Friday, February 28, 2025

This Day In Wrestling History-February 28/29 (Ultimate Championship War announced, Never Call Stone Cold A Coward, Triple H attacks Baroness, Hall Of Fame 2005 announced, Mike Vows Revenge, 12 Way TLC and Money In The Bank Qualfying Matches, After The Dawn 2016, Steen's paranoia leads to old friends, A Shocking return)

This Day In Wrestling History-February 28:
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/28/2000 results:

They show Cactus Jack saying goodbye to some of the wrestlers in the back after last nights show.  They announced that Cactus will be at the ECW Arena this Saturday Night to say goodbye to everyone.  A music video for Cactus Jack aired.
1. Spirit beat White Ninja
2. Lady Doomsday beat Lady Ninja to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
3. Hardy Boys beat Red and Blue Lightning to retain the EUWF Wrold Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Snake Eyes, Shadow, Ninja Kid beat Three Count to win the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
5. Chris Jericho beat Dustin Rhodes to retain the EUWF IC Title.
6. Hollywood Doomsday beat Chris Benoit to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
7. Mike Awesome beat Brian Knobs to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
8. Tajiri beat Super Crazy to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
9. Dudleys beat Bruise Brothers to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
10. Jim Brooks beat Tank Abbott in a Hardcore Match to retain the EUWF US Title.
11. RJ Hammer and Sid Vicious beat Stevie Corino and Rhino
12. Speedster Lite beat Terry Funk to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

Wednesday Night Brawl-2/28/2001 results:

1. Jill Night beat Ivory
2. Piloit beat Mike Sanders
3. Mankind beat Shane Helms
4. Strong Ninja and Blood Ninja beat Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly
5. Barbecue beat Chavo Guerrero Jr.
6. K-Kwik beat Johnny The Bull
7. Spirit beat Sean Stasiak
8. Balls Mahoney beat Steve Blackman to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
9. Joe beat Essa Rios to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
10. Jim Brooks beat Rick Steiner to retain the EUWF IC Title.
11. Naughty By Nature beat Yung Dragons to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
12. Doomsday, Venom, Triple H, Speedster Lite, Booker T beat Scott Steiner, Jesus Bison, Mike Bison, Rhino, Chris Benoit

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-2/28/2002 results:

The show started with Michelle announcing that the world title match at Wrestlemania has been changed to a special Ultimate Championship War that features Triple H v.s. Steve Austin v.s. The Rock v.s. Booker T v.s. Chris Jericho v.s. Kurt Angle v.s. Dallas Page v.s. Speedster Lite v.s. Scott Steiner v.s. Hulk Hogan v.s. Kevin Nash v.s. Scott Hall v.s. Undertaker v.s. Kane.  Also announced a four way ladder match between Low Ki, Ric Blade, Rob Van Dam, Jigglin Jimbro Brooks for both European Title and IC Title.  She also announced other matches to be listed in Wrestlemania card on group.
Vlad came out and called Joe out.  He said Joe had no courage and only wanted to play games with Steve Austin's music.  He then said Austin would never come out to face him because Austin is scared of him.  Austin's music started again but Vlad shrugged it off like Joe was coming out and turned his back to the entrance way.  Stone Cold came to the ring instead of Joe.
Austin: "What?"  Vlad turns white and turns around seeing Austin.
Vlad: "I was just joking Steve."
Austin: "You think I'm scared of you?  What?  You think I'm to much of a chicken to fight you?  What?"
Vlad: "No."
Austin: "I guess I was wrong about you."  Vlad put his hand out to shake hands with Austin but Austin hit Vlad with stone cold stunner instead.  Austin started to pound on Vlad when Scott Steiner came from the back and attacked Austin with a chair to the back.  Steiner pounded on Austin till Triple H came from the back and attacked Steiner.  The two fought till Kurt Angle came out.  Angle attacked Triple H and Steiner went back to Austin.  Vlad got back up and attacked Triple H with Angle.  Joe ran to the ring and attacked Vlad.  The two battle till Triple, Austin, Joe cleared the ring.
1. Temptress and Jazz beat Lady Trooper and Lita
2. Ken and Ryu beat Mike Bison and Guile to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
3. RJ Hammer, Barbecue, Spirit beat Jesus Bison, Piloit, Dallas Page
4. Low Ki, Rob Van Dam, Shadow WX beat Jigglin Jimbro Brooks and Dudleys
5. Doomsday, Venom, Naughty By Nature beat Chris Jericho, Hit Squad, Kurt Angle
6. Backseat Boys, Homicide, Christian, Masato Tanaka beat Hardy Boys, Impact Players, Edge
7. Tajiri and S.A.T. beat Quiet Storm, Brian XL, Eddie Guerrero
Joe talked walked into Triple H's locker room till don't try anything with him or Austin and he will watch his back tonight.  Joe then asked for a title shot at the EUWF World Title night after Wrestlemania.  Triple H said if he still had the title he would give it to him.
8. Scott Steiner, Kurt Angle, Vlad beat Triple H, Steve Austin, Joe

