Wednesday, May 22, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-May 22 (RJ Hammer apologizes to Speedster Lite, Best Of Owen Hart Memorial Show, Extreme Nightmare 19: Judgment Day 2005, Joe/HHH, Spirit wins EUWF World Heavyweight Title, Bison Brothers Reunited?, Owen Hart Memorial Show 2010, Extreme Nightmare 31: Unification, Extreme Nightmare 41: Best Friends, Bitter Enemies, an Empire broken, Triple H makes his move)

This Day In Wrestling History-May 22:
Saturday Slam Jam-5/22/1999 results:

1. Falcon beat Blanka
2. Ninja Kid beat Spirit
3. Samurai Kid beat Venom
4. Snake Eyes, Shadow Ninja, White Ninja beat Duke, Guile, Vega
5. Doomsday beat Boxer
6. Sgt. and Roadblock beat Bison and Commander
7. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko beat Machine and Evan Hounda
8. Dudleys beat Brood
9. Jim Brooks beat Buff Bagwell to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
10. Speedster Lite beat Steve Corino to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
11. Cactus Jack beat Skull Von Crush to retain the EUWF US Title.
12. Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Al Snow, Joe, Barbecue beat Lance Storm, Chris Jericho, Justin Credible, Night Brothers

ECW TV-5/22/1999 week results:

1. Crazy beat Too Much
2. Sabu beat Syxx

Monday Night Raw-5/22/2000 results:

RJ Hammer, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Public Enemy, Lady Speed, Michelle, Falcon, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Hollywood Doomsday, Lady Doomsday, Yamakawa, Honma, Shadow WX come to the ring.  Speedster's face bandaged up from the fireball thrown by Mike Bison.
RJ: "I'm glad to the champ again but I don't want to win like last night.  Speedster this belt belongs to you more then it does me."
Speedster: "It's okay RJ.  You earned it.  You keep it."
RJ: "Now to the Undertaker.  Welcome back.  I been wondering what you were doing.  Maybe once every two weeks.  UT we played this game before.  Trying to make it look like you are not with Steve Corino and Raven.  You left with Kane and Armageddon Knights."  Undertaker, Kane, Armageddon Knights come from the back.
UT: "I have no problem with you anymore.  My problem is with Steve Corino and King Bison.  I left Bison in charge after I was injured and he drop the ball.  Steve Corino stole my brother and my followers.  He and Raven are pains that get on my nerves too."  RJ starts laughing.
RJ: "I know the feeling.  Help us out with Corino but leave Bison alone."
UT: "I'm not going to leave Bison alone till he is dead."  King Bison and his men come from the back.
Bison: "I have no problem with you Undertaker.  I never did anything to you and I helped you out so much.  You are the one who dropped the ball when you got injured.  Corino is a pain and he stole my brother."  Old School Kings show up on the big screen.
Corino: "Go ahead and fight so more because it doesn't matter to me.  Undertaker you are going to have trouble with men so don't go threating us.  Last week you made Shawn Michaels the ref for Extreme Nightmare.  How about you make Undertaker the other ref for the match on Sunday.  Then we will see who's side he is on."
UT: "It's fine with me because I will prove that I'm not with him."
Speedster: "Mike Bison!  Tonight I'm going to kick your ass for last night and the fireball."  Security runs from the back to keep Bison's men and UT away from each other.
1. Public Enemy beat Edge and Christian
2. Lady Knight beat Jade to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
3. Too Cool beat Trooper 1 and 2
4. Rikishi beat Rick Steiner
5. Falcon beat Chris Candido
6. Tajiri beat Mr. Venom
7. Justin Credible beat Dean Malenko
8. Naughty By Nature beat Hardy Boys to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
9. Lance Storm beat Eddie Guerrero to retain the EUWF IC Title.
10. Jim Brooks beat Scott Steiner to retain the EUWF US Title.
11. Speedster Lite beat Mike Bison
12. RJ Hammer, Shadow WX, Hollywood Doomsday beat Steve Corino and Kronic

Wednesday Night Brawl-5/22/2002 results:

The show starts with Venom coming out of a limo on crutches.
Taion and Lady Trooper comes to the ring.
Taion: "Jesus you got lucky last Sunday.  You stabbed me in the head with scissors and got away with it.  That is fine because I will get you back for that and trying to cut my wife's hair.  You want to play with scissors?  Why don't we have a World Mixed Tag Team Title rematch this time we put all four of our hairs on the line.  Meaning the loser of the fall gets their hair shaved and cut off."  Jesus and Samantha Bison comes out from the back.
Jesus: "No way would I allow you or anyone in this company touch my hair.  Or my wife's hair."  Samantha had elbowed Jesus to get him to say or my wife's hair.
Taion: "Seems like the two are you are to chicken to put your hair on the line.  I don't care if I lose my hair.  I wear a mask when I wrestle."
Lady Trooper: "I don't care because I want to see Samantha bald for what those tried to do to me and I will do anything including putting my own hair on the line to see that."
Taion: "Come on Jesus.  Don't think you get lucky again?  Won't be able to get a pair of scissors to hide?  Or is it that you remembered that I kicked your but several times before Extreme Nightmare?"
Jesus: "I wasn't lucky and we will beat you without the use of scissors.  You are on but when will we do it?"
Taion: "King Of The Ring?"
Jesus: "No way.  I plan to win the king of the ring for a second time that night."
Taion: "You afraid to wrestle an extra time because I'm not.  I'm going to be trying to win my first King Of The Ring that day but that would all go down the drain if neither of us qualify for it."
Jesus: "Don't worry about me because I will."
Taion: "Why should we wait?  Come on down now."  Jesus and Samantha run to the ring.  The four brawl till Jesus and Taion leave the ring.  They brawl back to the back and the women start their match.
1. Lady Trooper beat Samantha Bison
2. Guile beat Chris Night
Steve Austin walks into Ric Flair's office and request a match for the EUWF World Title later tonight but Flair said no.  Flair then said he will get a title match but at King Of The Ring.  Austin asked why not tonight since venom was in the building and Flair said Venom has no clearance to wrestle due to a severely twisted ankle.  Austin stormed out of Flair's locker room.
3. Mark Night beat Vlad
4. Eddie Guerrero beat Billy Kidman
Venom comes to the ring on crutches.
Venom: "This when I thought my luck changes something happens.  I twist the hell out of my ankle in a match I didn't want to be in.  I am telling you fans and everyone in the back including flair, that I will never wrestle in a Death Match or Iron Man Match ever again.  I'm tired of it and the nWo elite is tired of them.  nWo elite is now about the purity of wrestling.  We refuse to wrestle in anymore death matches or anything.  Now to Steve Austin.  I am really sorry about the fact I can't defend this title till King Of The Ring due to my ankle and how bad it is injured.  I didn't want to be a paper champion but if you want to be mad at anyone then it should be at Ric Flair.  He put me in the match I had no desire to be in.
5. Trent Acid beat Super Crazy
6. Tajiri beat D'Lo Brown in a non title match.
It was announced that Doomsday only sustained cuts and bruises.  Barbecue was a little worse because when he took a bump off the ladder, he aggravated the bad back of his and will be out for a few weeks.  Doomsday had sent a message saying the ending was fair and no one else fault but his own.  He said that the match went to far when it comes to death matches and never wants to do a 60 Minute Iron Man Match with or without the death stipulations.
7. Nova beat Edge
8. Chris Benoit and Spirit beat Rob Van Dam and Mike Bison.  Benoit before the match said that he turned on RVD because of all the problems they have had since he started helping him.  He even cursed at RVD saying that he almost re injured Benoit's neck more then one time.  He said he rather be with people who respect wrestling and the wrestling business.  He called the nWo Elite the only real group that does and Doomsday Alliance had none at all.  He gave the example of the Iron Man Death Match that he claimed Flair, Doomsday, Barbecue put together to destroy his fellow nWo elite member Venom and that Venom only did it under force from Flair.  Venom backed him up mentioning that Flair off camera said that if he didn't defend the title at Extreme Nightmare that he would strip Venom of the title and have Doomsday and Barbecue battle it out for the title at Extreme Nightmare.  Venom then said again how he never wants to wrestle in anymore death matches or iron man matches.  Benoit also said that he has a deep hatred for Chris Jericho and RJ Hammer.  He blamed them for his neck injuries that kept him out of wrestling for almost a year. The end came in the match when Spirit threw a fireball into Mike's face and Benoit put Mike into the crippler crossface for the win.

