Friday, August 30, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-August 30 (Labor Day Weekend Bash 1996 Day 1, Summerslam 1999, Doomsday Inc had enough of Old School Kings, Raw's 900th, Mickie Knuckles Brings In Old Friends, Mike Looks For Revenge, MVW return, Family Comes Before Legacy, Hardcore Heaven 2015/2020, Laurie Hammer offers Mike Bison final match he been waiting for?)

This Day In Wrestling History-August 30:
Labor Day Weekend Bash 1996 Day 1-8/30/1996 results:

1. Hoodies beat Crazy
2. Joe beat Rey Misterio Jr. to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
3. Mark Night beat Machine to retain the EUWF IC Title.
4. Guile beat Sagat
5. Bruise Brothers beat Naughty By Nature
6. 2 Cold Scorpio and Sandman beat Doomsday and Venom
7. Taz beat Chris Benoit
8. British Bulldog beat Sabu to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Summer Slam 99-8/30/1999 results:

1. Bruise Brothers beat Dave Taylor and Steve Regal
2. Joe and Barbecue beat Night Brothers to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
3. Spike Dudley beat Kane
4. Stevie Richards beat Steve Corino
5. Naughty By Nature beat Trooper 1 and 2 in a Blood Bowl Match.
6. Berlyn beat Rocky Maivia
7. Sid Vicious beat Big Show
8. D-Lo Brown beat Johnny Smith to retain the EUWF IC Title.
Balls Mahoney came out and challenged any of the Japanese wrestlers from the back to face him tonight.  Danger Zone started and Yoshihiro Kanemura came to the ring to accept the challenge for the match.
9. Yukihiro Kanemura beat Balls Mahoney
10. Hulk, Massacre, Destroyer beat Triad to win the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
11. Jerry Lynn and Syxx beat Super Crazy and Tajiri to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
12. Chris Jericho and Road Dog Jesse James beat Justin Credible and Bad Ass Billy Gunn in a Double Dog Collar Match.  A mad Storm came to the ring and started to hang Jericho with the dog collar chain after the match.  Road Dog was out but Syxx ran to the ring to help but was held off by Justin Credible, Mark Night, Chris Night, Jeff Jarrett.  Bad Ass not wanting to watch it anymore, to things into his own hands and attacked Storm.  Konnan, Rey Misterio Jr, Brad Armstrong, Joe, Barbecue, Eddie Guerrero, Billy Kidman came to the ring to help.  Bad Ass helped Road Dog up and the crowd started to chant D-X.
13. Undertaker beat Uganda
14. Jim Brooks beat Shane Douglas to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
15. Speedster Lite beat Venom to retain the EUWF US Title.
The camera showed Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Booker T, Konnan, Steve Austin, Taz, Goldberg, Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Raven, Rey Misterio Jr, Joe, Barbecue, Eddie Guerrero, Abdulah The Butcher, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Shane Douglas, Commander, Major Blood, Queen Baroness, Prince Michael, Princess Ariel, Juventud Guerrera, Naughty By Nature, Trooper 1-10, Crazy, Wildfire, Balls Mahoney, Rachel, Michelle, Perry Saturn, Vince McMahon, Eric Bischoff, and a lot other wrestlers were sitting in the back in position to watch the main event.
16. RJ Hammer beat King Bison in a Hell In A Cell Match to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Title and keep control of the EUWF.  Ventura goes to count but stopped and looked at RJ.  He smiled and laughed.  Bison was totally out and the second ref made the count instead.  RJ and Ventura looked at each.  RJ turns his back to get the EUWF World Title belt when Ventura smashed him with a chair.  Bison got up and the two beat on RJ.  The second ref tried to stop it but Bison hit him.  Dark Horseman and Armageddon Knights ran to the cage and Ventura gave Bison the key.  Bison goes out and opens the door to the cage.  He lets his guys in and then locked it again.  They all beat on RJ and Ventura slapped RJ as Awesome Knight and Prince Nightmare held him up.  Ventura was given a mic.
Ventura: "This is wrestling and I'm tired of your Extreme and Hardcore crap.  I'm with these guys because they believe in what I believe in."  RJ tried to fight back but he was out numbered.  Extreme Alliance members tried to storm the cage but there was inside of it.  RJ was a bloody mess and Ventura hit RJ with the mic.  He then gave it to Bison.
Bison: "You won the match but maybe you will sign the EUWF over to me."  Commander takes out some papers.
RJ: "NEVER!"  Bison hits RJ.
Bison: "Sign it now!"
RJ: "I rather die first then sign the EUWF over to a piece of crap like you Bison."
Bison: "I may kill you to get it done." Rey Misterio Jr comes out with bolt cutters and opens the door.  The Extreme Alliance members storm the ring and the heals leave.  They check on RJ as Ventura and Bison laughs all the way to the back.