TTWF 2/28/2003 results:

1. James Maritato beat Piloit
2. Matt Hardy beat Tony Mamaluke to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
3. Steve Corino beat Justin Credible
4. Doomsday beat American Dragon
5. Dynamic Duo and Ariel Bison beat Hellfire, Brimstone, Eve Bison
6. Backseat Boyz and Divine Storm beat Night Brothers, CM Punk, Colt Cabana
7. Chris Benoit beat Taion to retain the TTWF US Title.
8. Michael Shane, Lance Storm, Venom, Devil Bison beat Jerry Lynn, Paul London, Spanky

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/28/2005 results:

1. Trish Stratus beat Baroness to win the EUWF World Ladies Title.  The end came when someone under the ring grabbed baroness' leg letting Trish get the win.  After the match baroness argued with the ref when Triple H came from under the ring with a sledge hammer and a table.  He told the ref not to say anything and hit Baroness right in the back with sledge hammer.  He then pedigreed Baroness through a table before Revolution came to the ring making the save.
2. Gothics beat Maximo Brothers to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
The first batch of Hall Of Famers 2005 Class was officially announced.  The class includes Big Bossman, Kamala, Commander, Barbecue, Tommy Dreamer, Nikolai Volokoff, Iron Sheik, Paul Orndorff, Cowboy Bob Orton.  More to be official announced at a later date.
3. Homicide beat Austin Aries to retain the EUWF and TTWF World Unified Hardcore Title.
4. John Walters beat Shelton Benjamin to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
A video for EUWF's Best Of Lightweight Tournament VII to take place March 27 at Easter Bash 2005.  Already officially in the tournament Doomsday, Venom, Rey Misterio Jr., AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Jushin Liger, Gedo, Jado, Mike Bison, Taion, Jim Brooks, Havana Pitbulls, Homicide, Low Ki, Bryan Danielson, Ultimo Dragon, Joe, Piloit, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Brian Thunder, Jim Brooks, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Paul London, Spanky and defending BOLT winner Speedster Lite.
5. Christopher Daniels beat Shadow WX to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
6. Speedster Lite and RJ Hammer beat Shawn Michaels/Triple H and Randy Orton/Batistia in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Tag Team Titles.  Jesus Bison was supposed to Orton's partner but due to what happen to Baroness earlier in the show he couldn't be in the match because he went to the hospital with Baroness.
7. Jim Brooks beat Kane to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. Chris Benoit beat Undertaker to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/28/2007 results:

The show started with the announcement of a special March To Wrestlemania with almost a month full of Interpromotional TV shows starting this saturday ECW's show.  Also announced that Hostile City Showdown has been moved to april 28.
1. Chris Benoit beat Speedster Lite
2. Tommy Dreamer beat Sandman, Doomsday Kid, Venomous in a 4 Way Dance to retain the ECW World HC Triple Crown Title.
Joey Styles did a sit down interview with Mike Bison from his hospital yesterday that aired tonight.  Mike said that the doctors want to continue doing tests to see how his neck is getting better before deciding anything but says it isn't good.  He said that Eric is in a coma and that they both gotten a lot cards and letters from fans.  He said also visits and calls from likes of friends and family from EUWF and ECW and other places including some surprise calls from Jeff Jarrett, AJ Styles, Spirit, Doomsday, Venom.  Mike says that Edge, Christian Cage, The Players will pay for what they did one way or another.
3. Alex Shelley and Shelton Benjamin beat Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal
4. Super Dragon and Chris Sabin beat Rob Van Dam and Sabu
5. Toby Klein beat Christian Cage
6. Nerco Butcher beat Edge and Christian Cage's new surprise Rocky Romero
7. Rhino beat Edge in a Non Title Match.
8. CM Punk beat Samoa Joe, Homicide, Colt Cabana in a Non Title 4 Way Dance.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-2/28/2009 results:

1. Spirit beat Jack Crystal
2. Alex Shelley beat Jay Briscoe
3. Jigsaw beat Danny Havoc
4. Taion beat Machine and Sagat in a 3 Way Money In The Bank Qualifying Match.
5. Jimmy Rave beat Nigel McGuiness and Claudio Castagnoli in a 3 Way Money In The Bank Qualifying Match.
6. Jeff Hardy beat Matt Hardy and Jerry Lynn in a 3 Way Money In The Bank Qualifying Match.
7. Tyler Black beat Venom and Rhino in a 3 Way Non Title Money In The Bank Qualifying Match.
8. Mike Bison and CM Punk beat AJ Styles and Samoa Joe (Replacing Low Ki).  The end came when the lights went out and undertaker was in the ring tombstoning Joe letting Punk get the pin.  Mike didn't seem to happy about it and the two got into a argument and AJ joined in.  Kurt Angle came through the crowd attacking all three with a chair and putting Mike in a ankle lock.  Joe, Punk, AJ, Taion made the save chasing Angle out the front door to end the show.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/28/2011 results:

1. Michel Elgin beat Piloit
2. Mike Bison beat John Cena, Tyler Black, Frankie Kazarian in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.

12 Way TLC 11 Elimination Match Qualifier-Final Round Matches:

1. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Joker and Sabian to Qualify for 12 Way TLC 11 Elimination Match.
2. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel beat Hard Luck Fighters to Qualify for 12 Way TLC 11 Elimination Match.
3. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Colony to Qualify for 12 Way TLC 11 Elimination Match.

Money In The Bank Qualifier-Fatal Four Way Matches:

1. Amazing Red beat Drew McIntyre.  Red, Christopher Daniels, Randy Orton advance.
2. El Generico beat Petey Williams.  Generico, Roderick Strong, Jay Lethal advance.
3. Wade Barrett beat AJ Styles.  Barrett, Davey Richards, Colt Cabana advance.

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-2/28/2012 results:

1. Vlad beat Johnny The Kid.  It was announced the match between Vampire Nation v.s. Hot Shots will Tag Team Coffin Death Match.
2. Duke beat Jim Brooks
3. Venom beat Brian Thunder
4. Speedster Lite beat Mark Night

TWF's Thursday Night Fire-2/28/2012 Card:
Former World Champions Wrestlemania Title Shot Tournament:

TWF Bracket-Round 1:
1. Chris Night beat Sgt. and Smash in a 3 Way Dance.
2. Mr. America beat Roadblock and Ax in a 3 Way Dance.
3. Mark Night beat Trooper 1 and Rhendo in a 3 Way Dance.
4. Eric Bison beat Hulk and Duke in a 3 Way Dance.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-2/28/2014 results:

1. Jackson Rouch beat Bloody Donity
2. Drew McIntyre beat Masion Dixie
3. The Miz beat Piloit
4. The Miz won the Battle Royal which Last 3 Go To Money In The Bank Match. The Miz, Jack Swagger, Adam Cole move onto the MITB Ladder Match at WM 30.  Eddie Edwards The Miz, Homicide, The Shield, Kane, Kings Of Wrestling, Hernadez, Young Bucks, Blk Out, John Davis, Roderick Strong, Gran Akuma, FIST, Rich Swan, Ricochet, AR Fox, Prime Time Players, Joe Henning, Alberto Del Rio, Jay Lethal, Ryback, Albert, Kyle O'Reily, Bravado Brothers, Uso Brothers, Big Show, Roman Reigns, John Cena, Wade Barrett were also in the match.

12 Way TLC Qualfying Matches:

1. Ricochet and Rich Swan beat Blk Out
2. Young Bucks beat Tyler Black and Davey Richards
3. John Moxly and Sami Callihan beat Bravado Brothers
4. Uso Brothers beat Throw Backs

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-February 28 results:

1.Justine Hounda beat Pink Dudley

12 Way TLC 15 Qualifying Tournament:

1. Thomas Bernard and Harrison Boss beat WN Pink and Rose.  Bernard/Boss and Black Valkyrie advance.
2. Dogs Of War beat Knockout and Slasher.  Dogs and Rhendo/Blanka advance.
3. Night Brothers beat Taylor Wad and GQ Wiley.  Nights and Rock Hider/Crasher Jack advance.
4. Hoodies beat Hot Shots to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles. Hoodies and Ligi Brothers advance.

WM 31 Money In The Bank Qualifying Tournament:

1. Mr. Venom beat Snake Eyes.  Venom and Spirit advance.
2. Hollywood Doomsday beat Brian Thunder.  Doomsday and Jack Crystal advance.
3. Ash Hyde beat Johnny The Kid.  Ash and Jim Brooks advance.

TWF's After The Dawn 2016-2/28/2016 results:

Pre Show:
1. Naomi and Tamina beat Jade Thunder and Julie Fire
2. Gambit Inc beat Hunters
3. Ligi Brothers beat Hard Luck Fighters
4. John Fire and Snake Eyes beat David Omega and Brent White


1. Paige, Sasha Banks, Charlotte, Becky Lynch beat Moonshine, Firebird, Hardcore Byth, Pink Dudley
2. Mr. America beat Jeffery Alpha
3. Marvel Warriors beat Dogs Of War in a 12 Way TLC 16 Qualifying Match.
4. Black Valkyrie beat Ash Hyde and Cyrus Bourne in a 12 Way TLC 16 Qualifying Match when the League Of Nations came out distract them
6. Night Brothers beat Crazy in a 12 Way TLC 16 Qualifying Match: Night Brothers v.s. Crazy
6. Brian Thunder and Duke beat Wildfire in a 12 Way TLC 16 Qualifying Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Donity Brothers and 4 Warriors beat Boss Gang, Harrison Boss, Tommy Bernard in a Fans Bring The Weapons Elimination Match.
8. Kevin Steen beat Seth Owens to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.

EUWF's Smackdown Live-February 28 results:

1. Apollo Crews beat Black Jack
2. Sami Zayn and Kevin Steen beat John Moxly and Roman Reigns v
3. Ash Hyde, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Christopeher Daniels beat Cyrus Bourne, Seth Owens, Wyatt Brothers
4. Briscoe Brothers beat Brodie Lee/Braun Strowman and Machine/Sagat in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.

