Monday, August 5, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-August 5 (Von Erich Memorial Tournament 8/19/25, RVD confronts the rumors, Evolution paying for Dutt Sins, Who Can You trust in Evolution?, Mike Bison is a heal?, Shane Douglas confronts Chris Hero, First Time Samoa Joe Took The Money, Hardcore Heaven 2007, Best Of Lightweight Tournament 23: Vetrans Tournament, Motor City Machine Guns split up, The Shield)

This Day In Wrestling History-August 5:
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-8/5/1996 results:

1. Night Brothers beat Crazy
2. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Owen Hart
3. Bruise Brothers and Brian Lee beat High Flyers
4. Eliminators beat Crazy
5. Rob Van Dam beat Machine
6. Vadder beat Terry Gordy
7. Chris Jericho beat Konan in a Non Title Match.
8. RJ Hammer beat Steve Williams

Thursday Night War-8/5/1999 results:

1. Ninja Kid beat Prince Iaukea
2. Chris Adams beat Sand Knight
3. Trooper 2 beat Dave Taylor
4. Trooper 1 beat Steven Regal
5. Night Brothers beat Naughty By Nature to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Dallas Page, Kanyon, Bam Bam Bigelow beat Steve Corino, Tajiri, Rhino to win the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
7. Sting beat Prince Nightmare
8. Speedster Lite beat Shane Douglas

Saturday Slam Bash-8/5/2000 results:

1. Boxer and Vega beat Julio Fantastico and E.Z. Money
2. F.B.I. beat Commander and Sagat
3. Chris Chetti beat Roadblock
4. Guile beat Nova
5. Green Lantern and Flash beat Joey Mathews and Christian York
6. Eric Bison beat Raydin.  Falcon was doing announcing during the match.  He put down Kash and said he worse then green.  He said was a loser and never will be anything.  He then said Bison choked during the World Lightweight Title Match and will never get another shot at the title as long as he is the champ.  After the match, Bison confronts Falcon and the two start fighting until security breaks it up.
7. Simon Diamond and Swinger beat Crystal Ball and Dash
8. C.W. Anderson beat Sgt.
9. Night Brothers beat Danny Doring and Roadkill
10. Dynamic Duo beat Extreme Knight and Extreme Warrior to retain the HCW World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
11. Fire Lightning and Blood Lightning beat Blood Ninja and Strong Ninja to retain the HCW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.

Von Erich Memorial Tournament 8-8/5/2001 results:

First Round:
1. Steve Austin beat Venom
2. Speedster Lite beat Kurt Angle
3. Tommy Dreamer beat Rhyno
4. Dallas Page beat Joe
5. Mike Bison beat Chris Kanyon
6. Tazz beat Jerry Lynn
7. Tajiri beat Hurricane Helms
8. Lance Storm beat Piloit
9. Doomsday beat Rob Van Dam
10. Justin Credible beat Barbecue
11. X-Pac beat Trooper 2
12. Jeff Hardy beat Guile
13. Chavo Guerrero Jr. beat Extreme Knight
14. Ninja Kid beat Billy Kidman
15. Spirit beat Trooper 1
16. Falcon beat Duke

Second Round:
1. Steve Austin beat Speedster Lite
2. Tommy Dreamer beat Dallas Page
3. Tazz beat Mike Bison
4. Tajiri beat Lance Storm
5. Doomsday beat Justin Credible
6. Jeff Hardy beat X-Pac
7. Ninja Kid beat Chavo Guerrero Jr.
8. Spirit beat Falcon

1. Steve Austin beat Tommy Dreamer
2. Tajiri beat Tazz
3. Doomsday beat Jeff Hardy
4. Ninja Kid beat Spirit

Non Tournament Matches:
1. Lady Speed beat April Hunter in a Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. Matt Hardy beat Low Ki to retain the EUWF European Title.

