Wednesday, September 11, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-September 11 (Forever 2002-2023)

This Day In Wrestling History-September 11:
Saturday Slam Jam-9/11/1999 results:

1. Prince Michael beat La Parka
2. Dynamic Duo beat Blanka and Rhendo
3. Naughty By Nature beat Trooper 3 and 4
4. Joe and Barbecue beat Extreme Warrior and Extreme Knight to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Ken Shamrock beat Hacksaw Jim Duggan
6. Road Dog beat Jerry Flynn
7. Bad Ass Billy Gunn beat Crash The Terminator
8. El Vampiro beat Chris Jericho to retain the EUWF IC Title.
9. Jerry Lynn beat D-Lo Brown
10. Public Enemy beat Dark Warriors to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
11. Jim Brooks beat Buff Bagwell to retain the
EUWF World TV Title.
12. Speedster Lite beat Venom to retain the EUWF US Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-9/11/2000 results:

1. Sho Funaki beat Elix Skipper
2. Lash Laroux beat Taka Michinoku
3. Rhendo and Blanka beat Yung Dragons to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Kid Kash beat Taion to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
5. Zangief beat Tajiri
6. R.T.C. beat Crash Holly and Chavo Guerrero Jr. to retain the HCW/EUWF Unified World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
7. Justin Credible beat Al Snow to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
8. Lance Storm beat Chris Jericho to retain the EUWF IC Title.
9. Naughty By Nature beat Public Enemy to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
10. Shadow WX beat Sandman
11. Hollywood Doomsday and Mr. Venom beat Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle
12. The Rock beat Great Muta to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

HCW's Monday Night Nitro-9/11/2000 results:

1. Rey Misterio Jr. and Juventud Guerrera beat Trooper 1 and 2
2. Bruise Brothers beat Gedo and Jado
3. Honma beat X-Pac
4. Dynamic Duo beat Wildfire to retain HCW World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Falcon beat Scotty Too Hotty to retain HCW World Lightweight Title.  This match was suppose to be Mike Awesome v.s. Falcon but Awesome got attacked by Headhunters before the match.  They worked over Awesome's bad knees.
6. Dudleys beat Kronic to retain the HCW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Goldberg beat Yamakawa
8. Rob Van Dam beat Kevin Nash
9. Jerry Lynn beat Sting
10. Mike Awesome beat H to retain the HCW US Title.
11. Triple H beat Booker T
12. RJ Hammer beat Rhino to retain HCW World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's News On This Day-9/11/01:

All EUWF taping this today were canceled after terrorist flew planes into the World Trade Center and Pentagon and a forth plane crash in Pennsylvania.  EUWF would announce that they were do live tribute shows on wednesday and thursday and taped tribute show on saturday.

EUWF's Forever 2002-9/11/02 results:

The show started with a speech by a lot of the EUWF wrestler.  It included Speedster Lite, Joe, Barbecue, Rob Van Dam, Doomsday, The Rock, Venom, Tommy Dreamer, Venom, Jigglin Jimbro Brooks, Jesus Bison, Mike Bison, Taion, and others.  They then went live to the arena to Lady Speed in a red, white, blue ring and the a picture of the twin towers on the mat.  EUWF wrestlers and wrestlers on the card were at ringside. She welcomed everyone for coming and was had lights turned down so they can bring out the memorial cup trophy.  RJ Hammer was standing in the ring when they came on holding out a cane pointing to wrestlers at ring side.  Joe, Barbecue, Doomsday, RVD, Mike Bison, Taion got up on the apron.  Rachel held them back from getting into the ring.
RJ: "What?  You didn't think I would show up?  I'm here for two reasons.  One of them is to beat the crap out of Ric Flair and the other is to buy back the EUWF."  Rachel starts laughing and so does the wrestlers on the apron.
Rachel: "You want to buy back the company?  Let me think?  NO!"  RJ takes out a check.
RJ: "Maybe this will change your mind."  Rachel looks at the check and shows the others wrestlers.
Rachel: "Hm.  There is a lot of 0s on this checks.  This has a lot more then the one I gave to Ric to buy the company."  Rachel talks to some of the others.
RJ: "What is your answer?"
Rachel: "This is my answer!"  Rachel rips up the check and threw it into the face of RJ.  RJ then slapped her and Rachel returned the slap.  RJ then hit her with the cane before anyone can do anything and then the Doomsday Alliance members stormed the ring.  RJ limped out of the ring.
RJ: "By next year I will have the ownership of this company back because sooner or later you are going to be begging me to take it back."  All through the show the wrestlers talk about the feelings and stuff on what happen last year.  Jade started as she talked about one of her childhood friends were on the planes that hit into the twin towers.  She was in tears and broke down.  She leans her head onto someone but it wasn't a member of the prophecy but it was Temptress.  It made the prophecy, vlad, guile all mad.
1. Street Warrior beat Car Jacker and Street Hustler in an Old School Three Way Dance.
2. Nightmare beat Machine and Sagat
3. Xtreme beat Cyborg and Ranger
4. April Hunter beat Lady Doomsday, Miss Lee, Samantha Bison in a Four Way Dance.
5. Ken beat Ryu
6. Mark Night beat Chris Night
7. Dynamic Duo beat Sgt. and Roadblock
8. Johnny Fire wrestled Brian Thunder to a time limit draw
9. Mankind beat Spirit
10. Wildfire beat Crazy
11. David Young beat Adam Jacobs
12. James Maritato (Little Guido) beat Tony Mamaluke
13. Psicosis beat La Parka
14. Bam Bam Bigelow beat Shane Douglas and Chris Candido in a three way dance. The first intermission happen after this match.  It featured music from Bon Jovi.  They played one song before being interrupted by Chris Jericho and his band foozy.  Jericho called Bon Jovi lucky hacks and said it was time to let real musicians play.  Bon Jovi was about to play their new single which was to be the entrance music for a tag team.  John introduced the team that ended up being Naughty By Nature.  They chased other band members off the stage and hit Jericho with chairs several times.  Jericho crawled away as Bon Jovi got back to playing.
15. Xavier beat Val Venis
16. Adam Flash beat Danny Rose.  Doomsday then attacked Danny Rose after the match because Rose calls himself Doomsday.  Doomsday then said that there is only one Doomsday and he is it.
17. Scoot Andrews beat Prototype
18. Reckless Youth wrestled Mike Quackenbush to a time limit draw
19. Jay Briscoe beat Mark Briscoe
20. Christopher Daniels beat Booker T
21. American Dragon beat Donovan Morgan
22. Balls Mahoney beat Godfather
23. D-Lo Brown beat Jason Jett
24. Ruckus beat Crash The Terminator
25. Bradshaw beat Faarooq
26. Crowbar beat Chavo Guerrero Jr.
27. Rikishi beat Big Show
28. Winger beat Spike Dudley
The second intermission started after this.  Five For Fighting played Superman during it and Chris Jericho paid two wrestlers to beat Naughty By Nature to a bloody pulp later tonight.  It was revealed to be Rocco Rock and Pitbull 1.
29. Jushin Thunder Lyger and El Samurai beat Rey Misterio Jr. and Billy Kidman
30. Taion and Lady Trooper beat Vlad and Temptress
31. Ariel Bison beat Jade
32. Lady Speed beat Lady Hammer
33. The Messiah won the Ultimate Hardcore Challenge to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title when he fell on top of Terry Funk for the win.  He beat Masato Tanaka, Shadow WX, Ryuji Yamakawa, Terry Funk, Onita, Zandig, Lobo, Wifebeater, Nick Gage, Nate Hatred, Supreme, Sandman, Abdullah The Butcher, Kevin Sullivan, Dusty Rhodes, Vic Grimes, Justice Pain
34. Shannon Moore beat Shane Helms
35. Tajiri beat Super Crazy
36. Homicide beat William Regal
37. Red beat Jose Maximo and Joel Maximo in a Three Way Dance.
38. Quiet Storm beat Chris Divine and Brian XL in a Three Way Dance.
39. Undertaker beat Kane
40. Mike Awesome beat Tazz.  Tazz was given a standing ovation after the match since this was probably his last wrestling match of his career.
41. Lance Storm beat Chris Jericho
42. Tommy Dreamer beat Raven
The final intermission had Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band playing.  It also had the prophecy, vlad, guile bad mouthing Jade and Temptress.  That led to a fight between vlad/guile and Christopher Daniels/Speedster Lite.  They had to separated.  Jade and Temptress left the building together as this was happening.
43. Ric Blade beat Trent Acid to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
44. Mike Bison beat Taion, Jesus Bison, Guile in a 4 Way Dance.
45. Hardy Boyz beat Edge and Christian
46. Naughty By Nature beat Pitbull 1 and Rocco Rock to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
47. Low Ki wrestled Rob Van Dam and Sabu to a 3 Way Time Limit Draw to retain the EUWF Unified US Title.
48. Speedster Lite beat Jim Brooks
49. Doomsday beat Venom
50. Scott Steiner beat Brock Lensar and Goldberg in a Three Way Dance
51. Barbecue beat Joe and Piloit in a Three Way Dance.
52. Jerry Lynn beat Justin Credible
53. Chris Benoit beat Eddie Guerrero
54. Triple H beat Kurt Angle
55. RJ Hammer beat Ric Flair to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
56. Low Ki won the 2 Ring 9/11 Memorial Cup Battle Royal.  It was a royal rumbles rules version.  The other wrestlers in the match were Street Warrior, Nightmare, Xtreme, April Hunter, Mankind, Ken, Dynamic Duo, John Fire, Brian Thunder, Wildfire, David Young, James Maritato, Psicosis, Bam Bam Bigelow, Xavier, Adam Flash, Jay Briscoe, Christopher Daniels, American Dragon, Balls Mahoney, D'Lo Brown, Ruckus, Bradshaw, Crowbar, Rikishi, Winger, Avenging Knights, Jushin Lyger, El Samurai, Taion, Lady Trooper, Ariel Bison, Lady Speed, The Messiah, Shannon Moore, Tajiri, Homicide, Red, Quiet Storm, Undertaker, Mike Awesome, Lance Storm, Tommy Dreamer, Ric Blade, Mike Bison, Hardy Boyz, Naughty By Nature, Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Speedster Lite, Doomsday, Scott Steiner, Barbecue, Jerry Lynn, Chris Benoit, Triple H, RJ Hammer, Keiji Muto, Scoot Andrews, Reckless Youth, Mike Quackenbush, Misawa, Kawada, Tenryu, Kronic, Bruise Brothers, Gangrel, Norman Smiley, Steve Corino, Hashimoto, Ken Shamrock, Malice, Slash, Devon Storm, Ron "The Truth" Killings, Michael Modest, Jeff Jarrett, Troopers, Ninjas, Team Lightning, Extreme Team, Zangief, Dash, Boxer, Green Lantern, The Flash, Blanka, Hulk, Destroyer, Massacre, General Destroyer, Sgt. Destroyer, Iron Glove, Steel Claw, Chyna,  X-Pac.  Special guest ring announcer Ruddy Gilunai.  Special guest refs Mikey Whipwreck, Dallas Page, Harley Race, Ricky Steamboat, Bobby Heenan..  Prophecy attacked Low Ki after the match.  Rob Van Dam ran to help and so did sandman or it seemed.  Instead he attacked RVD.  Impact Players, Test, Edge, Christian, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, William Regal came to the ring.  They attacked RVD and Low Ki.  The attack continued even when others wrestles came from the back.  Several of the wrestlers spit on american flag.  Finally it all ended when goldberg led wrestlers from the back to the ring and cleared it.  The wrestlers checked on RVD and low ki as the show ended.

Forever 2003-9/11/2003-MSG results:

