Wednesday, February 5, 2025

This Day In Wrestling History-February 5 (Awesome Tries To Destroy Duggan, Freak Show group comes together, Wrestling Strike?, Blood Bowl 12/18/23, Super Pre Show 4/17/27)


This Day In Wrestling History-February 5:
Saturday Slam Jam-2/5/2000 results:

1. Mike Whipwreck beat Jamie Howard
2. Taion beat Dave Barkhead
3. Simon Diamond beat Hardwork Walker
4. Lady Doomsday beat Jazz
5. Little Guido beat Silver King
6. Lash Laroux beat C.W. Anderson
7. Billy Kidman beat X-Pac to win the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
8. Mike Awesome beat Snake Eyes, Shadow Ninja, White Ninja, Ninja Kid in a 4 on 1 handicap match.  Awesome then challenged anyone saying that was to easy.
9. Hacksaw Jim Duggan beat Mike Awesome by count-out.  Awesome went for the diving splash over the top rope onto Duggan but a fan siting in the front row pushed him out of the way and Awesome landed ribs first on the guard rail.  Duggan rolled back into the ring at 9 and the ref counted Awesome out.  The fan starts screaming at Awesome and the two start fighting.  The fans hat and sunglasses fall off to reveal it to be Jim Brooks.  The security had to break the two up.
10. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko beat New Age Outlaws to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/5/2001 results:

1. Matsunaga and Honma beat Acolytes
2. Taion, Mark Night, Chris Night beat Barbecue and American Turncoats to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
3. Lady Doomsday beat Ariel Bison to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
4. Kronic beat Bull Buchanan and Goodfather
5. Yamakawa, Shadow WX, Miss Lee beat Mike Bison, Commander, Queen Bison
6. Balls Mahoney beat Hardcore Holly to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
7, Joe beat Mankind to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
8. Tajiri and Mikey Whipwreck beat Edge and Christian to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
9. Jerry Lynn beat Crash Holly to retain the EUWF IC Title.
10. Venom beat Mike Awesome to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
11. Naughty By Nature beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
12. Steve Austin and Goldberg beat Big Show and Tommy Dreamer
13. The Rock beat RJ Hammer, Steve Corino, Jesus Bison to win a shot at the EUWF World Heavyweight Title on Smackdown on Thursday.
14. Doomsday beat Rhino to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  After the match, Scott Steiner attacked Doomsday until the rest of Doomsday Inc. made the save.  Doomsday then challenged Steiner to a Hell In A Cell Match to take place at EUWF's No Way Out on February 25 and Steiner agrees to it.
Doomsday: "Steiner this ends one way or another in that cage."

Wednesday Night Brawl-2/5/2003 results:

1. Undertaker beat Brimstone in a Street Fight Match.
2. Donovan Morgan beat Curry Man. Morgan and Somoa Joe who ran to the ring after the match tried to rip the mask off curry but the jason the terrible showed up again and head butted both.  New Demolition attacked Jason and they go for the masks till to guys dress as leatherface ran to the ring with chainsaws clearing New Demolition, Somoa Joe, Morgan.
3. Spike Dudley beat Crush from New Demolition
4. Jeff Hardy beat Devil Bison
5. Crash The Terminator beat Shadow WX
6. American Dragon beat Taion
7. Chris Jericho beat RC Haas to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. Kurt Angle and Somoa Joe beat Rob Van Dam and Sabu
Barbecue comes out at the end of the program saying that Flair has kept him out of building and did the same on Monday.  He warned Flair not to pull this crap and that this monday the Doomsday Alliance will be going on strike to end the show.

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-2/5/2004 results:

The show starts with RJ Hammer in ring and saying that starting to tonight he is taking charge of things.  He also said he is going to make things the way he wants it and made a match with himself against AJ Styles.  He then made a match with Mike Bison defending the EUWF World Heavyweight Title against Triple H in a 4 Weapons On A Poll Match with a chair, surprise bag, sledge hammer, singapore cane wrapped in barbed wire in the corners.  He also told mike that he will have to defend his hardcore title in another match before the match against Triple H.
1. Hard Luck Fighters beat Hoodies to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
2. Nova beat Izzy
3. Briscoe Brothers beat Jimmy Yang and Ryan Sakoda
4. New Demolition beat Joe, Spirit, Jack Crystal to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
5. Mr. America beat Eddie Guerrero to retain the EUWF IC Title.
6. Mike Bison beat Low Ki, Homicide, Venom in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
7. AJ Styles beat RJ Hammer, Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle in a 4 Way Dance to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  Angle and Michaels was put in the match by Lady Hammer before it started.
8. Mike Bison beat Triple H in a 4 Weapons On A Pole Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

