Wednesday, May 15, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-May 15 (HBK Returns, No More Death Matches?, No Escape For Old School Kings, Second Round Of Survivor 2 Tournament, Best Of Extreme Nightmare Part 4, Hero In For A Surprise but got one of his own, TV Title Tournament Quarter-Final Round, Wrestlepoolza 2022, Guile and Taion return home?)

This Day In Wrestling History-March 15:
EUWF Monday Night Raw-3/15/1999 results:

1. Shadow Ninja beat Samurai Kid in a first round match of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament.
2. Destroyer beat Crusher in a first round match of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament.
3. Massacre beat Smasher in a first round match of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament.
4. Ian Rotten beat Giant Knight in a first round match of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament.
5. Mustafa beat Venom in a first round match of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament.
6. New Jack beat Axl Rotten in a first round match of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament.
7. Balls Mahoney beat Bubba Ray Dudley in a first round match of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament.
8. Jeff Jarrett beat Red Lightning in a first round match of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament.
9. Rick Steiner beat Scott Steiner in a first round match of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament.
10. Chris Benoit beat D-Von Dudley in a first round match of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament.
11. Rocky Maivia beat Bad Ass Billy Gunn in a first round match of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament.
12. Tommy Dreamer beat Lance Storm in a first round match of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament.
13. Al Snow beat Jerry Lynn in a first round match of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament.
14. Sagat beat Kane in a first round match of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament.
15. Ric Flair beat Perry Saturn in a first round match of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament.
16. Undertaker beat Psycho in a first round match of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament.

Wednesday Night Brawl-3/15/2000 results:

1. Cyborg beat Chavo Guerrero Jr.
2. La Parka beat White Ninja
3. Venom beat El Dandy
4. Falcon beat Silver King
5. Wall beat Sagat
6. Joe and Barbecue beat Tajiri and Steve Corino to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Sandman beat Lex Luger
8. RJ Hammer and Ric Flair beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-3/15/2001 results:

A limo pulls up to the arena.  Triple H, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Doomsday Inc., Mike Awesome, Chris Jericho storm the limo.  Triple H pulls Jesus Bison out and Bison has a cell phone.
Triple H: "Where is Stephanie?"
Jesus: "I don't know!  Vince gave her a option to either stay with her family and her family's money or stay with you.  She has to Wrestlemania to decide.  She doesn't she out of the family anyway."
Hunter: "Tell I will get him if he ever shows up."  Mike Awesome pulls Vince McMahon out of the limo.
Awesome: "Look what I found."  Triple H grabs Vince.
Vince: "I don't know where Stephanie is.  She left in a limo and I haven't seen her since."  Scott Steiner, Mike Bison, Edge, Christian, Tazz, Sagat, The Wall, Big Show, Rick Steiner, Jeff Jarrett, Zangief, Kurt Angle attacked the faces and Triple H.  Jesus Bison and Vince get into the limo and it tries to pull off.  All the sudden another limo pulls up and blocks the exit.  Jesus and Vince's limo beeps until the limo moves out of the way.  The first one drives away and the second one stops at the faces and Triple H.  The two groups had stopped fighting and the door opens.  They talk to whoever is in the limo but it was never shown who was in it.
1. Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho beat Lance Storm and Tajiri in a Dream Partner Tag Team Match.
2. Hardy Boys, Joe, Lita beat Barbecue, Mankind, Machine, Womankind
3. Tazz beat Jim Brooks to move onto the Four Way Dance at Wrestlemania 16.
4. Mike Awesome beat Kurt Angle to move onto the Four Way Dance at Wrestlemania 12.
5. Speedster Lite beat Justin Credible to retain the EUWF US Title.
6. The Rock beat Jeff Jarrett to move onto the Four Way Dance at Wrestlemania 16.
7. Steve Austin beat Rick Steiner to move onto the Four Way Dance at Wrestlemania 16.
8. Doomsday, Venom, Triple H, Shadow WX beat Scott Steiner, Kurt Angle, Mike Bison, Christian

Saturday Slam Bash-3/15/2003 results:

1. Piloit and Rhendo beat Hellfire and Brimstone
2. Briscoe Brothers beat Tajiri and Super Crazy
3. Temptress, Jade, Ariel Bison, Jazz beat Eve Bison, Victoria, Fire Woman, Crazy Woman
4. Tommy Dreamer beat The Messiah to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
5. Homicide, Samoa Joe, Masato Tanaka beat Los Guerreros and Ric Blade
6. Dudleyz and SAT beat Impact Players and New Demolition
7. Rey Misterio Jr., Billy Kidman, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks beat Low Ki, Xavier, Christopher Daniels and Donovan Morgan
8. Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn beat Chris Jericho and Michael Shane in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/15/2004 results:

The show started with highlights of a press conference from earlier in the day that.  It talked about the new/old format to the tournament.  This years would return to the bracket format that was once before used in 2000 but the winners of the bracket would face each in the finals.  It would be unlike the 2000 tournament the bracket winners facing 2 in matches.  There will be a record 5 brackets and 32 wrestlers in each of them.  Each match in each bracket would be decide by #32 rankings using their previous records from the past 5 Tournaments.  The other big announcement that Teddy Hart will be in this years Best Of Lightweight Tournament and will face Great Sasuke in the first round.
1. Lita and Christie beat Jade and Temptress
2. Piloit beat Booker T to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
Kurt Angle came to the ring wearing the EUWF World Heavyweight Title belt he stole at the end of Wrestlemania XX but a piece of tape was over the name plate and Angle's written name is on the tape.  Angle demand that he be crowned champion and said that he never lost the title.  He said he was screwed out of the title and a fair chance to get it back.  He said that he wants his name plate put on the belt too and he said that he beat the hell out of AJ Styles if he comes back fro the title.  AJ came to the ring and demand his belt back but Angle just hit him in the head with the title belt.  He then but him in ankle lock again till Mike Bison ran from the back making the save.  Mike grabbed the belt from where Angle dropped it and before he could pick it up back up.  Mike checked on AJ as Angle left and Mike challenged Angle to a match.  Angle was about to agree but AJ said he wanted tag match against Angle and partner v.s. him and Mike.  Angle agreed and after Mike tried to talk him out of it.  AJ grabbed his belt from Mike and left the ring.
3. Mr. America beat Low Ki to retain the EUWF IC Title.
4. Dynamic Duo beat Hard Luck Fighters to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles
AJ Styles was seen with an ice pack on his ankle and his name plate was being put on the belt.  Lady Hammer came into the locker room and asked how he was.  AJ said he was in pain but he will be okay and Michelle tried to talk him out of the match.  AJ said he could handle it and didn't need anyone to worry about him.
5. Undertaker and Speedster Lite beat RJ Hammer and Kane.  Before the match RJ said what he did to goldberg was just a start and that he will do anything to get the company back from his ex-wife.  He also said it was start of what he will do to get it back.  He also mentioned how Michelle was taking credit for bringing the Teddy Hart and claimed he made the whole deal including getting Great Sasuke to wrestle him.  He also mentioned how he gave himself a new contract that made sure that Michelle can't fire him or get ride of him for another 30 years.
6. American Heroes beat APA to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.  Briscoe Brothers attacked American Heroes after the match.  They claimed that didn't get a fair shake at Wrestlemania due to the fact that was beaten up during a match the night before during a cage match at Ring Of Honor show.  They then demand a rematch for down the line and left.
7. Joe beat Eddie Guerrero to retain the EUWF US Title.
8. Mike Bison and AJ Styles beat Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels.  AJ and Mike got into a fight after the match allowing angle to attack both with a chair.  Michaels admonished Angle and then angle hit Michaels.  Angle grabbed the EUWF World Heavyweight Title and walked out to end the show.

TTWF 3/15/2005 Show results:

1. Rhyno and Nick Berk beat American Heroes (John Fire and Snake Eyes)
2. American Heroes (Brian Thunder and Duke) beat Spirit and Jack Crystal
3. Spanky beat Paul London
4. Petey Williams beat Sexy Eddy
5. Jay Lethal beat Elix Skipper
6. Chris Hero and John Cena beat Masato Tanaka and Samoa Joe
7. Mr. America beat Kurt Angle to retain the TTWF US Title.
8. Homicide, Low Ki, Havana Pitbulls beat Eddie Guerrero, Mike Bison, Taion, Piloit

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-3/15/2006 results:

The show started with Edge and Ariel Bison in the ring.  Edge starting making fun of Samoa Joe and saying that the real reason Joe was out of Saturday Night's Main Event main event is because he is scared.  Samoa Joe ran to the ring chasing Edge and Ariel from the ring.  Joe said that the decision wasn't his and he wanted to continue but EUWF and ECW ownership wanted to protect his health.  Joe said that he will be at the show saturday one way or another.
1. Iron Saints beat Rhendo and Blanka
2. Night Brothers beat Naughty By Nature and Wildfire in a Non Title 3 Way Dance.
Officially announced that this saturday's Saturday Nights At The Arena show will be preempted this week because of Saturday Night's Main Event.
3. Dudleyz beat Hoodies and Street Saviors in a Non Title 3 Way Dance.
4. Jay Lethal and Necro Butcher beat Jack Crystal and Rhino
5. Piloit and Millano Collection AT beat Claudio Castagnoli and Shelton Benjamin
6. Mike Bison beat Rob Van Dam, CM Punk, Edge, Sabu, Taion, Super Dragon, Venom (Taking place of Samoa Joe originally in the match) in a Non Title 8 Way Dance.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-3/15/2008 results:

1. Spike Dudley and Pink Dudley beat Machine/HC Bytch and Jimmy Jacobs/Lacy in a 3 Way Dance.
2. Joker beat Joe and Tyler Black in a 3 Way Dance.
3. Dudleyz beat Eddie Kingston and Ruckus in a Non Title Match.
4. Venom beat Sagat
5. Christopher Daniels beat Edge
6. Chris Jericho beat Chris Hero
7. Mike Bison beat Raven in a Non Title Match.
8. Samoa Joe beat Tommy Dreamer in a Non Title Match.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw: Wrestlemania Rewind 2010 Special-
3/15/2010 results:

1. Davey Richards beat Batistia
2. Machine beat Roderick Strong
3. Edge beat Bryan Danielson
4. Doomsday beat Triple H.  Shawn Michaels came out to confront Triple H after the match about losing and Hunter apologized.  Triple H went to leave but Hernadez attacked just before he made behind the curtain.  He brought him back to the ring where Shawn hit sweet chin music on him.  Hernadez and HBK beat on Hunter till Doomsday and CM Punk made the save.
5. Big Show beat Chris Hero in a Non Title Match.
6. CM Punk beat Chris Jericho
7. Mike Bison beat AJ Styles in a Non Title Match. After the match Mike wanted a explanation from the Undertaker on what happen last monday.  Taker came out said he was tired of Michaels crap.  This was still his yard and he wanted to take care of it.  Choke slamming Cabana was accident but he did it to Mike because he got in his face.  Mike told Taker either stay out of his business or put himself full in it.  Mike then left the ring and Edge came out which stopped mike before going all the way to the back.  Edge questioned if Taker's real reason he got involved was he wanted a match for ECW World Heavyweight Title because bad feeling taker still got to ECW.  Mike got a mic and said if taker wanted a shot he give one to him after wrestlemania.  Taker was about to reply when RJ Hammer came out and said that if Taker wanted a title shot then he will give him chance at one.  He made a match for smackdown between Edge and Taker and if Taker wins he gets into the ECW World Heavyweight Title shot at WM26.  That match will be 3 way dance if taker wins and Mike was mad.  Edge said that he will only agree to that if Taker loses he can't wrestle or appear at WM this year.  Taker agrees to it and Mike leaves very mad.
8. Shawn Michaels beat RJ Hammer in a Non Title Match.

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-3/15/2011 results:
12 Way TLC 11 Elimination Match Qualifier Final Round Matches:

1. Piloit and Jackson Rouch beat Sgt. and Roadblock
2. Joe and Barbecue beat WN Alpha and Sigma
3. Rhendo and Blanka beat John Fire and Snake Eyes
4. Brian Thunder and Duke beat Hoodies

TWF's Thursday Night Fire-3/15/2012 results:

1. Alcarda Vania beat Jade Thunder
2. Temptress beat Lady Doomsday
3. Hot Shots beat Night Brothers in a Non Title Match.
4. Doomsday and Venom beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks in a Non Title Barbed Wire Boards and Thumbtacks Match after Brooks turned on Lite hitting with a chair.  After the match Brooks curbed stomped Lite into a barbed wire board and went for another one but Doomsday and Venom came back to end the show.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-3/15/2013 results:
Former World Champions Wrestlemania Title Shot Tournament:
EUWF Bracket-Final Round:

1. Chris Hero beat Tyler Black

12 Way TLC Match Qualifying Matches:

1. Ricochet and Rich Swan beat Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexander
2. Future Shock beat Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano
3. Young Bucks beat Uso Brothers
4. Ruckus and Sabian beat American Wolves thanks to interference by SCUM.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Triple Threat Matches:

1. The Miz beat Gran Akuma.  Miz and Sami Callihan advance.
2. Michel Elgin beat John Davis.  Elgin and John Moxly advance.
3. Wade Barrett beat Drew McIntyre.  Petey Williams and Wade Barrett advance.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-3/15/2014 results:

1. Doomsday beat James Storm in a Non Title Match.
2. Venom beat TJ Wilson in a Non Title Match.
3. Bryatt Wyatt beat Jackson Rouch
4. Bad Influence and Donity Brothers beat 3.0 and Night Brothers
5. Machine beat Robert Roode
6. Cyrus Bourne beat Brodie Lee
7. Bryan Danielson beat Christian Cage
8. Randy Orton beat El Generico, Kevin Steen, Samoa Joe in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-3/15/2016 results:

1. Savage Girl Warrior and Lady Donity beat Charlotte/Becky Lynch and Dinah Spade/Felicia Sowrd in a Non Title Match.
2. Tommy Bernard beat Bloody Donity
3. Marvel Warriors beat Bad Influence
4. Night Brothers beat reDragon
5. Black Valkyrie beat Lucha Dragons
6. Young Bucks beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks
7. All Night Express beat Brian and Duke Thunder in a Non Title Match.
8. Naughty By Nature, Brodie Lee, Eric Rowan beat Dudleyz, Mr. Venom, Hollywood

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-3/15/2017 results:

1. Kenny King beat Bobby Fish
2. Matt Jackson beat Johnny Gargano
Mike Bison confronted Mick Foley about looking for his replacement on facebook.  Mick wouldn't answer him walking away.
3. Kyle O'Reily beatt Nick Jackson
4. Rhett Titus beat Tommaso Ciampa
Mike Bison came to the ring calling Mick Foley out to the ring.  Mick came from the back and Mike asked the question again.  Mike pestestered him with it including bring up mick needing hip replacement sugery till Mick told what was going claiming he had heard rumors about his future and ECW's future.  Mike said that load of crap.  Mick says he doesn't believe him and starts to leave.  Mike stops him and gets taste of mister socko.  Janet Lee Bison ran out hitting mick with a low blow.  Mike looks confused as Tyler Black's music hits.  He heads to the ring with crutch and Mike asked what he is doing.  Tyler hit mike with crutch several times till janet hit him with a low blow.  Mike looks confused and then told mick he wants to repaced then he will get a chance.  Mike made a match with him and tyler for WM33.  If tyler can't wrestle or loses mick will be fired.
5. Speedster Lite, Doomsday Kid, Venomous beat Drew Gulak, Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson
6. Claudio Castagnoli beat King Peter
7. Chris Hero beat James Storm
8. Robert Roode beat Sagat in a Non Title Match.

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-3/15/2018 results:

1. Spirit beat Mark Night
2. Charles Black beat Sir Simon
3. Brian Thunder beat Sir Tristan
4. Jack Crystal beat Aaron Valkyrie
5. King Theodore III beat Bloody Donity

Best Of Lightweight Tournament 35 Preliminary Matches:

1. Sgt. Savior (2-14-0) beat General Savior (2-14-0)
2. Tito Basher (2-13-0) beat Crazy Warrior (2-11-0)
3. Black Jack (3-9-0) beat Lightning Warrior (1-9-0)
4. Blood Ninja (4-10-0) beat Crazy Ninja (1-8-0)

ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-3/15/2019 results

1. Preliminary Round Match Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 37: Lio Rush (6-1-0) beat Tyler Breeze (6-6-0)
2. 3 Way 12 Way TLC 19 Qualifying Match: LAX beat Hardy Boyz and The Revival
3. Preliminary Round Match Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 37: Tony Neese (11-5-0) beat Kenny King (11-7-0)
4. Andrade Almas beat Mr. America
5. Preliminary Round Match Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 37: Johnny Gargano (26-10-0) beat Roderick Strong (49-31-1)
6. Kevin Steen v.s. Ricochet
7. Preliminary Round Match Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 37: Drew Gulak (12-4-0) beat Tyler Black (32-20-0) (BOLT 15 Winner)
8. Non Title Grudge Match: Bryan Danielson beat Kurt Angle.  After the match Dragon Club attacked angle.  Steen, Ricochet, Almas, Mike Bison came in chasing most of club of the ring accept Ash Hyde.  Ash laughed and was looking to attack angle when Nick Gage came to the ring attacking ash.  The show end with Gage accepting Ash's challenge for WM35.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/15/2021 results:

1. 3 Way 12 Way TLC 20 Qualifying Match: Eric Bison and Raymond Roadblock beat Drew Gulak/Tony Neese and Grizzled Young Veterans
2. Tag Festival XI Round 7 Match: Jump Start beat Quinton Synder and Clyde Neptune
3. Tag Festival XI Round 7 Match: Mac Yates and Mane MacAlister beat Naughty By Nature
4. 3 Way 12 Way TLC 20 Qualifying Match: Claudio Castangoli and Sheamus beat Alan Jacks/Tony Torpedo and Danny Dagger/Hunter Knight
5. Tag Festival XI Round 7 Match: Jupiter Jordan and Xander Seed beat Nightwings
6. Tag Festival XI Round 7 Match: Lucha Dragons beat Samson Sanchez and Hayden Sander
7. 3 Way 12 Way TLC 20 Qualifying Match: Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend beat Vincent Vlad/Ian Impaler and Dogs Of War
8. Tag Festival XI Round 7 Match: Kong Remer and Link Rod beat Marcus Dove and Owen Star
9. Tag Festival XI Round 7 Match: Leoroy Piloit and Masion Dixie wrestled Solomon Spirit and Jack Crystal to a No Contest
10. Non Title 3 Way Wrestlemania Rewind Match: Shinsuke Nakumara beat Prince Devitt and Dolph Ziggler

TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-3/15/2022 results:
Tag Festival XII Round 7 Matches:

1. Bracket E Match: Danny Red and Yuri Knight beat Carl War and Brent Jet
2. Bracket B Match: Jeffery Alpha and Jack Pink beat Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno
3. Bracket E Match: Dean Nuke and Nick Acid beat Abel Moon and Isaiah Saturn
4. Bracket B Match: Zen Warriors beat Black Valkyrie
5. Bracket E Match: Tom Master and Remy Who beat Clifford Darkness and Emanuel Fire
6. Bracket B Match: Vincet Vlad and Ian Impaler beat Donity Brothers
7. Bracket E Match: Kong Remer and Link Rod beat Mickey Sensation and Shaggy Brown
8. Bracket B Match: Grizzled Young Vetrans beat Raymond Roadblock and Mark Night
9. Non Tournament Match: King Stan beat Jack Flap

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-3/15/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 6 Matches:

1. Bracket C Match: Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch beat Carl War and Brent Jet
2. 4 Way Dance For Unified World 6 Man Tag Team Titles: Hurt Business (c) beat Harrison Boss/Phat Boys, Hot Shots, Gavin Guile/Ulysses Taion/Fin Sandy
3. Bracket F Match: Samson Sanchez and Hayden Sander beat Brian Thunder and John Fire
4. Bracket C Match: Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz beat Good Brothers
5. 4 Way Dance For Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles: Lady Bruisers (c) beat Bayley/Dakota Kai, Nikki Cross/Chelsa Green, Stacy Doomsday/Deliah Doomsday
6. Bracket F Match: Baron Corbin and Riddick Moss v.s. Fisher Star and Felix Bolt
7. Bracket C Match: Vincet Vlad and Ian Impaler beat Pretty Deadly
8. 4 Way Dance For ECW World Tag Team Titles: Sheamus and Ridge Holland (c) beat Naughty By Nature, Eric Bison/Frank Pluto, Imperium

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/15/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 12 Points v.s. Points  Matches:

1. Bracket A Match: Masion Dixie and Leoroy Piloit beat Atlas River and Hanson Snower
2. Bracket D Match: Barney White and Black Jack beat Elroy Stone and Wendell Cheetah
3. Bracket A Match: Tom Master and Remy Who beat Nightmare
4. Bracket D Match: Bishop Rider and Arthur Star beat David Omega and Gabriel Lock
5. Bracket A Match: Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock beat Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend
6. Bracket D Match: Danny Dagger and Hunter Knight beat Bruise Brothers
7. Bracket A Match: Dogs Of War beat Jump Start
8. Bracket D Match: Prowl Brothers beat William Shock and Ethan Rogue
9. Bracket A Match: Street Profits beat Quinton Snyder and Clyde Neptune
10. Bracket D Match: Carmello Hayes and Trick Williams beat Chad Gable and Otis
11. Rey Misterio Jr won the #1 Contenders Battle Royal For EUWF World Heavyweight Title shot at Great American Bash 2023.  LWO, Bison Army, Omos, Security Knights, Chase U, Xavier Woods, Venomized Inc, Angel Garza, Humberto, Akira Tozawa, JD McDonagh, Gallus, Creed Brothers, Bronson Reed, Carmelo Hayes was also in the match

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