The show started with RJ Hammer and Lillian Gracia singing an original song called Never Want To Again.  It was about feeling of never wanting to feel the same on the day of 9/11/01.  The an emotional opening video then aired and then went back to the ring to RJ Hammer.  RJ thanked everyone for coming and was interrupted by Bret Hart's old music.  Bret Hart came to the ring to a huge ovation.  He said he was here because he wanted to help honor the people who died two years ago and asked RJ if he could be one of the special guest refs for the battle royal at the end of the night.  RJ agreed and the two shook hands.  Through out the show aired wrestlers comments on the events of two years ago including a surprise one from the rock.  During the intermissions they showed lists of the people who died and pictures of those people who had died but didn't have pictures of all the people.
1. Street Warrior beat Car Jacker and Street Hustler in a 3 Way Danc.e
2. General Gangster beat Sgt. Street
3. Ken beat Ryu
4. Road Warriors beat La Resistance
5. Crush beat Ax and Smash in a 3 Way Dance.
6. Fireball beat Fire Knight
7. Nutcase beat Basketcase
8. Trooper 1 beat Trooper 2
9. Extreme Knight beat Extreme Warrior
10. Power Lightning beat Blood Lightning
11. White Ninja beat Shadow Ninja
12. Temptress beat Jade
13. Lita retain the EUWF World Ladies Title and Ariel Bison retain the TTWF World Women's Title in a 2 Falls Match. Jill Night, Lady Speed, April Hunter, Lady Gangster, Lady Trooper, Lady Lightning, Extreme Woman, Domaninatrix, Ninja Woman, Womankind, Julie, Daphne, Alexis Larie were also in the match.
14. Machine beat Sagat
15. Crusher beat Demolitioner
16. RC Haas beat Shelton Benjamin
17. Shane Helms beat Shannon Moore
18. Mankind beat Spirit
19. Guile beat Vlad
20. Rhendo beat Boxer and Blanka in a 3 Way Dance.
21. Sgt. beat Roadblock
22. Hulk beat Destroyer and Massacre in a 3 Way Dance.
23. Danny Bashman beat Doug Bashman
24. Juventud Guerrera beat Psicosis
25. Maven beat Christopher Nowinski, Al Snow, Josh Mathews, Crash The Terminator in the Tough Enough Challenge Match.
26. Danny Doring beat Roadkill, Joey Mathews, Christian York in a 4 Way Dance.
27. Samoa Joe beat CW Anderson and Steve Corino in a 3 Way Dance.
28. Mark Henry beat Rodney Mack
29. Kaos beat Chris Kanyon, Billy Gunn, Jason Jett in a 4 Way Dance.
30. Raven beat Shane Douglas
31. Knight beat Justice
32. Quiet Storm beat Chris Divine and Brian XL in a 3 Way Dance.
33. Jimmy Rave won the Gauntlet Match to get an EUWF Contract. BJ Whitmer, Chris Sabin, Ace Steele, B-Boy, Nosawa, Teddy Hart, Matt Stryker, members of Special K (1 Entry), John Walters, Slyk Wagner Brown, Dunn and Macros (1 Entry), Chris Cash, Sonjay Dutt, Nick Berk, GQ, John Dahmer, Ian Knox, Adam Flash, Matt Stryker were also in the match.
34. Brian Thunder beat John Fire
35. Vic Grimes beat HC Loc, Masada, Devito in a 4 Way to win a spot in the Ultimate Hardcore Challenge 2 Match.
36. CM Punk beat Colt Cabana to retain the EUWF European Title and #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title
37. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Billy Kidman
38. Mark Night beat Chris Night
39. Spike Dudley beat Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley in a 3 Way Dance.
40. Goldberg beat Brock Lensar and Scott Steiner in a 3 Way Street Fight.
41. Mike Awesome beat Rhyno and Masato Tanaka in a 3 Way Dance.
42. Homicide beat Danny Maff to retain the EUWF IC Title.
43. Justin Credible beat Lance Storm
44. Briscoe Brothers beat Maximo Brothers
45. Ric Blade beat Ruckus to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
46. Tony Mamaluke beat Little Guido, Chuck Palumbo, Johnny Stamboli in a 4 Way Non Title Match.
47. Basher beat Smasher
48. Sting and APA beat Randy Orton, Christian, Ric Flair
49. Konnan beat BG James and Ron Killings in a 3 Way Dance.
50. AJ Styles beat Jeff Jarrett, Raven, D'Lo Brown in a 4 Way Dance.
51. Doomsday retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title and Shadow WX won the TTWF World Hardcore Title in a 2 Fall No Rope Barbed Wire, 200 Light Tube, Weapons, Scaffold, Plate and broken Glass, Thumbtack Ultimate Hardcore Challenge Match 2.  Venom, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Axl Rotten, Mad Man Pondo, Terry Funk, Nate Hatred, Nick Gage, New Jack, Balls Mahoney, Vic Grimes were also in the match.
52. RJ Hammer beat Ian Rotten in a Non Sanction, No Rope Barbed Wire, Taipei, Fans Bring The Weapons, Light Tube, Scaffold Death Match.  Ian held his hand out to RJ after the match and RJ shook his hand.  RJ said that he has always respected Ian and IWA Mid South.  He also said that anytime Ian and IWA Mid South wanted to challenge to see who is more hardcore they are welcome to try.
53. Spanky beat Shawn Michaels, Paul London, Michael Shane, Bryan Danielson, Hotstuff Hernandez in a Texas Wrestling Academy Challenge to retain TTWF US Title.
54. Mr. America beat Super Crazy, Tajiri, Ultimo Dragon to retain the EUWF US Title.
55. Johnny Kashmere beat Trent Acid
56. Mike Quackenbush beat Tom Carter
57. Christopher Daniels beat Donovan Morgan and Xavier in a 3 Way Dance.
58. Speedster Lite beat Jim Brooks
59. Piloit beat Joe and Barbecue in a 3 Way Dance.
60. Rob Van Dam beat Sabu to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
61. Mike Bison beat The Messiah and Taion in a 3 Way Dance to retain the NWA World Title.
62. Eddie Guerrero beat Chris Benoit to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
63. Kurt Angle beat Chris Jericho and Triple H in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
64. Mike Bison won the 2 Ring 9/11 Memorial Cup Battle Royal 2003.  Street Warrior, General Gangster, Ken, Road Warriors, Crush from New Demolition, Fireball, Nutcase, Trooper 1, Extreme Knight, Power Lightning, White Ninja, Machine, Crusher, RC Haas, Shane Helms, Mankind, Guile, Rhendo, Sgt., Hulk, Danny Bashman, Juventud Guerrera, Maven, Danny Doring, Samoa Joe, Mark Henry, Kaos, Raven, Knight, Quiet Storm, Jimmy Rave, Brian Thunder, Vic Grimes, CM Punk, Rey Misterio Jr., Mark Night, Spike Dudley, Goldberg, Mike Awesome, Homicide, Justin Credible, Briscoe Brothers, Ric Blade, Tony Mamaluke, Basher, Sting, APA, Konnan, AJ Styles, Doomsday, Shadow WX, RJ Hammer, Spanky, Mr. America, Johnny Kashmere, Mike Quackenbush, Christopher Daniels, Speedster Lite, Piloit, Rob Van Dam, Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Angle were also in the match.
Low Ki wasn't able to wrestle due to a jaw injury but he did give the trophy to Mike after the match.  Mike several other wrestlers from Hardcore Alliance, Doomsday Alliance, IWA Mid South, Evolution waved USA Flags around the ring to end the show.

FOREVER 2004-9/11/2004-1 PM Start Time:

The show started with all the wrestlers coming to the ring for a moment of silence, 10 Bell Solute, and national anthem
1. Pink Dudley beat Lacy in a Non Title Match in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
2. SAT beat Troopers in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
3. Doug Williams beat Mr. America in a Non Title Match in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series-Non Title.
4. Colt Cabana beat Nigel McGuiness in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
5. Havana Pitbulls beat Super Crazy and Tajiri in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
6. Joe beat Nate Webb, Jack Crystal, Nova, Jimmy Rave, Delirious, Matt Sydal, Spirit, Red, Sgt., Trooper 1 in the Ultimate X Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World series
7. Duke and Snake Eyes beat Wildfire in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
8. Hoodies beat Crazy to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
9. Shadow WX beat Mad Man Pondo, Balls Mahoney, Vic Grimes, Jesus Bison, Messiah in a Non Title Ultimate Hardcore Challenge 3 in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
10. Rhyno and Nick Berk beat Solution in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
11. Bryan Danielson beat Masato Tanaka in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
12. Low Ki beat Arik Cannon in a Non Title Match in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series-Non Title.
13. Danny Maff and BJ Whitmer beat Nick Gage and Nate Hatred in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
14. American Heroes beat Blackout in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series: American Heroes
15. Chris Hero beat Eddie Guerrero in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
16. Jimmy Jacobs beat Rhendo in a Non Title Match in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
17. Jack Evans beat Chris Benoit in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
18. Roderick Strong beat Machine in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
19. Austin Aries beat Jim Brooks in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
20. Chris Sabin and Kid Kash beat Red and Sonjay Dutt in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
21. Alex Shelley beat Speedster Lite in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
22. Jerry Lynn beat John Cena in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
23. Mike Bison beat Hido to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
24. Dudleyz beat Chris Harris and Elix Skipper in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series-Non Title.
25. Naughty By Nature beat Naturals in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
26. B-Boy beat Homicide in a Non Title Match in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
27. CM Punk beat AJ Styles in a Non Title Match in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series.
28. Rob Van Dam beat Piloit to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
29. Taion beat Booker T to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
30. Bryan Danielson win the Third Annual Forever Memorial Cup Battle Royal in the EUWF v.s. TTWF v.s. World Series Finale.  SAT, Doug Williams, Colt Cabana, Havana Pitbulls, Joe, Duke, Snake Eyes, Hoodies, Shadow WX, Rhyno, Nick Berk, Low Ki, Danny Maff, BJ Whitmer, American Heroes, Chris Hero, Jimmy Jacobs, Jack Evans, Roderick Strong, Austin Aries, Kid Kash, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Jerry Lynn, Mike Bison, Dudleyz, Naughty By Nature, B-Boy, CM Punk, Rob Van Dam, Taion were also in the matchEUWF wins the series 10 (EUWF) to 9 (World) to 8 (TTWF)

Forever 2005-9/11/2005 (12 pm Start Time):

The show started with a special ceremony for the 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina victims.  It was then announced that there will be a series of unification matches between EUWF and TTWF and ECW champions and a new rosters to be announced tomorrow.  ECW will get the TTWF US Title and the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title as new titles.
1. Hoodies beat High Rollers in a Fans Bring The Weapons Match to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
2. Backseat Boyz beat Naturals in a Double Non Title Match.
3. American Heroes beat James Gibson and Chris Sabin to Unify The EUWF and TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
3. El Generico beat Joe
4. Iron Saints beat Gothics
5. Super Dragon and Excalibur beat John Fire and Snake Eyes
6. Brandon Thomaselli beat Machine
7. Claudio Castagnoli beat William Regal
3. Edge beat Christian
4. Hiroshi Tanahashi beat Doomsday
5. Shinsuke Nakamure beat Petey Williams
6. Jay Lethal beat Frankie Karazarian, Sabin, Piloit, Red, JC Bailey in a 6 Way Mayhem Match to win the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
7. B-Boy beat Shelton Benjamin and Chris Sabin in a 3 Way Dance to Unify the EUWF and TTWF World TV Title.
8. James Gibson beat Masato Tanaka
9. Chris Hero beat Kurt Angle to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
10. Eddie Guerrero beat Mike Quackenbush to retain the EUWF World IC Title.
11. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Gothics and Hoodies in a 3 Way Dance to Unify the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles and TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
12. America's Most Wanted beat Trevor Murdoch and Garrison Cade.
13. Guile and Temptress beat Joe and Scarlet to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
14. Rottweilers beat New Demolition to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
15. Dudleyz beat Naughty By Nature, Carnage Crew, Baka Gaijin in a 4 Way Fans Bring The Weapons Cage Match to retain the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
16. Low Ki beat Jesus Bison
17. Homicide beat CM Punk to retain the EUWF US Title.
18. Austin Aries beat Shingo Takagi
19. Spanky beat Kudo to retain the ECW US Title.
20. Randy Orton beat RJ Hammer in a Street Fight.
21. Jim Brooks beat Ruckus, Millano Collection AT, Juventud Guerrera, Psicosis, Super Crazy in a 6 Way Mayhem Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
23. Taion beat Sandman, Balls Mahoney, Mike Awesome, Nerco Butcher to retain the ECW World Hardcore Title.
24. Cima beat Michael Shane
25. American Heroes and Hulk Hogan beat Team Canada, Mr. America, Rhino
26. Venom beat Colt Cabana, Ace Steele, Tajiri in a 4 Way Dance to retain the ECW World TV Title.
27. Christopher Daniels beat Shawn Michaels
28. Samoa Joe beat Chris Benoit in an Ultimate Submission Match.
29. Mike Bison beat AJ Styles, Paul London, Bryan Danielson in a 4 Way 30 Minute Iron Man Match to become unified ECW and TTWF World Heavyweight Titles.
31. John Cena beat Chris Hero to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
32. Hulk Hogan won the 4th Annual 9/11 Memorial Cup Battle Royal.  John Cena, Mike Bison, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, Venom, American Heroes, Cima, Taion, Jim Brooks, Randy Orton, Spanky, Austin Aries, Homicide, Low Ki, Dudleyz, Rottweilers, Guile, America's Most Wanted, Eddie Guerrero, Speedster Lite, Chris Hero, James Gibson, B-Boy, Jay Lethal, Shinsuke Nakamure, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Edge, Claudio Castagnoli, Brandon Thomaselli, Super Dragon, Excalibur, Iron Saints, El Generico, Backseat Boyz, Hoodies were also in the Battle Royal.

Forever 2006-9/11/2006-MSG results:

The show began with all the wrestlers coming to the ring or ringside for singing of national anthem and a moment of silence.  That was followed by the first in a series of videos people on 9/11, New York, forever shows.  A pre recorded message from President Bush started it.  It also included messages from The Rock, Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Sting, Jimmy Snuka, other former wrestlers, and then some of the wrestlers on the show that aired through the show itself.  One included Rhendo who went out of character to reveal himself to be actually from New York and he had moved when he was younger by his parents.  He said that his wife worked in Twin Towers but got sick on 9/11 and never went to work.  He said that they found out days later that she was pregnant and that lost many friends they knew in the towers.
1. Gothics beat East/West Side Dragons
2. Mike Mondo and Mitch Mitchell beat Danny Doring and Roadkill
3. SAT beat Road Knights
4. Al Snow beat Rocky Romero and Ace Steel in a 4 Way Dance.
5. Big Show and 3 Backlot Assassins beat Undertaker, Kane, Tantaka, Viscera
6. Street Saviors beat Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade
7. William Regal, Machine, Sagat, Sylvan, Rob Conway, Reene Dupree beat The Miz, John Cena, Fit Finely, Dangerous Trio
8. Chris Benoit beat Sylvester Turkay
9. Highlanders beat FBI
10. Nova beat Stevie Richards
11. Johnny Nitro beat Carlito, Charlie Haas, Nigel McGuiness in a 4 Way Dance.
12. Super Dragon beat Masato Tanaka
13. Sho Funaki beat Spike Dudley and Jerry Lynn in a 3 Way Dance.
14 Iron Saints beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous
15. Old School Troopers beat Duke/John Fire/Barbecue/Sgt./Roadblock and Snake Eyes/Warrior Ninjas in a 3 Way Dance
16. Ray Gordy beat Matt Striker and Brandon Thomassali in a 3 Way Dance.
17. Nerco Butcher beat Hardcore Holly in a Extremely Hardcore Rules Match.
18. Super Crazy beat John McChesney
19. Trent Acid beat Trik Davis
20. Johnny The Kid beat Darin Corbin
21. Justin Credible beat Arik Cannon
22. Jay Lethal beat 2 Cold Scorpio
23. Homicide beat Mike Quackenbush
24. Hardy Boyz beat Terek The Great and American Kickboxer
25. Kid Kash beat Tyler Black and Jimmy Yang in a 3 Way Dance.
26. M-Dogg 20 beat El Generico
27. Balls Mahoney beat Claudio Castagnoli
28. Hallowicked and Gran Akuma beat Hoodies
29. Rhendo and Blanka beat Irish Airborne and Hard Luck Fighters in a 3 Way Dance.
30. Jack Evans beat James Gibson
31. KC James and Idol Stevens beat Eljiah Burke and Nick Dinsmore
32. Ken Doane and Johnny Jetter beat Shane Helms and Shannon Moore
33. RJ Hammer and Tommy Dreamer beat Triple H and Shawn Michaels
34. Beth Phoenix won a 38 Woman's Battle Royal to win a shot at EUWF World Ladies Title this coming Friday on Smackdown. Jazz, Julie, Karen, Scarlet, Melina, Christie Hemmie, Victoria, Torrie Wilson, Fire Woman, Jane, Crazy Woman, Alexis Lariee, Firebird, April Hunter, Lita, Moonshine, Serena Vilonanis, Misty Dawnner, Christine Crystal, Pink Dudley, Jill Night, Kathy Uranosis, Tracy Brooks, Ms. America, Lady Trooper, Lady Doomsday, Lady Gangster, Alison Danger, Ms. Lee, Lacy, Erica Tempted, Samantha Bison, Angel Williams, Tabitha Boshidua, MsChiff, Sally Gunnstone, Shelley were also in it.
35. Larry Sweeny beat Shelton Benjamin to retain the ICW/ICWA Tex-Arkana TV Title.
36. Eric Young beat Excalibur
37. Edge beat Booker T to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For ECW World Heavyweight Title.
38. Mickie Knuckles beat Lady Speed to retain the IWA-Mid South Women's Title.
39. Ariel Bison beat Jade ECW World Ladies Title.
40. Lady Machine beat Mercedes Martinez and Trish Stratus in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
41. Mr. America and Rhino beat Naughty By Nature to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
42. Tommy Knight and Serena Vilonanis beat Piloit and Lita to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
43. Josh Abercrombie beat Joe to retain the IWA-Mid South Lightweight Title.
44. Jigsaw beat Sexxy Eddy, Derek Fraiser, Sonjay Dutt in a 4 Way Dance to retain the CZW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
45. Senshi beat B-Boy to retain the NWA TNA X Division Title.
46. Delirious beat Kikitaro to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
47. Milano Collection At beat Ultimo Dragon to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
48. Taion beat Matt Sydal to retain the ECW IC Title.
49. Speedster Lite beat Christopher Daniels to retain the EUWF IC Title.
50. Sabu beat Messiah, Abyss, Shadow WX in a 4 Way Dance to retain the ECW World HC Triple Crown Title.
51. Nate Webb beat JC Bailey to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
52. AJ Styles beat Doomsday in a Ladder Match to retain the ECW World TV Title.
53. Alex Shelley beat Jimmy Rave to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
54. Jack Crystal beat John Cena to retain the ECW US Title.
55. Jim Brooks beat Mr. Kennedy to retain the EUWF US Title and #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
56. Nick Berk beat KENTA and Davey Richards in a 3 Way Dance.
57. Vulgar Display Of Power beat Nightmare to retain the IWA-Mid South Tag Team Titles.
58. Austin Aries and Roderick Strong beat James Gang, Naturals, America's Most Wanted, Hot Shots, 2 Backlot Assassins, Night Brothers in a 7 Way Dance to retain the ROH World Tag Team Titles.
59. LAX beat Dudleyz to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
60. Paul London and Spanky beat Blackout and Duke/Snake Eyes in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
61. Bison Brothers beat Spirit and Commander to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
62. Matt Bentley and Frankie Karazarian beat Wildfire, Crazy, Dynamic Duo, Briscoe Brothers in a 5 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
63. CIMA, BXB Hulk, Jack Evans retain Dragon Gate Open The Dragon Gate Trios Tag Team Titles and won the third fall to win the match and High Flyers retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles in a Double Title TLC Match.  Dragon Kid/Ryo Sato/Genki Horguchi, New Demolition, Chris Sabin/Elix Skipper/Petey Williams were also in the match.
64. Toby Klein beat Brent Albright to retain the IWA-Mid South Heavyweight Title,
65. Naomichi Marufuji beat Venom to retain the NOAH GHC Heavyweight Title.
66. Joey Ryan beat Kevin Steen to retain the PWG Title.
67. Bryan Danielson beat CM Punk to retain the ROH World Heavyweight Title.  Danielson almost didn't defend the belt because of a injured shoulder but wanted to defend it anyway.
68. Eddie Kingston beat Chris Hero and Rob Van Dam in a
3 Way Dance to retain the CZW World Heavyweight Title.
69. Jeff Jarrett beat Samoa Joe to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Title.
70. Colt Cabana beat Raven to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
71. Christian Cage beat Brian Thunder in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
72. Homicide won the 5th Annual 9/11 Memorial Cup Battle Royal.  Low Ki, Mike Bison, Bryan Danielson, Hulk Hogan had won it previous years.  Gothics, Mike Mondo, Mitch Mitchell, SAT, Al Snow, Blood Backlot Assassin, Power Backlot Assassin, Nightmare Backlot Assassin, Big Show, William Regal, Machine, Sagat, Sylvan, Rob Conway, Reene Dupree, Street Saviors, Chris Benoit, Highlanders, Super Dragon, Nova, Johnny Nitro, Sho Funaki, Old School Troopers, Iron Saints, Ray Gordy, Nerco Butcher, Super Crazy