TTWF's Saturday Slam Bash-2/5/2005 results:

1. Jade beat Lady Trooper to retain the TTWF World Women's Title.
2. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Spanky and Paul London to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
3. Ring Crew Express beat Knockout and Slasher
4. JC Bailey beat Piloit to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
5. Nate Webb beat Taion to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
6. Mr. America beat Kurt Angle to retain the TTWF US Title.
7. Petey Williams beat Masato Tanaka, Homicide, Joe, Booker T, Mr. America in a 6 Way Dance to earn a shot at the TTWF World Heavyweight Title at No Way Out 2005 on February 20.
8. Eddie Guerrero beat Mike Bison to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.

Blood Bowl XII-2/5/2006 results:

Super Pre Show
The super pre show also featured the Top 12 Blood Bowl Moments, Top 12 Blood Bowl Matches, Top 10 EUWF Matches from 2005, Top 10 ECW Matches from 2005, and Top Ten TTWF Matches from 2005.
1. April Hunter beat Ms. America in a Bra and Panties Match to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
2. Ariel Bison beat Tracy Brooks
3. Lady Venom beat Crazy Woman
4. Fire Woman beat Lady Doomsday
5. Sexxy Eddy and Street Warrior beat Rhendo and Blanka
6. Trevor Murdoch beat Lance Cade
7. Booker T beat Kevin Steen
8. Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, Bobby Lashley beat War Backlot Assassin, Crash Backlot Assassin, Dangerous Backlot Assassin, Blood Backlot Assassin
9. New Demolition beat Dangerous Trio, FBI, Blackout in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
10. Guile and Erica Tempted beat Taion and Lady Trooper to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
11. Millano Collection AT beat Super Dragon to retain the ECW IC Title.
12. Kurt Angle beat Randy Orton
13. Samoa Joe beat JBL
14. Jay Lethal beat Jesus Bison
15. BJ Whitmer beat Jimmy Jacobs
16. Paul London and Spanky beat Nigel McGuiness and Claudio Castagnoli
17. Ring Crew Express beat Iron Saints
18. Rhino beat RC Haas
19. High Rollers beat Dicks
20. Power and Blood Backlot Assassin beat Heart Throbs
21. Lady Smasher beat Lady Basher
22. Ray Gordy beat Shelton Benjamin
23. John Cena beat Triple H
24. Delirious beat Matt Sydal and Sho Funaki in a 3 Way Dance.
25. Chavo Guerrero Jr. beat Jerry Lynn
26. Brandon Thomassali beat Azrieal and El Generico in a 3 Way Dance.
27. Low Ki beat Chris Masters and Chad Collyer in a 3 Way Dance.
28. CM Punk beat Ken Doane
29. Jack Evans beat Spirit, Rey Misterio Jr., Michael Shane, Trent Acid, Red, Sonjay Dutt, Frankie Karazarian, Nate Webb, Jimmy Yang in a 10 Way Mayhem Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
30. James Gibson beat Roderick Strong to retain the EUWF US Title.
31. Speedster Lite beat Petey Williams and Elix Skipper in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF IC Title.
32. Bryan Danielson beat AJ Styles, Austin Aries, Christopher Daniels, Rob Van Dam in a 5 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
33. Sabu beat Abyss, Nerco Butcher, Shadow WX, Mad Man Pondo, New Jack in a 6 Way Dance to retain the ECW World Hardcore Triple Crown Title.
34. Colt Cabana and Ace Steele beat Shane Twins, Psicosis/Super Crazy, Hardy Boyz, Dynamic Duo, Hard Luck Fighters, Wildfire, Crazy, Night Brothers, Hoodies, America's Most Wanted, Maximo Brothers, Bashman Brothers, Joe/Piloit in a 14 Way Tag Team Scramble Match to Win A Spot in TLC Match for EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.


