Thursday, July 11, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-July 11 (RVD joins D-X, Fun In The Sun 1999, Round Robin 10 Qualifying Matches, Venom won't give the belt up, nWo Elite celebrates and leads to nWo reunion, RJ vs Atlhete Comission, Round Robin 13, Jade/Temptress Hair vs Hair, Spirit vs Hulk Hogan and John Cena, Japan Tour 2014 Day 2, Dark Match Title Change, Gary J thrown out of Young Guns Army Locker Room, Wrestle Fest 2020 Day 1, Best Of Lightweight Tag Team Tournament 20, Chris Jericho answers Mike Bison's challenge, Summer Warfare 2021)

This Day In Wrestling History-July 11:
Saturday Slam Jam-7/11/1998 results:

1. Wildfire beat Doomsday and Venom
2. Too Much beat F.B.I.
3. Jerry Lynn beat Marc Mero
4. 2 Cold Scorpio beat Jeff Jarrett
5. Bruise Brothers beat Trooper 9 and 10
6. Public Enemy beat Machine and E. Hounda
7. Steiner Brothers beat New Midnight Express
8. Dean Malenko beat Eddie Guerrero
9. Sabu beat Chris Jericho
10. Masato Tanaka beat Chris Benoit
11. Rob Van Dam beat Taz to win the EUWF US Title. 
D-X offers Van Dam a spot in their group after the match and he joins.
12. Triple H, Jim Brooks Brooks, Syxx, and Outlaws beat Night Brothers and Dudleys

Fun In The Sun 99-7/11/1999 results:

1. Ken Shamrock beat Perry Saturn
2. Public Enemy beat Machine and Evan Hounda to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
3. Justin Credible beat D-Lo Brown to retain the EUWF IC Title.
4. Steve Austin beat Undertaker
5. RJ Hammer and Balls Mahoney beat Dudleys
6. Lance Storm and Chris Jericho beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks in a Ladder Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Sting, Kevin Nash, Steve Austin, Sandman, Ken Shamrock beat Bison, Commander, Sid Vicious, Undertaker, Kane in a War Games Match.
8. RJ Hammer, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Joe, Barbecue, Rey Misterio Jr., Eddie Guerrero beat Shane Douglas, Machine, Evan Hounda, Lance Storm, Chris Jericho, Jeff Jarrett, Justin Credible, Mark Night, Chris Night in a War Games Match.

Wednesday Night Brawl-7/11/2001 results:

1. Strong Ninja beat Scotty Too Hotty
2. Spirit beat Cyborg to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
3. Speedster Lite beat Christian in a Round Robin 10 Qualifying Match.
4. Simon Diamond beat Chavo Guerrero Jr. in a Round Robin 10 Qualifying Match.
5. Gregory Helms beat Hardcore Holly in a Round Robin 10 Qualifying Match.
6. Extreme Warrior beat Kurt Angle in a Round Robin 10 Qualifying Match.  The end came when RJ Hammer ran in and hit the Angle slam onto Angle through a table.  He then but Warrior onto Angle for the win.
7. Jimbro Brooks beat Tajiri to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
8. Hardy Boys beat Low Ki and Mankind
9. Joe and Piloit beat American Turncoats to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
10. Rhyno, Shadow WX, Danger, Dudleys beat Mike Awesome, Naughty By Nature, Mike Bison, Guile

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-7/11/2002 results:

Ric Flair came to the ring and announced the triple main event.  He first announced the match between barbecue and venom.  He then announced the match for the six man tag team titles and 8 person tag match.  Flair then called Venom out to give him the world title belt he stole.  Venom comes out without the title and tells flair that he will not give him the title.  He said that he is the rightful world champion and that no one will take the belt from him.  Flair said by the end of the night the belt will no longer be in his position.  Venom said no chance in hell.
1. Chris Jericho beat Billy Kidman
2. Jim Brooks beat Booker T to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
3. Low Ki beat Edge
4. Taion beat Hulk Hogan in a Non Title Match.
5. Masato Tanaka and Hit Squad beat Mike Awesome and Naughty By Nature
6. Tajiri, Super Crazy, Red, Ariel Bison beat Christopher Daniels, Donavan Morgan, The Messiah, Simply Luscious
7. Chris Benoit, AJ Styles, Kurt Angle beat Backseat Boyz and Jerry Lynn
8. Venom beat Barbecue.  The ref was knocked out when Venom went for the world title belt to hit barbecue.  Barbecue duck and then hit a tiger driver onto the belt.  Brock Lensar ran in and hit the F-5 onto Barbecue leading Venom to the win.  Venom walked out with the title again.  Lensar beat onto Barbecue till Tajiri, Super Crazy, Doomsday, Naughty By Nature made the save with steel chairs.
nWo elite came to the ring.  Balloons and confetti came down from the ceiling.  A cake was brought out after all the confetti was let down.  It was all in celebration to the Spirit, Shawn Michaels, and Raven's leadership that have lead to their success.  All the members of nWo Black and White came from the back and the crowd.  RJ Hammer came from the crowd to and got into the ring.  He puts his hand out instead of attacking Spirit or any else on the nWo Elite.  Spirit shakes his hand and smiles.  They raise each other's hand.
RJ: "I think it's time that the nWo groups stop feuding with each other.  I think it's been a waist because you guys have proved me wrong.  You are all well deserving of the name nWo and to be in the nWo.  I thought most of you were losers and treated you wrong.  I am sorry for that and it's time the nWo black and white and nWo elite come back together.  You help us destroy the Doomsday Alliance we will give you guys control of raw but I would have all final say on what happens on raw and I would be in full control of the company."  Spirit, Raven, HBK talked to each other.
Spirit: "I like that idea."  Spirit smiles likes he knows something more then he saying.  Ric Flair comes out with security and orders them to take out the nWo black and white and grab the world title belt back.  Both nWo groups beat up onto security.  The Rock's music starts up and the Rock leads the Doomsday Alliance to the ring.  Doomsday Alliance and nWo groups battle.  The Rock goes after Venom but Venom runs out of the ring and into the crowd.  The Rock follows him and Doomsday Alliance chases off the nWo groups to end the show.