EUWF's Forever 2007-9/11/2007 results:

1. Lady Speed beat Victoria
2. Lady Gangster beat Tracy Brooks
3. Tabitha Boshidua beat Sally Gunnstone
4. Kelly Sanderon beat Christine Crystal
5. Scarlet beat Karen
6. Mary Jane Soindatrimin beat Jennifer Roadie
7. Lady Doomsday beat Ms. America
8. Melina beat Julie
9. Jade beat Serena Vilonanis
10. Pink Dudley beat Rain
11. Cheerleader Melissa beat Lady Warrior Ninja
12. Fire Woman beat Dominatrixic
13. Eric Tempted beat Firebird
14. Crazy Woman beat Lady Basher
15. Trinity beat Lady Smasher
16. Miss Lee beat Kathy Uranosis
17. Power, Blood, Crazy, Savage Girl Backlot Assassins beat War, Crash, Dangerous, Lady Backlot Assassins
18.  Hard Luck Fighters beat Trooper 1 and 2
19. Danny Doring and Roadkill beat Warrior Ninja 4 and 5
20. Black Market beat Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade
21. Wildfire beat Warrior Ninja 1 and 2
22. Sabu beat Spirit
23. Brandon Thomaselli beat Brian Thunder
24. Ruckus and Jack Evans beat Matt Bentley and Frankie Karazarian
25. Eric Young beat Cody Rhodes
26. Rey Misterio Jr. beat  Hallowicked
27. Paul London and Spanky beat Low Ki and B-Boy
28. Guile beat Nigel McGuiness
29. Jerrelle Clark beat Matt Sydal
30. Colt Cabana and CM Punk beat Highlanders
31. Jigsaw beat Piloit
32. Chris Harris beat James Storm in an ECW Rules Match.
33. American Heroes beat Jimmy Yang, Hot Shots, Johnny The Kid
34. Elijah Burke beat Sabian
35. Eddie Kingston and Joker beat Machine and Sagat
36. Shelton Benjamin beat Sexy Eddy
37. Little Guido beat Carlito
38. Nerco Butcher beat Commander and Mr. America in a 3 Way Dance.
39. Tony Mamaluke beat Dave Taylor
40. Azrieal beat Joe
41. Nate Webb beat Jimmy Rave
42. Finley and Paul Burchill beat Deuce and Domino
43. Gran Akuma beat 2 Cold Scoprio
44. Milano Collection At beat Claudio Castagnoli
45. Boogieman and Kane beat The Miz and Great Kahli
46. Derek Fraiser beat Super Crazy
47. Delirious beat John Cena
48. Rhino beat Mike Knoxx
49. Kevin Steen and El Generico beat Naturals, Backseat Boyz, Irish Airborne in a 4 Way Dance to retain the PWG Tag Team Titles.
50. YRR (Young, Rich, Ready For Action) of Sal Rinauro, Kenny King, Chasyn Rance, Jason Blade beat Vampire Nation
51. Susumu Yokosuka beat Speedster Lite
52. Dragon Kid beat Jim Brooks
Divari came out and put the USA down till Sting made a surprise appearance.
53. Sting beat Divari in an about 1 Minute.  Sting thanked the fans and then Samoa Joe came out challenge him to a match saying he doesn't mind wrestling twice today.
54. Samoa Joe beat Sting to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
55. Ariel Bison and Jill Night beat Beth Phoenix and Alexis Lariee to retain the ECW/EUWF World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
56. Nattie Neidhart beat Samantha Bison to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
57. Stevie Richards beat TJ Wilson to retain the ECW IC Title.
58. Joe and Scarlet beat Taion and Lady Trooper to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
59. CW Anderson beat Harry Smith to retain the ECW World TV Title.
60. Ray Gordy beat Justin Credible to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
61. Tommy Dreamer and Sandman beat Baka Gaijin to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
62. Dudleyz beat Dangerous Trio, New Demolition, Trooper 3-5, Warrior Ninja 1-3 in a 5 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
63. Balls Mahoney beat Jack Crystal to retain the ECW World Triple Crown HC Title.
64. Tank beat Venom to retain the IWA Mid-South Death Match Title.
65. Hardcore Bytch beat Amazing Kong to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
66. Mickie Knuckles beat Sabrina to retain the IWA Mid-South Women's Title.
67. Night Brothers beat Motor City Machine Guns and Neptown Dragons in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
68. Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper beat Davey Richards and Rocky Romero to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
69. Human Tornado beat Pac to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
70. Jerry Lynn beat Adam Pearce to retain the ECW US Title.
71. Doomsday beat Shingo to retain the EUWF US Title.
72. Iron Saints beat Naughty By Nature to retain the IWA Mid-South Tag Team Titles.
73. Mike Quackenbush beat CIMA to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title and IWA Mid-South World Lightweight Title.
74. Sara Del Ray beat MsChiff, Daize Haze, Lacy in a 4 Way Dance to retain the Shimmer Title.
75. Eric Stevens beat M-Dogg 20 to retain the FIP Florida Heritage Title.
76. Roderick Strong beat Austin Aries to retain the EUWF IC Title and FIP Heavyweight Title.
77. Briscoe Brothers beat Crazy and Jay Lethal/Sonjay Dutt in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles, ROH World Tag Team Titles, FIP Tag Team Titles.
78. Chuck Taylor beat Drake Younger to retain the IWA Mid-South Heavyweight Title.
79. Mike Bison beat Noamichi Marufuji to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title. After the match Mick Foley came out accepting Mike challenge to wrestle him in the first round King Of The Death Matches this sunday.  The two argued away from a mic about something and then as mike was about to leave Foley stuck mr. socko in mike's mouth before he left.
80. Kurt Angle beat Christian Cage to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Title.
79. Takeshi Morishima beat Homicide to retain the ROH World Heavyweight Title.
80. Samoa Joe beat Abyss to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
81. Nick Berk beat Triple H to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
82. Samoa Joe won the 6th Annual 9/11 Memorial Cup 2 Ring Battle Royal. It is his first time winning one Low Ki won the first one, Mike Bison won the second one, Bryan Danielson won third one, Hulk Hogan won the 4th one, Homicide won the 5th one.  Nick Berk, Takeshi Morishima, Kurt Angle, Mike Bison, Chuck Taylor, Briscoe Brothers, Roderick Strong, Mike Quackenbush, Iron Saints, Doomsday, Jerry Lynn, Human Tornado, Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper, Night Brothers, Tank, Balls Mahoney, Dudleyz, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Ray Gordy, CW Anderson, Joe, Stevie Richards, Sting, Dragon Kid, Susumu Yokosuka, Kevin Steen, El Generico, Rhino, Delirious, Derek Fraiser, Power Backlot Assassin, Blood Backlot Assassin, Crazy Backlot Assassin, Hard Luck Fighters, Danny Doring, Roadkill, Black Market, Wildfire, Sabu, Brandon Thomaselli, Ruckus, Jack Evans, Eric Young, Rey Misterio Jr.,  Paul London, Spanky, Jerrelle Clark, Colt Cabana, CM Punk, Jigsaw, Chris Harris, American Heroes, Elijah Burke, Eddie Kingston, Joker, Shelton Benjamin, Little Guido, Nerco Butcher, Tony Mamaluke, Azrieal, Finley, Paul Burchill, Gran Akuma, Milano Collection At, Boogieman, Kane were also in the match.

Forever 2008-9/11/2008 results:

1. The Players beat Doomsday Girl/Venomous and The Players in a 3 Way Dance.
2. Becky Knight beat Julie Fire
3. Jillian Hall, Katie Lea Burchill, Victoria beat Scarlet and Bella Sisters
4. Maria beat Samantha Bison
5. Rain v.s. Dominatrixic and Mayrse in a 3 Way Dance.
6. Roxxi beat Kelly Kelly
7. Beautiful People beat North/South Side Dragons and Lady Naughty By Nature in a 3 Way Dance.
8. Lady Backlot Warrior beat Savage Girl Backlot Warrior
9. Lady Trooper beat Firebird
10. Misty Dawnner beat Ms. America
11. Sandy Gales beat Lady Ninja Warrior
12. Daniel Westernlock beat Christine Crystal
13. Alex Kissner beat Karen
14. Justine Hounda beat Jane
15. Caddice Michelle beat Laurie Hammer
16. Beth Phoenix beat Sara Del Rey
17. MsChiff beat ODB to retain the Shimmer Title.
18. Awesome Kong beat Lady Speed
19. Cheerleader Melissa beat HC Bytch
20. Hoodies and Lady Gangster beat Saviors and Lady Savior
21. Ricky Ortiz beat Frankie Karazarian and Jake Swagger in a 3 Way Dance.
22. Elijah Burke beat Icarus, Gavin Spears, K-Ness in a 4 Way Dance.
23. Milano Collection At beat Ryan Braddock
24. Anthony W. Mori beat Chavo Guerrero Jr. v.s. Azriael in a 3 Way Dance.
25. Naoki Tanisaki beat Chasyn Rance and Gran Akuma in a 3 Way Dance.
26. Matt Cross beat Billy Kidman
27. War/Crash/Darkness/Dangerous/Power/Blood/Crazy/Fire Backlot Warriors beat Undertaker, Kane, Mark Henry, Great Kahli, Mike Knox, Abyss, JBL, Bam Neely in a Hardcore Elimination Match.  Power Backlot Warrior being the last survivor of the match for his team will be the only man in battle royal.
28. Finley v.s. Paul Burchill
29. Massacre beat Vladimir Kozolov and Big Show in a 3 Way Dance.
30. Barbecue beat Sagat, Warrior Ninja 3, Warrior Ninja 4, Johnny The Kid, Street Warrior, Chris Night in a 7 Way Dance.
31. Team Andrew beat Kevin Thorn/Dagger, Hard Luck Fighters, Warrior Ninja 1/2, Hot Shots in a .5 Way Dance to retain the CZW World Tag Team Titles.
32. Crazy and Crazy Woman beat Wildfire and Fire Woman
Mike Bison was interviewed about the match tonight and how he looks forward to it.  He said that also looks forward to his next tour of Japan while he is suspended.  Mr. America comes over having heard the interview and laughs at mike for being suspended.  Mike just stood there with a disgusting look on his face and the camera moved over to MA who was wearing a t-shirt saying 9/11 was a inside job.  Mike almost cursed and MA asked what.  Mike said that t-shirt disgusts him and that this just proves how much of a joke MA is.  MA asks why and that when Real Americans take over EUWF and ECW there will be a lot more of stuff like this.  MA then asked what will Mike do about and Mike said he has enough trouble but knows some people who will do something about it.  MA asked who and then camera panned behind MA showing Dudleyz, Blackout, Machine, Sgt., Roadblock, RJ Hammer, Homicide standing behind him.  They all attack ma and several other wrestlers join.  Some of the real americans come over but are stopped leaving Dudleyz to drag MA to the ring who hit 3d on him through a table.   They rip the t-shirt off of MA. Eddie Kingston, Rey Misterio Jr., Rhendo, Blanka, Machine, Blackout, Homicide all came out hitting moves onto MA.  They threw MA out of the ring and got a US chant.  Everyone but Dudleyz as they were in the next match.
33. Young Bucks beat Dudleyz, East/West Dragons, Road Knights, Vlad/Impaler in a 5 Way Dance to retain the PWG World Tag Team Title.
34. Kofi Kingston beat Ricochet, Derek Frazier, Scott Lost, m.c.KZ, Primo Colon in a 6 Way Dance.
35. Super Shisa, Shisa Boy, Super Shenlong beat Trooper 3-5
36. MVP beat Michel Elgin
37. Brain Damage beat Carlito to retain the CZW Iron Man Title.
38. Rhendo and Blanka beat Sgt. and Roadblock
39. Chuck Taylor beat Ricky Reyes and Ray Gordy in a 3 Way Dance to retain the CZW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
40. Danny Havoc beat Dustin Lee and Nate Webb in a 3 Way Dance to retain the ECW World Triple Crown HC Title.
41. Adam Pearce beat Batistia to Get NWA Title Shot Later.
42. James Gibson beat Sonjay Dutt and Scotty Vortekz in a 3 Way Dance.
43. Eddie Kingston beat Austin Aries and Jimmy Rave in a 3 Way Dance.
44. Matt Bentley beat Taion to retain the ECW IC Title.
45. Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous to retain the ROH World Tag Team Titles.
46. CM Punk beat Stevie Richards to retain the ECW US Title.
47. Charlie Haas beat Jerry Lynn to retain the EUWF US Title.
48. Kenichiro Arai, Akira Tozawa, Taku Iwasa beat Hardy Boyz and Pac
49. Larry Sweeny beat Stalker Ichikawa
50. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Dragon Kid
51. Machine beat Shingo
52. Genki Horiguchi beat Christopher Daniels
53. Low Ki beat BxB Hulk
54. Jun Kasai and Jaki Numazawa beat Doomsday and Venom
55. Takeshi Sasaki beat Jack Crystal
56. Drake Younger beat Yuko Miyamoto to retain the CZW World Heavyweight Title.
57. Mike Bison beat Ryuji Ito
58. Beer Money beat Joker/Sabian and Rhino/Christian Cage in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TNA World Tag Team Titles.
59. Jason Hades beat Little Guido to retain the IWA Mid-South Light Heavyweight Title.
60. Jill Night beat Jade to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
61. Taylor Wilde beat Pink Dudley to retain the TNA Knockout Title.
62. Nick Gage beat Tommy Dreamer to retain the IWA Mid-South Strong Style Title.
63. Sal Rinauro beat Davey Richards to retain the FIP Florida Heritage Title.
64. Petey Williams beat Santino Marella to retain the TNA X Division Title.
65. Cheech and Cloudy beat Trooper 1 and 2 to retain the IWA Mid-South Tag Team Titles.
66. Jason Blade and Kenny King beat Briscoe Brothers to retain the FIP Tag Team Titles.
67. Daize Haze beat Lady Doomsday to retain the IWA Mid-South Women Title.
68. Alexis Lariee beat Gail Kim to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
69. Devon Moore beat Spirit to retain the IWA Mid-South Death Match Title.
70. Ryo Saito and Susumu Yokosuka beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks to retain the Open The Twin Gate Titles.
71. GAMMA, Yamoto, Yasuhi Kanada beat Jack Evans, Ruckus, Jigsaw to retain the Open The Triangle Gate Titles.
72. Machine and Sagat beat Hulk and Destroyer to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
73. Sabrina and Thorn Rose beat Ariel Bison and Miss Lee to retain the EUWF/ECW World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
74. Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black beat Naruki Doi/Masato Yoshino, Brian Thunder/John Fire, Duke/Snake Eyes, Motor City Machine Guns in a 5 Way Ladder Match to retain the ECW/EUWF US Tag Team Titles.
75. Joe and Piloit beat Delany Brothers to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
76. Chris Jericho beat AJ Styles to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
77. Super Crazy beat Matt Sydal and B-Boy in a 3 Way Dance to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
78. The Brian Kendrick beat Sexxy Eddy to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
79. Harry Smith beat Ace Steel to retain the EUWF IC Title.
80. Colt Cabana beat Paul London to retain the ECW World TV Title.
81. Mr. America beat Manu and Roderick Strong in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World TV Title.  MA had come out originally still selling the beating from earlier in the day saying he couldn't wrestle but had someone who could take his place.  He introduced Manu and when Manu had the win he came in sneaking in for the three.  RJ came from the back saying it seems that MA is in okay enough condition to wrestle after all and made the match continue as Manu v.s. MA.  The end came when Ms. America distracted the ref and Mr. America grabbed the tv title belt Ms. America left on the apron.  Mr. America hit manu in the back of the head with the belt for the win.
82. LAX beat Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Jr. to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
83. Kevin Steen and El Generico beat Naughty By Nature and Cyber Kong/Cyber Kongcito in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
84. Bryan Danielson beat Triple H to retain the Money In The Bank Briefcase.
85. Shadow WX beat Nerco Butcher to retain the Big Japan Death Match Title.
86. Dingo beat Rocky Romero to retain the IWA Mid-South Heavyweight Title.
87. Go Shiozaki beat Eric Stevens to retain the FIP World Title.
88. Brent Albright beat Adam Pearce to retain the NWA World Title.
89. Chris Hero beat 2 Cold Scorpio to retain the PWG World Title.
90. Nigel McGuiness beat Mike Quackenbush to retain the ROH World Title.
91. Samoa Joe beat John Morrison to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Title.
92. Claudio Castagnoli beat CM Punk to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
93. Mark Night beat Matt Hardy to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
94. CM Punk won the 7th Annual 9/11 Memorial Cup Battle Royal.  It is his first time winning one.  Low Ki won the first one, Mike Bison won the second one, Bryan Danielson won third one, Hulk Hogan won the 4th one, Homicide won the 5th one, and Samoa Joe won the sixth one last year.  Hoodies, Mr. America, Mark Night, Claudio Castagnoli, Samoa Joe, Nigel McGuiness, Chris Hero, Brent Albright, Go Shiozaki, Dingo, Shadow WX, Bryan Danielson, Kevin Steen, El Generico, Colt Cabana, Harry Smith, LAX, The Brian Kendrick, Super Crazy, Chris Jericho, Joe, Piloit, Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black, Machine, Sagat, GAMMA, Yamoto, Yasuhi Kanada, Ryo Saito, Susumu Yokosuka, Jason Blade, Kenny King, Cheech, Cloudy, Petey Williams, Sal Rinauro, Nick Gage, Jason Hades, Mike Bison, Drake Younger, Takeshi Sasaki, Low Ki, Genki Horiguchi, Rey Misterio Jr., Larry Sweeny, Kenichiro Arai, Akira Tozawa, Taku Iwasa, Charlie Haas, Matt Bentley, Eddie Kingston, James Gibson, Adam Pearce, Danny Havoc, Chuck Taylor, Danny Havoc, Rhendo, Blanka, Brain Damage, MVP, Super Shisa, Shisa Boy, Super Shenlong, Young Bucks, Crazy, Team Andrew, Barbecue, Massacre, Paul Burchill, Power Backlot Warrior, Matt Cross, Naoki Tanisaki, Anthony W. Mori, Milano Collection At, Elijah Burke, Ricky Ortiz was also in the match.

Forever 2009-9/11/2009 results:

1. Crazy Woman beat Fire Woman
2. Thorn Rose beat Sabrina
3. Queens Of Wrestling beat Bella Twins
4. The Players beat Lady Naughty By Nature
5. Samantha Bison beat Scarlet
6. Melina beat Moonshine
7. Tara (Victoria) beat Dominatrixic
8. Alex Kisnner beat Ariel Bison
9. Madison Ravine (filling in for Kelly Kelly) beat Lady Hammer
10. Rain beat Serena Vilonanis
11. Lady Doomsday beat Layla
12. Katie Lea Burchill beat Justine Hounda
13. Karen beat Jillian Hall
14. Caroline Dimelight, Misty Dawnner, Jill Night beat Doomsday Girl, Lady Venomous, Michelle McCool
15. Gail Kim beat Cheerleader Melissa
16. Mercedes Martinez beat Lady Trooper
17. Julie Fire beat Christine Crystal
18. Amazing Kong beat LuFisto
19. Jade Thunder beat Phoenix
20. Mickie Knuckles beat Pink Dudley
21. East Side Dragon beat West Side Dragon
22. HC Bytch beat Laurie Hammer
23. Hamada (filling in for Alexis Lariee) beat Scarlet
24. Warrior Ninjas beat Troopers
25. Frankie Karazarian beat Tyler Reks
26. Dagger beat Impaler
27. Josh Raymond beat Shane Helms
28. Mark Night beat Vlad
29. Matt Hardy beat Dingo
30. Commander beat Azriael and Grizzly Redwood in a 3 Way Dance.
31. Cheech and Cloudy beat Eric Bison and Guile
32. Super Smash Brothers beat Hard Luck Fighters, East/West Dragons, Road Knights in a 3 Way Dance.
33. Scotty Vortekz beat Hallowicked
34. Sgt. and Roadblock beat Wildfire
35. Ricochet beat Yellow Dog (Filling in for Jigsaw)
36. Matt Cross beat Sal Thomaselli
37. The Miz beat Johnny The Kid
38. Piloit beat Barbecue and Joe in a 3 Way Dance.
39. Jerry Lynn beat Ace Steel
40. Mike Knox beat Blood Warrior
41. Chris Night beat Spirit
42. Mark Henry beat Crazy Backlot Warrior
43. Fire and Soldier Ant beat Doomsday Kid/Venomous and Snake Eyes/John Fire in a 3 Way Dance.
44. Great Khali beat Fire Backlot Warrior
45. Beer Money Inc. beat Naughty By Nature
46. Big Show beat Nightmare Backlot Warrior
47. Michel Elgin beat Eric Young
48. Wildfire beat Crash and Darkness Backlot Warriors
49. Kevin Steen beat Stevie Richards
50. Young Bucks beat Crazy
51. Jimmy Jacobs beat Blanka
52. Broadie Lee beat Kane
53. TJ Perkins beat Little Guido
54. Bison Smith beat Undertaker
55. Lance Hoyt beat Dangerous Backlot Warrior
56. Jay Briscoe beat Street Warrior and Rhett Titus in a 3 Way Dance.
57. Jason Hades beat Rhino
58. Eric Stevens beat Finley
59. Sami Callihan beat Yoshitatsu
60. Taion beat Vladimir Kozolov
61. Claudio Castagnoli beat Necro Butcher
62. Ezkaliah Jackson beat Massacre
63. El Generico beat Sheamus
64. The Brian Kendrick beat Jack Swagger
65. Human Tornado beat Carter Grey
66. Rhendo beat Prince Mustafa Ali, Egotistico Fantastico, John Moxley in a 4 Way Dance.
67. Kenny Omega beat Petey Williams
68. Dudleyz beat Hoodies in a Tables Match.
69. John Cena, Santino Marella, Hernadez, Ricky Reyes, Rocky Romero beat Brian Thunder, Duke, Hot Shots, Mr. America
70. B-Boy beat Joey Ryan
71. Chris Jericho beat Austin Aries
72. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels beat Randy Orton and Chavo Guerrero Jr.
73. Thumbtack Jack beat Venom in a Hardcore Match.
74. Masada beat Sagat in a Hardcore Match.
75. Drake Younger beat Devon Moore to retain the CZW World Heavyweight Title.
76. Daize Haze beat Velvet Sky to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
77. Nattie Neidhart beat Miss Lee to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
78. Star Pryde beat Lady Speed to win the TWF World Ladies Title.
79. Roderick Strong beat William Regal to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
80. Doomsday beat Jimmy Rave by forfeit to win the ECW IC Title.  Rave came out giving Doomsday the belt saying he rather save his energy for ECW World Heavyweight Title match.  Doomsday was shocked as his hand was raised.
81. James Gibson beat Sonjay Dutt to retain the EUWF IC Title.
82. Matt Sydal beat Delirious to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
83. John Morrison beat Jay Lethal to retain the EUWF US Title.
84. Jack Crystal beat Abyss to retain the ECW World Triple Crown HC Title.
85. Homicide beat Chuck Taylor to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
86. Paul Burchill beat Nigel McGuiness to retain the ECW World TV Title.
87. Sara Del Rey and Erica Tempted beat Daniel Westernlock and Beck Knight to win the EUWF/ECW/TWF World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
88. Colon Brothers beat Motor City Machine Guns and Kevin Steen/El Generico in a 3 Way TLC Match to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
89. Hart Dynasty beat Ax/Smash and Ruckus/Sabian in a 3 Way Dance to win the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
90. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Hulk/Destroyer and Nightmare in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
91. MVP and Kofi Kingston beat Cryme Tyme and Team Fist in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
92. Priceless beat CM Punk and Colt Cabana in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
93. American Wolves beat
D-X to retain the EUWF/ECW/TWF US Tag Team Titles.   Triple H and Shawn Michaels neither came out to their music and didn't come till D-X music was played.  That surprised Star Pryde and Wolves.  Towards the end members of ECW Extermination Squad tried to interfere with the ref out by D-X fought them off.  The wolves grabbed US Tag belts and hit Hunter and Michaels with them for the win.
94. Cyrus Bourne beat Power Warrior to retain the TWF World TV Title.
95. Kenny King beat Jimmy Yang to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
96. Ray Gordy beat Eddie Kingston to retain the ECW US Title Rematch.
97. Machine beat Mr. America to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
98. Jimmy Rave beat Tommy Dreamer to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
99. Chris Hero beat Christian Cage to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
100. Rhendo surprisingly won the 8th Annual 9/11 Memorial Cup 2 Ring Battle Royal.  Warrior Ninjas, Frankie Karazarian, Dagger Josh Raymond, Mark Night, Matt Hardy, Commander, Cheech, Cloudy, Super Smash Brothers, Scotty Vortekz, Sgt., Roadblock, Ricochet, Matt Cross, The Miz, Piloit, Jerry Lynn, Mike Knox, Chris Night, Mark Henry, Fire Ant, Soldier Ant, Great Khali, Beer Money Inc., Big Show, Michel Elgin, Wildfire, Kevin Steen, Young Bucks, Jimmy Jacobs, Broadie Lee, TJ Perkins, Bison Smith, Lance Hoyt, Jay Briscoe, Jason Hades, Eric Stevens, Sami Callihan, Taion, Claudio Castagnoli, Ezkaliah Jackson, El Generico, The Brian Kendrick, Human Tornado, Kenny Omega, Dudleyz, John Cena, Santino Marella, Hernadez, Ricky Reyes, Rocky Romero, B-Boy, Chris Jericho, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Thumbtack Jack, Masada, Drake Younger, Roderick Strong, Doomsday, James Gibson, Matt Sydal, John Morrison, Jack Crystal, Homicide, Paul Burchill, Colon Brothers, Hart Dynasty, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, MVP, Kofi Kingston, Priceless, American Wolves, Cyrus Bourne, Kenny King, Ray Gordy, Machine, Jimmy Rave, Chris Hero were also in the match. It is his first time winning one.  Low Ki won the first one, Mike Bison won the second one, Bryan Danielson won third one, Hulk Hogan won the 4th one, Homicide won the 5th one,Samoa Joe won the sixth one, and CM Punk won the 7th one last year.  Rhendo was last one in the ring after Big Show and Great Khali eliminated each other.  Hero was trying to eliminate thumbtack jack and rhendo snuck in from behind eliminating both.  He celebrated in the ring with the trophy but Hero came in hitting him with loaded elbow pad and taking the trophy to end the show.