1. Steve Austin beat Tajiri
2. Doomsday beat Ninja Kid

Non Tournament Matches:
1. Chris Jericho beat Mankind to retain the EUWF IC Title.
2. RJ Hammer beat Booker T to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

1. Doomsday beat Steve Austin to win the tournament.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-8/5/2002 results:

The show began with a press conference from earlier in the day for Sunday Night Party 38.  Jerry Lynn, Chris Benoit, RJ Hammer, Brock Lensar, Jesus Bison, Raven, Spirit, Commander was there for the nWo Alliance.  Ric Flair, Joe, Rob Van Dam, Low Ki, Doomsday, Barbecue, The Rock, Mike Bison was there for Doomsday Alliance.  Jim Ross was the host for it.  There was a series of questions about the Sunday Night Party double main event and then a mystery guy from a unknown paper.  He asks RVD about the rumor of him being gay and RVD denies it again.  The guy continues with it but RVD keeps telling it was a lie.  The questions went around again till the end where the mystery guy once again bugging RVD about the rumor.  RVD continues to turn it down and then the mustache on the guy falls off.  It was then revealed the guy was really Speedster Lite.  RVD attacks Speedster and the two fight.  The other guys starting fighting on the stage.  All this goes on till security breaks up the fight.
1. Shadow WX, Miss Lee, Night Brothers beat Mankind, Womankind, Vlad, Guile
2. Homicide beat Jason Jett
3. Backseat Boyz beat Tajiri and Super Crazy to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Speedster Lite, Christopher Daniels, Donavan Morgan beat Maximo Brothers and Rob Van Dam
5. Eddie Guerrero beat Red to retain the EUWF European Title.
6. Taion beat Jim Brooks to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
7. Ric Blade and Chris Benoit beat Low Ki and AJ Styles
8. Doomsday beat RJ Hammer to retain the EUWF World TV Title,
9. Naughty By Nature and Mike Bison beat Masato Tanaka and Island Boyz
10. Brock Lensar and Simply Luscious beat Goldburg and Ariel Bison
11. Jerry Lynn beat Lance Storm to retain the EUWF US Title.
12. Joe beat Kurt Angle to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

TTWF 8/5/2003 results:

1. Samoa Joe beat Rikishi
2. Mike Awesome beat Rico
3. Paul London beat RC Haas
4. Ric Blade beat Barbecue to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
5. Venom, Doomsday, Naughty By Nature beat Bad Breed, Mad Man Pondo, Corporal Robinson
6. Rey Misterio Jr. and Billy Kidman beat Night Brothers to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Taion and Spanky beat Backseat Boyz
8. Jim Brooks and American Heroes beat Eddie Guerrero, Michael Shane, Bryan Danielson

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-8/5/2004 results:

The show starts with the whole EUWF and TTWF locker room except Sonjay at ring side or on the ramp with Michelle in the ring.  She said she will not tolerate what happen on tuesday and that anyone who knows where Lita is being held should speak up.  Michelle said that she talked to all of evolution and not an answer.  She said that Dutt will pay for what he did and no protecting him will save him.  She then fined all those from Evolution who were apart of the kidnapping of Lita $15,000 each.  She then said that she will soon announce a new GM for EUWF soon to help her out with stuff like Barbecue does over at TTWF.  She then announced that tonight's show will be a co show since both locker room were already here.
1. Chris Hero beat Booker T
2. Venom beat Joe in a Non Title Match.
RJ Hammer was seen in Evolution locker room very angary at the whole group.  He said they should be on high because they still have all the titles and the branching out to other promotions titles have continued.  He said that doesn't change that no okayed the kidnapping of lita with him and he looked at Triple H.  He said if anyone knows anything to speak up or be thrown out of Evolution.  Duke stood up saying that he didn't know or anyone else because dutt separated from them taking lita be himself somewhere.  RJ went over to Duke telling him that he better be telling the truth and RJ walked out.  Triple H was seen with a smirk on his face.
3. Doomsday beat Tajiri
4. Naughty By Nature, Dudleyz, American Heroes, Low Ki, Homicide beat Real American Heroes (Rhyno, Mr. America, Nick Berk, Duke, Snake Eyes, Dangerous Trio)
RJ Hammer walked into Michelle's office and she looked sad.  RJ walked over and Michelle asked what he wanted.  RJ said that he didn't know what Dutt was going to do when authorized to take some of Evolution members after Raw on monday.  He said that he would never do something like that especially after what happen a few years ago when his oldest daughter got kidnapped by Jesus Bison.  He also said that he remembers other times where he didn't know what is happening to his love ones like Piloit is going through.  Michelle said that she doesn't know what to believe with RJ anymore after everything that has happen.  Michelle put her face in her hands and RJ went behind Michelle saying he had an idea about the main event.  He whispered into Michelle's ear and Michelle agreed to it.  RJ then starting to give her a message to try to comfort her and Michelle pushed him off.  Michelle stood up saying she got all these worries with Lita and what happen with Jade.  RJ kissed Michelle and she at first tried to fight but then returned the kiss.  After the Michelle slapped RJ and RJ said that he still loved her.  RJ walked out of the room and Michelle flopped down in the chair.
5. Jerry Lynn beat Speedster Lite in a Non Title Match.
6. Mike Bison beat Edge in a Non Title Match.
7. Eddie Guerrero, Taion, Sabu beat RJ Hammer, Chris Jericho, Triple H
8. Kurt Angle beat AJ Styles and Bryan Danielson in a 3 Way Dance.  Michelle announced before the match after Angle's entrance that Angle suspension has been lifted as of tonight.

