This Day In Wrestling History-February 2:
Wednesday Night Brawl-2/2/2000 results:
1. Taz and Mike Awesome beat Joe and Barbecue in a Non Title Submissions Only Match.
2. Mamalukes beat Grimes and Angel
3. Spike Dudley beat The Wall
4. Norman Smiley beat Cyborg
5. Tajiri beat Mike Rotundo
6. Billy Kidman beat Falcon to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
7. Joe and Barbecue beat New Age Outlaws in a Hardcore Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Super Crazy beat Vampiro
9. Dallas Page beat Kurt Angle
10. Kane beat Sid Vicious
11. Jim Brooks beat Rick Steiner to retain the EUWF US Title.
12. Joe and Barbecue beat Triple H and Speedster Lite in a Hell In A Cell Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
Saturday Slam Bash-2/2/2002 results:
1. Extreme Knight beat Blood Lightning
2. Crazy beat Trooper 1 and 2
3. Wildfire beat White Ninja and Shadow Ninja
4. Ninja Kid beat Boxer
5. Spirit, Rhendo, Blanka, Machine, April Hunter beat Flash, Dash, The Hurricane, Green Lantern, Mighty Molly
6. Tajiri beat Piloit
7. Dallas Page beat Guile
8. Shadow WX beat Bossman
9. Tommy Dreamer and Naughty By Nature beat Homicide and Hit Squad
10. Chris Jericho beat Mankind
11. Vlad and Jim Brooks beat Joe and Speedster Lite
12. Venom beat Mike Bison in a Barbed Wire Bat Ladder Match to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/2/2004 results:
The show started with RJ Hammer being confront by Doomsday Alliance about his recent actions. RJ said that he didn't care because Sandman was the real trouble. Mike Bison said that Sandman was the problem only because RJ was being unfair and wondered if Doomsday Alliance interview time would be cut next for talking up. RJ said they better be careful or they will and Michelle slapped him. RJ laughed and dared Michelle to do it again and she tried but RJ blocked it. Mike pushed RJ away and RJ made a title match for him and Mike later tonight.
1. New Demolition beat Sagat and Nightmare to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
2. Piloit beat Venom, Masato Tanaka, Randy Orton in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
3. Jimmy Rave beat Jack Crystal to retain the EUWF Lightweight Title.
4. Mr. America beat Booker T to retain the EUWF IC Title.
5. American Heroes beat Los Guerreros to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Joe beat Shawn Michaels to retain the EUWF US Title.
7. AJ Styles beat Homicide to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. RJ Hammer beat Mike Bison to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Title and EUWF World Hardcore Title. The end came with Triple H came to the ring and pedigreed Mike. RJ stopped the ref from ending the match and forced him making the three count. Triple H and RJ celebrated the victory and Mike drop kicked Hunter to floor. Mike said he wanted a rematch for the match and RJ said anytime anyplace. Mike said now and Michelle came making the match. RJ said forget about it and goes to leave but Mike rolled him up from behind to win back both titles. Triple H and RJ attack Mike after the match and the rest of the members of Evolution made of EUWF wrestlers ran to the ring. They joined in on the beating to MVW members made the save whiched surprised Mike. Doomsday Alliance ran to the ring to protect Mike but the MVW left and the show ended with Jill Night checking on Mike.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/2/2005 results:
The show starts with Paul Haymen introducing the ECW Main Event of Wrestlemania XI with AJ Styles v.s. CM Punk for the ECW World Title. Paul congratulated AJ on winning on sunday and Punk also congratulated him. Punk mentioned AJ's upcoming Iron Man Match against Christopher Daniels and the one with Mike Bison at last years wrestlemania. Punk then challenged Styles to make their match at Wrestlemania XI at 60 Minute Iron Man Match saying that AJ doesn't have the balls or endurance to make it 60 minutes. Punk says he can do with his eyes closed and AJ never wrestled that long to his knowledge. AJ accepted the match saying he has no problem wrestling 60 minutes especially against punk especially to get the ECW Title from Punk. AJ then said he wrestle 2 or 3 hours to do it and Punk dared him prove him wrong that he can't make it 31 minutes. AJ got out of the ring attacking Punk and the two brawled around ringside till Colt Cabana and Ace Steele ran in making AJ to leave.
1. Tracy Brooks beat Lady Venom
2. Edge beat Nigel McGuiness
Paul went up to Mad Man Pondo and Sexy Eddy telling them they have to defend their newly won TTWF World Tag Team Titles tonight against Doomsday and Venom.