Forever 2010 (12 PM Start Time)-9/11/2010 results:

The show began with a moment of silence and 10 bell solute.  After that RJ Hammer announced that Forever 2011 will be huge tribute for 10 year anniversary and already talks with many talents from Japan to make sure they will be able to make it a year in advance.
1. Nightmare beat Kings Of Wrestling (Ares/Sheamus), New Demolition, Hoodies, Naughty By Nature, Machine/Sagat in a 6 Way Dance to win the TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
2. Mike Bison beat Kofi Kingston to retain the ECW US Title.
3. Nigel McGuiness beat Chris Night
4. Warriors Ninjas beat Snake Eyes, Saviors, Power/Blood Warrior.  After the match Snake Eyes said that WN have graduated and now can chose there own names other numbers.
5. Chris Jericho beat Jack Swagger
6. Jackson Rouch beat The Miz
7. American Wolves beat Briscoe Brothers
8. Homicide beat Dolph Ziggler, Jay Lethal, Rhett Titus in a 4 Way Dance.
9. Alberto Del Rio beat Mark Night
10. Angelina Love and Velvet Sky beat Michelle McCool and Layla
11. Masada, Cyrus Bourne, Drake Younger, Scotty Vortekz beat Justin Gabriel, Skip Sheffield, Wade Barrett, Heath Slatter
12. Alex Riley, Titus O’Neil, Lucky Cannon, Darren Young, Michael Tarver beat Troopers 1-5
13. David Otunga, Duke Rotundo, Eli Cottonwood, Percy Watson, Joe Hennig, Darren Young beat Dangerous Trio, Colony, Drew McIntyre
14. Low Ki, Dudleyz, Motor City Machine Guns beat Frankie Kazarian, Speedster Lite, Hoodies in a War Games Match.
15. Heart Dynasty beat Kings Of Wrestling (Hero/Claudio), Dude Busters, House Of Truth, Wildfire, Crazy in a 6 Way Dance to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
16. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Necro Butcher and Eric Stevens to win the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
17. Jade Thunder and Julie Fire beat Becky Knight and Sandy Gales to retain the TWF/EUWF/ECW World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
18. Lady Doomsday beat Cheerleader Melissa and LuFisto in a 3 Way Dance to win the ECW World Ladies Title.
19. Ariel Bison beat Laurie Hammer, Lady Speed, Moonshine in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
20. Pink Dudley beat Mickie Knuckles (defending for Miss Lee) to win the TWF World Ladies Title.
21. John Moxly beat Kenny Omega and Chuck Taylor in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
22. Jackson Rouch beat Christopher Daniels to win the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
23. Cody Rhodes beat Brian Thunder to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
24. Samoa Joe beat William Regal to retain the ECW World TV Title.
25. Bryan Danielson beat MVP and Kenny King in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF IC Title.
26. Sheamus beat Rhino in a Tables Match to retain the ECW IC Title.
27. Jack Swagger beat Tyler Black, Austin Aries, El Generico, Kevin Steen in a 5 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
28. Rhendo and Blanka beat Brett Wayfield/Matt Sydal, John Fire/Duke, Vlad/Impaler, Cheech/Cloudy in a 5 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
29. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Young Bucks to win the ECW/EUWF/TWF US Tag Team Titles.
30. Doomsday beat Mr. America to win the TWF World TV Title.
31. Jim Brooks beat Roderick Strong to retain the EUWF US Title and ECW World Triple Crown HC Title.
32. Mike Bison and Samoa Joe beat Beer Money Inc. to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
33. Piloit beat Joe and Barbecue in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
34. Venom beat AJ Styles to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
35. Christian Cage beat CM Punk to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
36. Jim Brooks won the 9th Annual 9/11 Memorial Cup 2 Ring Battle Royal: Winners from previous matches.  It is the first time he won it.  Low Ki won the first one, Mike Bison won the second one, Bryan Danielson won third one, Hulk Hogan won the 4th one, Homicide won the 5th one,Samoa Joe won the sixth one, and CM Punk won the 7th one.  Rhendo won the 8th one.  Nightmare, Mike Bison, Nigel McGuiness, Warrior Ninjas, Chris Jericho, Jackson Rouch, American Wolves, Homicide, Alberto Del Rio, Masada, Cyrus Bourne, Drake Younger, Scotty Vortekz, Alex Riley, Titus O’Neil, Lucky Cannon, Darren Young, Michael Tarver, David Otunga, Duke Rotundo, Eli Cottonwood, Percy Watson, Joe Hennig, Darren Young, Low Ki, Dudleyz, Motor City Machine Guns, Heart Dynasty, Doomsday Kid, Venomous, John Moxly, Cody Rhodes, Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson, Sheamus, Jack Swagger, Rhendo, Blanka, Spirit, Jack Crystal, Doomsday, Piloit, Venom, Christian Cage was also in the match.

Forever 2011-9/11/2011 results:

1. North/South Side Dragons beat Queens Of Wrestling
2. The Players beat Doomsday Girl and Lady Venomous
3. LuFisto beat Star Pryde
4. Jinx, Fire Woman, Crazy Woman beat Bella Twins and Kelly Kelly
5. Ayako Hamada beat Harley Wayfield
6. Daize Haze, MsChiff, AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka beat Lady Warrior, Moonshine, Firebird, Savage Girl Backlot Warrior
7. Mercedes Martinez and Noami beat Christine Crystal and Lady Doomsday
8. Samantha Bison, Jade Thunder, Julie Fire, Jane beat Dominatrix, Temptress, Debbie Summers, Donna Springs
9. Cheerleader Melissa beat Lady Speed
10. Sara Del Rey, Beth Phoenix, Nattie Neidhart beat HC Bytch, Pink Dudley, Mickie Knuckles
11. Kenny Omega beat Dolph Ziggler and Mike Bennett in a 3 Way Dance.
12. Naughty By Nature beat Dynamic Duo
13. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Bravado Brothersand Throwbacks in a 3 Way Dance.
14. Power and Blood Warrior beat David Otunga and Joe Henning
15. Ezekiel Jackson, Drew McIntyre, Ted Dibiase Jr., Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger beat Hot Shots and Hard Luck Fighters
16. Hoodies beat Wildfire and Crazy in a 3 Way Dance.
17. Ronin and Icarus beat New High Flyers
18. Broadie Lee beat Sagat
19. Joe and Barbecue beat AR Fox and Billy Roc
20. Matt Sydal, Kofi Kingston, Frankie Kazarian beat YAMATO, Masato Yoshino, Pac
21. Naruki Doi, CIMA, Akira Tozawa beat Sin Cara and Kings Of Wrestling
22. Hernadez beat Mark Henry
23. Homicide and Low Ki beat Rhino and Zach Ryder
24. El Generico beat Austin Aries and Yoshitatsu in a 3 Way Dance.
25. Jimmy Jacobs beaet Kevin Steen
26. Ms. America beat Laurie Hammer and Miss Lee in a 3 Way No Rope Barbed Wire Match to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
27. Rose and Sabrina beat Blonde Ambition to win the EUWF/ECW/TWF World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
28. Ricochet beat Amazing Red to retain the Unified World Lightweight Title.
29. CM Punk beat Randy Orton in a Anything Goes.
30. Doomsday and Venom beata Spirit and Jack Crystal to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles Rematch.
31. Roderick Strong beat RJ Hammer to retain the Unified IC Title.
32. Machine beat John Moxly to retain the ECW World TC HC Title.
33. Wade Barrett beat Alex Riley to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
34. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel to retain the EUWF/ECW/TWF US Tag Team Titles.
35. Davey Richards beat AJ Styles to retain the Unified World TV Title.
36. Rheno and Blanka beat Eric Bison/Taion and Young Bucks in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
37. Eddie Edwards beat The Miz to retain the Unified US Title.
38. New Bruise Brothers beat Michel Elgin and Christopher Daniels to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
39. Ryuji Ito beat Mike Bison to retain the Big Japan Death Match Title.
40. Mr. America beat Tyler Black, Doomsday, Homicide in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.
41. Mr. America won the 10th annual 911 Memorial Battle Royal.  It is the first time he won it.  Low Ki won the first one, Mike Bison won the second one, Bryan Danielson won third one, Hulk Hogan won the 4th one, Homicide won the 5th one, Samoa Joe won the sixth one, and CM Punk won the 7th one.  Rhendo won the 8th one.   Jim Brooks won the 9th one.  Kenny Omega, Naughty By Nature, Doomsday Kid, Venomous, Power Warrior, Blood Warrior, Ezekiel Jackson, Drew McIntyre, Ted Dibiase Jr., Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Hoodies, Ronin, Icarus, Boradie Lee, Joe, Barbecue, Matt Sydal, Kofi Kingston, Frankie Kazarian, Naruki Doi, CIMA, Akira Tozawa, Hernadez, Homicide, Low Ki, El Generico, Jimmy Jacobs, Ricochet, CM Punk, Doomsday, Venom, Roderick Strong, Machine, Wade Barrett, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Davey Richards, Rhendo, Blanka, Eddie Edwards, New Bruise Brothers, Ryuji Ito were also in the match.

Forever 2012-9/11/2012 results

1. Doona Summers and Debbie Springs beat North/South Side Dragons
2. Tabitha Boshidua beat Alex Kissner
3. LuFisto beat Dominatrixic
4. Lady Trooper beat Layla
5. Mercedes Martinez beat Sandy Gales
6. Jinx beat Cheerleader Melissa
7. Katylin beat Lady Trooper #2
8. Lady Savior beat Tamina Snuka
9. AJ Lee beat Lady Warrior Ninja
10. Jim Brooks beat Ricochet
11. Frankie Kazarian beat Drew McIntyre
12. Homicide beat John Cena
13. Wade Barrett beat John Davis
14. Young Bucks beat Havanna Pitbulls
15. Gran Akuma beat Icarus
16. Johnny Gargano beat Chuck Taylor
17. GL and Flash beat Uso Brothers and Dagger and Knight Hunter in a 3 Way Dance.
18. Dynamic Duo, Sgt., Roadblock beat Blood Ninjas
19. Future Shock beat Peter Spider and Freddie Waldino
20. Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexander beat Richie Barndo and Tristin Heartsend
21. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Epico/Primo, Nightmare, New Bruise Brothers in a 4 Way Dance.
22. Lightning Duo beat Hunico/Camcho and Vlad/Impaler in a 3 Way Dance.
23. Venom beat Santino Marella
24. Naughty By Nature beat Snake Eyes and John Fire
25. Bloody Donity beat Ryback
26. Roderick Strong beat Albert
27. Michel Elgin beat Rich Swan
28. Bryan Danielson beat Jimmy Jacobs and Sabian in a 3 Way Dance.
29. Samoa Joe beat Randy Orton
30. James Storm beat Robert Roode
31. CM Punk and Colt Cabana beat Bravado Brothers
32. TJ Wilson beat Austin Aries and Alex Shelley in a 3 Way Dance.
33. Hot Shots beat Hoodies in a Elimination Match.
34. Mr. America beat Zach Ryder and Kofi Kingston in a 3 Way Dance.
35. Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater beat East/West Dragons
36. Cyrus Bourne beat Joey Ryan and Cody Rhodes in a 3 Way Dance.
37. Doomsday beat Duke
38. Lady Doomsday, Harley Wayfield, Lady Warrior, Doomsday Girl, Lady Venomous, Kathy Uranosis beat Jade Thunder, Julie Fire, Scarlet, Karen, Jane, Ms. America
39. Masion Dixie beat The Miz
40. Laurie Hammer beat Lady Speed
41. Sheamus beat Machine and Rhino in a 3 Way Dance to win the Unified World TV Title.
42. Moonshine and Firebird beat Ariel Bison/Janet Lee Bison, Queens Of Wrestling, The Players, Blonde Ambition, Sara Del Rey/Nattie Neidhart, Lady Naughty By Nature, Crazy Woman/Fire Woman, Lady Bruisers in a Guantlet Match to retain the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
43. Kevin Steen beat Low Ki to retain the Unified IC Title.
44. Super Smash Brothers beat Brett Wayfield/Jackson Rouch and Joe/Piloit in a 3 Way Ladder Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
45. Dolph Ziggler beat Tyler Black to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
46. Danny Havoc beat Sagat to win the Unified World HC Title.
47. Eric Bison and Guile beat Devon Moore and Lucky 13 to retain the Unified World HC Tag Team Titles.
48. Rhett Titus beat Kenny King to retain the Unified US Title.
49. Mike Bison and Taion beat American Wolves to retain the Unified US Tag Team Titles.
50. El Generico beat WN Alpha and Rey Misterio Jr. in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Lightweight Title.
51. Kings Of Wrestling beat Briscoe Brothers to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
52. Pink Dudley beat HC Bytch in a Hardcore Match to win the Unified World Ladies Title Match.
53. AJ Styles beat Christopher Daniels to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
54. Power Donity lost to Brian Thunder by DQ to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.  The end came with ref bumped the rest of American Heroes attacked Power Donity.   Doomsday Inc made the save and ref woke seeing Doomsday beating on Brian for the DQ.  This lead to problems between Doomsday and Power before Venom and Naughty By Nature split them apart.
55. Speedster Lite beat Chris Jericho to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title: Speedster Lite v.s. Chris Jericho
56. Brian Thunder won the 11th Annual 9/11 Memorial Cup Guantlet Battle Royal. Low Ki won the first one, Mike Bison won the second one, Bryan Danielson won third one, Hulk Hogan won the 4th one, Homicide won the 5th one, Samoa Joe won the sixth one, and CM Punk won the 7th one.  Rhendo won the 8th one.   Jim Brooks won the 9th one. Mr. America won the 10th one. Jim Brooks, Frankie Kazarian, Homicide, Wade Barrett, Young Bucks, Gran Akuma, Johnny Gargano, GL, Flash, Dynamic Duo, Sgt., Roadblock, Future Shock, Caprice Coleman, Cedric Alexander, Doomsday Kid, Venomous, Lightning Duo, Venom, Naughty By Nature, Bloody Donity, Roderick Strong, Michel Elgin, Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe, James Storm, CM Punk, Colt Cabana, TJ Wilson, Hot Shots, Mr. America, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, Cyrus Bourne, Doomsday, Masion Dixie, Sheamus, Kevin Steen, Super Smash Brothers, Dolph Ziggler, Danny Havoc, Eric Bison, Guile, Rhett Titus, Mike Bison, Taion, El Generico, Kings Of Wrestling, AJ Styles, Speedster Lite were also in the match.