Saturday Slam Bash-5/22/2004 results:

This was this was a special one shot Best Of Owen Hart Memorial Show. The show featured the following matches in either in full match or highlight or music video highlight package.
1. Falcon v.s. Duke (Hostile City Showdown 99: Owen Hart Memorial Show 99-6/26/99)
2. Princess Ariel, Wildfire, Crazy, Taion v.s. Snake Eyes, Shadow Ninja, White Ninja, Ninja Kid, Samurai Kid, Lady Ninja (Hostile City Showdown 99: Owen Hart Memorial Show 99-6/26/99)
3. Barbecue v.s. Little Guido (Hostile City Showdown 99: Owen Hart Memorial Show 99-6/26/99)
4. Doomsday v.s. La Parka (Hostile City Showdown 99: Owen Hart Memorial Show 99-6/26/99)
5. Eddie Guerrero v.s. Super Crazy (Hostile City Showdown 99: Owen Hart Memorial Show 99-6/26/99)
6. Speedster Lite v.s. Taka Michinoku v.s. Juventud Guerrera v.s. Billy Kidman in a Four Way Dance (Hostile City Showdown 99: Owen Hart Memorial Show 99-6/26/99)
7. Steve Austin v.s. RJ Hammer (Hostile City Showdown 99: Owen Hart Memorial Show 99-6/26/99)
8. Shane Douglas v.s. Kurt Angle (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2000-5/23/00)
9. Venom v.s. Eddie Guerrero (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2000-5/23/00)
10. Rob Van Dam v.s. Juventud Guerrera (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2000-5/23/00)
11. Doomsday v.s. Terry Funk (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2000-5/23/00)
12. Tommy Dreamer and Sandman v.s. Impact Players v.s. Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit v.s. Lyger and El Samurai v.s. Road Dogg and X-Pac v.s. Acolytes v.s. Rhino and Wall v.s. Edge and Christian v.s. Hardy Boys v.s. Naughty By Nature in a Ten Way Dance (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2000-5/23/00)
13. Triple H v.s. Dallas Page (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2000-5/23/00)
14. RJ Hammer v.s. Chris Jericho (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2000-5/23/00)
15. Ariel Bison v.s. Jade v.s. Queen Bison in a 3 Way Dance (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2001-5/23/01)
16. Joe and Barbecue v.s. Hard Luck Fighters (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2001-5/23/01)
17. Jim Brooks v.s. Justin Credible (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2001-5/23/01)
18. Chris Benoit v.s. Chavo Guerrero Jr. (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2001-5/23/01)
19. Venom v.s. Dean Malenko (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2001-5/23/01)
20. Naughty By Nature v.s. Mike Bison and Guile v.s. Edge and Christian v.s. Three Count v.s. Joey Mathews and Christian York v.s. Spirit and Ki in a 6 Way Dance (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2001-5/23/01)
21. Chris Jericho v.s. Lance Storm (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2001-5/23/01)
22. Doomsday v.s. Steve Austin in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2001-5/23/01)
23. Ric Blade v.s. Billy Kidman (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2002-5/23/02)
24. Night Brothers, Taion, Lady Trooper v.s. Vlad, Guile, Jesus Bison, Samantha Bison (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2002-5/23/02)
25. Jim Brooks v.s. Matt Hardy v.s. Johnny Kashmere in a 3 Way Dance (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2002-5/23/02)
26. Joe and Edge v.s. Nova and Jerry Lynn (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2002-5/23/02)
27. Chris Jericho v.s. Red (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2002-5/23/02)
28. Trent Acid v.s. Jeff Hardy v.s. Eddie Guerrero in a 3 Way Dance (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2002-5/23/02)
29. Rob Van Dam, Tajiri, Super Crazy v.s. Chris Benoit, AJ Styles, Spirit (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2002-5/23/02)
30. RJ Hammer v.s. Steve Austin v.s. Ric Flair v.s. Undertaker in a Four Way Dance (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2002-5/23/02)
31. Speedster Lite v.s. AJ Styles (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2003-5/23/03)
32. Joe v.s. Red (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2003-5/23/03)
33. Spanky v.s. Trent Acid (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2003-5/23/03)
34. Taion v.s. Ric Blade (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2003-5/23/03)
35. Bryan Danielson v.s. Barbecue (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2003-5/23/03)
36. Doomsday v.s. Rob Van Dam (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2003-5/23/03)
37. Jim Brooks v.s. Chris Benoit (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2003-5/23/03)
38. Mike Bison v.s. Messiah in a Stretcher Match (Owen Hart Memorial Show 2003-5/23/03)

Extreme Nightmare 19: Judgment Day 2005-5/22/2005 results:

1. Gothics beat Hard Luck Fighters in a Tables Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles-Tables Match.
2. Muhammad Hassan and Divari beat Joe and Piloit in a Cage Match to win the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles. The end came when Piloit came off the top of the cage hitting a shooting star press on divari through table but couldn't make the cover.  Joe was trying to keep Hassan out of the cage so they can win but Ms. America came out giving him a lead pipe and he hit Joe in the head with the pipe for the win.
3. Chris Jericho retain the EUWF IC Title and won the EUWF US Title, Jack Crystal retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title, Machine won back the EUWF World TV Title, Sagat won back the TTWF World TV Title, B-Boy won back the ECW World TV Title, Austin Aries retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title in the 7 Title Ladder Match. Speedster Lite, Chris Benoit, John Cena, Booker T, Shelton Benjamin, Nigel McGuiness, Sonjay Dutt, Low Ki, Roderick Strong, Jack Evans.  ECW World TV Title was the last title not decide when Dutt was trying to get in belt and Low Ki pushed dutt off the ladder.  He then surprisingly helped B-Boy up the ladder to win back the title.  B-Boy and Low Ki left together.
4. Mr. America beat Eddie Guerrero in a Latino Death Match to win back the TTWF US Title.  Guerrero was going for a frog splash through a table when kurt angle came in surprisingly and then ended up angle slammed Guerrero through a table letting America get the win.
5. Nick Berk beat Jay Lethal in a Submission Match to win the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
6. Samoa Joe beat Triple H in a Lumber Jack with straps Match.
7. America's Most Wanted beat Doomsday/Venom, CM Punk/Colt Cabana, Chris Hero/Christopher Daniels in a 4 Way Dance to win the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.  It was down to AMW and Saints when Jesus Bison came down bringing Harris one of the tag belts and he hit Cabana with it to win.  AMW and Jesus headed to the back trying to get Saints to come with them.  Punk looked mad saying that they were on the same and Jesus said it's all apart of his plan.  Saints left on their own but Jesus tried to make look like they were still leaving with him.
8. Mike Bison beat Shadow WX in a No Rope Barbed Wire, Skyway Of Hell, I Quiet Match in Fall 7 Of Best Of 7 Series to retain the ECW World Hardcore Triple Crown Title. The ref was down and WX tried to wave someone from the back to help him.  Surprisingly Jesus Bison comes from the back but doesn't help WX but hits a fireball in WX's face letting Mike get the win.  Mike and Jesus looked at each other after the match and hugged.  The two left together and then Taion was seen confronting mike after they got backstage.  Mike said that they are still best friends and can change with him.  Taion stood their as Mike and Jesus walked away.
9. AJ Styles beat Rey Misterio Jr. to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
10. Kurt Angle beat Brian Thunder to win the Vacant TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
11. Spirit beat Jim Brooks in a Hell In A Cell Match to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  The match ended with Jack Crystal came from under the ring distracting the ref while Jeff G. Bailey (from the now dead NWA Wildside) came under the ring handing Spirit something and Spirit hit Brooks with it for the win.
12. Naughty By Nature, Tommy Dreamer, Dudleyz, Sabu, Sandman, Nate Webb, Sexy Eddy wrestled Raven, JC Bailey, Messiah, Homicide, New Jack, Masato Tanaka, Mad Man Pondo, 2 Tuff Tony, Nerco Butcher to a no contest in an Ultimate Jeopardy Hell In A Cell War Games Death Match.  During the match the Cell started to rise up and Spirit, Jack Crystal, Machine, Gothics, New Demolition, Dangerous Trio, Nightmare, Sagat, Hassan, Divari, Angle, Low Ki, Havana Pitbulls, B-Boy, Mike Bison, Chris Jericho, AMW, Second City Saints, Mr. America, Jeff Hardy, Nick Berk, Generation Next, Blackout, Bradshaw, Orlando Jordan, Shane Twins, Bashman Brothers, MNM ran into the cage attacked both teams.  Homicide and Tanaka turned on their team helping the invading one.  The Doomsday Alliance and Evolution tried getting in but the door was locked and Nightmare blocked it closed.  Big Show came from the back ripping the cage door open and the cell raised up letting the heals retreat as the Doomsday Alliance and Evolution get in.  They checked on their guys as the other group ran into the crowd to end the show.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/22/2006 results:

The show started that this year's Ultimate Wrestling Championship 7 Tournament will feature two special brackets.  One will be first round Doomsday Alliance/ROH team v.s. Saviors/CZW team matches.  The other bracket will feature first round Doomsday Alliance v.s. MVW Alliance matches.
1. Roderick Strong beat Eddie Kingston
2. New Troopers beat FBI and New Demolition in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
3. Brent Albert (Gunner Scott) beat Ace Steele
4. Jade beat Lady Machine to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
5. Speedster Lite beat Orlando Jordan to retain the EUWF IC Title.
6. Super Crazy and Psicosis beat Jack Evans and Matt Sydal to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Kurt Angle won the 20 Man Battle Royal to get a shot at EUWF World Heavyweight Title at Ultimate Wrestling Championship 7 on June 4 and runner up Shawn Michaels gets a shot at the title at Owen Hart Memorial Card 2006 on May 23.  Chris Hero, Speedster Lite, Christian Cage, Austin Aries, Frankie Karazarian, Abyss, Trent Acid, Booker T, Charlie Haas, Undertaker, Jimmy Rave, Ruckus, Matt Hardy, Jimmy Yang, Big Show, Ken Doane, Carlito, Chris Masters were also in the match.
8. AJ Styles won the Second 20 Man Battle Royal to win #1 Contenders Trophy For The EUWF World Heavyweight Title and title shot at Vengeance 2006 on June 25 and runner up JBL gets the shot at Sunday Night Party 61 on June 18.  Christopher Daniels, Bryan Danielson, Rey Misterio Jr., Doomsday, Matt Bentley, Colt Cabana, Machine, Petey Williams, Sagat, Chris Sabin, James Gibson, Alex Shelley, Nate Webb, Ric Flair, Kane, Mark Henry, Johnny Jetter, Power Backlot Assassin were also in the match.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-5/22/2009 results:

1. American Wolves beat Rocky Romero and Ricky Reyes in a Non Title Match.
2. Chuck Taylor beat Ricky Ortiz
3. The Brian Kendrick and Gail Kim beat James Gibson and Star Pryde
4. Chris Hero beat Christian Cage in Fall 5 Of Their Best Of 5 Series to win their series 3 falls to 2.
5. Christopher Daniels beat Davey Richards in Fall 5 Of Their Best Of 5 Series to win their series 3 falls to 2.
6. Jeff Hardy beat Homicide to win the Ultimate Wrestling Championship 10 Title Shot.
7. John Cena beat Austin Aries to win the Sunday Night Party 79 Title Shot and #1 Contenders For EUWF World Heavyweight Title Trophy.
8. Chris Jericho, Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin beat Bryan Danielson and Cryme Tyme

Owen Hart Memorial Card 2010-5/22/2010 results:

1. MVP beat Kevin Steen to retain the EUWF IC Title.
2. Naughty By Nature beat Kings Of Wrestling and American Wolves in a 3 Way Non Title Match.
3. Motor City Machine Guns beat Dude Busters to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Low Ki, Homicide, Dudleyz beat Young Bucks, Machine, Sagat
5. Masada, Star Pryde, Amazing Kong, Michelle McCool, Layla beat Drake Younger, Jade Thunder, Ariel Bison (filling in for MIA Erica Tempted), Lady Naughty By Nature in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.
6. Mark Night beat Doomsday to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
7. Bison Smith (filling in for AJ Styles who refused to wrestle) beat Christopher Daniels to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.  AJ came out to the ring in a suit and not ready to wrestle before the match saying he isn't wrestling daniels tonight because daniels has two world title shots (tonight and summerslam).  He says and Daniels came out trying to get the match started but AJ left.   Teddy Long stopped him telling he either defend the belt or be stripped and Star Pryde says she has solution.  She then brought out Bison to defend for AJ.
8. CM Punk beat Tyler Black to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

Extreme Nightmare 31: Unification-5/22/2011 results:

1. Kong beat Justine Hounda and Pink Dudley in a Last Woman Standing Match to win the Unified World Ladies Title.
2. Ricochet beat Kofi Kingston in a Ladder Match to win the Unified Lightweight Title,
3. Roderick Strong beat WN Alpha in a Dog Collar Match to win the Unified IC Title.
4. Davey Richards beat Machine and Doomsday in a Tables Match to win the Unified TV Title,
5. Night Brothers beat Brian Thunder and Duke to win the TWF Tag League Tournament and Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Title Shot at War 2011.
6. All Night Express retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles and Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel retain the EUWF/TWF/ECW US Tag Team Titles in a Double Title TLC Match. Homicide/Low Ki, Power/Blood Warrior, Heart Dynasty, Hoodies, Jay Lethal/Kenny Omega, Uso Brothers were also in the match.
7. Eddie Edwards beat Frankie Kazarian in a Submission Match to win the Unified US Title.
8. CM Punk beat AJ Styles, Low Ki, Mr. America in a Ultimate Endurance Match (First fall submission, second hardcore, third ladder) with Mike Bison as Special Guest Ref to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.  The end came down to Ki and Punk.  Punk was down and hurting,  Ki looked liked there was no stopping him from winning.  Big Show came out punching Mike and choke slamning Ki off the ladder through a table.  Show then helped punk up the ladder and grab the belt.  Kofi Kingston came out looking to cash in Money In The Bank and Big Show went to hide around entrance as Kofi came out.  Ref went to make this a title match with back turn mike still out Show came out of hiding punching Kofi out.  This let punk get the easy pin and Punk barley was able to celebrate.  Alliance members helped Punk out of the ring as Mike finally got back up with a chair angry to end the show.