3. Matt Sydal beat Billy Kidman
4. Jimmy Jacobs, Tajiri, Super Crazy beat Michael Shane, Frankie Karazarian, Christian
5. Mad Man Pondo and Sexy Eddy beat Doomsday and Venom to retain the TTWF World Tag Team Titles.
6. B-Boy beat Spike Dudley to retain the ECW World TV Title.
7. America's Most Wanted beat Sonjay Dutt and Trent Acid to retain the ECW World Tag Team Titles. Colt Cabana and Ace Steele attacked AMW after the match till Naughty By Nature made the save.
8. AJ Styles and Naughty By Nature beat Second City Saints
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-2/2/2007 results:
Quater-Final Round Of Tag Team Tournament:
1. Roderick Strong and Jack Evans beat Doomsday and Venom
2. Nick Berk and Davey Richards beat Eric Young and Jimmy Rave
3. James Gibson and Paul Burchill beat Carlito and Mr. Kennedy
4. John Cena and Batistia beat Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair
Semifinal Round Of Tag Team Tournament:
5. Nick Berk and Davey Richards beat Roderick Strong and Jack Evans
6. John Cena and Batistia beat Carlito and Mr. Kennedy
Non Tournament Match:
7. Mr. America beat Booker T to retain #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title and Wrestlemania 23 Title Shot after holding the top rope and booker's tights. After the match RJ Hammer made a cage match between mr. america and booker for blood bowl on sunday. RJ told Mr. America he better win fair and square on sunday or there will be big problems.
Finals Of Tag Team Tournament:
1. John Cena and Batistia beat Nick Berk and Davey Richards. Cena won a shot at the EUWF World Heavyweight Title at No Way Out 2007 on February 18. Batistia won the shot at Sunday Night Party 65 on February 28. Davey Richards won the title shot St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2007 on February 14. Berk won the shot at Blood Bowl XIII on February 4.
ECW's Saturday Night's At The Arena-2/2/2008 results:
The show started with Iron Saints were walking around backstage and bumped into Tommy Dreamer. They started making fun of him and said they better not get to close to him or they would be on tv even less then they are now. Dreamer then said that the Saints don't have a match for tomorrow and challenged them to one for tag belts. Saints accepted then asked who would Tommy get for a partner and Mick Foley came in saying he love to team with Tommy again after all this time. Saints said that was fine with them and that they have beaten their fair of old ecw guys in the past. That lead to a brawl between the two teams till saints ran off.
1. Nerco Butcher, BJ Whitmer, Sabu, Brent Albright beat Hernadez, Machine, Sagat, Abyss
2. Christopher Daniels beat Jimmy Jacobs
3. Eddie Kingston and Joker beat Brain Damage and Austin Aries
4. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Jimmy Yang and James Gibson in a 3 Way Dance.
5. Justin Credible beat Spirit
6. Jack Crystal beat Rocky Romero
7. Eric Stevens won the first fall of the 2 Fall Match to win the St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2008 ECW World Heavyweight Title Shot on February 14. Brandon Thomaselli beat Doomsday, Petey Williams, Adam Pearce, Colt Cabana in the second fall elimination match of the 2 fall match to win the Sunday Night Party 71 title shot on February 24.
8. Low Ki and Elix Skipper beat Samoa Joe/Homicide and Roderick Strong/Davey Richards in a 3 Way Dance.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/2/2009 results:
1. Jade Thunder beat Alexis Lariee in a Non Title Match.
2. Umaga beat Destroyer from Dangerous Trio
3. Colon Brothers beat East/West Side Dragons
4. Christopher Daniels beat Piloit
5. Trooper 1 and 2 beat Brian Thunder and John Fire to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
6. American Wolves beat LAX to retain the EUWF/ECW US Tag Team Titles Rematch.
7. Doomsday and Chris Jericho beat Austin Aries and Brent Albright
8. Triple H and Shawn Michaels beat RJ Hammer/Mark Night, Edge/Christian, Undertaker/Kane in a 4 Way Dance.
TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-2/2/2010 results:
TWF's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Matches (Match At SNP83):