Forever 2013-9/11/2013 results:

1. The Players beat Queens Of Wrestling
2. North/South Side Dragons beat AJ Lee and Katylin
3. Cheerleader Melissa beat Lady Trooper
4. Jinx beat Mercedes Martinez
5. LuFisto beat Sara Jane
6. Tamina Snuka beat Lady WN
7. Rich Swan beat Sami Callihan
8. Drew McIntyre beat Claudio Castagnoli
9. Young Bucks and B-Boy beat Havanna Pitbulls and Alex Koslov
10. Homicide and Eddie Kingston beat New Bruise Brothers
11. Hernadez beat Masion Dixie
12. Petey Williams beat John Davis
13. Roderick Strong beat Gran Akuma
14. FIST beat Vampire Nation
15. Caprice Coleman and Cedrick Alexendar beat Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno
16. Adrenline Rush beat Dynamic Duo
17. Frankie Kazarian beat Piloit
18. Samoa Joe beat Mark Henry
19. Mr. America beat Big E. Langsten
20. Dolph Ziggler beat Rhino
21. Colt Cabana beat Christian Cage
22. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat East/West Dragons
23. Amazing Red beat Justin Gabriel
24. Kevin Steen beat CM Punk
25. Jigsaw and Hallowicked beat All Night Express
26. Joey Ryan and Scorpio Sky beat Colony
27. Sonjay Dutt beat Jimmy Jacobs
28. 3.0 beat Rockeness Monsters
29. Tommaso Ciampa beat Sin Cara
30. Richie Steamboat Jr. beat Mike Benett
31. Robert Roode beat James Storm
32. Machine and Sagat beat Crazy
33. Brodie Lee and Bryatt Wyatt beat Bravado Brothers
34. Kofi Kingston beat WN Alpha
35. Throwbacks beat WN Sigma and Black
36. Blk Out beat Wildfire
37. Kane beat Destroyer
38. Speedster Lite beat Randy Orton
39. Tyler Black and Roman Reigns beat Night Brothers
40. Willie Mack beat Christopher Daniels
41. Blonde Ambition beat Spring and Summers to retain the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
42. Star Pryde beat Sara Del Rey to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
43. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Prime Time Players to retain the Unified US Tag Team Titles.
44. Venom beat Danny Havoc to win the Unified World HC Title.
45. Adam Cole beat Ricochet to retain the Unified World Lightweight Title.
46. New Gangtas beat Devon Moore and Lucky 13 to retain the Unified World HC Tag Team Titles.
47. Doomsday beat John Moxly to retain the Unified IC Title.
48. Jay Lethal beat Wade Barrett to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
49. Donity Brothers beat Uso Brothers to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
50. Jim Brooks beat Kyle O'Reily to retain the Unified World TV Title.
51. Cody Rhodes beat Bryan Danielson to retain the Unified US Title.
52. American Wolves beat reDRagon to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
53. Brett Wayfield beat Power Donity to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
54. Austin Aries beat Drake Younger to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
55. Michel Elgin beat Chris Hero to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
56. Davey Richards won the 11th Annual 9/11 Memorial Cup.
Rich Swan, Drew McIntyre, Young Bucks, B-Boy, Homicide, Eddie Kingston, Hernadez, Petey Williams, Roderick Strong, FIST, Caprice Coleman, Cedrick Alexendar, Adrenline Rush, Frankie Kazarian, Samoa Joe, Mr. America, Dolph Ziggler, Colt Cabana, Spirit, Jack Crystal, Amazing Red, Kevin Steen, Jigsaw, Hallowicked, Joey Ryan, Scorpio Sky, Sonjay Dutt, 3.0, Tommaso Ciampa, Richie Steamboat Jr., Robert Roode, Machine, Sagat, Brodie Lee, Bryatt Wyatt, Kofi Kingston, Throwbacks, Blk Out, Kane, Speedster Lite, Tyler Black, Roman Reigns, Willie Mack, Doomsday Kid, Venomous, Venom, Adam Cole, New Gangtas, Doomsday, Jay Lethal, Donity Brothers, Jim Brooks, Cody Rhodes, Eddie Edwards, Brett Wayfield, Austin Aries, Michel Elgin were also in the match.
Low Ki won the first one, Mike Bison won the second one, Bryan Danielson won third one, Hulk Hogan won the 4th one, Homicide won the 5th one, Samoa Joe won the sixth one, and CM Punk won the 7th one.  Rhendo won the 8th one.   Jim Brooks won the 9th one. Mr. America won the 10th one.  Mr. America won 11th one.

Forever 2014-9/11/2014 results:

1. Samantha Bison, Ariel Bison, Janet Lee Bison beat AJ Lee, Layla, Nattie Neidhart
2. KENTA beat Amazing Red
3. Prince Devitt beat Sonjay Dutt
4. Rhett Titus beat Kenny King
5. LAX and Eddie Kingston beat Dangerous Trio
6. Robert Roode beat Kenny Omega
7. Green Ant beat Austin Aries
8. Sami Zayn beat Jigsaw
9. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Colony
10. Sheamus beat Rhino
11. Hoodies beat Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexander
12. Night Brothers beat Epico and Primo
13. Adam Cole and Young Bucks beat High Flyers
14. reDragon beat Taion and Guile
15. Kevin Steen and Jimmy Jacobs beat Uso Brothers
16. Chuck Taylor beat BJ Whitmer
17. Michel Elgin beat Gran Akuma
18. Roderick Strong beat Icarus
19. Power Donity beat Chris Jericho
20. Sin Cara beat Bloody Donity
21. Speedster Lite beat Justin Gabriel
22. Jim Brooks beat Heath Slater
23. John Moxly beat Eddie Edwards
24. Ascension beat Brian Thunder and Duke
25. Roman Reigns and Tyler Black beat Rhendo and Blanka
26. Kings Of Wrestling beat Bad Influnce
27. Randy Orton beat Hallowicked
28. Goldust and Cody Rhodes beat Briscoe Brothers to retain the Unified US Tag Team Titles.
29. Blonde Ambition beat Lady Bruisers and Queens Of Wrestling in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
30.  Pink Dudley beat Sara Jane Wyatt to retain the Unified World Ladies Title Rematch.
31. Naughty By Nature beat Vlad and Impaler in a First Blood Elimination Match to retain the Unified World HC Tag Team Titles.
32. Adam Rose beat Zach Ryder to retain the Unified IC Title.
33. Bo Dollas beat AJ Styles to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
34. Hollywood Doomsday and Mr. Venom beat Daryl Ranger/Daniel Xtreme and Ricochet/Rich Swan in a 3 Way TLC Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
35. Pac beat Mr. America to retain the Unified World Lightweight Title.
36. TJ Wilson beat Ash Hyde to retain the Unified World TV Title.
37. Mike Bison and Machine beat Brodie Lee and Eric Rowan to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
38. Rusev beat Samoa Joe in a Flag Ladder Match to retian the Unified US Title.  The way to win was to grab your countries flag and then title belt.  Joe grabbed US Flag but as he went to grab the belt Randy Orton came down attacking hima and hitting RKO.  This let rusev grab the belt.
39. Cyrus Bourne beat Bryatt Wyatt to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.
40. Machine won the 13th Annual 911 Memorial Battle Royal. KENTA, Prince Devitt, Rhett Titus, LAX, Eddie Kingston, Robert Roode, Green Ant, Sami Zayn, Spirit, Jack Crystal, Sheamus, Hoodies, Night Brothers, Adam Cole, Young Bucks, reDragon, Kevin Steen, Jimmy Jacobs, Chuck Taylor, Michel Elgin, Roderick Strong, Power Donity, Sin Cara, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, John Moxly, Ascension, Roman Reigns, Tyler Black, Bad Influence, Randy Orton, Goldust, Cody Rhodes, Naughty By Nature, Adam Rose, Bo Dollas, Hollywood Doomsday, Mr. Venom, Pac, TJ Wilson, Mike Bison, Cyrus Bourne were also in the match.
Low Ki won the first one, Mike Bison won the second one, Bryan Danielson won third one, Hulk Hogan won the 4th one, Homicide won the 5th one, Samoa Joe won the sixth one, and CM Punk won the 7th one.  Rhendo won the 8th one.   Jim Brooks won the 9th one. Mr. America won the 10th one.  Mr. America won 11th one.  Davey Richards won the 12th one.

Forever 2015-9/11/2015 results:

1. Pink Dudley beat Sasha Banks
2. Bella Twins beat Ms. America and Jade Thunder
3. Tamina beat Christine Crystal
4. Alicia Fox beat Hardcore Bytch
5. Claudio Castagnoli beat Mr. America
6. Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch beat Briscoe Brothers
7. Moonshine beat Paige to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
8. Charlotte and Becky Lynch beat Firebird and Jinx to retain the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles/
9. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat 3.0 and Naughty By Nature in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
10. The Kingdom beat Night Brothers, Young Bucks, Prime Time Players in a 4 Way Dance to retain the Unified US Tag Team Titles.
11. Jack Crystal beat Matt Tremont to retain the Unified World Hardcore Title.
12. Zach Ryder beat Jim Brooks to retain the Unified World TV Title.
13. Prince Devitt beat King Peter and Tyler Black in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified IC Title.
14. Sheamus beat Freddie Waldeno, Seth Owens, Dolph Ziggler in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
15  Pac beat Spirit, Speedster Lite, Tyler Breeze in a 4 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Lightweight Title.
16. Donity Brothers beat reDragon to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
17. Samoa Joe, Cyrus Bourne, Dolph Ziggler beat Wyatt Family in a Elimination Match.
18. Roderick Strong beat Sagat and Roman Reigns in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified US Title.
19. King Peter and Freddie Waldeno beat Prince Devitt and Pac to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
20. Kevin Steen lost to Ash by DQ to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.
21. Ash Hyde won the 14th Annual 9/11 Memorial Battle Royal. Claudio Castagnoli, Brett Wayfield, Jackson Rouch, Doomsday Kid, Venomous, The Kingdom, Jack Crystal, Zach Ryder, Prince Devitt, Sheamus, Pac, Donity Brothers, Samoa Joe, Cyrus Bourne, Dolph Ziggler, Roderick Strong, King Peter, Freddie Waldeno were also in the match.  Low Ki won the first one, Mike Bison won the second one, Bryan Danielson won third one, Hulk Hogan won the 4th one, Homicide won the 5th one, Samoa Joe won the sixth one, and CM Punk won the 7th one.  Rhendo won the 8th one.   Jim Brooks won the 9th one. Mr. America won the 10th one.  Brian Thunder won 11th one.  Davey Richards won the 12th one. Machine won the 13th one.

Forever 2016-9/11/2016 results:

1. Moonshine beat Nikki Bella
2. Ms. America beat Charlotte
3. Bo Wyatt and Eric Rowan beat Taion and Guile
4. The Beaver Boys beat Dogs Of War
5. Bryatt Wyatt, Kevin Steen, King Peter, Freddie Waldeno beat Collin Cassidy, Enzo Amore, Bison Brothers
6. Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano beat Night Brothers
7. Ash Hyde and Seth Owens beat Motor City Machine Guns to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Roderick Strong beat Chris Jericho to retain the ECW IC Title.
9. Sagat beat Jack Crystal to retain the ECW World Hardcore Title.
10. Hollywood Doomsday and Mr. Venom beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous to retain the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
11. Carol Ninja and Lady Ninja beat Lady Bruisers to retain the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
12. Joe Henning and Heath Slater beat Doc Gallows/Karl Anderson, Bad Influence, Thunder Brothers in a 4 Way Dance to win the EUWF US Tag Team Titles.
13. Jim Brooks beat Speedster Lite in a Cage Match to retain the TWF World TV Title.
14. Hoodies beat Donity Brothers in a Cage Match to retain the TWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
15. John Moxly beat Ash Hyde to win back the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
16. Samoa Joe beat The Miz to win back the EUWF US Title.
17. Bayley beat Star Pryde to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
18. Piloit beat Rich Swan to retain the TWF World Lightweight Title.
19. Seth Owens beat Speedster Lite to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
20. Shinsuke Nakamura beat Tyler Black to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
21. Sami Zayn beat Randy Orton to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
22. Bryatt Wyatt won the 15th Annual 9/11 Memorial Battle Royal. Bo Wyatt, Eric Rowan, The Beaver Boys, Kevin Steen, King Peter, Freddie Waldeno, Tommaso Ciampa, Johnny Gargano, Ash Hyde, Seth Owens, Roderick Strong, Sagat, Hollywood Doomsday, Mr. Venom, Joe Henning, Heath Slater, Jim Brooks, Hoodies, John Moxly, Samoa Joe, Piloit, Shinsuke Nakamura, Sami Zayn were also in the match.  Low Ki won the first one, Mike Bison won the second one, Bryan Danielson won third one, Hulk Hogan won the 4th one, Homicide won the 5th one, Samoa Joe won the sixth one, and CM Punk won the 7th one.  Rhendo won the 8th one.   Jim Brooks won the 9th one. Mr. America won the 10th one.  Brian Thunder won 11th one.  Davey Richards won the 12th one. Machine won the 13th one.  Ash Hyde won the 14th one.

Forever 2017-9/11/2017 results:

1. Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli beat Bison Brothers
2. Tyler Black beat Apollo Crews
3. #Broken Hardies beat Naughty By Nature
4. Akira Tozawa beat Prince Devitt
5. KENTA beat Tony Neese
6. Gran Matelik, Rich Swan, Cederick Alexander beat Piloit, Brett Wayfield, Jackson Rouch
7. reDragon beat Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows
8. Spirit, Jack Crystal, Bloody Donity beat Noam Darr, The Brian Kendrick, Jack Gallegher
9. Pink Dudley and Hardcore Bytch beat Ms. America and Julie Fire to retain the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
10. Brian Thunder beat Pac to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
11. Young Bucks beat Sanity to retain the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
12. Sami Zayn beat Tyson Bronx to retain the ECW IC Title.
13. Robert Roode beat Cyrus Bourne to retain the EUWF US Title.
14. King Peter and Tristin Heartsend beat Lucha Dragons in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls to retain the TWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
15. Masion Dixie beat Drew Gulak to retain the TWF World Lightweight Title.
16. Eddie Venom beat Bruce Doomsday to win back the TWF World TV Title.
17. American Alpha beat Briscoe Brothers to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
18. Wyatt Brothers beat Mr. America and John Cena to win the EUWF US Tag Team Titles.
19. Mickie James beat Jade Thunder to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
20. Marcus Croft beat Ash Hyde and Power Donity in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
21. AJ Styles beat Samoa Joe to win back the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Rematch. Joe's was favoring her knee most of the match and went for a muscle buster towards the end of the match.  Joe's leg gave way and AJ locked in calf killer on Joe for the win.
22. Marcus Croft won the 16th Annual 9/11 Memorial Battle Royal. Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, Tyler Black, #Broken Hardies, Akira Tozawa, KENTA, Gran Matelik, Rich Swan, Cederick Alexander, reDragon, Spirit, Jack Crystal, Bloody Donity, Brian Thunder, Young Bucks, Sami Zayn, Robder Roode, King Peter, Tristin Heartsend, Masion Dixie, Eddie Venom, American Alpha, Wyatt Brothers, AJ Styles was also in the match.  Low Ki won the first one, Mike Bison won the second one, Bryan Danielson won third one, Hulk Hogan won the 4th one, Homicide won the 5th one, Samoa Joe won the sixth one, and CM Punk won the 7th one.  Rhendo won the 8th one.   Jim Brooks won the 9th one. Mr. America won the 10th one.  Brian Thunder won 11th one.  Davey Richards won the 12th one. Machine won the 13th one.  Ash Hyde won the 14th one.  Bryatt Wyatt won the 15th one.