1. Doomsday beat Chris Sabin in a No DQ Match to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
2. Erica Tempted beat Jade in a Barbed Wire Strap Match to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
3. Knockout and Slasher beat John Fire and Snake Eyes in a Last Team Standing Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Jack Crystal beat Nick Berk in a Submission Match to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
5. Venom beat B-Boy in a No Holds Barred Match to retain the ECW World TV Title.
6. Edge beat Jim Brooks and Rhino in a 3 Way TLC Match to retain the ECW US Title.
7. Dudleyz beat Havana Pitbulls in a Tables Match to retain the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
8. Naughty By Nature beat 3 Minute Warning in a TPE Brawl Game Match to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
9. Gothics beat Colt Cabana/Ace Steele, Machine/Sagat, Briscoe Brothers, Alex Shelley/Jimmy Rave, Brian Thunder/Duke in a 6 Way TLC Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
10. Christopher Daniels won the 52 Blood Bowl Battle Royal  (Fans bring the weapons and Wrestlers bring their own weapons battle royal) to get a shot at the EUWF World Heavyweight Title at EUWF's No Way Out 2006 on February 19.  Rhino being the last ECW wrestler in the match gets a shot at the ECW World Heavyweight Title at EUWF's No Way Out 2006 on February 19.  Gothics, Naughty By Nature, Dudleyz, Edge, Venom, Jack Crystal, Knockout, Slasher, Doomsday, Colt Cabana, Ace Steele, Sabu, Bryan Danielson, Speedster Lite, James Gibson, Jack Evans, CM Punk, Low Ki, Brandon Thomassali, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Delirious, John Cena, Ray Gordy, Power Backlot Assassin, Blood Backlot Assassin, High Rollers, Ring Crew Express, Paul London, Spanky, BJ Whitmer, Jay Lethal, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Millano Collection AT, New Demolition, Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, Bobby Lashley, Booker T, Trevor Murdoch, Sexxy Eddy, Street Warrior were also in the match.
11. Mike Bison beat Mr. America in a Weapons Match to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
12. Chris Hero beat Shawn Michaels to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  Before the match Edge went up to Chris Hero asking when he was going to get some help in ECW against Mike Bison and his friends and the real americans.  Hero said he will take care of it.  Edge said to him he better soon.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/5/2007 results:

1. Ms. America beat Cheerleader Melissa to win the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. Jack Evans beat Ken Doane
3. Ric Flair beat Venom in a Non Title Match.
4. Roderick Strong beat Charlie Haas
5. Doomsday beat Jimmy Rave to retain the EUWF IC Title.
6. Briscoe Brothers beat Matt Bentley and Frankie Karazarian
7. Duce and Domino beat Guile and Taion
8. Mr. America, Nick Berk, Davey Richards, Ray Gordy, Randy Orton beat Hardy Boyz, Booker T, John Cena, Batistia

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-2/5/2010 results:

1. Dude Buster beat Kenny King and Rhett Titus
2. Brian Thunder beat Matt Hardy
3. Super Smash Brothers beat New Demolition
4. Cody Rhodes beat Guile
5. Jack Swagger beat Chris Night
6. El Generico beat Kofi Kingston in a Non Title Match.
7. Tyler Black, Speedster Lite, Christian Cage beat
D-X and Hernadez.  CM Punk was taken out of the match because of trainers worry about injuries suffered on Raw.  Punk tried to come out to be in the match but was escorted to the back by wrestlers and security.
8. Colt Cabana wins a Battle Royal to get the St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2010 Title Shot on February 13. Kevin Steen, Matt Sydal, Kenny Omega, Mr. America, Dolph Ziggler,  Jim Brooks, Bryan Danielson, Eric Bison, Triple H, Kane, Undertaker, Matt Hardy, Batistia, Mark Night

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-2/5/2011 results:
ECW's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Tournament:

Block A:

1. Drake Younger beat Necro Butcher
2. Chuck Taylor beat Kenny King
3. Sami Callihan beat Dolph Ziggler
4. Samoa Joe beat Sheamus

Block B:

1. John Moxly beat Jack Swagger
2. Johnny Gargano beat Adam Cole
3. B-Boy beat Harry Smith
4. Chris Hero beat Chris Sabin

EUWF's Blood Bowl 18-2/5/2012 results:

Super Pre Show 17:

1. Jinx beat Pink Dudley
2. Kong beat Ms. America
3. Ariel Bison beat Harley Wayfield
4. Jade Thunder and Temptress beat Christine Crystal and Lady Gangster
5, Lady Doomsday beat Scarlet
6. Laurie Hammer beat Lady Warrior Ninja
7. Tommaso Ciampa beat Snake Eyes
8. Eddie Edwards beat Mike Bennett
9. Pinkie Sanchez beat Dolph Ziggler
10. Kenny Omega beat Yoshitatsu
11. Cody Rhodes beat Jimmy Rave
12. Hallowicked beat Ted Dibiase Jr.
13. Jigsaw beat Justin Gabriel
14. Roderick Strong beat Trent Barretta
15. Michel Elgin beat Alex Riley and Duke in a 3 Way Dance.
16. Gran Akuma beat Chuck Taylor and Drew McIntyre in a 3 Way Dance.
17. Wade Barrett beat Robert Roode and Sheamus in a 3 Way Dance.
18. Randy Orton beat James Storm
19. Samoa Joe beat Bubba Jones and The Mizz in a 3 Way Dance.
20. Jon Davis beat Hunico and Dagger in a 3 Way Dance.
21. Hot Shots and Sandy Gales beat Vampire Nation in a Hell In A Cell Death Match.
22. Future Shock won the Tag Team Battle Royal to win Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles later in the Pre Show.  East/West Side Dragons, Briscoe Brothers, LAX, Briscoe Brothers, Kings Of Wrestling, Road Knights, Trooper 1/2, WN Alpha/Sigma, Caprice Coleman/Cedric Alexander, Saviors, Brian Thunder/Duke, Vlad/Impaler, Philly's Most Wanted, Wildfire, Crazy, Uso Brothers, Primo/Epico, Night Brothers, Havanna Pitbulls were also in the match.
23. Power Warrior beat Blood Donity in a Weapons Match.
24. Machine and Sagat beat Piloit and Maison Dixie to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
25. Beth Phoenix and Nattie Neidhart beat North/South Side Dragons and Queens Of Wrestling in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
26. Sara Del Rey beat HC Bytch to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
27. Jay Lethal beat Jimmy Jacobs to retain the Unified World TV Title.
28. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Naughty By Nature to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
29. Brett Wayfield beat Jackson Rouch in a Light Tube Death Match to retain the Unified World HC Title.
30. North American Dragons beat Future Shock to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.


1. Austin Aries beat Low Ki in a 20 Minute Iron Man Match to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
2. Zach Ryder beat Frankie Kazarian to retain the Unified IC Title.
3. Tyler Black beat AR Fox to retain the Unified US Title.
4. Doomsday and Venom beat Young Bucks and Joe/Barbecue in a 3 Way Ladder Match to retain the Unified US Tag Team Titles.
5. Cyrus Bourne beat Pac to retain the Unified World Lightweight Title.
6. Kevin Steen beat Machine in a Anything Goes.
7. AJ Styles, Davey Richards, Kofi Kingston beat Akira Tozawa/BxB Hulk/Naruki Doi, Christopher Daniels/John Moxly/Sami Callihan, Masaki Mochizuki, Jimmy Susumu/Masato Yoshino in a 4 Way Elimination Tag Team Match.
8. CM Punk (Defending for Mike Bison) beat Mr. America in a Hell In A Match.  So Mike retains the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-2/5/2013 results:

1. Ariel Bison beat Lady Warrior Ninja
2. Dominatrixic beat Temptress
3. Alcarda Vania beat Harley Wayfield
4. Scarlet beat Jade Thunder

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/5/2014 results:

1. Venom beat Heath Slater in a Non Title Match.
2. Doomsday beat Colt Cabana in a Non Title Match.
3. Christian Cage beat Power Donity
4. AJ Styles beat Brodie Lee
5. TJ Wilson beat Brett Wayfield
6. Sonjay Dutt beat Mr. America
7. Kofi Kingston beat Austin Aries
8. Samoa Joe and Sheamus beat Randy Orton and Kevin Steen

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-2/5/2015 results:

1. Young Bucks beat Vlad and Impaler
2. Wade Barrett beat Freddie Waldeno in a Non Title Match.
3. Low Ki beat Peter Spider
4. Roman Reings beat Bubba Jones in a Non Title Match.
5. Uso Brothers beat Blood Ninja and Samurai Ninja II
6. Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Kofi Kingston beat Kings Of Wrestling and Cody Rhodes