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-5/22/2012 results:

1. Dynamic Duo beat Crazy in a Summer Tag Festival II Match.
2. Jackson Rouch and Brett Wayfield beat Wildfire in a Summer Tag Festival II Match.
3. Brian Thunder and Duke beat New Demolition in a Summer Tag Festival II Match.
4. Night Brothers beat Joe and Barbecue in a Summer Tag Festival II Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-5/22/2013 results:

1. Pink Dudley and Sara Jane beat HC Bytch and Ms. America
2. Thomas Bernard and Mr. America beat Jimmy Rave and Jack Swagger
3. El Generico beat Big E. Langsten

Summer Tag Festival III-First Round:

1. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel beaet Devoon More and Danny Havoc
2. 3.0 beat Steve Corino and Jimmy Jacobs
3. Team Rhodes Scholar beaet Rockeness Monsters
4. Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian beat New Bruise Brothers
5. Motor City Machine Guns beat Colony

TWF's Thursday Night Fire-5/22/2014 results:
Summer Tag Festival IV:

1. Samurai Ninja II and Ninja Kid III beat Snake Eyes and John Fire
2. Knight Hunter and Dagger beat Road Knights
3. WN Red and White beat Trooper 7 and 8
4. Crazy and Lightning Backlot Warriors beat Trooper 5 and 6
5. Donity Brothers beat Wildfire
6. Brett Wayfield and Piloit beat Trooper 1 and 2
7. Dangerous and Nightmare Backlot Warriors beat Brian Thunder and Duke
8. Bison Brothers beat New Bruise Brothers

ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-5/22/2015 results:

1. Sheamus and Jay Briscoe won Spots in Great American Bsh 2015 Elimination Chamber Match. Bad Influence, TJ Wilson, Kevin Steen, Samoa Joe, Dolph Ziggler, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, Colony, Cody Rhodes, Marc Briscoe, Eddie Kingston, Kofi Kingston, Chris Sabin, TJ Perkins, Sin Cara, Wyatt Family, Ron Killings, Jigsaw, Hallowicked, James Storm, Kenny King, Sonjay Dutt, Abyss, Willie Mack, Tommaso Ciampa, Amazing Red, Mike Bennet, 3.0, Lucha Dragons, The Kingdom were also in the match.

Summer Tag Festival V

1. The Kingdom beat James Storm and Abyss
2. Kenny King and Low Ki beat World's Cutest Team
3. Austin Aries and Robert Roode beat Hallowicked and Frightmare
4. Devon Moore and Lucky 13 beat Rockness Monsters
5. Dolph Ziggler and Ash Hyde beat Colony
6. Cyrus Bourne and Samoa Joe beat Brodie Lee and Eric Rowan

EUWF's House Show-5/22/2015 results:

1. The Masters beat Black Valkyrie in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
2. Hot Shots beat Naughty By Nature in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
3. Donity Brothers beat Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme in a Summer Tag Festival V Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Randy Orton beat Eric Bison
5. Ash Hyde beat John Cena
6. King Peter beat Kevin Steen to retain the Unified IC Title.
7. Ms. America beat Hardcore Bytch in a Cage Match to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
8. Mr. America beat Claudio Castagonli in a Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.

Extreme Nightmare 41: Best Friends, Bitter Enemies-5/22/2016 results:

Pre Show:
1. Lady Donity and Savage Girl Warrior beat Pink Dudley and Hardcore Bytch in a Double Dog Collar Match to retain the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
2. Tyler Breeze beat Adam Page in a Strap Match to retain the Unified World Lightweigh Title:.
3. Eric Bison beat Eric Young in a Straight Jacket Match to retain the Unified US Title.
4. Roderick Strong beat Adam Page in a Submission Match to retain the Unified IC Title.


1. Star Pryde beat Sasha Banka in a Chain Match to win the Unified World Ladies Title.
2. Kings Of Wrestling beat
Richie Borndo and Tristin Heartsend in a in a Tables Summer Tag Festival VI Match.
3. PYT beat Roman Reigns and John Moxly in a in a Cage Summer Tag Festival VI Match.
4. Vlad and Impaler beat Motor City Machine Guns in a in a First Blood Summer Tag Festival VI Match.
5. 3.0 beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch in a in a Street Fight Summer Tag Festival VI Match.
6. Night Brothers beat Blk Jeez and Peeper Parks in a in a Falls Count Anywhere Summer Tag Festival VI Match.
7. Gulak Brothers beat Harrison Boss and Tommy Bernard in a Texas Tornado Summer Tag Festival VI Match.
8. Sami Zayn beat Kevin Steen in a 30 Minute Iron Death Match to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title. After the match as Sami was celebrating Samoa Joe came out attacking Sami hitting the muscle buster to end the show