Wednesday Night Brawl-8/30/2000 results:

Old School Kings, Japanese Militant Army, Undertaker, Kane, Armageddon Knights come to the ring.
Corino: "All our plans have come together.  There is no one left to stand up to us.  If there is, I dare them to come from the back.  Mr. Venom, Hollywood Doomsday, Naughty By Nature, Crazy, Wildfire from the back.
Doomsday: "I'm tired of you and I know a lot of other people are tired of them too."
Corino: "What are you going to do about it?  There is only four of you and a lot of us."
Doomsday: "We got backup."
Corino: "What backup?"  RJ Hammer, Triple H, The Rock, Goldberg, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Balls Mahoney, Acolytes, Joe, Dynamic Duo, Blanka, Rhendo, King Bison, Commander, Rhendo, Taion, Sagat, Boxer, Vega, Mike Awesome, Rob Van Dam, Filthy Animals, M.I.A., Jerry Lynn, Sting, Chris Jericho, X-Pac, Road Dogg, Eddie Guerrero, Lita, Lady Speed, Lady Doomsday, Speedster Lite, Jigglin Jimbro Brooks, Kid Kash, Tajiri, Rikishi, Too Cool, Shane Douglas, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Dark Warriors, Doomsday Warriors, Sgt., Roadblock.  The faces run to the ring and fight with the heals till the heals retreat.
1. Falcon beat Kid Kash in a double non title match.
2. Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn beat Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Crash Holly
3. Lance Storm beat Tajiri to retain the EUWF IC Title.
4. Justin Credible beat Chris Benoit to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
5. Naughty By Nature beat Yamakawa and Honma to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Dudleys beat Crash The Terminator and Lash Laroux to retain the HCW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Eddie Guerrero, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Rikishi, Joe beat Matsunaga, R.T.C., Public Enemy in a War Games Match.
8. RJ Hammer, Triple H, The Rock, Mr. Venom, Hollywood Doomsday beat Raven, Undertaker, Kane, Tazz, Shadow WX in a War Games Match.

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-8/30/2001 results:

1. Undertaker beat Sagat
2. Night Brothers beat Edge and Christian
3. Rhyno, Jesus Bison, Shadow WX, Matsunaga beat Booker T, Mike Awesome, Mike Bison, Guile
4. X-Pac and Albert beat Justin Credible and Tajiri
5. Jill Night beat Lita to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
6. Billy Kidman and Ninja Kid beat Hurricane Helms and Essa Rios
7. Low Ki and Mankind beat Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly in a Street Fight
8. Kurt Angle, Raven, Spike Dudley, Crash The Terminator beat Machine, Big Show, Street Hustler, Car Jacker
9. Tommy Dreamer and New Jack beat Hitmen
10. Jigglin Jimbro Brooks, Steve Austin, Lance Storm beat Chris Jericho, Tazz, Speedster Lite
11. Homicidal, Street Warrior, Dudleys beat Doomsday, Venom, Joe, Barbecue v.s. Homicidal, Street Warrior, Dudleys
12. The Rock beat RJ Hammer to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  The end was wild and crazy.  RJ had work on The Rock's arm during the match and then grabbed a steel chair.  He started to hit the Rock's arm with it and hit the ref with it after the ref was about to dq RJ.  RJ continued to pound on the Rock's arm.  It was shown that the Extreme Alliance and Doomsday Alliance were fighting in the back so no one can save The Rock.  Tazz came from the announcer position and put RJ in tazz mission.  Rob Van Dam came from the crowd and then hit Tazz with a chair.  He then hit Tazz with Van Damanitor  RVD then surprised RJ by hitting him Van Damanator and putting the Rock onto of RJ.  He then threw the ref into the ring and went back into the crowd.  The ref counted three for the win and The Rock was holding his arm while standing over RJ as the show ends.