Forever 2018-9/11/2018 results:

1. Ash Hyde beat Ricochet to retain the ECW World Hardcore Title.
2. Drew Gulak and Tony Neese beat Hype Brothers  in a Surviving Month 2018 Tag Team Tournament Qualifying Match.
3. Chris Prime and Matt Pigpen beat Rex Lion and Gary J in a Surviving Month 2018 Tag Team Tournament Qualifying Match.
4. Lio Rush beat Eddie Venom
5. Riot Squad beat Queens Of Wrestling
6. Star Pryde beat Harley Wayfield
7. Cheesy Warriors beat Team Apocalypse in a Surviving Month 2018 Tag Team Tournament Qualifying Match.
8. Drew McIntyre beat Dolph Ziggler to retain the ECW IC Title.
9. Vlad and Impaler beat Zen Warriors to retain the TWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles:
10. Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson beat Young Bucks to retain the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
11. Tye Dillinger beat Prince Devitt to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
12. Marcus Croft beat Cededrick Alexander to retain the TWF World Lightweight Title.
13. Pink Dudley beat Ronda Rousey to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
14. Sanity beat Adam Cole, Roderick Strong, Kyle O'Reily to retain the Unified World 6 Man Tag Team Titles,
15. Harrison Boss beat Bruce Doomsday in a Death Match Trial Series-Match #7-No Rope Barbed Wire-200 Light Tubes Death Match to win spot in King Of The Death Matches 2018.
16. Bailey and Sasha Banks beat Queens Of Wrestling to retain the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
17.  Jim Brooks beat Sir Tristan to retain the TWF World TV Title.
18. Authors Of Pain beat Ash Hyde and Seth Owens to retain the EUWF US Tag Team Titles.
19. Kevin Steen beat Aiden English to retain the EUWF US Title.
20. Peter Spider beat King Theodore III to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
21.  The Revial beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Title.
22. Bryan Danielson beat Adam Page to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
23. Samoa Joe beat John Moxly to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
24.  Tye Dillinger won the 17th Annual 9/11 Memorial Battle Royal. Ash Hyde, Drew Gulak, Tony Neese, Chris Prime, Matt Pigpen, Lio Rush, Cheesy Warriors, Drew McIntyre, Vlad, Impaler, Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson, Tye Dillinger, Marcus Croft, Sanity, Harrison Boss, Jim Brooks, Authors Of Pain, Kevin Steen, Peter Spider, The Revival, Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe were also in the match. Low Ki won the first one, Mike Bison won the second one, Bryan Danielson won third one, Hulk Hogan won the 4th one, Homicide won the 5th one, Samoa Joe won the sixth one, and CM Punk won the 7th one.  Rhendo won the 8th one.   Jim Brooks won the 9th one. Mr. America won the 10th one.  Brian Thunder won 11th one.  Davey Richards won the 12th one. Machine won the 13th one.  Ash Hyde won the 14th one.  Bryatt Wyatt won the 15th one.  Marcus Croft won the 16th one.

Forever 2019-MSG-9/11/2019-Surviving Months 2019 Day 9 results:

1. Surviving Months 2019 Men's Tournament Round 2 Match: Lince Dorado beat Victor America
2. Surviving Months 2019 Tag Team Tournament Round 2 Match: The New Day beat John Rose and Danny Red
3. Surviving Months 2019 Women's Tournament Round 2 Match: Kairi Sane beat Fire Woman
4. Surviving Months 2019 Men's Tournament Round 2 Match For TWF World TV Title: Jim Brooks (c) beat Trevor Lee
5. Surviving Months 2019 Tag Team Tournament Round 2 Match: The Kingdom beat Brian Thunder and John Fire
6. Surviving Months 2019 Women's Tournament Round 2 Match: Hardcore Bytch beat Naomi
7. Surviving Months 2019 Men's Tournament Round 2 Match:Killian Dane beat Kofi Kingston
8. Surviving Months 2019 Women's Tournament Round 2 Match: Nattie Neidhart beat Jennifer Roadie
9. Surviving Months 2019 Tag Team Tournament Round 2 Match: 3.0 beat Bruise Brothers
10. Surviving Months 2019 Men's Tournament Round 2 Match For TWF World Lightweight Title: Mark Lite (c) beat No Way Jose
11. Surviving Months 2019 Women's Tournament Round 2 Match: Sasha Banks beat Harley Wayfield
12. Surviving Months 2019 Tag Team Tournament Round 2 Match: Lucha Dragons beat Remy Who and Tom Master
13. Surviving Months 2019 Men's Tournament Round 2 Match:Moose beat Jay Lethal
14. Surviving Months 2019 Women's Tournament Round 2 Match: Billy Kay beat Stacy America
15. Surviving Months 2019 Tag Team Tournament Round 2 Match: oVe beat Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme
16. Surviving Months 2019 Men's Tournament Round 2 Match:Jack Gallagher beat Kona Reeves
17. Surviving Months 2019 Women's Tournament Round 2 Match: Liv Morgan beat Lacy Evans
18. Surviving Months 2019 Tag Team Tournament Round 2 Match: Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch beat Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson
19. Surviving Months 2019 Men's Tournament Round 2 Match:Moonsor beat Jeff Cobb
20. Surviving Months 2019 Women's Tournament Round 2 Match: Ember Moon beat Sally Gunnstone
21. Surviving Months 2019 Tag Team Tournament Round 2 Match: Kevin Steen and Sami Zayn beat PCO and Brody King
22. Surviving Months 2019 Men's Tournament Round 2 Match For ECW US Title: Prince Devitt (c) beat Leroy Piloit
23. Surviving Months 2019 Tag Team Tournament Round 2 Match: Briscoe Brothers beat Uso Brothers
24. Surviving Months 2019 Women's Tournament Round 2 Match: Queen Patricia beat Io Shairi
25. EUWF World Heavyweight Title Match: King Gary beat Johnny Garganno (c) by DQ.  The ene came when Gary had the win but was attacked by Tristan Heartsend. 
26. King Gary won the 18th Annual 9/11 Memorial Battle Royal: Lince Dorado, Killian Dane, Moose, Jack Gallagher, Moonsar, Prince Devitt, Mark Lite, Jim Brooks, The New Day, oVe, The Kingdom, Oney Lorcan, Danny Burch, Kevin Steen, Sami Zayn, 3.0, Lucha Dragons, Briscoe Brothers were also in the match,  Low Ki won the first one, Mike Bison won the second one, Bryan Danielson won third one, Hulk Hogan won the 4th one, Homicide won the 5th one, Samoa Joe won the sixth one, and CM Punk won the 7th one.  Rhendo won the 8th one.   Jim Brooks won the 9th one. Mr. America won the 10th one.  Brian Thunder won 11th one.  Davey Richards won the 12th one. Machine won the 13th one.  Ash Hyde won the 14th one.  Bryatt Wyatt won the 15th one.  Marcus Croft won the 16th one.  After the match Steve Austin presented Gary the trophy.  He also offered him a beer but Gary refused.  So austin stunned him.

Filmed For EUWF Network:
Surviving Months 2019 Men's Tournament Round 2 Matches:

1. Kathy Uranosis beat Felicia Sword
2. Deaners beat Purple Haze
3. Bryatt Wyatt beat Samurai Del Sol
4. Mandy Rose beat Karen
5. Shepard Mars and Edison Samurai beat Colt Star and Patrick Thorne
6. Robert Roode beat Dominik Dijakovic
7. Charlotte Flair beat Savage Girl Warrior
8. Drew Gulak and Tony Neese beat Steven Doomsday and Anthony Venomous
9. Sir Rex beat Claudio Castagnoli (Filling in for Drew McIntyre)
10. Sonjay Deville beat Donna Blaster
11. Hoodies beat Taylor Wad and GQ Wiley
12. AJ Styles beat Angel Garza

Forever 2020-911/2020-Surviving Months 2020 Day 38 results:

1. Surviving Months 2020 Tag Team's Tournament Round 6 Match: Drew Gulak and Tony Neese beat War Machine
2. Surviving Months 2020 Women's Tournament Round 6 Match: Melody Trooper beat Rhea Ripley
3. Surviving Months 2020 Men's Tournament Round 6 Match For NXT Title: Prince Devitt (c) beat Matt Riddle
4. Surviving Months 2020 Tag Team's Tournament Round 6 Match For NXT Tag Team Titles: Breezango (c) beat Colt Star and Patrick Thorne
5. Surviving Months 2020 Women's Tournament Round 6 Match: Shotzi Blackheart beat Deliah Doomsday
6. Surviving Months 2020 Men's Tournament Round 6 Match: Leon Ruff beat Kevin Steen
7. Surviving Months 2020 Tag Team's Tournament Round 6 Match: Prowl Brothers beat Hard Luck Fighters
8. Surviving Months 2020 Women's Tournament Round 6 Match: Sally Gunnstone beat Mercedes Martinez
9. Surviving Months 2020 Men's Tournament Round 6 Match: Trevor Lee beat Greyson America
10. Surviving Months 2020 Tag Team's Tournament Round 6 Match: Eric Bison and Raymond Roadblock beat Sir Rex and Sir Fisher
11. Surviving Months 2020 Women's Tournament Round 6 Match: Lacy Evans beat Julie Fire
12. Surviving Months 2020 Men's Tournament Round 6 Match: Tommaso Ciampa beat Drew McIntyre
13. Surviving Months 2020 Tag Team's Tournament Round 6 Match For TWF US Tag Team Titles: Zen Warriors beat Lucha Dragons (c)
14. Surviving Months 2020 Women's Tournament Round 6 Match:  Naomi beat Queen Patricia
15. Surviving Months 2020 Men's Tournament Round 6 Match:  Jeff Hardy beat Seth Owens
16. Surviving Months 2020 Tag Team's Tournament Round 6 Match For ECW World TV Tag Team Titles: Marcus Croft and Tyson Bronx (c) beat Hot Shots
17. Surviving Months 2020 Women's Tournament Round 6 Match For NXT Women's Title:  Io Shiari (c) beat Liv Morgan
18. Surviving Months 2020 Men's Tournament Round 6 Match For ECW US Title: Jacob Clark beat Shinsuke Nakuamara (c) by Count-Out
19. Surviving Months 2020 Tag Team's Tournament Round 6 Match For EUWF IC Title: Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde beat Gavin Guile and Ulysses Taion (c)
20. Surviving Months 2020 Women's Tournament Round 6 Match: Nikki Cross beat Sabrina Bruiser
21. Surviving Months 2020 Men's Tournament Round 6 Match For EUWF World IC Title and NXT North American Title: Johnny Garganno beat Punshiment Martinez (c) by DQ.
22. Surviving Months 2020 Tag Team's Tournament Round 6 Match: Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch beat reDragon
23. Surviving Months 2020 Women's Tournament Round 6 Match: Mandy Rose beat Jessica Jane
24. Surviving Months 2020 Men's Tournament Round 6 Match Fore ECW World TV Title: Akira Tozawa (c) beat Claudio Castagnoli
25. TWF World Heavyweight Title Rematch: Big E. (c) beat Ash Hyde
26. EUWF World Heavyweight Title Rematch: Bruce Doomsday (c) beat Eddie Venom
27. 19th Annual 9/11 Memorial Battle Royal: Johnny Garganno won the Battle Royal.  Drew Gulak, Tony Neese, Prince Devitt, Breezango, Leon Ruff, Porwl Brothers, Trevor Lee, Eric Bison, Roadblock, Tommaso Ciampa, Zen Warriors. Jeff HARDY, Marcus Croft, Tyson Bronx, Jacob Clark, Raul Mendoza, Joaquin Wilde, Oney Lorcan, Danny Burch, Akira Tozawa, Big E, Bruce Doomsday was also in the match.  Low Ki won the first one, Mike Bison won the second one, Bryan Danielson won third one, Hulk Hogan won the 4th one, Homicide won the 5th one, Samoa Joe won the sixth one, and CM Punk won the 7th one.  Rhendo won the 8th one.  Jim Brooks won the 9th one. Mr. America won the 10th one.  Brian Thunder won 11th one.  Davey Richards won the 12th one. Machine won the 13th one.  Ash Hyde won the 14th one.  Bryatt Wyatt won the 15th one.  Marcus Croft won the 16th one.  Tye Dillinger won the 17th one. King Gary won the 18th one.