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/22/2017 results:

The show began with Mike Bison looking for Triple H but not finding him in the arena.  Shane McMahon told him that HHH will be here by the end of the show but only if he meets him in the ring.  Mike warns Shane not to be screwing with him too.
1. Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch, Naomi beat Jade Thunder, Ms. America, Julie Fire in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.
2.  Bo Wyatt beat Jeff Hardy
Wyatt Empire meeting was held in the ring.  Cyrus Bourne, Bo Wyatt, Star Pryde, King Peter all told Bryatt they had no confidence in his leadership anymore.  Wyatt Empire walked out on a crying Bryatt who screamed he will rebuild without him.  Cyrus looked back seemingly upset by their actions but pulled to the back by Alex Kissner.  #Broken Hardies are shown and Matt says that Bryatt is broken now.
3. Trevor Lee and Pac beat Masion Dixie and Piloit
4. Mr. America and Brian Thunder beat Robert Roode and The Miz
Cyrus Bourne paced around locker room asking if they did the ring thing and Star said they had no choice.  Bo Wyatt came announced that any non TWF guys want to come with him should go now.  Young Bucks, Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson, Davey Richards, Austin Aries, Roderick Strong, Michel Elgin, Uso Brothers, The Miz left with Bo.  This left Young Guns Army, Sanity, Cyrus Bourne, Jim Brooks, Robert Roode, Star Pryde, Eric Rowan, Brodie Lee, War Machine.
5. Davey Richards beat Jim Brooks
6. John Moxly beat Mike Bison by DQ.
Cyrus Bourne went up to Shane McMahon asking for a cage match against Daniels tomorrow night.  Shane agrees but if cyrus loses he won't get another shot at EUWF World Heavyweight Title till after Daniels loses it.
7. Bravado Brothers beat Ricochet and Rich Swan in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match.
8. Michel Elgin beat Mark Night
Cyrus Bourne was getting ready when Christopher Daniels came up to him saying that he had nothing to do with belt moving up when Cyrus went to get the belt but thinks Triple H did.  Because of that other controversaries since Wrestlemania he doesn't mind defending against Cyrus tomorrow night.  Cyrus thanks him.
9. AJ Styles and Samoa Joe beat N_R_G in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match.
10. Christopher Daniels and #Broken Matt Hardy beat Cyrus Bourne and Bryatt Wyatt.  During the match Bryatt just stood on the ring apron and then started to leave.  He just dropped to his knees  on the ramp till the end of the match.
  After the match Matt came out helping him to his feet and bringing him to the back.
Limo pulled up to the building and Triple H came out of it.  Mike Bison gathered up TWF Army and headed to the ring.  Triple H came from the back and said to fight army you need one.  The only way to gain loyalty from build sort of family like TWF has and there was one for that.  Kevin Steen and Sami Zayn turn on TWF Army as Ascension, Aiden English,
Young Bucks, Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson, Davey Richards, Austin Aries, Roderick Strong, Michel Elgin, Uso Brothers, The Miz, Adam Cole, Kings Of Wrestling, The Shield, Big Cass, Enzo Amore, The New Day, and other former and current NXT stars attacking TWF Army.  RE Evolution dominates till they lined up on their knees in the ring AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Eric Bison, Mike Bison.  Triple H bring out  sledge hammer saying he will take out closes to Mike then finish him off last.  Starting with AJ and Mike says he better finish him because even if there is 1% chance he will come back no matter if took years.  Triple H was about to smash AJ when the lights go out and when they back on AJ, Joe, Eric, Mike were gone replaced by Bryatt Wyatt standing in his place.  He was singing "He is got the whole world in his hands" over and over.  Triple H told Cass and Enzo to get rid of him.  As they go to lights go out and #Broken Matt Hardy was there instead when back on.  Enzo and Cass went after him but lights went out again.  Triple H, Bo Wyatt, Cass, Enzo were now lined up like twf army guys earlier with Bryatt and Matt standing infront of them.  Young Guns Army, Star Enterprises, Jeff Hardy, War Machine, Brodie Lee, Eric Rowan help TWF Army make the save.  TWF Army check on Mike, Eric, AJ, Joe, and any hurt members at ringside as former wyatt empire and #broken hardies stood in the ring posing to end the show.