1. Mr. America beat Eric Bison, Piloit, Cyrus Bourne in a 4 Way Dance.
2. Trooper 1 beat Speedster Lite, Duke, Chris Night in a 4 Way Dance.
3. Joe beat Snake Eyes, Trooper 2, Guile in a 4 Way Dance.
4. Mark Night beat Taion, Duke, Barbecue in a 4 Way Dance.
5. Machine beat Jim Brooks, Power Warrior, Blood Warrior in a 4 Way Dance.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/2/2011 results:
ECW's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Tournament:
Block A:
1. Ricochet beat TJ Wilson
2. Austin Aries beat Trent Bretta
3. Homicide beat Claudio Castagnoli
4. Kofi Kingston beat Kenny Omega
Block B:
1. Shelton Benjamin beat David Otunga
2. TJ Perkins beat Ares
3. John Morrison beat Rey Misterio Jr.
4. Low Ki beat Alex Shelley
Non Tournament:
The show started with CM Punk celebrating his second straight Royal Rumble win and Wade Barrett came out challenging him to a match at Blood Bowl 17. Before Punk could answer Edge came to the ring challenge Punk to match too and all three got into it. Mike Bison came from the back saying that Teddy Long is sick and won't be here tonight leaving him in charge. He booked a 3 Way between them for BB17 on sunday and then told them to leave or none of them will get a title shot any time soon. They soon left and Mike called out Machine. Machine showed up on the Titantron saying he wanted a match with Mike to teach him not to mess with the new Machine just like he did his sister. He wanted it at Blood Bowl 17 and in a Barbed Wire Madness Match for the EUWF World Triple Crown Title. Mike agreed to it and said he was like a brother to him. They called each other when their ladies left them but Machine seemed to go on his own thing. That confused Mike and Machine says that this is tapped. Machine came from the crowd with a light tube chair and slammed it across Mike's back. He then puts the chair around Mike's throat and gets a second chair. Machine said that he will save this for sunday if Mike bothers to show up and chased out of the ring by Eric Bison and Taion.
TWF's Thursday Night Fire-2/2/2012 results:
Elimination Chamber Qualifying Tournament Bracket 2:
1. Taion beat Eric Bison
2. WN Alpha beat Piloit
3. Jim Brooks beat Venom
4. Brian Thunder beat Brett Wayfield
ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-2/2/2013 results:
1. LuFisto beat Ms. America
2. Sin Cara beat Jimmy Jacobs
3. Venom beat Willie Mack
4. CM Punk, Kevin Steen, Bryan Danielson beat Cyrus Bourne, Dolph Ziggler, Austin Aries
5. Brett Wayfield beat Heath Slater
6. Mike Bison beat Drake Younger
7. El Generico won the Battle Royal for Blood Bowl 19 Title Shot and Cody Rhodes as runner up won the St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2013 Title Shots. Kenny King, Kofi Kingston, Rhett Titus, Joey Ryan, Heath Slater, Jigsaw, Hallowicked, Sheamus, Rhino, Justin Gabriel, Christopher Daniels, Robert Roode, Alex Shelley, Zach Ryder, James Storm, Samoa Joe, Colt Cabana, Christian Cage were also in the match.
Blood Bowl 20-2/2/2014 results:
Super Pre Show 21:
1. Blonde Ambition beat Queens Of Wrestling to retain the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
2. Star Pryde beat Ms. America to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
3. Laurie Hammer, Ariel Bison, Janet Lee Bison beat Harley Wayfield and Lady NBN in a No Rope Barbed Wire Match.
4. Adam Cole beat AR Fox and Sin Cara in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Lightweight Title.
5. Tristin Heartsend and Richie Borndo beat Piloit and Masion Dixie to retain the Unified World HC Tag Team Titles.
6. Venom beat Abyss to retain the Unified World HC Title.
7. Ash Hyde beat WN Alpha in a Tables Match to retain the Unified World TV Title.
8. Jay Lethal beat Alberto Del Rio to retain the Unified World Iron Man Title.
9. Cody Rhodes beat Michel Elgin to retain the Unified US Title.
10. Dolph Ziggler and Cyrus Bourne beat Bad Influence to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
11. Warrior Ninjas beat American Heroes in a Anything Goes.
12. Brett Wayfield and Hoodies beat Jackson Rouch and Naughty By Nature in a Fans Bring The Weapons.
1. Night Brothers beat Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno to win the Unified US Tag Team Titles.
2. Wyatt Family beat Kings Of Wrestling
3. Roman Reigns, Eddie Edwards, Thomas Bernard, Harrison Boss beat The Shield
4. Doomsday beat Robert Roode to retain the Unified IC Title.
5. Jim Brooks and Speedster Lite beat Donity Brothers to win the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Bison Brothers, Taion, Guile beat Eddie Kingston, Jigsaw, Hawllowicked, Gran Akuma in a Weapons Match.
7. Kevin Steen, Jimmy Jacobs, Young Bucks beat Samoa Joe, Cyrus Bourne, Dolph Ziggler, Colt Cabana in a Dog Collar Match after Rhino gored Cyrus leading to win for SCUM. SCUM beat on Honor Brigade till El Generico made his return wearing black mask making the save.