TTWF 7/11/2003 Viking Hall results:

The show began with a video high light package of previous no rope barbed wire matches in Viking Hall.
1. Venom wrestled Mad Man Pondo to a no contest in a No Rope Barbed Wire, Barbed Wire Ring Mat, Light Tube Death Match to retain TTWF World Hardcore Title.  Venom and Pondo got in the ring for the match but Frank Talent tried to stop the show.  RJ Hammer came to ringside and said that if he didn't let this match go that he was going to sue Talent.  He also said that he has a law suit on the state commission for the actions.  The two argued at ringside till Machine, Shadow WX, Crash The Terminator, New Jack, Balls Mahoney, Vic Grimes, Carnage Crew, Nick Mondo, Axl Rotten, Mafia, Monster Mac attacked Venom and Pondo.  Shadow WX said that they were here because they should have been in line for a shot before Pondo got one.  RJ got security to break up the attack.  RJ then had the none TTWF wrestlers who were EUWF wrestlers thrown out of the building.  He then told Axl, WX, Crash will wrestle tonight for a title shot next Friday.  He then said that there will be a no rope barbed wire match tonight one way or another and got into a fight with talent again.  This RJ to get Talent to mistakenly walk right into the back of a truck.  By the time talent realized that RJ was closing the door to the back of the truck and then the truck drove away.
2. Backseat Boyz beat Naughty By Nature beat Backseat Boyz in a TPE (Public Enemy) Brawl Game.  Matched renamed in honor of the public enemy.  NBN came to the ring to the TPE's music and wearing TPE jerseys.
3. Eddie Guerrero beat Masato Tanaka
4. American Dragon beat Jerry Lynn
5. Axl Rotten beat Shadow WX and Crash The Terminator in a 3 Way Hardcore Match to win a title shot at TTWF World Hardcore Title next friday.
6. Spanky and Paul London beat Ric Blade and Ruckus
7. Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio Jr. beat Mike Quackenbush and Reckless Youth to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Kurt Angle beat Ultimo Dragon to retain the TTWF US Title
9. Michael Shane and Chris Benoit beat Jim Brooks and Shawn Michaels
10. Venom beat Mad Man Pondo in a No Rope Barbed Wire, Light Tube, Barbed Wire Ring Mat Death Match to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.  The two shook hands after the match till Necro Butcher with a chair attacked both men till RJ Hammer made the save.

Round Robin 13-7/11/2004 results:
Round Robin 13 Tournament:

Round 1-EUWF Bracket:

1. Low Ki beat Homicide
2. Mike Bison beat Speedster Lite
3. Samoa Joe beat Raven
4. John Cena beat BJ Whitmer

TTWF Bracket:

1. Spanky beat D'Lo Brown
2. Mike Awesome beat Trent Acid
3. CM Punk beat Jim Brooks
4. Doomsday beat Venom

Round 2-EUWF Bracket:

1. Low Ki beat Samoa Joe
2. Mike Bison beat Raven
3. Homicide beat John Cena
4. Speedster Lite beat BJ Whitmer

TTWF Bracket:

1. Spanky beat Mike Awesome
2. Jim Brooks beat Trent Acid
3. Doomsday beat D'Lo Brown
4. Venom beat CM Punk

Round 3-EUWF Bracket:

1. Mike Bison beat Low Ki
2. Samoa Joe beat Homicide
3. BJ Whitmer beat Raven
4. Speedster Lite beat John Cena

TTWF Bracket:

1. Venom beat D'Lo Brown
2. Mike Awesome beat Jim Brooks
3. Trent Acid beat Doomsday
4. CM Punk beat Spanky

Round 4-EUWF Bracket:

1. Mike Bison beat Samoa Joe
2. Homicide beat Speedster Lite
3. Low Ki beat BJ Whitmer
4. John Cena beat Raven

TTWF Bracket:

1. Venom beat Jim Brooks
2. Spanky beat Trent Acid
3. Doomsday beat CM Punk
4. D'Lo Brown beat Mike Awesome

Round 5-EUWF Bracket:

1. Mike Bison beat John Cena
2. Homicide beat BJ Whitmer
3. Samoa Joe beat Speedster Lite
4. Low Ki beat Raven

TTWF Bracket:

1. Venom beat Trent Acid
2. CM Punk beat D'Lo Brown
3. Jim Brooks beat Spanky
4. Doomsday beat Mike Awesome

Quater-Finals Round-EUWF Bracket:

1. Mike Bison beat BJ Whitmer
2. Homicide beat Raven
3. Low Ki beat Speedster Lite
4. Samoa Joe beat John Cena

TTWF Bracket:

1. Venom beat Mike Awesome
2. Doomsday beat Spanky
3. CM Punk beat Trent Acid
4. Jim Brooks beat D'Lo Brown

Semifinals Round-EUWF Bracket:

1. Mike Bison beat Homicide
2. Raven beat Speedster Lite
3. Samoa beat BJ Whitmer
4. Low Ki beat John Cena

TTWF Bracket:

1. Venom beat Spanky
2. Doomsday beat Jim Brooks
3. CM Punk beat Mike Awesome
4. Trent Acid beat D'Lo Brown

TTWF Bracket-Bonus Round:

1. Venom beat Doomsday to advance to the finals.


1. Mike Bison beat Venom to win the Round Robin 13 Tournament.  It was first Round Robin Tournament win.  The EUWF's half of the main event of Summerslam 2004 will now be EUWF World Heavyweight Champion v.s. Speedster Lite (Best Of Lightweight Tournament Winner) v.s. Mike Bison (RR 13 Winner) v.s. Taion (#1 Contenders Trophy Holder).  The Von Erich Memorial Tournament will now be a TTWF only Tournament with the winner facing TTWF World Heavyweight Champion v.s. Venom (UWC 5 Winner) v.s. Jerry Lynn (#1 Contenders Trophy Holder) in the TTWF half of Summerslam 2004.

Non Tournament Matches:

1. Jade beat Temptress in a Hair v.s. Hair Match.  After Temptress hair was cut off Ms. America attacked Jade trying to shave her hair all off but Michelle came out making the save with a chair leading to a match between the two.
2. Ms. America beat Michelle to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
3. Randy Orton beat Jimmy Rave in a Cage Match to win the EUWF World TV Title.
4. Rhyno beat Taion to win the EUWF IC Title.
5. Sonjay Dutt beat Piloit to win the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
6. Real American Heroes (Duke and Snake Eyes) beat American Heroes, Real American Heroes (Mr. America and Nick Berk), SAT, Night Brothers, Hotstuff, Dynamic Duo, Spirit/Jack Crystal, Hard Luck Fighters, Briscoe Brothers, Wildfire, Crazy, Billy Kidman/Paul London, Sgt./Roadblock, Troopers in a 7 Fall Match.  Two Real American Heroes Teams retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles, EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles, EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles, EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.  Night Brothers retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title and Hotstuff retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Jerry Lynn beat Chris Benoit, Spirit, Piloit, Rey Misterio Jr., Chris Hero, Rob Van Dam, Red, Jesus Bison to win the #1 Contenders Trophy For TTWF World Heavyweight Title and win a shot at the TTWF World Heavyweight Title at Summerslam 2004 on August 15.
8. Taion beat Booker T, Sabu, Masato Tanaka, Tajiri, Super Crazy, Danny Maff to win the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title and win a shot at the EUWF World Heavyweight Title at Summerslam 2004 on August 15.
9. Edge beat Bryan Danielson to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.  The end came when Danielson had the win but Chris Jericho came from the seat in the crowd he was sitting in and lionsaulted Danielson letting Edge get the win.  Jericho had been thrown out of the building earlier but came back in with a ticket.  After the match security chased jericho through the crowd.
10. Chris Jericho beat AJ Styles and Eddie Guerrero in a 3 Way Dance to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  Before the match Jericho made his way back to the ring attacking Styles before security stopped him.  Guerrero attacked Jericho while security had them a three way brawl started.  Michelle came out and asked if Styles and Guerrero wanted the match to be made into a 3 Way.  They both agreed and Michelle announced that if Jericho agreed to his title shot now that he would forfeit the Barbed Wire Cage Match against the winner of AJ/Guerrero Match tomorrow night.  Jericho agreed and michelle told security to leave.  Jericho hit AJ with the belt while security left letting Jericho and Guerrero sneak a quick pin to eliminate him.  Later in the match Jericho went for a lionsault but Guerrero Moved and went for a roll up from behind.  Jericho reversed it grabbing the tights for the win.  After the match Jericho was celebrating with fellow Evolution members about their wins earlier and RJ mention the belts Evolution still needed (EUWF and TTWF US and Hardcore Title and EUWF Iron Man Title).  Michelle came in and announced that Barbed Wire Cage Match for tomorrow night is back on with Jericho defending against AJ Styles.  That made Evolution angry.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-7/11/2005 results:

1. Austin Aries beat Speedster Lite to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
2. Homicide, Low Ki, Ricky Reyes beat La Resistance
3. Jim Brooks beat Red to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
4. Chris Hero beat Machine to retain the EUWF US Title.
5. Jack Crystal beat Undertaker
6. Eddie Guerrero beat Edge to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
7. Spirit beat Hulk Hogan to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  Spirit didn't know who he would be facing tonight and came out before the match.  He listed all those guys he has beaten since winning the title.  He then called out whoever he would be facing and then hulk hogan's music started.  He came to the ring and spirit ran under the ring while he made his entrance.  Spirit came from under the ring attacking hogan with the belt and covered hogan.  Hogan kicked out hulking up and got on the offensive.  He eventually hit the leg drop and went for the cover but Jeff G. Bailey distracted the ref before he could count.  Hogan grabbed Bailey and Spirit grabbed the EUWF World Heavyweight Title belt.  He hit hogan with a low blow with the belt and made the go behind cover for three with a hand full of tights.  Spirit and Bailey were leaving when John Cena came from the back saying he was tired of watching Spirit screw over everyone he faced and was cashing in his money in the bank right now.
8. Spirit beat John Cena to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  Cena hit the FU and went for cover but Bailey grabbed the ref out of the ring and Hogan attacked Bailey.  Hogan had stayed around ringside after the previous match in Cena's corner.  He dragged Bailey to the back and Spirit hit Cena right in the head with the title belt.  There was no ref and Spirit waved to the back but Jack Crystal came from the back.  He hit Spirit in the head with the chair and put Cena on top of Spirit.  Jack left and then the masked man from last weeks Independence day bash came from the crowd.  He picked Cena up and hit the FU on him.  He then put Spirit on top and left back through the crowd.  The controversial ref comes out and makes the 3 count giving the win to bloody Spirit to end the show.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-7/11/2007 results:

1. Hardcore Bytch beat Samantha Bison ECW World Ladies Title.
2. Mike Bison beat AJ Styles to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
3. 2 Cold Scoprio beat Sabu
4. Milano Collection At beat Tony Mamaluke to retain the ECW IC Title.
5. Chris Harris beat Little Guido to retain the ECW World TV Title.
6. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Ruckus and Eddie Kingston (Filling in for an injured Sabian) to retain the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
7. Motor City Machine Guns beat Austin Aries and M-Dogg 20 to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. CW Anderson, Machine, Sagat beat Samoa Joe, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-7/11/2008 results:

The show began with huge Von Erich Memorial Tournament news.  The news was that this years tournament will be a 48 man special Best Of The Lightweights 13.  This was done to even the numbers and is one time thing.  BOTL 14 will still take place in november at Eddie Guerrero Memorial Show.  Also announced that the Tag Team Death Match Tournament may be moved from September to november during Surviving Week 2008.  Decision hasn't been made but due to the nightmare of having all three tournaments in one weekend has caused the decision has been leaning to november.
1. Alexis Lariee beat Sara Del Rey to win the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. Sabrina and Thorn Rose beat Ariel Bison and Samantha Bison to win the EUWF/ECW World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
3. Chris Jericho beat Kevin Steen to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title and EUWF World Iron Man Title.
4. Kofi Kingston beat Delirious to win the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
5. Harry Smith beat Matt Sydal to win the EUWF IC Title.
6. Mr. America beat El Generico to win the EUWF World TV Title.
7. Charlie Haas beat Speedster Lite to win the EUWF US Title.
8. King Jim Brooks beat Chris Night to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-7/11/2009 results:

1. Laurie Hammer, Nattie Neidhart, TJ Wilson beat Mickie Knuckles, Miss Lee, Machine
2. Primo Colon beat Basher
3. Smasher beat Carlito Colon
4. Mask Man #2 beat Eric Bison
5. Guile beat Mask Man #1
6. Kevin Steen and El Generico beat Colt Cabana and Paul Burchill
7. Jimmy Rave and Claudio Castagnoli beat Petey Williams/Eric Young and Ted Dibiase Jr./Cody Rhodes in a  3 Way Non Title Match.
8. Edide Kingston and Necro Butcher beat Tommy Dreamer and Mike Bison

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-7/11/2011 results:

1. Guile beat John Cena
2. Kevin Steen beat The Miz
3. Alberto Del Rio beat Davey Richards in a Non Title Match.
4 New Bruise Brothers beat Uso Brothers in a Summer Tag Festival Match.
5. Dark City Fight Club beat Spirit and Jack Crystal in a Summer Tag Festival Match.
6. Power and Blood Warrior beat Michel Elgin and Roderick Strong in a Summer Tag Festival Match.
7. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Colony in a Summer Tag Festival Match.
8. Kofi Kingston, El Generico, Tyler Black, Bryan Danielson, Mr. America, CM Punk beat Mike Bison, Brett Wayfield, Venom, Matt Sydal, John Moxly, Low Ki

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-7/11/2012 results:

1. Samoa Joe beat Cody Rhodes
2. Austin Aries and Christian Cage beat Donity Brothers and El Generico/Bryan Danielson in a 3 Way Dance.

Summer Tag Festival II:

1. Hot Shots beat All Night Express and Colony in a 3 Way Dance.
2. Jigsaw and Hallowicked beat Heath Slater/Justin Gabriel and WN Red/Simga in a 3 Way Dance.
3. Super Smash Brothers beat Doomsday Kid/Venomous and Naughty By Nature in a 3 Way Dance.
4. Beer Money beat Hoodies and Eric Bison/Guile in a 3 Way Dance.
5. Machine and Sagat beat Kevin Steen/Jimmy Jacobs and Shelton Benjamin/Charlie Haas in a 3 Way Dance.
6. Doomsday and Venom beat Briscoe Brothers and Dolph Ziggler/Jack Swagger in a 3 Way Dance.

TWF's Thursday Night Fire-7/11/2013 results:
Summer Tag Festival III:

1. Doomsday and Venom beat Snake Eyes and John Fire
2. Hulk and Destroyer beat New Demolition
3. Brian Thunder and Duke beat New Gangtas
4. WN Alpha and Sigma beat Mike Bison and Taion
5. Joe and Piloit beat Rhendo and Blanka
6. Trooper 1 and 2 beat Eric Bison and Guile
7. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Crazy
8. Donity Brothers beat Night Brothers

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-7/11/2014 results:

1. Chris Jericho, Cyrus Bourne, Samoa Joe, Sami Zayn, Colt Cabana beat Wyatt Family

Summer Tag Festival IV:

1. Oultaw Inc beat Primo and Epico
2. Samurai Del Sol and Sin Cara beat reDragon
3. Jay Lethal and Xavier Woods beat Gran Akuma and Icarus
4. Michel Elgin and Roderick Strong beat Joe Henning and Ryback
5. Ascension beat Adam Cole and Peter Spider
6. Throwbacks beat Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano
7. Blk Out beat Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexandar
8. Uso Brothers beat American Wolves

EUWF's Japan Tour 2014 Day 2-7/11/2014 results:

1. Sara Jane Wyatt beat Paige and Alicia Fox in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
2. Claudio Castagnoli beat Machine and Mark Night in a 3 Way Non Title Match.
3. Ash Hyde beat Pac and The Miz in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified World TV Title.
4. Naughty By Nature beat Big E. and Kofi Kingston
5. Venom beat Doomsday to retain the Unified World Harcore Title.
6. Wyatt Family beat Cyrus Bourne, Sami Zayn, Roman Reigns, Tyler Black, Dolph Ziggler
7. Mr. America beat Rob Van Dam to retain the Unified US Title.
8. Mike Bison beat John Cena to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-7/11/2015 results:

1. Mr. America won the Battle Royal For Triple Crown Title Shot at Summer Wars 2015. American Heroes, Mark Night, Piloit, Masion Dixie, Naughty By Nature, Donity Brothers, Warrior Ninjas, Troopers, Young Guns Army, Wildfire, Crazy, New Demolition, Backlot Warriors, Dangerous Trio, Dragons, Hoodies, Vampire Nation, Bubba Jones, Zangief, Spirit, Taion, Guile, Jackson Rouch, Piloit, Masion Dixie, Speedster Lite, Freddie Waldeno were also in the match.

Summer Tag Festival V:

1. Ligi Brothers beat Kappa Knights
2. Nightwings beat The Masters
3. Team Tremendous beat Team Apocalypse
4. Gambit Inc beat Marcus Dove and Owen Star
5. Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous
6. Naughty By Nature beat Sgt. and Roadblock
7. Eric Bison and Sagat beat Hard Luck Fighters
8. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks wrestled Night Brothers to a Draw.

EUWF's House Show-7/11/2015 results:

1. Paige beat Ms. America, Pink Dudley, Hardcore Bytch in a 4 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
2. Trooper 1 and 2 beat Crazy in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
3. Hot Shots beat Sgt. and Roadblock in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
4. Donity Brothers beat Wildfire in a Summer Tag Festival V Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Hollywood Doomsday and Mr. Venom beat East/West Dragons in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
6. Zach Ryder beat Taion to retain the Unified World TV Title.
7. King Peter beat Wade Barrett to retain the Unified IC Title.
8. Ash Hyde beat Randy Orton, Mr. America, Sheamus in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-7//11/2016 results:

1. Tyler Black, Kevin Steen, Adam Cole beat Sami Zayn, Mark Night, Jackson Rouch

Summer Tag Festival VI:

1. Lucha Dragons beat Devestation Corp
2. Rusev and Zangief beat Goldust and Ron Killing
3. Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano v.s. Eric Bison and Sagat
4. Vaudevillains beat Masion Dixie and Piloit
5. Motor City Machine Guns beat Hype Brothers
6. The Revival beat Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio
7. RPG Vice beat King Peter and Freddie Waldeno
8. Trevor Lee and Andrew Everett beat Dudleyz
9. Bad Influence beat Drew Gulak and Tracy Williams

EUWF's Smackdown Live-7/11/2017 results:

1. AJ Styles won the 30 Man Battle Royal and Summer Slam 2017 EUWF World Heavyweight Title Shot.  ECW Brand Goes To Von Erich Memorial Tournament 24. The Shield, Brock Lesnar, John Cena, Randy Orton, Big Show, Wyatt Family, Samoa Joe, The Miz, Michel Elgin, Sami Zayn, Kevin Steen, Eddie Edwards, Joe Henning, Roderick Strong, Adam Cole, Shinsuke Nakumra, Jay Lethal, Prince Devitt, Pac, reDragon, The New Day.  After the match Christopher Daniels came out congrulating AJ and the two shook hands to end the show.  After the show went off the air AJ why wait for a month challenge daniels to a title match then.
2. Dark Match: AJ Styles beat Christopher Daniels to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

Summer Tag Festival VII:

1. Motor City Machine Guns beat Bollywood Boyz
2. #Broken Hardies beat Ascesion
3. Colony beat Heath Slater and Rhino
4.  N_R_G beat Brodie Lee and Eric Rowan
5. American Alpha beat Lucha Dragons
6. Drew Gulak and Tony Neese beat Lince Dorado and Akira Tozawa
7. Bryatt Wyatt and Cyrus Bourne lost Throwbacks by Count-Out to retain the EUWF US Tag Team Titles.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-7/11/2018 results:

1. Bubba Jones beat Titus O'Neil
2. Jay Briscoe beat Jack Crystal
3. Joe Henning beat Ash Hyde and Tyler Black in a 3 Way Non Title Match.
4. Raymond Rowe beat Marcus Croft
5. Vlad beat Scott Dawson
6. Bryan Danielson beat Tommy End and Ricochet in a 3 Way Non Title Match.
7. KENTA beat Brett Wayfield
8. AJ Styles, Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson beat Roderick Strong, Kyle O'Reily, Adam Cole

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-7/13/2019 results:

1. #1 Contenders Tournament Match: Masion Dixie beat Marcus Croft
2. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 19 Points v.s. Points Match: SCU beat Dagger and Knight Hunter
3. #1 Contenders Tournament Match: Bruce Doomsday beat Stanley Hammer
4. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 18 Points v.s. Points Match: Street Profits beat Cheesy Warriors
It was shown that after Thursday show Gary J went to Young Guns Army's locker room to get his stuff.  He opened the door but Bubba Jones was standing in the way not letting him in.  Bubba said he was allowed in here anymore and Gary said he had nothing to do with what happen.  Peter threw Gary's bag out of the locker room and closed the door.  Gary pounded on the door trying to get calling for Fisher Star, Rex Lion, Felix Bolt.  No answer and Gary slumped against the door.  Machine comes up to him saying Gary better admit to what he did or he will strip him of the title.  Gary said he didn't have anything to do with it.  Machine says he has till next thursday to find out, admit what he did, or he will take action on him.  Gary asked how was he suppose to do that as Machine walked away.
5. #1 Contenders Tournament Match: Jim Brooks beat Mark Lite
6. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 19 Points v.s. Points Match: Briscoe Brothers beat Steven Doomsday and Anthony Venomous
7. #1 Contenders Tournament Match: Bubba Jones beat Spirit
8. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 19 Points v.s. Points Match: Ash Hyde and Seth Owens wrestled Kevin Steen and Sami Zayn to a 15 Minute Draw.

TWF's Thursday Night Fire-7/11/2019 results:

1. #1 Contenders Tournament Match: Freddie Waldeno beat Power Donity
2. 4 Way Summer Tag Festival IX Points v.s. Points Match: Zen Warriors beat Fisher Star/Rex Lion, The Kingdom, Peter Spider/Freddie Waldeno
3. #1 Contenders Tournament Match: Bloody Donity beat Vlad
4. 4 Way Summer Tag Festival IX Points v.s. Points Match: Nightmare beat Carson Jackson/Dailey Watson, Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch, Clifford Darkness/Brent Jet
5. #1 Contenders Tournament Match: Jack Crystal beat Piloit
6. 4 Way Summer Tag Festival IX Points v.s. Points Match: Chris Gun and Jack Flap beat Ligi Brothers, Creed Gatson/Derek Vamp, Los Ice Creams
7. #1 Contenders Tournament Match: Ash Hyde beat Will Nightmare
8. 4 Way Summer Tag Festival IX Round 15 Points v.s. Points Match: Naughty By Nature beat Axel Grey/Andrew Gold, Nightwings, Briscoe Brothers
9. Cage Match For TWF World Heavyweight Title: Gary J (c) beat King Theodore III.  The end came when Theodore cuffed Gary to top rope and was about to leave the cage.  Lights went out and when they came back on gary was out of the cage laying on the foor confused.  and theodore was cuffed to the top rope.  Gary was award the match as fans chanted bullshit.  Gary grabbed his belt mad as fans started throwing stuff at him and he ran to the back to end the show.

Filmed exclusively for EUWF Network:
Summer Tag Festival IX-Points v.s. Points Matches:

1. Purple Haze beat Carson Jackson Dailey/Watson, Rascals, Clifford Darkness/Brent Jet
2. oVe beat Fisher Star/Rex Lion, Peter Spider/Freddie Waldeno, Phoenix Edge/Scott Shock, Zen Warriors, Dean Nuke/Nick Acid
3. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch beat Dogs Of War
4. The New Day beat Ascension
5. Roman Reigns and Tyler Black beat Gallus
6. Drew Gulak Tony Neese beat James Drake/Zack Gibson, Doc Gallows/Karl Anderson, Kings Of Wrestling

EUWF's Wrestle Fest 2020 Day 1-7/11/2020 results:
Best Of Lightweight Tag Team Tournament 20:

Bracket 1-Round 1:
Adam Cole and Roderick Strong (BOTLTT VI Winner) beat Zen Warriors
2. Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher beat Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood
3. Creed Gaston and Derek Vamp beat Road Ragers
4. Danny Dagger and Hunter Knight beat Road Knights
5. Black Valkyrie beat Tehuti Miles and Shane Strickland
6. Naughty By Nature (BOLTT X Winners) beat Hot Shots
7. Brandom Scarlet and Braden Olsen beat Team Apocaylpse
8. Hot and Spicy beat Nightwings

Round 2:

1. Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher beat Adam Cole and Roderick Strong
2. Danny Dagger and Hunter Knight beat Creed Gatson and Derek Vamp
3. Black Valkyire beat Naughty By Nature
4. Hot and Spicy beat Brandom Scarlet and Braden Olsen

Round 3:

1. Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher beat Danny Dagger and Hunter Knight
2. Black Valkyrie beat Hot and Spicy

Bracket 2-Round 1:

Tyler Black and Buddy Murphy beat Ash Hyde and Seth Owens (BOLTT16 Winners)
2. Lucha Dragons beat Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc
3. Chad Gable (BOLTTT17 Winner) and Shelton Benjamin beat Shot Busters
4. Purple Haze beat Elijah Crash and Brent White
5. Trevor Lee and Kushida beat Austin Theory and Johnny Garganno v.s.
6. Marcus Croft and Tyson Bronx beat Jeff Hardy (BOLTTTXV Winner) and Rey Misterio Jr
7. Sir Felix and Sir Fisher beat Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson
8. Prowl Brothers beat Emanuel Fire and Clifford Darkness

Round 2:

Tyler Black and Buddy Murphy beat Lucha Dragons
2. Purple Haze beat Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin
3. Marcus Croft and Tyson Bronx beat Trevor Lee and Kushida
4. Sir Felx and Sir Fisher beat Prowl Brothers