Tournament For Future Triple Crown Title Shots Semifinal Round:

1. Jay Lethal beat Tyler Black
2. Joe Henning beat Ricochet

ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-February 5 results:

The show started with a moment of silence for Axl Rotten who died yesterday.
1. Nattie Neidhart beat Moonshine in a Non Title Match.
2. Cody Rhodes beat Cyrus Bourne
3. Samoa Joe beat Sagat
4. Dolph Ziggler and Ash Hyde beat Beer Money
5. Hype Brothers beat Bad Influence
6. The New Day beat Mr. America, Brian and Duke Thunder
7. Speedster Lite beat AJ Styles
8. Kevin Steen beat Jay Lethal in a Non Title Match.

Blood Bowl 23-2/5/2017 results:

Super Pre Show 27:
1. John Moxly beat Ash Hyde in a 30 Minute Iron Man Match to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
2. Adam Cole beat Sami Zayn to retain the EUWF US Title.
3. Dogs Of War beat Black Valkyrie in a Double Dog Collar Match to retain the TWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. TWF World Lightweight Title: Jim Brooks v.s. Speedster Lite
5.  Richie Borndo beat Tristin Heartsend to retain the TWF World TV Title.
6. Drew Gulak beat Kevin Steen to retain the ECW IC Title.
7. Star Pryde and Nia Jax beat Queens Of Wrestling to retain the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
8. King Peter beat Jack Crystal in a No Rope Barbed Wire and Light Tubes Match to retain theECW World Hardcore Title.


1. Sasha Banks beat Harley Wayfield and Ms. America in a in a 3 Way Dance to retain theUnified World Ladies Title.
2. War Machone beat Machine/Sagat, Brodie Lee/Braun Strowman, Hollywood Doomsday/Mr. Venom in a 4 Way Dance to retain the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
3. Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson beat Brett Wayfield/Jackson Rouch, Naughty By Nature, Harrison Boss/Tommy Bernard in a 4 Way Tables Match to retain the EUWF US Tag Team Titles;
4. Samoa Joe beat Roman Reigns
5. #BrokenHardies beat Wyatt Brothers in a Non Title-No DQ Match.
6. Seth Owens beat Jack Crystal, Speedster Lite, Guile in a 4 Way Dance to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
7. Robert Roode beat Chris Jericho, Hallowicked, Roderick Strong, Johnny Gargano in a 5 Way Dance to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
8. Cyrus Bourne beat Randy Orton to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/5/2018 results:

1. Nattie Neidhart beat Ruby Riot
2. Motor City Machine Guns beat Scott Shock and Phoenix Edge
3. Drew Gulak and Tony Neese beat Spirit and Jack Crystal
4. Uso Brothes beat Grey/Gold Dragons
5. Brodie Lee beat Freddie Waldebno
6. Sir Tristia beat Samurai Del Sol
7. Frankie Kazarian beat Brian Thunder
8. Cyrus Bourne beat Ricochet
9. Mr. America beat Christopher Daniels
10. Rusev, Bryatt Wyatt, The Miz beat Robert Roode, AJ Styles, Tyler Black

EUWF's Smackdown Live-2/5/2019 results:

1. Sasha Banks beat Pink Dudley
2. Shelton Benjamin beat Rusev
3. Hardcore Bytch beat Liv Morgan
4. Chad Gable beat Apollo Crews
5. Nattie Neidhart beat Felicia Sword
6. Prince Devitt beat John Moxly
7. Non Title Match: Nikki Cross beat Justine Hounda
8. EC3, Prince Thomas, Sir Tristan, Elias beat Samoa Joe and The New Day

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/5/2020 results:

1. Tag Festival X Round 6 Match: Dogs Of War beat Axel Grey and Andrew Gold
2. 4 Way Hostile City Showdown 2020's Women Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Candice LaRae beat Stacy America, Samantha Bison, Mary Jane Soind
3. Tag Festival X Round 6 Match: Vincet Vlad and Ian Impaler beat Bruise Brothers
4. Faith Fire beat Deonna Purrazzo
5. Tag Festival X Round 6 Match: Nightwings beat The Forgotten Sons
6. Keith Lee beat Tommy End
7. Tag Festival X Round 6 Match: Outliners beat Silas Young and Josh Woods
8. Tag Festival X Round 6 Match: Rascals beat reDragon
9. 4 Way Hostile City Showdown 2020's Men Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Chris Hero beat Jim Brooks, Ace Austin, Akira Tozawa