EUWF's Friday Nights At The Arena-8/5/2005 results:

The show started with Mike Bison storming in Paul Haymen office demanding to know why he is being put on the same team with his brother in the main event and Haymen said that he considers Mike a heal and belongs with his brother.  He told Mike if he didn't show up for the match then he will suffer the consequences and mike leaves.  Haymen turns around and then takes a chair from behind.  The guy was gone by the time the camera turned to see who did it.
1. Samoa Joe beat Balls Mahoney
2. America's Most Wanted beat Hard Luck Fighters
3. Nate Webb beat Jimmy Yang
4. Nova beat Jimmy Jacobs
5. Super Crazy beat Tajiri
6. Dudleyz beat Baka Gaijin to retain the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
7. Backseat Boyz beat FBI (Including the surprising return of Tony Mamaluke) in a Non Title Match.
8. Mike Bison, AJ Styles, Taion, Venom, Doomsday beat Jesus Bison, Mike Awesome, Petey Williams, Elix Skipper, Kid Kash in a Falls Count Anywhere Elimination Match.  It was originally, Mike, Venom, Doomsday, Taion, Jesus Bison v.s. AJ Styles, Mike Awesome, Petey Williams, Elix Skipper, Kid Kash but Jesus' partners and AJ refused to even get on the apron.  The ref refused to start the match and Jesus Bison got on the mic saying that he and AJ will switch teams to get this match started if it works.  Mike Bison agreed but only if it's made into a falls count anywhere elimination match and the two guys switched places agreeing to the rules.  Paul Haymen came out halfway through the match trying to stop the match but ended up taking a fireball in the face from Jesus by accident as it was meant for Mike Bison.  After the match haymen seen taking out of the arena in an ambulance and Mike Bison was shown in the ring with a grin to end the show.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-8/5/2006 results:

1. Kings Of Wrestling beat Night Brothers.  After the match Hero demanded he gets another match for the ECW World Heavyweight Title but got no answer and said he or Claudio wouldn't leave till he got one.  Out of nowhere Shane Douglas music started and the Franchise made his longer awaited return to ECW.  Shane got on the mic asking Claudio to leave and he left the ring.  Shane said that he was hear to take care of some business backstage and heard what Hero had done a couple of weeks ago with ECW belt.  He said he was a proud champion and would never had done with Hero did.  Shane called Hero a pussy and that he didn't have what it takes to be champ.  He said that things like that should mean you never even get another shot at the belt and if it was up to him he would never let him.  He can't do anything physical but what he can do is help out his friends in the back to make sure of it.  Hero called Douglas a fat old man and Claudio got back into the ring.  They looked like they were going to attack Shane but Night Brothers got back in the ring with chairs to make the save.
2. Hoodies beat Danny Doring and Roadkill to retain the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
3. Bison Brothers beat FBI to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles
4. Kathy Uranosis, Ms. America, Nick Berk, Mr. America beat Briscoe Brothers, Ariel Bison, Samantha Bison
5. Homicide and Jack Crystal beat Low Ki and Roderick Strong
6. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Doomsday and Venom in a Falls Count Anywhere.
7. Mike Bison beat Justin Credible Singapore Canning Match.
8. Samoa Joe beat Nerco Butcher.  Joe had the choke on Nerco when Hero seemed to be coming in to help Nerco and let go of the choke.  Nerco went to grab CZW belt from Hero but he threw it into Joe on purpose and Joe hit Nerco with it.  He then put the choke back on Nerco till he passed out for the win.  Hero and Joe beat on Nerco with Hero saying that Nerco let him down twice in 2 weeks.  Hero said that he didn't need Nerco anymore and that anyone from CZW who still wants to help can join Saviors.  The rest can go to hell and Joe said that he got on offer from Shane McMahon and Hero that he couldn't turn down.  He said that he was tired of being protected by EUWF and ECW management because of his knee and that he didn't need their protection.  Joe hit a muscle buster through a table on Nerco and then taunted Paul Haymen that he left him the same way at Extreme Nightmare last november.  Bison Brothers ran out making the save with Barbed Wire Singapore and chairs.  Mike and Eric check on Nerco to end the show.