Round 3:

Tyler Black and Buddy Murphy beat Purple Haze
2. Marcus Croft and Tyson Bronx beat Sir Felix and Sir Fisher

Bracket 3-Round 1:

Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz beat Wayne Storm and Harper Wave
2. Jump Start beat Leoroy Piloit (BOLTTT VII Winner) and Masion Dixie
Satanna and Ortiz beat Colt Star and Patrick Throne,  Before the match Chris Jericho made a surprise appearence coming to the ring with Satanna and Ortiz.  After the match he called Mike Bison out wanting to know why Mike wanted him in his final match at Christmas Bash in December.  Mike made his way to ring say that he respected Jericho and owes a lot to him.  He feels like things have never been really settled between them and then wanted last match against one of his best rivals.  The man who he be nowhere if it wasn't for.  Jericho agreed to Christmas Bash match and mike offered him a hand.  Jericho instead hit him with Judas Effect.  Satanna and Ortiz attacked mike after.  Held mike up for another Judas Effect but Eric Bison, Ulysses Taion, Gavin Guile made the save.  Jericho says he had a great idea.  Challenged Mike for his family to meet Jericho's (Inner Circle) at Survivor Series.
4. Remy Who and Tom Master beat Daxton Hustler and Johnny The Kid
5. Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend beat Beaver Boys
6. Imperium beat Mercury Manson and Jupiter Jordan
7. Street Profits beat Brian Kendrick and Ariya Diavari
8. Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno beat Gambit Inc

Round 2:

Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz beat Jump Start
2. Santanna and Ortiz beat Remy Who and Tom Master
3. Imperium beat Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend
4. Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno beat Street Profits

Round 3:

1. Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz beat Santanna and Ortiz
2. Imperium beat Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno

Bracket 4-Round 1:

Vincet Vlad and Ian Impaler beat American Brothers.  After the match Greyson walked out not checking on Victor.
2. Ligi Brothers beat John Rose and Danny Red
3. Saviors beat Colin East and Colton West
4. Dean Nuke and Nicky Acid beat Rafel Lane and Horus Venus
5. 3.0 beat Bearnard Cast and Jacob Clark
6. Isaac Block and Trey Widow beat Marvel Warriors
7. Solomon Spirit and Jack Crystal (BOLTXII Winners) beat Brian Thunder (BOLTT II and III Winner) and Mark Night (BOLTT IV Winner) v.s.
8. Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock beat Gabriel Lock and Bruno Crazy

Round 2:

1. Vincet Vlad and Ian Impaler beat Ligi Brothers
2. Dean Nuke and Nick Acid beat Saviors
3. 3.0 beat Isaac Block and Trey Widow
4. Solomon Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock

Round 3:

1. Vincet Vlad and Ian Impaler beat Dean Nuke and Nick Acid
2. 3.0 beat Solomon Spirit and Jack Crystal

Bracket 5-Round 1:

AJ Styles and Prince Devitt beat Young Bucks (BOLTTT18 winners)
2. Kenny Omega and Hangman Paige beat Kappa Knights
3. Crow Brothers beat Rock Holder and Crasher Jack
4. Ricochet and Cederick Alexander beat Dark Brothers
5. The Miz and John Morrison beat Best Friends
6. Hugo Robin and Ivan Shroud beat Nathan Blaster and  Bishop Rider
7. Brentley Justice and Frank Pluto beat Taylor Wad and GQ Wiley
8. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burchbeat Hoodies (BOLTTXIV Winners)

Round 2:

AJ Styles and Prince Devitt beat Kenny Omega and Hangman Paige
2. Ricochet and Cederick Alexander beat Crow Brothers
3. The Miz and John Morrison beat Hugo Robin and Ivan Shroud
4. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch beat Brently Justice and Frank Pluto

Round 3:

1. Ricochet and Cederick Alexander beat
AJ Styles and Prince Devitt
2. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch beat The Miz and John Morrison

Bracket 6-Round 1:

Tyler Breeze and Fandago beat Anthony Venomous and Steven Doomsday
2. Lucha Brothers beat Joe Jr and Barbecue Jones
3. Cheesy Warriors beat Shepard Mars and Edison Samurai
4. Donity Brothers beat PYT
5. Tony Torpedo and Alan Jacks beat Axel Grey and Andrew Gold
6. Jeffery Alpha and Jack Pink beat Macrus Dove and Owen Star
7. Sir Rex and Square Donald beat Carl War and Brent Jet
8. Eric Bison and Raymond Roadblock beat Private Party

Round 2:

1. Tyler Breeze and Fandago beat Lucha Brothers
2. Donity Brothers beat Cheesy Warriors
3. Tony Torpedo and Alan Jacks beat Jeffery Alpha and Jack Pink
4. Sir Rex and Square Donald beat Eric Bison and Raymond Roadblock

Round 3:

1. Tyler Breeze and Fandago beat Donity Brothers
2. Tony Torpedo and Alan Jacks beat Sir Rex and Square Donald

Bracket 7-Round 1:

Akira Tozawa and Gran Matelik beat William Shock and Ethan Rogue
2. Jungle Boy and Marcos Stunt beat Kong Remer and Link Rod
3. Santos Escobar and Joaquin Wilde beat Connor Stark and Bruce Summers
4. Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme beat Rick Knife and Stu Bomb
5. The North beat Benson Fire and Clay Ninja
6. Humberto and Apollo Crews beat MJF and Sean Spears
7. Talladega Knights beat Brent White and David Omega
8. Hard Luck Fighters beat PD Express

