This Day In Wrestling History-February 20:
Saturday Slam Jam-2/20/1999 results:
1. Little Guido beat Sgt.
2. Chris Chetti beat Roadblock
3. Ninja Kid beat Hector Garza
4. Barbecue beat El Dandy
5. Joe beat Lash Laroux
6. Spirit beat Chavo Guerrero
7. White Ninja beat Fit Finley
8. Chris Jericho beat Snake Eyes
Steven Prazak interview Chris Jericho.
Steven: "I'm here with Chris Jericho. Tomorrow tonight he will once again meet his former tag team partner Lance Storm. Why hasn't you two teaming never worked? You seem like such a great tag team."
Chris: "Lance Storm was jealous of ability and body the first time. I carried the team both times. He then was jealous of those and the fact that Tammy Lynn Bytch no longer to be with him. She wanted to be with me."
Steven: "Now wait a minute. Bytch is in love with you?"
Chris: "Who wouldn't be?" Lance Storm comes in and interrupts.
Lance: "Wait one sec Chris. I carried the team and Tammy doesn't like you. I have the better body, talent, and looks."
Chris: "Thats not the way it seemed to me while me and Tammy was sleeping together last night."
Lance: "Is that true?"
Tammy: "Yes." Lance attacks Chris and they battle off screen. Tammy just stands there and watches the two fight off camera.
Steven: "Why did you sleep with both of them?"
Tammy: "They are both to cute. Maybe I can convince them to do a three way with me. Hey boys!" Steven drops the mic and Tammy walks off camera.
9. Shadow Ninja beat Rey Misterio Jr
10. Booker T beat Samurai Kid
11. Psycho beat Konnan
12. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko beat Justin Credible and Bam Bam Bigelow by dq when the Nights ran into the ring and interfered. Speedster Lite and Jigglin Jimbro ran in to help chase them off.
EUWF's Superbrawl X-2/20/2000 results:
1. Trooper 1 and 2 beat Dynamic Duo
2. Lady Doomsday beat Jade to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
3. Three Count beat Snake Eyes, Shadow Ninja, Ninja Kid to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
4. El Vampiro beat D-Lo Brown
5. Hardy Boys beat Edge/Christian and. Mark Night/Chris Night in a Three Way Hell In A Cell Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Tajiri beat Falcon in the Finals Of The EUWF World Lightweight Title Tournament to win the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
7. Chris Jericho beat Perry Saturn to retain the EUWF IC Title.
8. Mike Awesome beat Rocky Maivia and Bam Bam Bigelow in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
9. Joe and Barbecue beat Impact Players to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
10. Jim brooks beat Tazz to retain the EUWF US Title.
11. Hollywood Doomsday beat Hulk Hogan to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
12. Speedster Lite beat Ric Flair to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title. The rest of the nWo run to the ring. Rocky Maivia, Cactus Jack, Tommy Dreamer, Bam Bam Bigelow, Hulk Hogan, Terry Funk, and Public Enemy rush the ring. Lady Doomsday runs to the ring with a large bag as the Hell In A Cell starts to lower over the ring. She gives baseball bats to the nWo members and then locks the cage door after it finishes to lower down. The nWo keep on beating on the faces. All the sudden the lights go out. Fireworks explode all over the arena and there is someone standing with his back to the ring as spotlight is shown at the entrance. nWo stop and look that way. Woke Up This Morning starts playing in the background as the man turns around to be RJ Hammer. The cage starts to go above the ring and RJ runs to the ring with a baseball bat wrapped in barbwire. The rest of the Extreme Alliance joins RJ and runs with him with baseball bats of their own. They clear the ring.