12 Way TLC Qualfiying Matches-Fatal 4 Way:

1. Vaudevillains beat Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood.  Vaudevillains, Blk Jeez/Pepper Parks, Black Valkyrie advance.
2. Tony Neese and Drew Gulak beat East/West Dragons.  Neese/Gulak, Motor City Machine Guns, Rex Lion/Gary J advance.
3. Hot Shots beat Lucha Dragons.  Hot Shots, Ricochet/Rich Swan, Gran Metalik/Akira Tozawa advance.
4. Uso Brothers beat Colony.  Usos, Ascension, Brian Thunder/John Fire advance.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/28/2018 results:

1. Nick Jackson beat Karl Anderson
2. King Theodore III beat TJ Perkins
3. Jack Gallagher beat Christian Haze
4. Claudio Castagnoli beat Jay Lethal
5. Adam Cole beat Sheamus
6. Prince Devitt beat. Johnny Gargano
7. reDragonm beat All Night Express
8.Tommy End and Asuka beat Roderick Strong and Caroline Dimelight

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-2/28/2019 results:

1. 4 Way 12 Way TLC 19 Qualifying Match: Dogs Of War beat Steven Doomsday/Anthony Venomous, Nightwings Dean Nuke/Nick Acid
2. First Round Of Wrestleamnia 35 TWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Tournament Match: Ash Hyde beat Taion
3. 4 Way 12 Way TLC 19 Qualifying Match: Zen Warriors beat Road Knights, Brett/Chris Prowl, Hot and Spicy
4. First Round Of Wrestleamnia 35 TWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Tournament Match: Marcus Croft beat King Theodore III
Laurie Hammer did a interview explaining why she turned her on dad.  She said she still loved him but what he, Kurt Angle, Commander, and others have let while she became a mom is sickening.  That insanity between Mike Bison and Triple H and everything that went on between them.  She work with Kings Of Wrestling to put end to all of it.
5. 4 Way 12 Way TLC 19 Qualifying Match: Cheesy Warriors beat Dary Ranger/Daniel Xtreme, Spirit/Jack Crystal, Gambit Inc.
6. First Round Of Wrestleamnia 35 TWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Tournament Match: Cyrus Bourne beat Seth Owens
It was announced the return of Best Of Lightweight Tournament Preilim Round.  Which will feature lower ranked wrestlers trying to better their spot in the tournament against higher in rank wrestlers in the tournament.  Wrestler will keep going to they lose or prelim round is over.
7. 4 Way 12 Way TLC 19 Qualifying Match For TWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles: Chris Gun and Jack Flap (c) beat Knight Hunter.Dagger, Hoodies. Piloit/Masion Dixie
8. First Round Of Wrestleamnia 35 TWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Tournament Match: Power Dontiy beat Eric Bison

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-2/28/2020 results:

1. Lacy Evans beat Queen Patricia
2. Phillip Donity beat Bruce Doomsday
3. Drew Gulak beat Benson Fire
4. Raymond Rowe beat Chad Crow
5. Kushida beat Basher
6. Non Title Match: Trevor Lee beat Rusev
7. Kyle Donity beat Eddie Venom
8. Tony Neese beat Clay Ninja
9. Falls Count Anywhere Rematch For Unified World 6 Man Tag Team Titles: Guardian Knights and Eric Rowan (c) beat Theodore Borando, Tristan Hearstend, Harrison Boss

TWF's After The Dawn 2021-2/28/2021 results:

Pre Show:
1. Tag Festival XI Round 6 Match: Prowl Brothers beat Ligi Brothers
2. Tag Festival XI Round 6 Match: Street Profits beat Hard Luck Fighters


1. Elimination Chamber Match For World Ladies Title Shot Of Winners Choice at Wrestlemania 37: Molly Moonshine beat Toni Storm, Helena Bytch. Asuka, Jade Thunder, Sasha Banks
2. Tag Festival XI Round 6 Match: Phat Boys beat Marvel Warriors
3. Tag Festival XI Round 6 Match: Matt Riddle and Jeff Hardy beat Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mandez
4. Tag Festival XI Round 6 Match: Kappa Knights beat Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc
5. Tag Festival XI Round 6 Match: Bollywood Boyz beat Breezango
6. Elimination Chamber Match For TWF World Heavyweight Title Shot at Wrestlemania 37: Eddie Venom beat KUSHIUDA. Marcus Croft, Mustafa Ali. Victor America, Roderick Strong