Taped Exclusively For EUWF Network:
Surviving Months 2020 Round 6 Matches:

1. Alan Jacks and Tony Torpedo beat Chris Gun and Jack Flap
2. Harley Wayfield beat Ariel Bison
3. AJ Styles beat Colin East
4. Brandom Scarlet and Braden Olsen beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
5. Jill Night beat Tabitha Boshudia
6. Peter Spider beat Mark Lite

EUWF's Forever 2021-Surviving Months 2021 Day 44-911/2021-MSG results:

1. Surviving Months 2021 Women's Bracket C Match: Jade Thunder beat Debra Dominatrixic
Surviving Months 2021 Men's Bracket F Match: Rey Misterio Jr beat Shane Strickland
Surviving Months 2021 Women's Bracket C Match: Auroa Stone beat Jasmine Caronella
Surviving Months 2021 Men's Bracket F Match: Steven Doomsday beat Carmelo Hayes
Surviving Months 2021 Women's Bracket C Match: Taylor Lanley beat Josie Jinx
Surviving Months 2021 Men's Bracket F Match: Grayson Waller beat Punishment Martinez
Surviving Months 2021 Women's Bracket C Match: Karen Keily beat Sonjay Deville
Surviving Months 2021 Men's Bracket F Match For TWF US Title: Oney Lorcan (c) beat Jim Brooks
Surviving Months 2021 Women's Bracket C Match: Lilith Venomous beat Sarray
Surviving Months 2021 Men's Bracket F Match: Kyle Donity beat John Morrison
11. Surviving Months 2021 Women's Bracket A Match: Miranda Chaos beat Tamina
12. Surviving Months 2021 Men's Bracket A Match For EUWF IC Title: Greyson America beat Trevor Lee (c)
13. Surviving Months 2021 Women's Bracket E Match: Kayden Carter beat Savanna Eve
14. Surviving Months 2021 Men's Bracket E Match For ECW World TV Title: Ricochet (c) beat Sami Zayn
15. Surviving Months 2021 Women's Bracket D Match: Liv Morgan beat Nia Jax
16. Surviving Months 2021 Men's Bracket D Match: Drew McIntyre beat Baron Corbin
17. Surviving Months 2021 Women's Bracket F Match: Justine Hounda beat Shayna Baszler
18. Surviving Months 2021 Men's Bracket C Match: Keith Lee beat Santos Escobar
19.Surviving Months 2021 Women's Bracket B Match: Toni Storm beat Carmella
20. Surviving Months 2021 Men's Bracket B Match: Jeff Hardy beat Kevin Steen
21. 4 Way Dance For Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles: Lady Bruisers beat Lady Gantags, Pink Dudley/Helena Bytch, Shotzi Blackheart/Tegan Knox
22. Rematch For Unified World 6 Man Tag Team Title: Guardian Knights beat Quinton Synder, Clyde Neptune, Percy Grimm
23. 4 Way Dance For Unified US Tag Team Titles: Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch beat Street Profits, Hit Row, Naughty By Nature
ECW World Ladies Title Rematch: Becky Lynch (c) beat Molly Moonshine
25. Deonna Purrazzo, Britt Baker, Kamille beat Bianca Belair, Charlotte Flair, Caroline Venom
26.3 Way Dance: Lucha Brothers, Homicide, Chris Dickerson beat Young Bucks/Good Brothers and Ash Hyde/Seth Owens/The New Day
27. ROH World Title Match: Bandido (c) beat Jay Lethal
28. Impact World Title Match: Christian Cage (c) beat Edge
29. NWA World Title Match: Trevor Murdoch (c) beat Victor America
30. AEW World Title Match: Kenny Omega (c) beat Derby Allen
31. 3 Way Dance For ECW World Heavyweight Title:Prince Devitt (c) beat John Morrison

32. Triole Threat New York City Street Fight For TWF World Heavyweight Title: Shane Strickland beat Eddie Venom (c) and Bruce Doomsday.  With both men down Hit Row came down attacking both and threw Eddie out.  Laying out Bruce and Shane cashing in TWF Money In The Bank briefcase.  Making it a triple threat match and pinning Bruce for the win.
33. 4 Way Ladder Match For EUWF World Heavyweight Title: Claudio Castagnoli (c) beat Shinsuke Nakumara and Phillip Donity
34. Toni Storm won the 1st Annual Women's 911 Memorial Battle Royal: Miranda Chaos, Jade Thunder, Auroa Stone, Taylor Lanley, Karen Kelly,
Lilith Venomous, Liv Morgan, Kayden Carter, Justine Houda, Deonna Purrazzo, Britt Baker, Kamille, Lady Bruisers, Becky Lynch was also in the match.
35, Special Match-Bonus Retirement Tour Match: CM Punk beat Mike Bison v.s. CM Punk (Winner doesn't go to battle royal)
36. Greyson America won the 20th 9/11 Memorial Battle Royal: Kevin Steen, Keith Lee, Drew McIntyre, Ricochet, Kyle Donity, Oney Lorcan, Grayson Walker, Steven Doomsday, Rey Misterio Jr., Lucha Brothers, Homicide, Chris Dickerson, Brett Wayfield, Jackson Rouch, Guardian Knights, Bandido, Christian Cage, Trevor Murdoch, Kenny Omega, Prince Devitt, Shane Strickland, Claudio Castagnoli was also in the match.
Low Ki won the first one, Mike Bison won the second one, Bryan Danielson won third one, Hulk Hogan won the 4th one, Homicide won the 5th one, Samoa Joe won the sixth one, and CM Punk won the 7th one.  Rhendo won the 8th one.  Jim Brooks won the 9th one. Mr. America won the 10th one.  Brian Thunder won 11th one.  Davey Richards won the 12th one. Machine won the 13th one.  Ash Hyde won the 14th one.  Bryatt Wyatt won the 15th one.  Marcus Croft won the 16th one.  Tye Dillinger won the 17th one. King Gary won the 18th one.  Johnny Garganno won the 19th one.

EUWF's Forever 2021-Surviving Months 2022 Day 39-9/11/2022-MSG results:

Pre Show:
1. EUWF v.s. AEW Match: Ethan Page beat Brian Thunder
2. ECW v.s. AEW Match: Matt Riddle beat Ricky Starks
3. EUWF v.s. AEW Match: Trevor Lee beat Slim J


1. Lucy Warrior beat Sophia Warrior
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 5 Women's Bracket F Match: Emma Blaster beat Tiffany Stratton
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 5 Men's Bracket F Match: Shinsuke Nakumara beat Greyson Waller
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 5 Women's Bracket E Match: Rhea Ripley beat Yulisa Leon
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 5 Men's Bracket E Match: Baron Corbin beat Bobby Lashley
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 5 Women's Bracket D Match: Nikki Cross beat Justine Hounda
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 5 Men's Bracket D Match: Tony D'Angelo beat Masion Dixie
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 5 Women's Bracket C Match: Raquel González beat Roxanne Perez
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 5 Men's Bracket C Match:  Jindar Mahaul beat Raymond Roadblock
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 5 Women's Bracket B Match: Star Pryde beat Julie Fire
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 5 Men's Bracket B Match: Trick Williams beat Ricochet
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 5 Women's Bracket A Match: Dana Brooks beat Daniel Westernlock
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 5 Men's Bracket A Match: Tyson Bronx beat Drew Gulak
14. ECW v.s. AEW Match: Jade
Cargill beat Pink Dudley
15. EUWF v.s. AEW Match: Angel Garza and Humberto beat
Josh Woods and Tony Nese
NXT v.s. AEW Match: Bron Steiner beat Daniel Garcia
17. TWF v.s. AEW Match: Hangman Adam Page and Dark Order beat The New Day and Dolph Ziggler
18. EUWF v.s. AEW Match: Best Friends and Orange Cassidy beat American Brothers and Mark Night
19. ECW v.s. AEW Match: Jericho Appreciation Society beat Bruce Doomsday and Naughty By Nature
20. AEW v.s. NXT Match: Carmello Hayes beat Pac
21. TWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Kyle Donity (c) beat Phillip Donity by DQ.  The ref was down and Phillip hit a low.  Ref saw it anyway and called for DQ.  In anger grabbed a light tube from under the ring and hit kyle over the head with it.  Sophia Warrior tried to make the save as Phillip tried to carve up kyle but was rammed into ring post by Lucy Warrior.  The Family made the save.
22. AEW v.s. EUWF/ECW Match: Lucha Brothers beat Ricochet and Apollo Crews
23. ECW v.s. AEW Match: Eddie Venom beat
24. TWF v.s. AEW Match: Queen Tabitha beat
Madison Rayne
25. TWF v.s. AEW Match: Acclaimed beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
26. EUWF v.s. AEW Match: Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta, Bryan Danielson beat Kevin Steen, Sami Zayn, Tyler Black
27. TWF v.s. AEW Match: Sheamus beaet Powerhouse Hobbs
28. ECW v.s. AEW Match: Jay Lethal and Motor City Machine Guns beat Pete Dunne and War Machine
29. TWF v.s. AEW Match: King Stan, Ash Hyde, Seth Owens, Mark Lite, Jim Brooks beat Andre, RUSH, Kip Sabian, Gun Club
30. EUWF v.s. AEW Match:  Private Party beat Street Profits
31. TWF v.s. AEW Match: Taylor Lanley beat Toni Storm
32. ECW v.s. AEW Match: FTR beat Gavin Guile and Ulysses Taion
33. EUWF v.s. AEW Match: Karrion Kross beat John Moxly
34. Captain Falls Match: Team AEW (Chris Jericho (c), Derby Allen, Wardlow, Keith Lee, MJF, Jungle Boy) beat Team EUWF/TWF/ECW (Walter (c), AJ Styles, Prince Devitt, Roman Reigns, Drew McIntyre, Punsihment Martinez).  Drew went for a claymore on Jericho but he moved and ended up hitting it on Walter.  Jericho then hit a judas effect on Walter for the win.
Raquel González won the Second Annual Women's 911 Memorial Battle Royal: Emma Blaster, Rhea Ripley, Nikki Cross, Star Pryde, Dana Brooks, Jade Cargill, Queen Taibtha, Taylor Lanley were also in the match.  Toni Storm won the First one.
36. Kyle Donity won the 21th 9/11 Memorial Battle Royal: Ethan Page, Matt Riddle, Trevor Lee, Tyson Bronx, Trick Williams, Jindar Mahaul, Tony D'Angelo, Baron Corbin,
Shinsuke Nakumara, Angel Garza, Humberto, Bron Steiner, Hangman Adam Page, Dark Order, Best Friends, Orange Cassidy, Jericho Appreciation Society, Carmello Hayes, Lucha Brothers, Eddie Venom, Acclamied, Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta, Bryan Danielson, Sheamus, Jay Lethal, Motor City Machine Guns, King Stan, Ash Hyde, Seth Owens, Mark Lite, Jim Brooks, Private Party, FTR, Karrion Kross was also in the match.  Bryan Danielson won third one, Hulk Hogan won the 4th one, Homicide won the 5th one, Samoa Joe won the sixth one, and CM Punk won the 7th one.  Rhendo won the 8th one.  Jim Brooks won the 9th one. Mr. America won the 10th one.  Brian Thunder won 11th one.  Davey Richards won the 12th one. Machine won the 13th one.  Ash Hyde won the 14th one.  Bryatt Wyatt won the 15th one.  Marcus Croft won the 16th one.  Tye Dillinger won the 17th one. King Gary won the 18th one.  Johnny Garganno won the 19th one.  Greyson American won the 20th one.

Forever 2023-Surviving Months 2023 Day 35-9/11/2023 results:

1. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 6 Women's Bracket D Match: Rebecca Knight v.s. Lisa Ninja
2. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 6 Men's Bracket A Match: Bishop Rider beat Bobby Lashley
3. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 6 Women's Bracket D  Match: Sarah Temptress beay Lexi Luna
4. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 6 Men's Bracket A Match: Duke Hudsn beat AJ Styles
5. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 6 Women's Bracket D Match: Millie Host beat Willow Robin
6. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 6 Men's Bracket A Match: Ikemen Jiro beat Tyler Bate
7. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 6 Women's Bracket D Match: Alcarda Vania beat Dinah Spade
8. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 6 Men's Bracket A Match: Freddie Waldeno beat Steven Doomsday
9. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 6 Women's Bracket D Match: Blair Davenport beat Charlotte Flair
10. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 6 Men's Bracket A Match: llja Dragunov beat Greyson America
11. Hit Row beat Naughty By Nature
12. Rey Misterio Jr beat Solomon Spirit
14. Jack Pink beat Stephan Shadow
15. Rematch For Unified World Junior Heavyweight Title: Simon Seyes beat Jeffery Alpha
16. 4 Way Dance For TWF US Title: LA Knight beat Mark Night, Victor America, Solo Sukoa
17. Mark Lite and Jim Brooks v.s. Night Brothers
18. Rematch For TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles: Dennis Destroyer and Braxton Bulk (c) v.s. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson
19. Ash Hyde and Seth Owens v.s. Thunder Brothers
20. Frank Bison v.s. Shinsuke Nakumara
21. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 3 Women's Bracket A Match: Bethany Belle beat Gabbe Gangstas
22. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 3 Men's Bracket D Match: Tony Torpedo beat Drew Gulak
23. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 3 Women's Bracket A Match: Tifanny Lane beat Janet Lee Bison
24. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 3 Men's Bracket D Match: Mustafa Ali beaat Johnny Garganno
25. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 3 Women's Bracket A Match: Rhea Ripley beat Jessica Jane
26. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 3 Men's Bracket D Match: Rex Lion beat Eddy Thorpe
27. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 3 Women's Bracket A Match: Nikki Cross beat Lucy Warrior
28. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 3 Men's Bracket D Match: Xavier Woods beat Dragon Lee
29. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 3 Women's Bracket A Match: Stacie America beat Jasmine Caronella
30. Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Round 3 Men's Bracket D Match: Alan Jacks beat Damon Kemp
31. Orange Cassidy (filling in for injured Roman Reigns) and Tyler Black beat John Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli v
22. Rematch For EUWF World Heavyweight Title: Ricochet (c) beat Sami Zayn.  The end similar to Summerslam but Sami said he wasn't falling for it again.  Kevin Steen came through the crowd distracting Sami from ringside.  Ricochet knocked him off the top and hit 630 for the win.  Sami ran from the ring afterwords.
32. 3 Way Dance For ECW World Heavyweight Title: Raymond Roadblock beat Prince Devitt (c) and Chad Gable
34. TWF World Heavyweight Title: Cody Rhodes (c) beat Austin Theory

35. Stacie America won the 3rd Annual Women's 911 Memorial Battle Royal: Toni Storm won the First one.
  Raquel González won the Second one.  Rebecca Knight. Sarah Temptress, Millie Host, Alcarda Vania, Blair Davenport, Bethany Belle, Tifanny Lane, Rhea Ripley, Nikki Cross were also in the match.
36. LA Knight won the 22nd 9/11 Memorial Battle Royal:
Low Ki won the first one, Mike Bison won the second one. Hit Row, Rey Misterio Jr, Jack Pink, Simon Seyes, Mark Lite, Jim Brooks, Ash Hyde, Seth Owens, Frank Bison, Tyler Black, Orange Cassidy, Ricochet, Raymond Roadblock, Cody Rhodes, Bishop Rider, Duke Hudson, Ikeman Jiro, Freddie Waldeno, Ilja Dragunov, Tony Torpedo, Mustafa Ali, Rex Lion, Xavier Woods, Alan Jacks was also in the match. Bryan Danielson won third one, Hulk Hogan won the 4th one, Homicide won the 5th one, Samoa Joe won the sixth one, and CM Punk won the 7th one.  Rhendo won the 8th one.  Jim Brooks won the 9th one. Mr. America won the 10th one.  Brian Thunder won 11th one.  Davey Richards won the 12th one. Machine won the 13th one.  Ash Hyde won the 14th one.  Bryatt Wyatt won the 15th one.  Marcus Croft won the 16th one.  Tye Dillinger won the 17th one. King Gary won the 18th one.  Johnny Garganno won the 19th one.  Greyson American won the 20th one. Kyle Donity won 21st one.

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