8. Randy Orton beat Doomsday, Chris Hero, Chrsitian Cage in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/2/2015 results:
1. Ash Hyde beat Kofi Kingston
2. Christopher Daniels beat KENTA
3. Sami Zayn beat Brett Wayfield
4. Mr. America beat Cyrus Bourne. Before the match Mr. America confronted the controversy at Royal Rumble 2015 match where he barley hung on but the ref on the opposite side had award the match to Bryan Danielson before MA had eliminated him. After coming together the refs decide Mr. America hadn't been eliminated and was award the match. Danielson came out and MA says that he hates the controversy because it ruins his chances for redemption. He wants nothing like that stopping him from proving himself all over again at WM31. He challenges Danielson to a match at SNP113 for WM31 Title Shot. Danielson said yes and Cyrus came out demanding to be put in the match saying he got screwed again last night. MA and Danielson said no and Laurie Hammer came on big screen saying last night was Cyrus' last shot. Cyrus went to the ring mad as Danielson left. After the match Cyrus attacked MA leading to Danielson trying to make the save. He went for running knee on Cyrus but he moved and ended up hitting MA. Danielson cleared the ring of Cyrus but MA then confronted him about the knee. The two went at it till they were separated by American Heroes
5. Kevin Steen beat Rusev
6. Claudio Castagnoli beat Bryatt Wyatt in a Non Title Match.
Tournament For Future Triple Crown Title Shots:
1. Tyler Black beat Jay Uso, Jay Uso, Roman Reigns in a 4 Way Dance.
2. Ricochet beat Rich Swan, Connor, Victor in a 4 Way Dance.
3. Joe Henning beat Titus O'Neil, Roderick Strong, Michel Elgin in a 4 Way Dance.
4. Jay Lethal beat Davey Richards, Eddie Edwards, Big E in a 4 Way Dance.
TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-2/2/2016 results:
1. Taion beat Freddie Waldeno
2. Sagat beat Samurai Ninja II
3. King Peter beat Eric Bison
4. Ash Hyde beat Bloody Donity
5. Power Donity beat Cyrus Bourne
6. Mr. America beat Jack Pink
7. Jeffery Alpha beat Brian Thunder
8. Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Night Brothers beat Kevin Steen, Seth Owens, Dolph Ziggler, AJ Styles. Problems between steen and seth continued leading to steen walking out again.
TWF's Thursday Night Wars-2/2/2017 results:
1. Lightning Girl beat Ninja Girl
2. The Masters beat Iron Gloves II
3. Sally Gunnstone beat Firebird
4. Power Donity beat Spirit, Jack Crystal, Bloody Donity in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
5. Brian Thunder beat Mark Night, Piloit, Masion Dixie in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
6. Machine beat Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Sagat in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
7. Ash Hyde beat Brett Wayfield, Jackson Rouch, Mr. America in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
8. Mr. Venom beat Hollywood Doomsday, Guile, Taion in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
TWF's Thursday Night Wars-2/2/2017 results:
1. Lightning Girl beat Ninja Girl
2. The Masters beat Iron Gloves II
3. Sally Gunnstone beat Firebird
4. Power Donity beat Spirit, Jack Crystal, Bloody Donity in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
5. Brian Thunder beat Mark Night, Piloit, Masion Dixie in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
6. Machine beat Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Sagat in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
7. Ash Hyde beat Brett Wayfield, Jackson Rouch, Mr. America in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
8. Mr. Venom beat Hollywood Doomsday, Guile, Taion in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-2/2/2018 results:
1. Bayley beat Sasha Banks, Tamina, Alexia Bliss in a 4 Women's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
2. Breezango beat Dary Ranger and Daniel Xtreme
3. Asuka beat Charlotte Flair, Liv Morgan, Becky Lynch, Nikki Cross in a 5 Women's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