EUWF's Smackdown Live-5/22/2018 results:
Summer Tag Festival VIII:

1. All Night Express beat Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme
2. Crazy Lightning beat Bad Influence
3. Young Bucks beat Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson
4. Street Profits beat Throwbacks
5. Tyler Breeze and Fandago beat Dagger and Knight Hunter
6. Rusev and Aiden English beat The Masters
7. Hoodies beat Adam Cole and Michael Bennett
8. The New Day beat Los Ice Creams

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-5/22/2018 results:

1. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 7 Match: Heavy Machinery beat Axel Grey and Andrew Gold
2. Eddie Venom beat The Miz
3. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 7 Match: Doc Gallow and Karl Anderson beat Ascension
4. Elias beat Andrade Almas
5. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 7 Match: Hoodies beat Uso Brothers
6. Bruce Doomsday beat Prince Devitt
7. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 7 Match: The Revival wrestled Fisher Star (Filling in for Gary J) and Rex Lion to a 15 Minute Draw.
8. Kevin Steen and Sami Zayn beat Ricochet and Bryan Danielson

Filmed exclusively for EUWF Network:
Summer Tag Festival IX-Round 7:

1. Connor Stark and Bruce Blood beat Zen Warriors
2. Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable beat Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc
3. Non Title Match: Will Nightmare and Bubba Jones beat Chris Gun and Jack Flap
4. Mark Lite and Jim Brooks beat Naughty By Nature

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-5/22/2020 results::
#1 Contendes Tournament First Round:

1. Jake Atlas beat Fernando Kappa
2. Roderick Strong beat Chris Gun
3. Donald Uranus beat Mecury Manson
4. Tony Neese beat Benson Fire
5. Frank Pluto beat Jeff Yang
6. R-Truth beat Chad Crow
7. Mark Night beat Eddie Venom
8. Jack Flap beat Giovanni Kappa
9. Andarde beat Ulysses Taion

ECW's Saturday Nights In The Thunderdome-5/22/2021 results:

1. Mickey Sensation beat Wade Wallace
2. King Gary beat AJ Styles
3. Elijah Crash beat Danny Red
4. Spud beat Ricochet
5. Gabriel Lock beat Connor Stark
6. Elias beat Shelton Benjamin
7. Elimination Match: Kenny Omega, Young Bucks, Mark Lite, Jim Brooks beat Tyler Black, Buddy Murphy, Stanley Hammer, Ash Hyde, Seth Owens

EUWF House Show-5/22/2022 results:

1. 4 Way Dance For Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles: Lady Brusiers beat Jade Thunder/Stacy America, Emma Blaster/Felicia Sword, Queen Tabitha/Carol Ninja
2. 3 Way Dance For TWF US Title: Kyle Donity (c) beat Greyson America and Raymond Roadblock
3. 3 Way Dance For EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles: Legado del Fantasma (c) beat Naughty By Nature and Sheamus/Ridge Holland
4. 3 Way Dance For ECW World TV Title: Ricochet (c) beat Pete Dunne and Akira Tozawa
5. ECW World Tag Team Titles: Hard Luck Fighters (c) beat Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend
6. Light Tube Death Match For TWF World Heavyweight Title: Harrison Boss (c) beat King Stan
7. ECW World Heavyweight Title: Matt Riddle (c) beat Prince Devitt
8. 3 Way Dance For EUWF World Heavyweight Title: AJ Styles (c) beat Victor America and Marcus Croft

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/22/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 13 Points v.s. Points  Matches:

1. Bracket D Match: Elroy Stone and Wendell Cheetah beat Bishop Rider and Arthur Star
2. Bracket A Match: Masion Dixie and Leoroy Piloit beat Axel Grey and Andrew Gold
3. Bracket D Match: Bruise Brothers beat David Omega and Gabriel Lock
4. Bracket A Match: Atlas River and Hanson Snower beat Nightmare
5. Bracket D Match: Bruce Doomsday and Steven Doomsday beat Danny Dagger and Hunter Knight
6. Bracket A Match: Quinton Snyder and Clyde Neptune beat Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend
7. Bracket D Match: Kong Remer and Link Rod beat Raheem Rhendo and Ben Blanka
8. Bracket A Match: Snake Byte beat Street Profits
9. Bracket D Match: Creed Brothers beat Carmello Hayes and Trick Williams
10. Bracket A Match: Imperium beat Veer and Sanga
11. Non Tournament Match: LWO beat Sami Zayn and Security Knights.  In pre match interview Sami and Security Knights were interviewed.  He was asked about Kevin Steen and his actions.  But refused to answer.  Patricia Bryan said that sami will only answer when he is ready.  That will be on friday on smackdwn  But to only one person,

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