EUWF News-2/20/2001:
Just hours after doing a tell all interview for the EUWF website, Taion collapsed backstage after a cage match with Mike Bison at Wednesday Night Brawl taping on Tuesday. Taion was walking to his locker room after the match with Lady Trooper. He all the sudden just falls to the ground out of nowhere. Lady Trooper said he was talking one minute and on the ground the next. Taion fell into a coma just an hour after getting to the hospital. Wrestlers didn't get news on of what happen to Taion until most of them were ready to leave after the taping. Taion had earlier in the day revealed a few stuff no a lot of people knew about him earlier in the day during the interview. It include the fact that as a kid he had battled cancer and lived. He also revealed that Lady Trooper and he are engaged to married. The date was set for the day before Wrestlemania. Taion had recently rejoined the Doomsday Inc. It was his second time with the group. No word on what will happen with the six man tag team titles. Taion was also a former three time EUWF World Lightweight champion, 4 time 6 Man Tag Team Champion, 2 time Lightweight tag team champion. Last time the EUWF lost a champion to anything but injury was when Louie Spicolli died and he was one-third of the 6 Man Tag Team champions too.
Wednesday Night Brawl-2/20/2002 results:
1. Dynamic Duo beat Crazy
2. Bossman beat Mankind
3. Ken and Ryu beat Wildfire
4. Joe beat Blanka
5. Vlad beat Barbecue to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
6. The Hurricane beat Trooper 1
7. Tajiri beat Rhendo
8. Low Ki and Impact Players beat Rob Van Dam and Hardy Boys
EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-2/20/2003 results:
The show starts with Ric Flair and Vince McMahon comes to the ring demanding RJ Hammer come to the ring and reveal who his partner is at wrestlemania 18. RJ comes out from the back and stands on announcers table again. He said that he thought a lot about who his partner should be and he said one name came to mind more then any other. He said one that is familiar with Sports Entreatment Extreme and with Ric Flair. He said he was someone that flair had long time feud with. Flair was confused about who it was and then RJ said turn around. Dusty Rhodes was behind Flair and McMahon. Dusty elbowed both Flair and Vince. RJ joined in the four went at it till Elite and S.E.X. members ran out causing dusty and RJ to leave.
1. Brimstone beat Rikishi
2. Booker T beat Eddie Guerrero in a non title match.
Lady Speed was shown getting out of a limo and walking to the Doomsday Alliance locker room. She got a standing ovation as she walked into the locker room from Doomsday Alliance members. Her and Speedster kissed and hugged. She then hugged RJ.
3. S.A.T. beat Hard Luck Fighters and RC Haas
4. Crash The Terminator and New Demolition beat Tommy Dreamer and Dudleyz
5. Hit Squad and Jeff Hardy beat Impact Players and Matt Hardy
6. Taion, Mike Bison Jason The Terrible, Jade, Temptress beat Devil Bison, Donovan Morgan, Steven Richards, Simply Luscious, Victoria
7. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Masato Tanaka and Homicide
8. Dusty Rhodes, Goldberg, Curry Man, Rob Van Dam, Steve Austin beat Ric Flair, The Rock, Christopher Daniels, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho
TTWF 2/20/2004 Viking Hall results:
1. Maximo Brothers beat Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio Jr.
2. Raven beat Jesus Bison
3. CM Punk beat Ultimo Dragon
4. Johnny Kashmere beat D-Von Dudley
5. Shadow WX beat Sandman to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
6. Taion beat Chris Hero to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
7. Doomsday and Bubba Ray Dudley beat Trent Acid and Matt Hardy
8. Jim Brooks and Lance Storm beat Chris Benoit and BJ Whitmer
No Way Out 2005-2/20/2005 results:
1. B-Boy beat Sonjay Dutt to retain the ECW World TV Title.
2. Homicide beat Doomsday to win the EUWF World Hardcore Title and retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title in a Unification Title Match.
3. Venom beat Raven in a Barbed Wire Board and Dog Collar Match in the Death Match Lottery. The rules that both men got to randomly pick a gimmick match out of a box and then the fans would vote to see which match would be for the match or both. Fans voted for both.