ECW's Hardcore Heaven 2007-8/5/2007 results:

1. Chris Harris beat Chris Sabin to retain the ECW World TV Title.
2. Drake Younger beat Rhino to retain the ECW World Triple Crown HC Title.
3. Homicide beat 2 Cold Scoprio
4. CM Punk and Colt Cabana beat Bison Brothers in a Double Dog Collar Match. After the Match Punk and Cabana hung Mike and Eric with the chains from the match till Taion, Guile, Naughty By Nature made the save.
5. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Hoodies in a Fans Bring The Weapons Match to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
6. Elix Skipper beat Milano Collection At in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match to retain the ECW IC Title.
7. Austin Aries beat Spanky in a Ladder Match to retain the ECW US Title.
8. Samoa Joe wrestled Venom to a 60 Minute Time Limit Draw in an ECW World Heavyweight Title v.s. EUWF World Heavyweight Title Match. Due to the draw both men retain their titles.  Neither men wanted another 5 minutes or a rematch but shook hands raising each others hands to end the show.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-8/5/2009 results:

The show started with the announcement that Hardcore Heaven 2009 PPV will be moved to a special Saturday September 5 date and will have a special subtitle.  This will be the ECW v.s. Dragon Gate 2.
1. Nattie Neidhart beat Samantha Bison in a Non Title Match.
2. Jerry Lynn, Eric Young, Petey Williams beat Jack Crystal, Delirious, Venom
3. Colt Cabana beat Ted Dibiase Jr.
4. CM Punk beat Cody Rhodes
5. Chris Sabin beat Carlito Colon
6. Alex Shelley beat Primo Colon
7. Eddie Kingston, Rhino, Ruckus, Sabian beat Randy Orton, Ray Gordy, Heart Dynasty
8. Jimmy Rave, Claudio Castagnoli, Abyss, Lance Hoyt beat Tommy Dreamer, Tyler Black, Drake Younger, Rey Misterio Jr.

TWF/EUWF's Superstars-8/5/2010 results:

1. Samantha Bison and Jinx beat Miss Lee and Jade Thunder
2. Mark Night, Duke, Rhendo beat Mr. America, Guile, Cyrus Bourne
3. Jack Crystal wrestled Piloit and Brian Thunder to draw in the 3 Way Final Round Tournament For Final Spot In TWF's World Heavyweight Title Match at Summerslam 2010.  So all three will get into the match.
4. Kofi Kingston, Brett Wayfield, Christian Cage beat AJ Styles, Speedster Lite, Eric Bison

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-8/5/2011 results:

1. Mr. America beat Kevin Steen
2. Roderick Strong and Michel Elgin beat Hoodies, Doomsday/Venomous, Vlad/Impaler in a STFM (70).
3. Beer Money beat Hallowicked/Jigsaw and Maison Dixie/Jackson Rouch in a STFM (70).
4. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel beat Colony and Uso Brothers in aSTFM (70):
5. AJ Styles and Frankie Kazarian won the STF Tag Team Battle Royal (140).  New Bruise Brothers, Power and Blood Warrior, Naughty By Nature, Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks, Spirit and Jack Crystal, Young Bucks, Dark City Fight Club, Piloit and Brett Wayfield were also in the match.
6. CM Punk beat Kofi Kingston, Mike Bison, Randy Orton in a 4 Way Non Title Match.

EUWF's Von Erich Memorial Tournament 19-8/5/2012 results:
Best Of Lightweight Tournament 23: Vetrans Tournament:

Bracket 1:
1. #16 Akira Tozawa (13-2-0) (BOLT20 Winner) beat #1 Christopher Daniels (44-18-2) (BOLT 17 Winner)
2. #8 Brian Thunder (30-19-2) (BOTL 5 Winner) beat #9 Speedster Lite (28-21-1) (BOTL 6 Winner)
3. #5 Davey Richards (35-10-0) (BOTL 16 Winner) beat #12 Chris Jericho (23-11-0) (BOLT 13 Winner)
4. #4 Venom (38-16-1) (BOTL 18 Winner) beat #13 Jerry Lynn (21-9-0) (BOLT 12 Winner)
5. #11 Low Ki (28-15-2) (BOTL 4 Winner) beat #6 Jim Books (30-16-0) (BOLT 21 Winner)
6. #3 Bryan Danielson (43-15-1) (BOTL 19 Winner) beat #14 Joe (19-20-0) (BOLT 1 Winner)
7. #7 Doomsday (30-17-2) (BOTL 3 Winner) beat #10 Rey Misterio Jr. (25-12-0) (BOLT 11 Winner)
8. #15 Tyler Black (17-8-1)(BOLT 15 Winner) beat #2 AJ Styles (43-19-1) (BOLT 14 Winner)

