Thursday, July 18, 2013

Pop Culture Hall Of Shame Episode 6: Youtube nows is Failtube

Been a while since I did one of these.  Almost a year but been meaning to do more but haven't gotten around to it.  A lot of things happen this year.  One of the things recently happen to someone I sub to on Twitch.  To those who don't twitch is it is a video game streaming site.  You can stream games and watch people stream.  A lot of games played at any point.  One point mention there was 300k streams at one time.  Crumps2 who I started following either due to mass effect or his final fantasy monthish.  He last year started his own Bind Of Isaac Racing league.  First season 12 racers and season 2 now 32 racers.  He would host both races side by side on his channel. He posted every race on youtube.  Everything was great.  Getting new viewers every week and racers were are getting more attention themselves.  As a matter of fact since season 2 started 3 of the racers got their own sub button.  
Binding Of Isaac is a crazy fun game that many people play on twitch about a kid trying to kill his mother before she kills him.  Made by the people of who made Super Meat Boy.  You can see the creation of that in the excellent documentary Indie Game The Movie.  You can watch that on Netflix.
So one youtube seem to glitch out when he went to change the thumbnail on the video.  Then all the sudden youtube put copyright investigation for league against the creators of the game Edmund McMilenn and Danny Baranowsky.   Here is the funny part.  Edmund is on the one of the videos talking to crumps about the league, the game, it's squeal Rebirth, and his next game.  If he had problem with league then I think would have come during the video but nope.  Does that stop youtube nope?  Does Danny coming out on twitter telling youtube to stop.  Do they?  NOPE!  Youtube sides copyrights on the side Danny and Edmund somehow.  Can they not read or watch their videos on their own site.  I mean the video that has Edmund on call has his NAME IN THE TITLE.
You are hurting a person who is putting videos on your site because someone flagged them?  Sometimes it is a good thing but this is one that should have looked over in 5 seconds and passed on.  Not like there was anything that was from creators telling you to stop.  Not like they were playing in game music that you flagged.  Oh wait that is what you have done to video games awesome and probably other lets play people.
Seriously youtube you need to get your act together.  I liked days of when I could pretty much anything I wanted to on you.  The days I could find of every episode of Sailor Moon.  I understand you have to obey copyright holders you don't want to be sued.  The wrong case and situation.  All it would have taken was  a little real hard work to figure this out.  Instead you go after a legit youtuber and you still have people posting all kinds of illegal stuff on youtube.  You make me more wish I could go to blip.  GET YOUR STUFF TOGETHER.  If you fail at something so easy then you might as well pack it up.

For more on league and other stuff: 

PS: They recently tried to put copyright claim on a blank video too on Crumps account.  ::Face palm: 

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