4. John Walters beat Machine to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
5. Nate Webb beat Taion in a Ladder Match to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
6. Havana Pitbulls beat Samoa Joe and John Cena in a Last Team Standing Match to retain the TTWF World Tag Team Titles.
7. Mike Bison, Sagat, Sandman, Hardcore Holly beat Mad Man Pondo, Balls Mahoney, JC Bailey, Shadow WX in a Barbed Wire Steel Cage War Games Match.
8. Jesus Bison, Randy Orton, Batistia, Chris Jericho beat Triple H/Gene Snitsky/John Hendinright, Shawn Michaels and RJ Hammer/Speedster Lite/Jim Brooks/Big Show in a 3 Way War Games Match.
9. Colt Cabana and Ace Steele beat America's Most Wanted to win the ECW World Tag Team Titles.
10. CM Punk beat Edge to retain the ECW World Title.
11. Eddie Guerrero beat Petey Williams to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
12. Chris Benoit beat Alex Shelley and Austin Aries in a 3 Way Submission Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/20/2006 results:
The show started with Chris Hero being at an unknown location saying that he apologizes to all his fans but he couldn't be there tonight because of a family thing. He said he will be on Smackdown to defend his EUWF World Heavyweight Title against Rey Misterio Jr. and confront the winner of the Gauntlet Battle Royal Tonight who will face him at Easter Bash 2006 for the title.
1. Jade won a Battle Royal to get a shot at the EUWF World Ladies Title. Angel Williams, Lady Backlot Assassin, Alexis Lariee, Crazy Woman, Christine, Lady Machine, Dominatrixic, Lady Speed, Jane, Candice Michelle, Maria, Ashley, Torrie Wilson, Victoria, Doomsday, Julie were also in the match. After the match Lady Backlot Assassin came back out hitting Jade with a chair and Erica Tempted came out for the title.
2. Erica Tempted beat Jade to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title. Erica just covered a bloody jade for the win and gave the Lady Backlot Assassin money for taking out jade. Erica stood over a blood Jade saying she will never win the title back and left.
3. Matt Sydal beat Spirit
4. Christian Cage beat Shawn Michaels
A special announcement about this year's EUWF's Best Of Lightweights VIII was made. It was announced that the tournament first round matches will be 3 Way Dances with the one who is pinned and made to submit will be eliminated. The other two will move onto the second round and the winner of tournament will still get a shot at the EUWF or ECW World Heavyweight Title at Summerslam 2006. Also announced that Brian Thunder has pulled out of the tournament to make sure he will be in good enough health for Wrestlemania XXII. Already announced for this year's tournament will be all the stars for EUWF, ECW, Indy, plus Marufuji and KENTA from NOAH, and CIMA, Dragon Kid, Genki Horiguchi, Ryo Saito, Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino from Dragon Gate.
5. Speedster Lite beat Alex Shelley to retain the EUWF IC Title.
6. Undertaker beat Abyss
7. Gothics beat Backseat Boyz to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Kurt Angle won a Gauntlet Battle Royal to earn a shot at the EUWF World Heavyweight Title at Easter Bash 2006. Undertaker, Kane, Jim Duggan, Tantaka, Big Show, Viscera, Mark Henry, Bryan Danielson, Gothics, Knockout, Slasher, Christian Cage, Roderick Strong, Austin Aries, Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley, Abyss, Speedster Lite, Doomsday, James Gibson, Petey Williams, Elix Skipper, John Fire, Duke, Snake Eyes, Spirit, Shawn Michaels, Michael Shane, Machine, Sagat, Backseat Boyz, Briscoe Brothers, Randy Orton, Booker T, Chris Masters, Carlito Carribbean Cool, Ric Flair, Nate Webb were also in the match. After the match Angle was celebrating the win when Chris Hero showed up on the big screen and Hero congratulated Angle on his win. He wish him luck on making it to Easter Bash and the Backlot Assassins ran from the back attacking Angle. Angle cleaned house and put the ankle lock on War Backlot Assassin. Another Backlot Assassin came from the back hitting Angle with a chair and then took his mask off revealing it to be Chris Hero. Hero then hit a Hero's Welcome onto Angle on a chair and stood over Angle to end the show.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/20/2008 results:
The show started with the announcement of the Four Money In The Bank Qualifier for ECW to take place this coming saturday and four EUWF ones to take place on Raw this monday.
