cyrus Bourne
3. Bracket F Match: Nightwings beat Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood
4. Bracket C Match: Stew Rosen and Leo Ambrose beat Good Brothers
5. Non Tournament Pick Your Poison Match: Elias beat Drew Gulak
6. Bracket F Match: Samson Sanchez and Hayden Sander beat Cederick Alexander and Shelton Benjamin
7. Bracket C Match: Hot Shots beat Seth Owens and Ash Hyde
8. Non Tournament Pick Your Poison Match: The Miz beat Mark Lite
EUWF House Show-2/25/2023 results:
1. 4 Way Dance For ECW World TV Title: Bruce Doomsday (c) beat Dolph Ziggler, Drew Gulak, Elias
2. 3 Way Dance For ECW World Heavyweight Title Match: Walter (c) beat Pete Dunne and Sheamus
3. TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match: Mark Lite and Jim Brooks (c) beat Uso Brothers
4. EUWF IC Title Match: Bronson Reed (c) beat Gary J
5. Unified US Tag Team Titles: Street Profits (c) beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
6. EUWF World Ladies Title: Jade Thunder (c) beat Candice LaRae
7. Unified World 6 Man Tag Team Titles: Hurt Business (c) beat American Brothers and Mark Night
8. 4 Way Dance For EUWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Kevin Steen (c) beat Karrion Kross, Sami Zayn, Bray Wyatt
EUWF's Sunday Night Party 135-2/25/2024 results:
Pre Show:
1. Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 4 Bracket D Match: Samson Sanchez and Hayden Sander beat Dutch Lane and Abram Max
2. Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 4 Bracket A Match: Jump Start beat Frank Lanley and Fin Sandy
1. Elimination Chamber Match For EUWF World Ladies Title: Candice LaRae (c) beat Roxanne Perez, Liv Morgan. Naomi, Queen Patricia, Kairi Sane
2. Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 4 Bracket D Match: Clifford Darkness and Emanuel Fire beat Cruz Del Toro and Joaquin Wilde
3. Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 4 Bracket A Match: Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock beat Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme
4. Match For Vacant EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Title: The New Day beat Jeffery Alpha and Jack Pink
5. Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 4 Bracket A Match: Angel Garza and Humberto beat Axiom and Nathan Frazier
6. Elimination Chamber Match For EUWF World Heavyweight Title: Eddie Venom beat Kevin Steen (c), Carmelo Hayes, Phillip Donity, Cyrus Bourne, Andrade. Tyler Black contront Eddie after the match.
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