Friday, May 31, 2024

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-May 31 results

Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 13 Points v.s. Points Matches:

1. Bracket A Match: Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock beat Security Knights
2. Bracket D Match: Mickey Sensation and Shaggy Brown beat John Fire and Donald Genin
3. Bracket A Match: Stew Rosen and Leo Ambrose beat Ligi Brothers
4. Bracket D Match: Elroy Stone and Wendell Cheetah beat David Omega and Gabriel Lock
5. Bracket A Match: Zen Warriors beat Crow Brothers
6. Bracket D Match: Hot and Spicy beat Dark Brothers
7. Bracket A Match: Jack Flap and Chris Gun beat Apollo Crews and Ricochet
8. Bracket D Match: Isaac Block and Trey Widow beat Cyrus Bourne and Harrison Boss
9. Bracket A Match: Bruise Brothers beat Randy Orton and Sami Zayn
10. Bracket D Match: Dennis Destroyer and Braxton Bulk beat Dragon Lee and Joaquin Wilde
11. Drew McIntyre won the #1 Contenders Battle Royal Match: Brett Wayfield, Jackson Rouch, King Stan. Mark Lite, Raymond Roadblock, Seth Owens, Theodore Borando, Thomas Berad, AJ Styles. Apollo Crews, Cody Rhodes, Jey Uso, Kofi Kingston. Randy Orton, Awesome Truth, Solo Sikoa, Bruise Brothers, Jack Flap, Chris Gun, Zen Warriors, Stew Rosen, Leo Ambrose, Phoenix Edge, Scott Shock, Micky Sensation, Shaggy Brown, Elroy Stone, Wendell Cheetah, Zen Warriors, Hot and Spicy, Isaac Block, Trey Widow, Dennis Destroyer, Braxton Bulk were also in the match

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