Aftermath of No Way Out 2008.
1. Pink Dudley beat Hardcore Bytch to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
2. Ruckus beat Matt Cross to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
3. Roderick Strong beat Taion to retain the ECW World TV Title Rematch.
4. Homicide beat Claudio Castagnoli to retain the ECW IC Title.
5. Dudleyz beat Jimmy Jacobs and Nerco Butcher to win the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles. After the match Bubba gloated over the fact that they won the belts and Machine and Sagat couldn't. Machine and Sagat came from the back but was blocked by security. Bubba made a challenge to them that if they want a shot at them for the belts then they can face them in a 20 Minute, Falls Count Anywhere, Hardcore Table Iron Man Match but they would have to wait to Wrestlemania to get it. Bubba said if they even make it to WMXXIV. Machine agrees but then Jacobs and Nerco interrupt saying they want their rematch. Haymen came out and put them into the table match for WMXXIV and made it a 3 way match. Dudleyz and Jacobs/Nerco got into it till CM Punk, Colt Cabana, AJ Styles, No Remorse Core came out to split them apart.
6. Rhino beat Balls Mahoney to win the ECW World Triple Crown HC Title.
7. James Gibson beat AJ Styles to win the ECW US Title.
8. Samoa Joe beat Eddie Kingston to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-2/20/2009 results:
1. Jade beat Alexis Lariee to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. Harry Smith beat Tommy Knight
3. Christian Gales beat TJ Wilson
4. Umaga's Open Challenge never happen as Dangerous Trio came from the crowd jumping him. He was able to hold them off till Doomsday, Hot Shots, Wildfire came from the back with chairs. They each took tried to go after him but Umaga wouldn't go down till Jade came from the back with a low blow. Brian and John came from the back and they all pounded on umaga till security split them apart.
5. John Fire beat Joe
6. Hallowicked beat The Brian Kendrick in a Non Title Match.
7. Doomsday and Colon Brothers beat MVP and Cryme Tyme despite the fact that Doomsday didn't even tag in and left toward the end.
8. RJ Hammer, Mark Night, King Jim Brooks beat Edge, Brian Thunder, Christian Cage, Jim, Brian, RJ, Christian all brawled into the crowd leaving Edge and Mark. Edge went for a spear but Mark caught him in a small package for the win. Brian came back to the ring attacking Mark and then Edge got in his face. Brian kicked him with a low blow and called to the back. Dangerous Trio, Hot Shots, Wildfire, Doomsday, New Demolition, Vampire Nation, John Fire, Commander came out attacking everyone but Brian. Warrior Ninjas, Troopers, Hard Luck Fighters, Road Knights, Rhendo, Blanka, East/West Dragons, Sgt./General Savior, Joe, Piloit, Barbecue, Knockout Slasher seemingly came out to stop this. Instead Troopers, Road Knights, Knockout, Slasher, East/West Dragons attacked Warrior Ninjas, Rhendo, Blanka, Sgt./General Savior, Joe, Piloit, Barbecue and were joined in from Backlot Warriors from the crowd and others from the ring. This went on till Michelle had the security and the locker room split it up to end the show.
ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-2/19/2010 results:
1. Mark Night, Kong, Ariel Bison beat Sagat, Star Pryde, HC Bytch
2. Rich Swan beat Kenny King
3. Sami Callihan beat Jack Swagger
4. Kofi Kingston beat John Moxly to retain the ECW World Junior Title.
5. Briscoe Brothers and Davey Richards beat Kings Of Wrestling and Eddie Edwards
6. CM Punk beat Venom in a Non Title Match.
7. Doomsday beat Machine in a Non Title Match.
8. John Morrison beat Mike Bison in a Non Title Match.
EUWF's Sunday Night Party 89-2/20/2011 results:
1. Kings Of Wrestling beat Hoodies, Dynamic Duo, Briscoe Brothers, Beer Money, Young bucks in the First Tag Team Elimination Chamber Match to win the EUWF/TWF/ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles and retain the ROH World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
2. Kong beat Star Pryde to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
3. Naughty By Nature beat Doomsday and Venom to retain the TWF/ECW/EUWF US Tag Team Titles.
4. Blonde Ambition beat Jade Thunder and Julie Fire to win the EUWF/TWF/ECW World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
It was announced during the show that the Kings Of Wrestling will defend the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Titles against 3 former champions at Hostile City Showndown 2011. Also announced the main event for that show being a dream partner tag team match with winner of Elimination Chamber match later v.s. CM Punk. Also announced 3 Money In The Bank Qualifying Final Round Matches will take place at PPV.
5. Davey Richards beat Eddie Edwards
6. Mike Bison beat Mr. America, Speedster Lite, Kofi Kingston, Bryan Danielson, Low Ki, Randy Orton in a Elimination Chamber Match to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title. After the match Mike celebrated about going to wrestlemania 27 and Punk snuck in the open door to chamber. He kicked Mike as he turned around and then hit GTS. Punk held up EUWF World Triple Crown Title as Edge came in the same way Punk did and speared punk. Edge stood in the ring with the title to end the show
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/20/2012 results:
1. Mike Bison and AJ Styles wrestled Chris Jericho and Kevin Steen to a No Finish in a No DQ Match. Jericho before the match asked Mike to let things go for now so they can work together to take out Real Patriots but Mike wouldn't have it. Mike said maybe they will stay out of each other ways if they finish things tonight because would like to focus on The Rock and WM28. He suggested the match become a no dq match and Jericho agreed. When things got crazy brawling all over ringside Real Patriots attacked both teams leading to the no finish. Mike was handcuffed to the ropes and chair wrapped around his heck. Mr. America got on the mic saying that he is taking back his title and stealing Mike WM main event. American Heroes, Doomsday Inc, Kings Of Wrestling, Homicide, Low Ki, American Wolves, RJ Hammer made the save. Mike challenged Mr. America to find a partner for Hostile City Showdown and face him and partner in handcuff match. Winners get to beat on losers for 5 minutes after the match. MA said that he wouldn't agree to it but RJ made the match anyway. That made MA mad and then Undertaker came to the ring. Everyone left and taker again challenged RJ to a match at WM28. RJ wouldn't agree saying he is to old and then druids brought out RJ's wife. Undertaker threatened her and then RJ agreed to the match. RJ looked mad as taker left and as he checked on Michelle.
12 Way TLC Qualifying Matches:
1. Chuck Taylor and Rich Swan beat Philly's Most Wanted
2. Future Shock beat Bravado Brothers
3. Young Bucks beat Uso Brothers
4. Primo and Epico beat Havanna Pitbulls
Money In The Bank Qualifying Matches:
1. Roderick Strong beat Eddie Edwards, John Cena, Bubba Jones in a 4 Way Dance.
2. Claudio Castagnoli beat Kane, Homicide, Wade Barrett in a 4 Way Dance.
3. Tyler Black beat Davey Richards, The Miz, John Moxly in a 4 Way Dance.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-February 20 results:
Former World Champions Wrestlemania Title Shot Tournament:
ECW Bracket-Round 1:
1. James Storm beat Spirit
2. Christian Cage beat Power Donity
3. Kevin Steen beat Jack Crystal
4. Austin Aries beat Taion
5. Zach Ryder beat Rhino
6. CM Punk beat Colt Cabana
7. Samoa Joe beat Robert Roode
8. Christopher Daniels beat Bryan Danielson
TWF's Thursday Night Fire-2/20/2014 results:
1. Jade Thunder and Lady WN beat Queens Of Wrestling
2. Machine beat Zangief
3. Christopher Daniels beat Chris Night
4. Wyatt Family and Doomsday Inc. beat Cyrus Bourne, Dolph Ziggler, Eric Bison, Guile, Taion, Sagat
5. Mark Night beat Frankie Kazarian
6. Brett Wayfield, Masion Dixie, Piloit, Jackson Rouch beat The Shield
7. WN Alpha beat Duke
8. Mr. America beaet Mike Bison
ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-2/20/2015 results:
1. TJ Wilson and Cyrus Bourne beat Machine and Mike Bison
2. Brodie Lee and Eric Rowan bea Hollywood Doomsday and Mr. Venom
3. Austin Aries beat Bubba Jones in a Non Title Match.
4. Freddie Waldeno beat Nick Jackson in a Non Title Match.
5. Matt Jackson beat Frankie Kazarian
6. Christopher Daneisl beat Wade Barrett
7. Kings Of Wrestling, Ash Hyde, Mr. America beat Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson. Jim Brooks, Kofi Kingston in a Elimination Match.
TWF's Saturday Night Fire-2/20/2016 results:
1. Marvel Warriors beat Hunters, Gambit Inc., Macrus Dove and Owen Star in a 4 Way Dance.
2. Dogs Of War beat Hard Luck Fighters
3. Night Brothers beat Ligi Brothers
4. Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc beat Wildfire
5. Duke Thunder beat Jack Pink
6. Brian Thunder beat Jeffery Alpha
7. Snake Eyes beat David Omega
8. Donity Brothers and 4 Warriors beat Boss Gang, Harrison Boss, Tommy Bernard
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/20/2017 results:
1. Ash Hyde beat Frankie Kazarian
2. Cyrus Bourne beat Curt Hawkins in a Non Title Match.
Cyrus Bourne Invitational for Future World Title Shot Tournament:
1. Sheamus beat Rusev
2. Randy Orton beat Moose
3. AJ Styles beat Samurai Del Sol
4. Apollo Crews beat Heath Slater
5. Brodie Lee beat Joe Henning
6. Bryatt Wyatt beat John Cena
7. Samoa Joe beat Sami Callihan
8. Christopher Daniels beat The Miz
EUWF's Smackdown Live-2/20/2018 results:
1. Ruby Riot beat Ms. America
2. Eric Young beat Jim Brooks in a Non Title Match.
3. Robert Roode beat Jeffery Alpha
4. Steven Doomsday and Anthony Venomous beat War Machine
5. Bricoe Brothers beat Bruce Blood and Kent Wonder
6. Freddie Waldeno and Motor City Machine Guns beat Sir Tristan. Drew Gulak, Tony Neese
7. Eric Rowan beat John Fire
8. AJ Styles and The Miz beat Rusev and Aiden English
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/20/2019 results:
1. Montez Ford beat Jimmy Uso
2. Dasher Wilder beat Connor
3. Doc Gallows beat Jay Briscoe
4. Andrade Almas and Eric Rowan beat Drew McIntyre and Ash Hyde
5. Scott Dawnson beat Angelo Dawkins
6. Marc Brisoce beat Victor
7. Karl Anderson beat Jay Uso
8.Jeff Hardy, The Miz, Ricochet beat Bryan Danielson, Roderick Strong, Adam Cole
TWF's Thursday Night Wars-2/20/2020 results:
1. Tag Festival X Round 8 Match: Brian Kendrick and Ariya Daivari beat Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode
2. WM36 Title Shot Tournament First Round Match: Ash Hyde beat The Miz
3. Tag Festival X Round 8 Match: Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch beat PYT
4. WM36 Title Shot Tournament First Round Match: Leoroy Piloit beat Mike Benette
5. Tag Festival X Round 8 Match: Lucha Dragons beat Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno
6. WM36 Title Shot Tournament First Round Match: AR Fox beat Tyler Black
7. Tag Festival X Round 8 Match: Solomon Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc
8. WM36 Title Shot Tournament First Round Match: Humberto beat Rey Misterio Jr.
9. Tag Festival X Round 8 Match: Broserweights beat Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson
ECW's Saturday Nights In The Thunderdome-2/20/2021 results:
Tag Festival XI Round 5 Matches:
1. Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock beat Elijah Crash and John Rose
2. Curt Stallion and Anthony Green beat Ricohet and Apollo Crews
3. Edgar Edson and Eliott Emmons beat Shepard Mars and Edison Samurai
4. Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin beat Sir Fisher and Sir Felix
Stanley Hammer was interviewed and was asked if he was worried about Randy Orton's threats. Stanley said he wasn't but he did have Thomas Berad watching his back. He points to Thomas wearing a mask standing several feet behind the interview. He gives thumbs up and Stanley and interviewer turns around. While interview went on about Stanley's defense in Elimination Chamber oton was seen rkoing thomas and punting him. Stanley went to look for thomas but saw he wasn't there. He went to check his place saw him laying on the ground bleeding. Stanley called for help as Orton was seen in background staring with an evil grin.
5. Storm Wave beat Colt Star and Patrick Thorne
6. Elias and Jaxson Ryker beat Rey Misterio Jr and Dominik Mysterio
7. Dark Brothers beat Wade Wallace and Westley Watson
8. Guardian Knights beat Purple Haze
9. Non Tournament Match: Elias, King Gary, AJ Styles, MSK, Randy Orton beat Stanley Hammer, Seth Owens, Akira Tozawa, Ash Hyde, Mark Lite
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/20/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 4 Matches:
1. Bracket D Match: Barney White and Black Jack beat Bishop Rider and Arthur Star
2. 4 Way Dance For Unified US Tag Team Titles and 12 Way TLC 22 Qualfying Match:Street Profits beat Brett Wayfield/Jackson Rouch, Johnny Garganno/Dexter Lumis, Angel Garza/Humberto. It was announced later that Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch will get their rematch as part of the 12 Way TLC Match at WM39. Being one of the four teams for the TWF.
3. Bracket A Match: Malik Blade and Edris Enofé beat Nightmare
4. Bracket D Match: Raheem Rhendo and Ben Blanka beat Bruce Doomsday and Steven Doomsday
5. 4 Way Dance For Unified World 6 Man Tag Team Titles: Hurt Business (Bobby Lashley, Cederick Alexander, Shelton Benjamin) beat American Brothers/Mark Night (c), Legado del Fantasma, Uso Brothers/Solo Sukoa. It was later announced that American Brothers and Mark Night will get their rematch at WM39 in a Hardcore Match.
6. Bracket A Match: Veer and Sanga beat Masion Dixie and Leoroy Piloit
7. Bracket D Match: Purple Haze beat Chad Gable and Otis
8. Rematch For EUWF IC Title: Bronson Reed (c) beat Gary J
TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-2/20/2024 results:
Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 4 Matches:
1. Bracket E Match: Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz beat Benson Fire and Clay Ninja
2. Non Tournament Match: Kyle Donity beat Brian Thunder
3. Bracket B Match: Nightmare beat Mark Lite and Jim Brooks
4. Bracket E Match: Abel Moon and Isaiah Saturn beat Bishop Rider and Arthur Star
5. Non Tournament Match: Taylor Lanley and Becky Lynch beat Maxine Massacre and Jade Thunder
6. Bracket B Match: Indus Sher beat Simon Seyes and Stephan Shadow
7. Bracket E Match: Taylor Wad and GQ Wiley beat Brentley Justice and Percy Grimm
8. Non Tournament Match: DIY beat LA Knight and James Storm
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