Saturday Slam Bash-8/30/2003 results:

1. Lita beat Temptress to retain the EUWF World Ladies.
2. Hard Luck Fighters beat Dynamic Duo to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
3. Doomsday beat Balls Mahoney to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
4. Tony Mamaluke beat Spike Dudley to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
5. Homicide beat Justin Credible to retain the EUWF IC Title.
6. Rob Van Dam beat Xavier to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
7. CM Punk beat Masato Tanaka to retain the EUWF European Title and #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. Mr. America beat Jesus Bison to retain the EUWF US Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-8/30/2004 results:

The show starts with Kurt Angle coming to the ring calling AJ Styles a turd and saying that he is the cause of all his problems.  Angle said he wants to finish off AJ once and for all calling him to the ring.  RJ Hammer came to the ring instead asking Angle if he gone crazy during the time off.  He said that the old Kurt Angle would never call anyone a turd or try to destroy someone career.  Angle said that it's because no pushed him this far before and told RJ to stop protecting AJ.  AJ came from the back saying that RJ was not protecting him and didn't need anyone to protect him.  He said he had security hold him back and he took care of security.  AJ came to the ring and said he had no problem taking care of Angle tonight.  AJ got in the ring pushing RJ out of the way and started brawling with Angle.  RJ cheered AJ on but Triple ran out knocking RJ from behind and sending him into the post.  AJ got distracted by this leading Angle to angle slam him and then put ankle lock on him.  Triple H and angle each worked on the two till Doomsday Alliance members made the save.  Michelle later made a match with RJ Hammer and AJ Styles v.s. Kurt Angle and Triple H.
1. Hoodies beat Special K and Dynamic Duo in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
2. Roderick Strong beat Sagat
A promo about Shawn Michaels returning to the EUWF at Bruiser Brody Memorial Tournament 2004 PPV on September 12.  Generation Next were seen angry about this with Shelley saying that Michaels should have retired again.  Shelley says they are going to put Michaels back into retirement if he ever dares show up on September 12.
3. Joe beat Randy Orton and Tajiri in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
4. Alex Shelley beat Eddie Guerrero
5. American Heroes beat Generation Next (Austin Aries and Jack Evans) to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Mr. America beat Speedster Lite in a Street Fight to retain the EUWF US Title.
7. Triple H and Kurt Angle beat AJ Styles and RJ Hammer
8. Taion and Undertaker beat Booker T and Masato Tanaka in a Dream Partner Tag Team Match.

TTWF's Tuesday Night Wars-8/30/2005 results:

1. Christopher Daniels beat Batistia
2. Piloit beat Jay Lethal
3. Mr. America beat Alex Shelley
4. Frankie Karazarian beat RC Haas in a Non Title Match.
5. Shelton Benjamin beat Joe in a Non Title Match.
6. Spanky beat Brian Thunder in a Non Title Match.
7. William Regal beat Christian
8. Rhino beat Kurt Angle by DQ.
9. Jay Lethal beat Batistia, Alex Shelley, RC Haas, Joe, Brian Thunder, Kurt Angle, Christian in a 8 Way Dance to earn a shot at the TTWF World Heavyweight Title at Bruiser Brody Memorial Tournament 2005 Day 1 on September 18.
10. Christopher Daniels beat Mr. America, Piloit, Frankie Karazarian, Shelton Benjamin, Spanky, William Regal, Rhino in a 8 Way Dance to win the #1 Contenders Trophy For TTWF World Heavyweight Title and shot at the title at Bruiser Brody Memorial Tournament 2005 Day 2 on September 19.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-8/30/2006 results:

1. Delirious and Amazing Red beat Jimmy Jacobs and Shane Helms
2. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Christopher Daniels and Ultimo Dragon in a 3 Way Dance.
3. AJ Styles beat Doomsday and Sexy Eddy in a 3 Way Dance to retain the ECW World TV Title.
4. Bison Brothers and Samantha Bison beat Spirit, Commander, Angel Williams
5. Austin Aries and Roderick Strong beat Taion and Nerco Butcher
6. Sabu beat Venom to win the ECW World HC Triple Crown Title.
7. Jack Crystal beat Chris Hero to retain the ECW US Title.
8. Edge and Ariel Bison beat Colt Cabana and Kathy Uranosis

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-8/30/2008 results:

1. CM Punk beat Christopher Daniels to retain the ECW US Title.
2. Roderick Strong beat Rhino
3. Jack Evans, Jigsaw, Ruckus, Frankie Karazarian beat Hoodies, Street Warrior, Super Crazy
4. Sagat beat Hernadez
5. Homicide beat Machine
6. Claudio Castagnoli, Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black, Dudleyz, Guile beat Mike Bison, Samoa Joe, Nerco Butcher, Briscoe Brothers, Taion in a Falls Count Anywhere, Elimination, and War Games Rules Match.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw Special: 900th Episode-8/30/2010 results:

The show began with a moment of silence and 10 bell solute for Luna Vac hon and JC Bailey.  The show featured some of the best moments in Raw history throughout.
1. Jade Thunder, Laurie Hammer, Julie Fire, Ariel Bison, Scarlet, Mickie Knuckles, LuFisto beat Jinx, Star Pryde, Melina, Awesome Kong, Sara Del Ray, Michelle McCool, Layla in a Anything Goes, Anything Legal, Falls Count Anywhere Match.  Before the match Michelle and Layla came out with the heal team saying that they were upset that Mickie Knuckles and LuFisto have been getting more time on tv then them just by appearing last night.  Picking on Mickie because of her weight (which caused Star to remind Kong of the money she was paying her) and LuFisto about her stroke she had a few months ago.  Mickie and LuFisto came out with the face team and RJ made the 14 woman anything goes, anything legal, falls count anywhere match.  After the match Mickie says she love to challenge either Layla or Michelle for a match at Queen's Of The Death Matches but knows neither of them would show up.  She then called Michelle and Layla nothing but Human dress up dolls that could use a cheeseburger or two because if they turned to side they disappear.  Mickie then said that they may not want to fight her at QOTDM but maybe fight some old friends of hers the Angelina Love (aka Angel Williams) and Velvet Sky aka original Beautiful People at Forever 2011.  Mickie said that she talked to Angelina after what Michelle said the other day if Michelle wants to back up her words then she can at that show.  Layla agrees for them but Michelle didn't seem to like the idea.
2. El Generico, Brian Thunder, Nigel McGuiness beat Piloit, Jay Lethal, Amazing Red
It was announced that Mike Bison has pulled himself out of the main event because he is with Miss Lee and that she didn't steal Abyss nail weapon as Abyss thinks.  Fortune, Kings Of Wrestling, Speed Inc. group was seen happy about it.  AJ said that this works perfect as they can finish off Christian and whoever his partner are and then whoever else wants a piece.
3. Christopher Daniels and American Wolves beat Austin Aries, Jack Swagger, The Miz
Spirit and Jack Crystal did a interview mocking Mike Bison saying that he is a heal and that since Orton stuff is over with it finally time they got the MVWs back together.  Jack said that he is tried of TWF and ECW being all about Mike Bison.  Spirit said it was time remind the world whenever anything goes wrong they are MVWs and they are back.
4. Brett Wayfield, Matt Sydal, Tyler Black beat Rey Misterio Jr. and Young Bucks
Randy Orton ran into Bret Hart coming out of Legacy locker room.  Orton told Bret that he better not be talking to Heart Dynasty and if he did to leave them alone.  Bret told him that they are family and told Orton to leave them.  Orton threatened Bret and Bret told he is not scared as Orton's group is falling apart around him.  Bret said that he told Hearts they should leave and stop being used by Orton.  Orton went to attack Bret as he left but Heart Dynasty came out of the locker room as he did.  Orton walked away.
5. Kings Of Wrestling (Hero and Claudio) beat Night Brothers to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Doomsday, Venom, Motor City Machine Guns, Heart Dynasty, Bret Hart beat Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Beer Money Inc., Hoodies in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.  Before the match Guns came out as Doomsday and Venoms partners.  As they went to the ring Doomsday and Venom were attacked by Hoodies.  Doomsday and Venom were attacked by Lite, Brooks, BMI leading to Heart Dynasty and Bret making a surprise appearance even the sides.  After the match RJ announced that all former KOTDM champs (including himself) except Shadow WX will be in this years tournament.  He then told Brooks as he was heading to the back that he would have to defend the ECW World Triple Crown HC Title through the tournament.  Jim was mad saying he never agreed to it as went to the back.
7. John Cena and Randy Orton beat Samoa Joe and Chris Jericho
8. AJ Styles, Abyss, Kevin Steen beat Christian Cage, Undertaker, CM Punk.  After the match AJ and Abyss getting a table as the rest of the Fortune, Kings, Speed Inc., MVWs, Kane came out.  Abyss went to set it on fire and put Undertaker through but Steen wanted to put Christian through it.  The two fought as helped tried to come out but was stopped.  Lights went out and a flame went up but wasn't the table.  It was a barbed wire bat being held by Mike Bison who was standing in the ring when lights came on.  He cleared the ring of the heals and saying that payback will be a firery hell for Abyss.  Mike then challenged Abyss to a match in First Round Of King Of The Death Matches but RJ said that won't happen.  He said they will be in same bracket though and could meet in semifinal round.  Mike said he will do what he can to make it and told abyss he better too to end the show.

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-8/30/2011 results:

1. Night Brothers beat Joe and Barbecue
2. Trooper 1 and 2 beat New Demolition
3. Guile beat Tristin Heartsend
4. Nightmare beat Hot Shots

TWF's Thursday Night Fire-8/30/2012 results:

1. Sgt., Roadblock, Dynamic Duo beat Vampire Nation
2. Lady Bruisers beat Fire Woman and Crazy Woman
3. Venom beat Duke
4. Pink Dudley, Temptress, Jade Thunder, Karen, Star Pryde, Jinx beat HC Bytch, Lady Doomsday, Lady Naughty By Nature, Alcarda Vania, Ariel Bison

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-8/30/2013 results:

1. Homicide beat Peter Spider
2. Bloody Donity beat Ricochet
3. John Moxly beat Masion Dixie
4. Jim Brooks beat Sami Callihan in a Non Title Match.
5. The Miz beat Speedster Lite
6. Davey Richards beat Roman Reigns
7. Tyler Black beat Eddie Edwards
8. Michel Elgin beat Claudio Castagnoli in a Non Title Match.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-8/30/2014 results:

1. Brodie Lee, Eric Rowan, Daryl Ranger, Daniel Xtreme beat Mike Bison, Taion, Machine, Guile
2. Sami Zayn beat Austin Aries
3. Green Ant beat Kevin Steen
4. Rusev, Vlad, Impaler beat Samoe Joe and Naughty By Nature
5. Naughty By Nature and 3.0 beat Goldust, Cody Rhodes, Briscoe Brothers
6. Pac and Kofi Kingston beat Mr. Venom and Mr. America
7. Ash Hyde and Hollywood Doomsday beat Adam Rose and TJ Wilson
8. Cyrus Bourne beat Rob Van Dam to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title. After the match the Wyatt Family attacked both men laying RVD out and then trying to do the same for Cyrus but Bisons and Honor Brigade made the save to end the show

ECW's Hardcore Heaven 2015-8/30/2015 results:

Pre Show:
1. Charlotte and Becky Lynch beat Moonshine and Firebird to retain the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
2. Roderick Strong beat Sagat to retain the Unified US Title.
3. Blonde Ambition beat Team Bella
4. John Cena, Sheamus, Randy Orton beat Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Taion


1. Paige beat Hardcore Bytch to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
2. The Kingdom beat Night Brothers to retain the Unified World US Tag Team Titles.
3. King Peter and Freddie Waldeno beat Rusev and Zangief to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Jack Crystal beat Rhino and Jeffery Alpha in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Hardcore Title.
5. Donity Brothers beat Briscoe Brothers and Brett Wayfield/Jackson Rouch in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Seth Owens beat Dolph Ziggler
7. Mr. America, Samoa Joe, Dudleyz beat Wyatt Family
8. Kevin Steen beat Prince Devitt to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown.  After the match Steen went to package pile drive Devitt onto a chair but Ash Hyde ran out make the save to end the show.

EUWF's Smackdown Live-8/30/2016 results:

1. Bayley beat Star Pryde in a Non Title Match.
2. Motor City Machine Guns beat Rex Lion and Gary J
3. Guile beat Bo Wyatt
4. Icarus beat Ligi Ligi
5. Sami Zayn beat Heath Slater in a Non Title Match.
6. Ricochet and Rich Swan beat Piloit and Masion Dixie
7. The Miz beat Speedster Lite
8. Ash Hyde and Seth Owens beat Roman Reigns and John Moxly to retain the Unified World Tag Team Titles.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-8/30/2017 results:

1. Pink Dudley beat Charlotte Flair
2. Jack Gallagher beat GQ Wiley
3. Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson beat Snake Byte
4. Los Ice Creams beat Blood and Crazy Ninja
5. All Night Express beat Knight Hunter and Dagger
6. The New Day beat Vlad and Impaler
7. reDragon beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
8. Sheamus won the #1 Contenders Battle Royal-Winner Gets Shot at Bruise Brody Memorial Tournament 2017 Day 1. Rodierck Strong, Kevin Steen, Sami Zayn, Chris Hero, Tommy End, Adam Cole, Prince Devitt, KENTA, Johnny Gargano, Cedric Alexander, ACH, Adam Page, Titus O'Neil, Jay Lethal, Kofi Kingston, Hallowicked, Frightmare, Sonjay Dutt, Dolph Ziggler, Zach Ryder, Moose, Drew McIntyre, Pac were also in the match

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-8/30/2018 results:

1.  King Theodore III and Sir Tristan beat Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno in a Cage Match.
2. Jeffery Alpha beat Mark Night
3. Brett Wayfield beat Bruce Doomsday
4. Mr. America beat Bubba Jones
5. John Fire beat Seth Owens
6. Tyson Bronx beat Will Nightmare
7. Thomas Bernard beat Jackson Rouch
8. Eddie Venom beat Harrison Boss in the Death Match Trial Series Match #5-Log Cabins Of Light Tubes Match: Harrison Boss v.s. Eddie Venom.  After the match Harrison was informed Match #6 will be next thursday against Nick Gage in a Taipei and Plate Glass Death Match.

ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-8/30/2019 results:

1. Non Title Match: Becky Lynch beat Pink Dudley
2. Hardcore Match: Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch beat Vlad and Impaler
3. Kevin Steen beat Victor America
4. Non Title Match: Prince Devitt beat Andrade Almas
5. Asuka beat Harley Wayfield
6. Non Title Match: Street Profits beat reDragon
7. Ricochet beat Roderick Strong
8. Non Title Match: Adam Cole beat Samoa Joe

ECW's Hardcore Heaven 2020-8/30/2020-Surviving Months 2020 Day 27 results:

Pre Show:
1. Surviving Months 2020 Tag Team Tournament Round 4 Match: Dogs Of War beat Road Knights
2. Surviving Months 2020 Women's Tournament Round 4 Match: Stacy Doomsday beat Jade Thunder
3. Surviving Months 2020 Men's Tournament Round 4 Match: Andrade beat Bobby Lashley
4. Hardcore Match: Brett Wayfield, Jackson Rouch, Jim Brooks beat Sir Rex, Sir Fisher, Sir Felix


1. Surviving Months 2020 Men's Tournament Round 4 Match: Ash Hyde beat Cederick Alexander
2. Surviving Months 2020 Tag Team Tournament Round 4 Match: Rock Holder and Crusher Jack beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
3. Surviving Months 2020 Women's Tournament Round 4 Match: Tegan Knox beat Karen Kelly
4. Surviving Months 2020 Men's Tournament Round 4 Match: Angel Garza beat Buddy Murphy
5. ECW World TV Title Match: Akira Tozawa (c) beat Mustafa Ali
6. Surviving Months 2020 Tag Team Tournament Round 4 Match: Team Apocalypse beat Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin
7. Surviving Months 2020 Women's Tournament Round 4 Match: Debbie Summers beat Mickie James
8. Surviving Months 2020 Men's Tournament Round 4 Match: AJ Styles beat Arturo Ruas
9. ECW Woirld Heavyweight Title Rematch: King Gary (c) beat Keith Lee thanks to the retun of Roman Reigns spearing Lee.  On post show video on EUWF youtube Gary was asked how he got roman to help him.  Gary said its not what you know but who you know.  Paul Haymen walked on screen.  Paul said that Roman only out for himself and money now in wrestling.  Gary offered him the right amount of money but Roman next target is EUWF World Heavyweight Champion Bruce Doomsday.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-Surviving Months 2021 Day 27-8/30/2021 results:
Surviving Months 2021 Round 5 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket A Match: Olivia Down beat Nora Gold
2. Men's Bracket D Match: Baron Corbin beat Victor America
3. Women's Bracket A Match: Misty Dawner beat Raye Action
4. Men's Bracket D Match: Elias beat Tyson Bronx
5. Women's Bracket A Match: Miranda Chaos beat Sally Gunnstone
Mike Bison came to the ring announcing new agrements for Forever 2021.  That will see NWA, AEW, Impact, ROH Titles defended on the show.  That show will raise funds to help people dealing with Hurricane Ida.  Mike was about to leavve when Laurie Hammer came to the ring.  Laurie said that she got a surprise for Mike but it has to have him wrestle on one last time at Forever 2021.  Mike laughed said he is retied and said that she got him.  Mike stopped leaving and asked really.  Laurie nodded and mike looked conflicted.  Mike said that if she can get him to make challenge by next monday either in person or through video.  Then he will maybe agree to it.
6. Men's Bracket D Match: Drew McIntyre beat Andrew Gold
7. Women's Bracket A Match: Stacy America beat Lia Trooper
8. Men's Bracket D Match: Bishop Rider beat Austin Theory
9. Women's Bracket A Match: Julie Fire beat Tamina
10. Men's Bracket D Match: Humberto beat Tristan Heartsend
11. Non Tournament Match: Donity Brothers and John Morrison beat Claudio Castagnoli, The Miz, Shinsuke Nakamuara