Round 2:
1. #8 Brian Thunder (31-19-2) beat #16 Akira Tozawa (13-3-0)
2. #5 Davey Richards (36-10-0) beat #4 Venom (38-17-1)
3. #3 Bryan Danielson (44-15-1) beat #11 Low Ki (28-16-2)
4. #15 Tyler Black (18-8-1) beat #7 Doomsday (30-18-2)

Quarter-Final Round:
1. #8 Brian Thunder (32-19-2) beat #5 Davey Richards (36-11-0)
2. #15 Tyler Black (19-8-1) beat #3 Bryan Danielson (44-16-1)

Semifinal Round:
1. #8 Brian Thunder (33-19-2) beat #15 Tyler Black (19-9-1)

Bracket 2:
1. #16 Cyrus Bourne (4-11-0) beat #1 Mike Quackenbush (39-19-0)
2. #8 Mark Night (29-19-2) beat #9 Jack Crystal (28-16-2)
3. #5 Jay Lethal (30-16-0) beat #12 Homicide (24-17-2)
4. #4 Austin Aries (30-15-1) beat #13 Eric Bison (22-21-0)
5. #6 Roderick Strong (29-15-1) beat #11 Piloit (26-21-2)
6. #14 Guile (17-18-0) beat #3 Mr. America (31-16-2)
7. #7 Taion (29-18-1) beat #10 Vlad (28-17-1)
8. #15 WN Alpha (13-7-1) beat #2 Amazing Red (34-13-1)

Round 2:
1. #16 Cyrus Bourne (5-11-0) beat #8 Mark Night (29-20-2)
2. #4 Austin Aries (31-15-1) beat #5 Jay Lethal (30-17-0)
3. #14 Guile (18-18-0) beat #6 Roderick Strong (29-16-1)
4. #15 WN Alpha (14-7-1) beat #7 Taion (29-19-1)

Quarter-Final Round:
1. #16 Cyrus Bourne (6-11-0) beat #4 Austin Aries (31-16-1)
2. #14 Guile (19-18-0) beat #15 WN Alpha (14-8-1)

Semifinal Round:
1. #16 Cyrus Bourne (7-11-0) beat #14 Guile (19-19-0)

Final Round:
1. #16 Cyrus Bourne (8-11-0) beat #8 Brian Thunder (33-20-2) to win the tournament.

Non Tournament Matches:
Summer Tag Festival II Points v.s. Points:

1. Beer Money beat Nightmare and Vlad/Impaler in a 3 Way Dance.
2. New Bruise Brothers beat Primo/Epico and Jigsaw/Hallowicked in a 3 Way Dance.
3. Young Bucks beat Kevin Steen/Jimmy Jacobs and Brett Wayfield/Jackson Rouch in a 3 Way Dance.
4. Kings Of Wrestling beat Spirit/Jack Crystal and New Demolition in a 3 Way Dance.
5. Briscoe Brothers beat LAX and Hoodies in a 3 Way Dance.
6. Machine and Sagat beat Future Shock and Samoa Joe/CM Punk in a 3 Way Dance.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-8/5/2013 results:

1. Donity Brothers beat Doomsday/Venom, Night Brothers, New Gangtas in TWF's Summer Tag Festival III Points vs Points Bracket Finals Match.
2. Nattie Neidhart beat Laurie Hammer in a Non Title Match.
3. Mike Bison beat Jackson Rouch in a Non Title Match.
4. Rob Van Dam beat Bryan Danielson in a Non Title Match.
5. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Motor City Machine Guns, Kevin Steen/El Generico, Bad Influence in ECW's Summer Tag Festival III Points vs Points Bracket Finals Match.  Steen and Generico got eliminated when Austin Aries interfered.  The end came with ref down Guns look to have match won.  Sabin tried to get the ref back in the ring as shelley waved for a ref and as second ref came down Venomous rolled shelley for the upset win.  After the match shelley looked upset and then sabin hit him with the tna world title belt.  He then hit his finisher before leaving.  Shelley wouldn't let himself be helped to the back.
6. Brett Wayfield, Samoa Joe, Dolph Ziggler beat Chris Hero, Austin Aries, Speedster Lite.  After the match it turned into a huge brawl between member's of Hero's Brigade and Punk's group.  Steen and Generico came down after aries cost them Summer Tag Festival III.  Laurie came out saying that if they want a war then they will get one next monday.  Punk, Cabana, Ziggler, Joe, Bourne v.s. Hero, Aries, Lite, and two partners in a war games match.  Heals were mad and looked to leave but Brock Lensar started coming out.  On his way out Big Show knocked Lensar out and Lite said he had a ace up his sleve before heals left.
7. Roderick Strong beat Wade Barrett in a Non Title Match.
8. Sheamus beat Michel Elgin in a Non Title Match.
9. New Public Enemy beat East/West Dragons, Future Shock, Uso Brothers, Ricochet/Rich Swan in a 5 Way Dance to retain the Unified US Tag Team Titles.
10. American Wolves beat Tyler Black/Roman Reigns, Young Bucks, John Moxly/ Sami Callihan in EUWF's Summer Tag Festival III Points vs Points Bracket Finals-Points vs Points Match. After Black/Reigns/Moxly/Callihan were eliminated they came back out attacking bucks and wolves.  4 man powerbomb on all four before leaving together threw the crowd.

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-8/5/2014 results:

1. Doomsday beat Alberto Del Rio
2. Mike Bison beat Dolph Ziggler
3. Venom beat Bo Dollas in a Non Title Match.
4. Xavier Woods beat Ash Hyde in a Non Title Match.
5. Brett Wayfield beat Pac in a Non Title Match.
6. Cyrus Bourne and Sami Zayn beat Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme
7. Rusev beat Chris Night in a Non Title Match.
8. Mark Night beat Brodie Lee

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-8/5/2015 results:

1. Paige, Charollette, Becky Lynch beat Lady Bruisers and Hardcore Bytch
2. Brett Wayfield beat Austin Aries
3. Briscoe Brothers beat Black Jack and Danny Red
4. Beaver Boys beat Hoodies
5. The Kingdom beat King Peter and Freddie Waldeno in a Non Title Match.
6. Hollywood Doomsday, Mr. Venom, Jeffery Alpha beat Rhino, Bryatt Wyatt, Kevin Steen
7. Night Brothers beat Team Tremendous
8. Samoa Joe and Jack Crystal beat Ash Hyde and Spirit

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-8/5/2017 results:

1. Doomsday Kid beat Charles Black
2. Smasher beat Aaroon Valkyrie
3. Basher beat Venomous
4. Team Apocaylpse beat PYT
5. The New Day beat Speedster Lite, Sagat, Power Donity

Points v.s. Points Summer Tag Festival VII:

1. Dogs Of War beat Mr. America and John Fire
2. Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson beat Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc
3. King Peter and Richie Borndo beat Piloit and Masion Dixie to retain the TWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.

Von Erich Memorial Touranment 25-8/5/2018 results

Pre Show:
1. Drew McIntyre won the Battle Royal For Tommy End's spot in Tournament and ECW IC Title. Danny Burch, Sanity, Cyrus Bourne, Peter Spider, Roman Reigns, The New Day, Adam Coke, American Heroes, Tyler Black, The Miz, Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson, Mark Night, The Kingdom, LAX was also in the match.  Tommy End recently injured and was stripped of his spot in tournament and title because of it.

Bracket 1-Round:

1. Andrade Almas beat Freddie Waldeno
2. Chris Dijak beat Wesley Blake
3. Joe Henning beat The Miz
4. Adam Cole beat Chris Hero
5. Drew McIntyre beat Jeffery Alpha
6. Kyle O'Reily beat Chuck Taylor
7. Eddue Venom beat Tony Neese
8. Dolph Ziggler beat Pete Dunne

Round 2:

1. Andrade Almas beat Chris Dijak
2. Adam Cole beat Joe Henning
3. Drew McIntyre beat Kyle O'Reily
4. Eddie Venom beat Dolph Ziggler

Quarter-Final Round:

1. Adam Cole beat Andrade Almas 
2. Eddie Venom beat Drew McIntyre

Semifinal Round:

1. Eddie Venom beat Adam Cole

Bracket 2-Round 1:

1. Tommaso Ciampa beat Mark Night
2. Bryan Danielson beat Jackson Rouch
3. Rusev beat EC3
4. Trent Seven beat Taion
5. Shinsuke Nakuamara beat Ash Hyde
6. Ricochet beat Tyler Bate
7. Lio Rush beat Aiden English
8. Claudio Castagnoli beat Jack Crystal

Round 2:

1. Bryan Danielson beat Tommaso Ciampa
2. Rusev beat Trent Seven
3. Ricochet beat Shinsuke Nakuamara
4. Claudio Castagnoli beat Lio Rush

Quarter-Final Round:

1. Bryan Danielson beat Rusev
2. Claudio Castagnoli beat Ricohcet

Semifinal Round:

1. Bryan Danielson beat Claudio Castagnoli

Final Round:

1. Bryan Danielson beat Eddie Venom to win the Tournament and ECW World Title shot at Summerslam 2018.

Non Tournament:

1. Peter Spider, Johnny Gargano, Cyrus Bourne beat Samoa Joe, King Theodore III, Roderick Strong
2. Young Bucks and Asuka beat The Revival and Princess Caroline
3. Brian Thunder, Mark Night, Jade Thunder beat Brett Wayfield, Jackson Rouch, Laurie Hammer

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-8/5/2019 results::

1. Summer Tag Festival IX-Double Elimination Matches Losers Bracket Finale Match: Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno beat Donity Brothers
2. Allure beat Pink Dudley and Hardcore Bytch
Harrison Boss came to the ring saying his tired of old guys and part timers stealing his spotlight.  That he is challenge one of them to a match at Summerslam 2019.  Brock Lesnar came to the ring attacking harrison.  He suplexed him around the ring and then went to hit F5 on him.  From the crowd came Dolph Ziggler superkicking Lesnar.  Harrison was shocked and then hit Brock with a low blow.  The two double teamed Lesnar but when he tried to fight back they ran.
3. Sagat, Rex Lion, Fisher Star beat Bully Way, Sir Tristan, Prince Thomas
4. Ash Hyde and Wyatt Brothers beat Bison Brothers and Gary J.  Before the match Bryatt said that he plans on getting revenge on Mike for destroying Wyatt Family by destroying Mike's family.  This will start sunday with Eric.  Will continue to destroy Bison family and friends till Mike is left alone.  Then he will destroy him.
5. Dream Partner Tag Team Match: Johnny Garganno and Ricochet beat Drew McIntyre and Drew Gulak
6. 4 Way #1 Contenders Match For Unified World Ladies Title: Beck Lynch beat Asuka, Kaiir Sane, Jade Thunder
7. 3 Way Dance For EUWF World Iron Man Title: King Theodore III beat Mojo Rawley and Matt Riddle.  Before the match Queen Patricia was talking to the others in Knights Of Squared Circle.  She was tired of being held back and wanted a match at Summerslam.  That she is Queen deserves to be treated like it.  Trish Stratus interputed her saying that she nothing but overrated bimbo.  Patricia slapped Trish and two brawled till the Knights and security pulled them apart.
8. 3 Way Dance For EUWF IC Title Match: Shelton Benjamin beat Brian Thunder (c) and Tommy End
9. 4 Way Dance For Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles: War Machine (c), Alan Jacks/Tony Torpado, ANX, Black Valkyrie
10. 2 Fall Summer Tag Festival IX Final Round Match: Street Profits wrestled Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno to a No Contest.  Peter and Freddie won the first fall but at the start of the second War Machine came attacking both teams.  They left them laying and it was nnounced War Machine will defend against both team at Summerslam 2019.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-8/5/2020-Surviving Monts 2020 Day 3 results:

1. Surviving Months 2020 Tag Team Tournament First Round Match:Bruise Brothers beat Sir Rex and Sir Fisher
2. Surviving Months 2020 Women's Tournament First Round Match: Diana Falls beat Tara Ninja
3. Surviving Months 2020 Men's Tournament First Round Match: Andrade beat Sir Rex
4. Surviving Months 2020 Tag Team Tournament First Round Match: Carl War and Brent Jet beat Saviors
5. Surviving Months 2020 Women's Tournament First Round Match: Taylor Lanley beat AJ Stine
6. Surviving Months 2020 Men's Tournament First Round Match: Bernard Cast beat Solomon Spirit
7. Surviving Months 2020 Tag Team Tournament First Round Match:Zen Wariors beat Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz
8. Surviving Months 2020 Women's Tournament First Round Match: Sasha Banks beat Alicia Jacks
9. Surviving Months 2020 Men's Tournament First Round Match: Big E. beat William Shock
10. Pick Your Poison Non Title Match: Keith Lee beat Prince Thomas