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-2/5/2021 results:

1. Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Theodore Borando beat Roman Reigns
2. Tag Festival XI Round 4 Match: Nightwings beat Dean Nuke and Nicky Acid
3. Tag Festival XI Round 4 Match: Vincent Vlad and Ian Impaler beat Dogs Of War
4. Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Claudio Castagnoli beat Bruce Doomsday
5. Tag Festival XI Round 4 Match: Kong Remer and Link Rod beat Jump Start
6. Tag Festival XI Round 4 Match: William Shock and Ethan Rogue beat Lucha Draongs
7. Tag Festival XI Round 4 Match: Marcus Dove and Owen Star beat
Fin Sandy and Ben Apocalypse
8. Tag Festival XI Round 4 Match: Naughty By Nature beat Grizzled Young Vetrans
9. Punsihment Maritnez won the Battle Royal Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Dolph Ziggler, Phillip Donity, Matt Riddle, Braun Strowman, Dexter Lumis, Tristan Heartsend, Eric Bison, Jindar Mahaul, Edge, Gavin Guile, Christian, Ulysses Taion, Jake Atlas, Roman Reigns, Bruce Doomsday were also in the match

ECW's Saturday Nights Back On The Road-2/5/2022 results:
Tag Festival XII Round 3 Matches:

1. Non Tournament ECW Women's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Naomi beat Stacy Doomsday, Gigi Doolin, Olivia Down
2. Bracket F Match: Hot and Spicy beat Matt Riddle and Randy Orton
3. Bracket C Match: Atlas River and Hanson Snower beat Bruce Doomsday and Steven Doomsday
4. Bracket F Match: Colt Star and Patrick Thorne beat Shinsuke Nakumara and Rick Boggs
5. Bracket C Match: Sheamus and Ridge Holland beat Creed Gaston and Derek Vamp
6. Bracket F Match: Bruno Crazy and Fin Sandy beat Apollo Crews and Ricochet
7. Bracket C Match: Imperium beat Macrus Dove and Owen Star
8. Non Tournament ECW Men's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Joe Gacy beat Mercury Manson, Gavin Guile, Riddick Moss

EUWF House Show-2/5/2023 results:

1. 3 Way Dance For TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match: Mark Lite and Jim Brooks (c) beat War Machine and Good Brothers
2. 3 Way Dance For ECW World TV Title: Bruce Doomsday (c) beat Dolph Ziggler and Drew Gulak
3. ECW World Ladies Title Match: Helena Bytch (c) beat Asuka
4. TWF US Title Match: Sami Zayn (c) beat Austin Theory
5. 3 Way Dance For ECW World Heavyweight Team Title Match: Sheamus and Ridge Holland (c) beat Naughty By Nature and Imperium
6. TWF World Ladies Title Match: Sophia Warrior (c) beat Taylor Lanley
7. ECW World Heavyweight Title Match: Walter (c) beat Pete Dunne
8. Hardcore Match: Kevin Steen and Cody Rhodes beat Kyle Donity and Karrion Kross

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/5/2024 results:
Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 3 Matches:

1. Bracket D Match: Isaac Block and Trey Widow beat Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood
2. 4 Way EUWF's Women's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Queen Patricia beat Rhea Ripley, Linda Lightning, Io Shiai
3. Bracket A Match: Bruise Brothers beat Stew Rosen and Bruno Crazy
4. Bracket D Match: Elroy Stone and Wendell Cheetah beat Road Ragers
It was announced that due to Carmelo Hayes turning on Trick Williams last night at NXT Vengeance Day.  The EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles have been vacated.  New Champions to be crowned on
5. 4 Way EUWF's Women's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Naomi beat Stacie America, Zoey Stark, Janet Lee Lanley
6. Bracket A Match: Atlas River and Hanson Snower beat Angel Garza and Humberto
7. Bracket D Match: David Omega and Gabriel Lock beat Samson Sanchez and Hayden Sander
8. Non Tournament Grudge Match: Kevin Steen and Sami Zayn beat Eddie Venom and Phillip Donity

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