Filmed For EUWF Network Exclusivily:
Surviving Months 2021 Round 5 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket D Match: Bella Backlot beat Zelina Vega
2. Men's Bracket A Match: Trey Baxter beat Benjamin Apocalypse
3. Women's Bracket D Match: Felicia Sword beat Tabitha Bosuda
4. Men's Bracket A Match: Greyson America beat Stew Rosen
5. Women's Bracket D Match: Emma Blaster beat AJ Stine
6. Men's Bracket A Match: Guru Raaj beat Stanley Hammer
7. Women's Bracket D Match: Donna Blaster beat Charlotte Flair
8. Men's Bracket A Match: Jindar Mahaul beat Raul Mandez
9. Women's Bracket D Match: Io Shiri beat Serena Vilonanis
10. Men's Bracket A Match: Lince Dorado beat Randy Orton

TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-Surviving Months 2022 Day 28-8/30/2022 results:
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 5 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket E Match: Eliana Flynn beat Sophia Warrior
2. Men's Bracket B Match: Rafel Lake beat Ricochet
3. Women's Bracket E Match: Cora Jade beat Alcarda Vania
4. Men's Bracket B Match: Sami Zayn beat Mark Night
5. Women's Bracket E Match: Melody Trooper beat Sarray
6. Men's Bracket B Match: King Stan beat Sheamus
7. Women's Bracket E Match: Sally Gunnstone beat Miranda Chaos
8. Men's Bracket B Match: Chad Gable beat Axion
9. Women's Bracket E Match: Arianna Grace beat Yulisa Leon
10. Men's Bracket B Match: Jim Brooks beat Tommaso Ciampa

Filmed For EUWF/Peacock Network Exclusively:
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 5 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket B Match: Mary Jane Sonid beat Millie Host
2. Men's Bracket E Match: Carmello Hayes beat Theodore Borando
3. Women's Bracket B Match: Laura Smasher beat Norah Gold
4. Men's Bracket E Match: Bobby Lashley beat Anthony Venomous
5. Women's Bracket B Match: Julie Fire beat Sofia Cromwell
6. Men's Bracket E Match: Xavier Woods beat Benson Fire
7. Women's Bracket B Match: Casey Crazy beat Tatum Paxley
8. Men's Bracket E Match: Horus Venus beat Pete Dunne
9. Women's Bracket B Match: Bayley beat Amari Miller
10. Men's Bracket E Match: Riddick Moss beat Duke Hudson

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-Surviving Months 2023-Day 23-8/30/2023 results:
Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Group Stage Round 4 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket C Match: Rachel Speed beat Justine Hounda
2. Men's Bracket F Match: Braxton Bulk beat Apollo Crews
3. Women's Bracket C Match: Penny Firebrid beat Kayden Carter
4. Men's Bracket F Match: Santiago Slasher beat Chad Gable
5. Women's Bracket C Match: Roxanne Perez beat Harley Wayfield
6. Men's Bracket F Match: Punishment Martinez beat Clay Ninja
7. Women's Bracket C Match: Donna Blaster beat Taylor Lanley
8. Men's Bracket F Match: Peter Spider beat Humberto
9. Women's Bracket C Match: Caroline Venom beat Alice Destiny
10. Men's Bracket F Match: Phillip Donity beat Cyrus Bourne

Filmed For EUWF/Peacock Network Exclusively:
Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Group Stage Round 4 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket F Match: Pink Dudley beat Misty Dawnner
2. Men's Bracket C Match: Ash Hyde beat Barbecue Jones
3. Women's Bracket F Match: Olivia Down beat Star Pryde
4. Men's Bracket C Match: Tristan Heartsend beat David Omega
5. Women's Bracket F Match: Felicia Sword beat Shayna Baszler
6. Men's Bracket C Match: Solomon Spirit beat Eddie Venom
7. Women's Bracket F Match: Casey Crazy beat Stacy Doomsday
8. Men's Bracket C Match: Ulysses Taion beat Jim Brooks
9. Women's Bracket F Match: Auroa Stone beat Bonnie Beatrice
10. Men's Bracket C Match: Joe Gacey beat JD McDonagh

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