Monday, June 8, 2015

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-June 8 results

1. John Cena, Kevin Steen, Wade Barrett, Sheamus beat King Peter, Freddie Waldeno, Ash Hyde, Cyrus Bourne
Reunited Authority of Orton, Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Big Show, Kane, Wyatt Family, John Cena (with MITB briefcase), Kevin Steen, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, John Moxly, Sami Callihan, Young Bucks, AJ Styles, Austin Aries, Robert Roode came to the ring.  HHH said this has been one year of planning and scarifices were made but to set up things for their group he took himself tv.  He said there were bumps in the road but they were taken care of.  That Orton and him were never not on the same side this last year.  They played everyone like a fool.  Destruction of TWF starts tonight as they already took care of TWF General Manger Thomas Boss.  Video showed Thomas Boss being taken out by Big Show and Kane and then punted by Orton.  HHH then announced Mr. America will face Big Show, Kane, Orton in a 3 on 1 handicap match right then.  HHH called Mr. America out and no one came out.  A limo was shown to be pulling up as HHH called MA out again.  MA finally came out along with Ash Hyde, Ms. America, Carol Ninja.  MA said he was making sure of something back stage.  Ash then called out Cena for steal his MITB briefcase and then challenged him to a match with it on line at Great American Bash 2015.  Cena agreed saying no TWF loser should hold it and HHH told MA to get his ass in the ring.  MA said he won't and here is why telling the music guy to play the music.  RJ Hammer's old music started up.  RJ Hammer and Michelle Hammer came from the back and HHH says whats he going to do.  This was followed by Speedster Lite, Lady Speed, Brett Wayfield, Laurie Hammer coming from the back.  HHH says the family is all here what are they going to do as Doomsday Inc, Honor Brigade, American Heroes came from the back too.  RJ said that he and Mike Bison warned Thomas not to let you in the building last night.  RJ said that he is here to back up his family and friends.  HHH said that he used his authority to override that and Laurie said she is a bit surprised how far went to get this done.  Having himself punted, Batistia being taken out, Triple H backstage moves to ensure the power for authority that now Laurie found out.  Laurie and Mike had earlier in the day had people look at the moves HHH made and just barley got the scope of it.  Bullcrap stops today as Authority will have to answer for what they been doing and Laurie announced that thomas was suppose to announce the real main event tonight.  Orton vs Mr. America in a Rematch for Triple Crown Title but the match will be with Lumerberjacks with light tubes.  Orton and HHH didn't agree but RJ said it was to late.  Stephanie and Moxly said something and the Authority left the ring to be the lumberjacks.
2. Randy Orton beat Mr. America in a Lumberjacks with Light Tubes Match to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.  The end came when the ref down and lumberjacks brawling around ringside triple H went to get the sledge hammer from under the ring.  He couldn't get it out and when he finally did he had a shock look on his face.  Mike Bison was holding on to the other end of it and mike chased triple H from ringside with sledge hammer and barbed wire singapore cane.  He hit Orton with the sledge hammer and left the ring.  MA called for a ref but Roman Reigns came from the crowd spearing him.  He put Orton on MA for the win.  Authority and reunited Shield stood tall as they got orton from ringside.  Mike announced that MA has been added to Elimination Chamber Match on Sunday to end the show.

Summer Tag Festival V:

1. Team Tremendous beat Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood
2. Kappa Knights beat Chris Prime and Matt Pigpen
3. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Trooper 1 and 2 to retain the Unified World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
4. Naughty By Nature wrestled Hollywood Doomsday and Mr. Venom to a draw to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Dolph Ziggler and Ash Hyde beat Rhino and Guile
6. The Kingdom beat Hallowicked and Frightmare
7. Young Bucks beat Bravado Brothers to retain theUnified US Tag Team Titles.
8. Roderick Strong and Michel Elgin beat Tyler Black and Roman Reigns

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