Round 2:

1. Akira Tozawa and Gran Matelik beat Jungle Boy and Marcos Stunt
2. Santos Escobar and Joaquin Wilde beat Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme
3. Humberto and Apollo Crews beat The North
4. Hard Luck Fighters beat Talladega Knights

Round 3:

1. Santos Escobar and Joaquin Wilde beat Akira Tozawa and Gran Matelik
2. Hard Luck Fighters beat Humberto and Apollo Crews

Bracket 8-Round 1:

Andrade and Angel Garza beat Ulysses Taion (BOTLTT V Winner) and Gavin Guile
John Fire (BOLTT II Winner) and Cyrus Borune beat Lightning Duo
Shane Thorne and Brendom Vink beat Chris Prime and Matt Pigpen
Dogs Of War beat Quinton Synder and Clyde Neptune
Tony Neese and Drew Gulak beat Bad Influence (BOLTTXIII Winners)
Mark Lite and Jim Brooks (BOLTT1 Winners) beat Jack Flap and Chris Gun
Bruce Doomsday and Eddie Venom (BOLTT VIII Winners) beat Snake Byte
Prince Thomas and Sir Stan beat Finnegan Sandy and David Omega

Round 2:

Andrade and Angel Garza beat John Fire and Cyrus Bourne
2. Tony Neese and Drew Gulak beat Shane Thorne and Brendom Vink
3. Mark Lite and Jim Brooks beat Dogs Of War
4. Prince Thomas and Sir Stan beat Bruce Doomsday and Eddie Venom

Round 3:

Andrade and Angel Garza beat Tony Neese and Drew Gulak
2. Prince Thomas and Sir Stan beat Mark Lite and Jim Brooks

TWF's Summer Warfare 2021-7/11/2021 results:

Pre Show:
1. ECW US Title Match: Oney Lorcan (c) beat Mark Night


1. 4 Way Dance For TWF World Ladies Title: Caroline Venom (c) beat Tammy Knightshade, Shotzi Blackheart, Ember Moon
2. Tag Festival XI Round 18 Points v.s. Points 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match: Remy Who and Tom Master beat Carl War and Brent Jet
3. Tag Festival XI Round 18 Points v.s. Points 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match: Rafel Lake and Horus Venus beat Marcus Croft AND Tyson Bronx
4. Tag Festival XI Round 18 Points v.s. Points 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match: Raheem Rhendo and Ben Blanka beat Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson
5. Tag Festival XI Round 18 Points v.s. Points 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match: Matt Riddle and Jeff Hardy beat Brian Thunder and John Fire
6. Tag Festival XI Round 18 Points v.s. Points 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match: Nathan Blaster and Caleb Scare beat Hugo Robin and Ivan Shroud
7. Tag Festival XI Round 18 Points v.s. Points 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match: Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mandez beat Harrison Boss and Mark Night
8. TWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Eddie Venom (c) beat Pete Dunne

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-7/11/2022 results:
Tag Festival XII Double Elimination Round 3 Matches:

1. Snake Byte beat Nathan Blaster and Caleb Scare
2. Chad Gable and Otis v.s. Gambit Inc
3. Josh Brigs and Brooks Jensen beat Eric Bison and Frank Pluto
4. Bruce Doomsday and Steven Doomsday beat Wade Wallace and Westley Watson
5. Mr. Williams and Mr. Donald beat Cheesy Warriors
6. Pretty Deadly beat Nightwings
7. Jupiter Jordan and Xander Seed beat Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock
8. The New Day beat Vincet Vlad and Ian Impaler
9. Non Tournament Non Title Pick Your Poison Match: Trevor Lee beat Victor America

TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-7/11/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Double Elimination Round 5 Matches:

1. Barbecue Jones and Joe Jr beat Baron Corbin and Riddick Moss
2. Non Tournament Match: Mark Night beat Joe Gacy
3. Veer and Sanga beat Bruce Doomsday and Steven Doomsday.  Eddie Venom and Phillip Donity came out after the match.  Eddie said this was not an attack as Kyle Donity came from the back.  Bruce sent Steven to the back and told him to have Doomsday Inc on stand by if need be.  Eddie said that he wanted this because he wanted to apologized.  Went through everything how after losing world title to bruce he lost his way.  He went to dark place to get it back.  Bruce had to go to that same place to fight him.  Through out this it made him realize that can be friends and family.  But they can't both be in Doomsday Inc.  Allies they can be.  Doomsday Inc and Venomized Inc.  But only after they get the last anger towards each other out at Summerslam.  Phillip then apologized to Kyle.  Saying that Kyle was right.  That he had been holding him back.  That if he let Kyle have any success then he might pass and be better then him.  He couldn't let that happen and he was sorry.  Kyle said he was sorry to and wanted a hug Phillip pushed him away.  Mentioning summerslam also.  Match was offically made for Summerslam 2023.
4. Non Tournament Match: Jade Thunder beat Tegan knox
5. Hit Row beat Solomon Spirit and Jack Crystal
6. Non Tournament Match: King Stan, Jim Brooks, Jackson Rouch beat AJ Styles, Shinsuke Nakumara, Dragon Lee
7. Seth Owens and Ash Hyde beat Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno
8. Non Tournament Pick Your Poison Match: Tommaso Ciampa beat Austin Theory

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