4. King Theodore III beat Jack Gallagher
5. Tommy End beat Sheamus in a Non Title Match.
6. Adam Cole beat Prince Devitt
7. Jay Lethal beat Johnny Gargano
8. Claudio Castagnoli won the Battle Royal-Winner Gets ECW World Heavyweight Title Shot at Hostile City Showdown. Sami Zayn, Joe Henning, ACH, The New Day, Cederick Alexander, reDragon, Chris Hero, Titus O'Neil, Apollo Crews, All Night Express, Hype Brothers, TJ Perkins, Mike Benett, KENTA, Shinsuke Nakaumara was also in the match
TWF's Saturday Night Fire-2/2/2019 results:
1. 4 Way Lightweight Tag Team's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At After The Dawn 2019 on February 24): Hard Luck Fighters beat Hot and Spicy, Brett and Chris Prowl, Hot Shots
2. Women's Tag Team Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2019 on February 14): The Players beat Doomsday Girl and Lady Venomous
3. 4 Way Lightweight Tag Team's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At After The Dawn 2019 on February 24): Brian Thunder and John Fire beat Dean Nuke and Nick Acid, Dogs Of War, East/West Dragons
4. Women's Tag Team Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2019 on February 14): Pink Dudley and Hardcore Bytch beat Mary Jane Soindatrimin and Jennifer Roadie
5. 4 Way Lightweight Tag Team's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At After The Dawn 2019 on February 24): Ash Hyde and Seth Owens beat Nightwings, Aliens, Chris Prime and Matt Pigpen
6. Justine Hounda beat Felicia Sword
7. 4 Way Lightweight Tag Team's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At After The Dawn 2019 on February 24): Vlad and Impaler beat Anthony Venomous/Steven Doomsday, Colt Star/Patrick Thorne. Connor Stark/Bruce Summers
8. Eric Bison, Taion, Guile beat Harrison Boss and Fat Boys
TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-2/2/2021 results:
1. 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: KUSHIDA beat Tyson Bronx, Danny Burch, Peter Spider
2. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Isaac Block and Trey Widow beat Hot Shots
3. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mandez v.s. Kappa Knights
4. 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Marcus Croft beat Oney Lorcan, Mark Night, Austin Theory
5. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Gabriel Lock and Bruno Crazy beat Joseph Adventure and Ralph Doctor
6. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Hoodies beat Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher
7. 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Mustafa Ali beat Xavier Woods, Killian Dange, Cederick Alexander
8. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Elijah Crash and John Rose beat Mickey Sensation and Shaggy Brown
9. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Hard Luck Fighters beat Matt Riddle and Jeff Hardy
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/2/2022 results:
Tag Festival XII Round 3 Matches:
1. Bracket C Match: Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend beat Bruise Brothers
2. Bracket F Match: Taylor Wad and GQ Wiley beat Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson
3. Bracket C Match: Phat Boys beat Gavin Guile and Ulysses Taion
4. Bracket F Match: Wade Wallace and Westley Watson beat Bishop Rider and Arthur Star
5. Bracket C Match: Issah Saturn and Yuri Knight beat Jump Start
6. Bracket F Match: Dark Brothers beat Rock Holder and Crasher Jack
7. Bracket C Match: Dominik Mysterio and Rey Misterio beat Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler
8. Bracket F Match: Elijah Crash and John Rose beat Nightwings
9. Non Tournament ECW Men's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Pete Dunne beat Akira Tozawa, Guru Raaj,The Miz
TWF's Thursday Night Wars-2/2/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 3 Matches:
1. Bracket E Match: Crow Brothers beat Road Knights
2. 4 Way TWF's Women's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Justine Hounda beat Xi Li, Ivy Nile, Joise Jinx
3. Bracket B Match: Gavin Guile and Ulysses Taion wrestled King Stan and Thomas Berad to a Draw.
4. Bracket E Match: War Machine beat Barbecue Jones and Joe Jr
5. 4 Way TWF's Men's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: LA Knight beat Carello Hayes, Ash Hyde, Mark Lite.
6. Bracket B Match: Elijah Crash and John Rose beat Johnny Garganno and Dexter Lumis
7. Bracket E Match: Chase U beat The New Day
8. 4 Way TWF's Women's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Charlotte Flair beat Carol Ninja, Carmella, Nora Gold
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-2/2/2024 results:
Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 3 Matches:
1. Bracket D Match: Dutch Lane and Abram Max beat Rock Holder and Crasher Jack
2. 4 Way EUWF's Women's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Roxanne Prez beat Nikkita Lyons, Donna Blaster, Jill Night
3. Bracket A Match: Zen Warriors beat Apollo Crews and Ricochet
4. Bracket D Match: Hot and Spicy beat Mickey Sensation and Shaggy Brown
5. 4 Way EUWF's Women's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Liv Morgan beat Nattie Neidhart, Lucy Warrior, Lisa Ninja
6. Bracket A Match: Axiom and Nathan Frazier beat Stu Bomb and Rick Knife
7. Bracket D Match: Jeffery Alpha and Jack Pink beat Jupiter Jordan and Xander Seed
8. 4 Way EUWF's Men's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Andrade beat Trick Williams, Frank Lanley, Ulysses Taion
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