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-Surviving Months 2021 Day 4-8/5/2021 results:

1. Carol Ninja beat Penny Firebird
2. Desmond Troy beat KUSHIDA
3. Eliana Flynn beat Melody Trooper
4. Robert Roode beat Ari Steerling
5. Quinn Jackson beat Faith Fire
6. Sheamus beat Alan Jacks
7. Raquel González beat Casey Crazy
8. Bronson Reed beat Theodore Borando
9. Toni Storm beat Alexia Bliss
10. Bruce Doomsday beat Travis Jazz
11. Tag Festival XI Double Elimination Roud 11 Match: MSK beat Hit Row

Filmed For EUWF Network Exclusivily:

1. Missy Sticks beat Daniel Westernlock
2. Seth Owens beat AJ Styles
3. Ember Moon beat Helena Bytch
4. Mark Night beat Brian Thunder
5. Kayden Carter beat Gina Gangstas
6. Andre Chase beat Ulysses Taion
7. Rhea Ripley beat Carmella
8. Apollo Crews beat Thomas Berad
9. Brandi Lauren beat Sandy Gales
10. Claudio Castangli beat Solomon Spirit

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-8/5/2022 results:
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 1 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket A Match: Tiffany Lane beat Auroa Stone
2. Men's Bracket D Match: Mark Lite beat John Fire
3. Women's Bracket A Match: Dana Brooks beat Raye Action
4. Men's Bracket D Match: Ikemen Jiro beat Mercury Manson
5. Women's Bracket A Match: Dakota Kai beat Pink Dudley
6. Men's Bracket D Match: Frank Pluto beat Ralph Doctor
7. Women's Bracket A Match: Nattie Neidhart beat Gabbe Gangstas
8. Men's Bracket D Match: Santos Escobar beat Ben Blanka
9. Women's Bracket A Match: Jacy Jane beat Lucy Warrior
10. Men's Bracket D Match: Tony D'Angelo beat Apollo Crews

Filmed For EUWF/Peacock Network Exclusively:
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 1 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket D Match: Caroline Venom beat Stacy America
2. Men's Bracket A Match: Akira Tozawa beat Ulysses Taion
3. Women's Bracket D Match: Nikki Cross beat Dinah Spade
4. Men's Bracket A Match: Cederick Alexander beat Thomas Berad
5. Women's Bracket D Match: Io Shiari beat Linda Lightning
6. Men's Bracket A Match: Drew Gulak beat Ridge Holland
7. Women's Bracket D Match: Jessica Maine beat Layla Spider
8. Men's Bracket A Match: Greyson America beat Humberto
9. Women's Bracket D Match: Katana Chance beat Kathy Uranosis
10. Men's Bracket A Match: Brett Wayfield beat Tyler Black

ECW's Saturday Nights Back On The Road-8/5/2023 results:

1. Sheamus beat Raymond Roadblock
2. Zelina Vega beat Sandy Gales
3. Victor America beat Ridge Holland
4. Helena Bytch beat Justine Hounda
5. Greyson America beat Pete Dune
6. Taylor Lanley beat Alicia Jacks
7. Elimination Match: Kenny Omega, Cody Rhodes, Young Bucks, Hamgman Page beat Prince Devitt, AJ Styles, Good Brothers, Shinsuke Nakumara

EUWF House Show-8/5/2023 results:

1. 3 Way Dance For TWF World Ladies Title: Maxine Massacre (c) beat Queen Tabtiha and Patricia Bryan
2. TWF US Title Match: LA Knight (c) beat Shelton Benjamin
3. TWF World Tag Team Title Match: Good Brothers (c) beat Mark Lite and Jim Brooks
4. 4 Way Dance For Unified World Junior Heavyweight Title: Jeffery Alpha (c) beat Jack Pink, Simon Seyes, Duke Thunder
5. Lucy Warrior and Caroline Venom beat Sophia Warrior and Stacy Doomsday
6. Phillip Donity beat Kyle Donity
7. Bruce Doomsday beat Eddie Venom
8. Cody Rhodes, Ricochet, Prince Devitt beat Sami Zayn, AJ Styles, Shinsuke Nakumara

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