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/28/2022 results:
Tag Festival XII Round 6 Matches:

1. Non Tournament Match:  Eliana Flynn and Cora Jade beat Bianca Belair and Liv Morgan
2. Bracket A Match: Mr. Williams and Mr. Donald beat Rafel Lake and Horus Venus
3. Bracket D Match: Jupiter Jordan and Xander Seed beat William Shock and Ethan Rogue
4. Bracket A Match: Sheepard Mars and Edison Samurai beat Luke Reed and Angel Coal
5. Bracket D Match: Chris Prime and Matt Pigen beat Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz
6. Bracket A Match: Uso Brothers beat PYT
7. Bracket D Match: Barbecue Jones and Joe Jr beat Benson Fire and Clay Ninja
8. Non Tournament Street Fight Match For EUWF World Heavyweight Title: Claudio Castagnoli (c) beat Victor America

TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-2/28/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 5 Matches:

1. Bracket B Match: Baker Badar and Kagen Kass beat Chris Prime and Matt Pigen
2. 4 Way Qualifying Match For 12 Way TLC 22 Match at WM39: The New Day beat Jeffery Alpha/Jack, King Stan/Thomas Berad, Malik Blade/Edris Enofé,
3. Bracket E Match: Gary J and Rex Lion beat Phat Boys
4. Bracket B Match: Colt Star and Patrick Thorne beat Zen Warriors
5. 4 Way Qualifying Match For 12 Way TLC 22 Match at WM39: Quinton Synder and Clyde Neptune beat Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen, Alan Jacks/Tony Torpedo, Chase U
6. Bracket E Match: War Machine beat Black Valkyrie
7 .Bracket B Match: Solomon Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Dutch Lane and Abram Max
8. 4 Way Qualifying Match For 12 Way TLC 22 Match at WM39: Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams beat Hit Row, Daryl Ranger/Daniel Xtreme, Creed Brothers

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/28/2024 results:
Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 5 Matches:

1. Bracket C Match: Gary J and Felix Bolt wrestled Rex Lion and Fisher Star to a Draw.
2. Non Tournament Match: Justine Hounda, Ariel Lanley, Tiffanny Straton beat Valentina Ferez, Molly Moonshine, AJ Stine
3. Bracket F Match: Kong Remer and Link Rod beat Marcus Dove and Owen Star
4. Bracket C Match: Naughty By Nature beat Pretty Deadly
5. Non Tournament Match: Victor America, Bron Steiner, Karion Kross beat Leoroy Piloit, Pete Dunne, Chad Gable
6. Bracket F Match: Gallus beat Nightwings
7. Bracket C Match: Creed Brothers beat Alpha Academy (Otis and Akira Tozawa)
8. 3 Way Dance For Unified World 6 Man Tag Team Titles: Bobby Lashley and Street Profts (c) beat Imperium and Raymond Roadblock/American Brother

This Day In Wrestling History-February 29:
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-2/29/2008 results:

1. Doomsday beat El Generico
2. Joker beat Venom
3. Ruckus beat Delirious in a Non Title Match.
4. Naughty By Nature beat Briscoe Brothers to retain the EUWF/ECW US Tag Team Titles.
5. Jim Brooks beat Kevin Steen to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
6. Bryan Danielson, Jay Lethal, Brian Thunder, Speedster Lite beat Colt Cabana, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Machine.  Before the match Machine and Sagat were conflicted about what Machine should do about wrestlemania and two big matches he is in.  Hardcore Bytch just came out and said that he should wrestle twice anyway and just treat this like he was wrestling in tournament.  She said that she believes in Machine that he and Sagat could win the iron table match and that machine could win money in the bank all in the same night.  Machine smiled and thanked her.  He said that is what he is going to do.
7. Samoa Joe beat Big Show to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
8. Mike Bison beat John Cena to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/29/2012 results:

1. Justine Hounda beat Sara Del Rey in a Non Title Match.
2. Taion beat Alex Riley=
3. Eddie Kingston beat Heath Slater
4. El Generico beat Colt Cabana
5. Machine and Sagat beat New Bruise Brothers in a Non Title Match.
6. Kevin Steen beat Brett Wayfield in a Non Title Match.
7. Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian beat North American Dragons in a Non Title Match.
8. Mr. America, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger beat Mike Bison, CM Punk, Zach Ryder

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/29/2016 results:

The show began with Kevin Steen coming to the ring accusing Mike Bison of working with Triple H and even showing footage of the two talking somewhat friendly.  Mike came out saying that Kevin is becoming more paranoid then ever and that conversation was about WM32.  He has to work with HHH as business partner and will never like him.  Kevin says he knows the truth and was tired of back stabbing.  Kevin says he going to get a group of people he can trust and won't be involving Honor Brigade, TWF Army, Authority, The Family.  Steen left leaving mike frustrated and confused.
1. Eric Bison and Guile beat Bo and Bryatt Wyatt
2. Chris Jericho beat Mr. America
3. Ash Hyde beat Rusev
4. Samoa Joe beat Cyrus Bourne
Triple H came to the ring announcing Undertaker as his partner for WM32 and announced the match to be Hell In A Cell Match.  RJ Hammer came from the back saying he is not surprised as Taker is the only person who HHH and Stephanie hasn't pissed off around here.  RJ then said that he spent the last week thinking about who he should get as a partner.  Someone that would get under HHH and Steph's skin.  Shane McMahon was introduced as his partner and Shane said he has sat back long enough watch HHH, Steph, Mike, Laurie ruin the McMahon legacy.  He is here to set things right and help RJ do that.
5. Alberto Del Rio beat Hollywood Doomsday
6. Dolph Ziggler beat Pac
7. Sheamus beat Mr. Venom
8. reDragon beat Uso Brothers
9. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Young Bucks
10. Kevin Steen and AJ Styles beat Seth Owens and Sami Zayn.  After the match Steen went after Zayn but Seth and AJ grabbed him stopping him.  Young Bucks, Adam Cole, Roderick Strong attacked AJ and Seth.  The 5 leave Zayn, AJ, Seth laying and then hug.  The show ends with Steen and company standing tall.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-2/29/2020 results:

1. Chris Hero beat Tommy End
2. Ethan Page beat Dan Matha
3. Vincent Vlad beat Creed Gatson
4. Faith Fire beat Nikki Cross
5. Richard Wing beat Scott Dawson
6. Pick Your Posion Match: Mustafa Ali beat Brett Wayfield (Chris Hero's choice)
7. Jimmy Uso beat Marcus Croft
8. Pick Your Posion Match: Drew McIntyre beat Sebasation Sagat (Eric Bison's choice)
9. Kyle O'Reily beat Silas Young

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-2/29/2024 results:
Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 4 Matches:

1. Bracket E Match: William Shock and Ethan Rogue beat Benson Fire and Clay Ninja
2. Bracket B Match: Dogs Of War beat Ash Hyde and Seth Owens
3. Bracket E Match: Creed Gaston and Derek Vamp beat Purple Haze
4. Bracket B Match: Dominik Mysterio and Shinsuke Nakumara beat Uso Brothers
5. Bracket E Match: Hank Walker and Tank Ledger beat Luke Reed and Angel Coal
6. Leap Day Hardcore Rules Guanltet Match For Unified US Tag Team Titles: Donity Brothers beat DIY (c), LA Knight/James Storm. Dangerous Children, Mark Lite/Jim Brooks, Solomon Spirit/Jack Crystal, Vincet Vlad/Ian Impaler, Thunder Brothers, Black Valktrie, Carl War/Brent Jones

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