Saturday, May 25, 2024

This Day In Wresting History-May 25 (You Don't Mess With New Jack, Mike Bison/Eric Bison, Wrestlepoolza 2008, TWF World Heavyweight Title Vacated, Orton Tries to punt Thomas Boss, Uso Brothers debut, Summer Tag Festival I announced, Summer Tag Festival II and III continue, Wrestlepoolza 2014, Dudley family infighting, Imperium ends Randy Orton's career?)

This Day In Wrestling History-May 25:
Thursday Night War-5/25/2000 results:

1. Balls Mahoney and New Jack beat Steve Corino and Taion.  Corino came out and challenged New Jack to a match but Taion came out dressed as New Jack.  Corino started to beat on Taion when New Jack's music started up again.  New Jack and Balls came to the ring.
2. Falcon and Hollywood Doomsday beat Vampiro and Gangrel
3. Lady Knight beat Queen Bison to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
4. King Bison and Ariel Bison beat Chris Candido and Tammy
5. Undertaker beat Naughty By Nature in a handicap weapons match to win the contracts of the Armageddon Knights.
6. Tommy Dreamer and Sandman beat Edge and Christian to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Jim Brooks beat Wall to retain the EUWF US Title.
8. RJ Hammer beat Rhino to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

Saturday Slam Bash-5/25/2002 results:

1. Rey Misterio Jr. and Billy Kidman beat Dynamic Duo
2. Mark Night beat Guile
3. D'Lo Brown beat Vlad
4. Red beat Christian
5. Ric Blade and Hit Squad beat Dudleys and Spirit
6. Impact Players beat Hot Stuff and Tajiri/Super Crazy in a Three Way Dance.
7. Hardy Boyz, Edge, Joe beat Backseat Boyz, Nova, Jerry Lynn
8. Chris Benoit and AJ Styles beat RJ Hammer and Chris Jericho

TTWF 5/25/2004 results:

1. Edge beat CM Punk to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
2. Venom beat Matt Hardy to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
3. Doomsday beat Mark Jindrak to retain the TTWF US Title.
4. Lady Doomsday beat April Hunter to retain the TTWF World Ladies Title.
5. Spirit beat Red to win the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
6. Naughty By Nature beat Maximo Brothers to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Trent Acid beat Piloit to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
8. Venom and Edge beat Doomsday and Rob Van Dam in a Dream Partner Tag Team Match to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-5/25/2005 results:

The show started with Jesus Bison coming to the ring and demanding that Haymen forgo any kinda matches to decide the next #1 Contenders Trophy holder and just give it to him.  Haymen would not come out and Jesus kept taunting him.  Mike Bison comes out and told Jesus to get a line and wait like him.  Mike says he has to win a chance just like him and isn't trying to force Haymen into giving it to him.  The two got into a fight till security split them up.
1. Jesus Bison won the first 20 Man Hardcore Battle Royal to advance to the #1 Contenders Trophy Match this friday.  Colt Cabana, Venom, Ultimo Dragon, Super Crazy, Tajiri, Naughty By Nature, Nova, Chris Hero, Jimmy Jacobs, Sho Funaki, Homicide, Taion, Nate Webb, Simon Diamond, Fast Eddie, Masato Tanaka, Trent Acid, Sonjay Dutt were also in the match.
2. 2 Tuff Tony beat Hardcore Holly
3. Sonjay Dutt and Shadow WX beat B-Boy and Homicide
4. Sabu won the second 20 Man Hardcore Battle Royal to advance to the #1 Contenders Trophy Match this friday.  CM Punk, Doomsday, Spike Dudley, Rey Misterio Jr., Rocky Romero, Justin Credible, Balls Mahoney, Tony Devito, Christopher Daniels, Shadow WX, Low Ki, Petey Williams, Night Brothers, Swinger, Necro Butcher, Jason Jett, New Jack, Psicosis were also in the match.
5. Naughty By Nature Girls beat Pink Dudley and Lady Taion
6. Mike Bison beat Messiah to retain the ECW World Hardcore Triple Crown Title.
7. America's Most Wanted beat Doomsday and Venom to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Mike Bison won the final 20 Man Hardcore Battle Royal to advance to the #1 Contenders Trophy Match this friday.  It will now be Mike Bison v.s. Jesus Bison v.s. Sabu for the trophy.  First one eliminated in that match will get a shot at the ECW World Heavyweight Title at Ultimate Wrestling Championship 6 on June 5.  The second one eliminated gets the shot at Sunday Night Party 55 on June 19 and winner of match gets the trophy and shot at the title at Great American Bash 2005 on June 26.  Edge, Ace Steele, Dudleyz, Ricky Reyes, B-Boy, BJ Whitmer, HC Loc, Sexy Eddy, Mad Man Pondo, Raven, Little Guido, JC Bailey, Danny Doring, Roadkill, Elix Skipper, Mike Awesome, Juventud Guerrera, Alex Shelley were also in the match.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-5/25/2007 results:

The show started with the two huge announcements with the first being the announcement of a huge trade between EUWF and ECW.  James Storm, Sonjay Dutt, Shelton Benjamin, Petey Williams, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Brent Albright, Victoria, Jerrelle Clark, Sal Rinauro, Monty Brown, Jay Lethal have been traded to EUWF for Naturals, Irish Airborne, Machine, Sagat, Hardcore Bytch, Paul Burchill, Eric Young to ECW.  It was announced also that next week EUWF and ECW will hold Ultimate Wrestling Championship 8 Qualifying Matches on Monday on Raw and next friday on smackdown.  There will be EUWF, ECW, an indy bracket with the winner of indy bracket gets a contract with EUWF or ECW.
1. Jack Crystal beat Matt Striker
2. El Generico beat Matt Bentley
3. Kevin Steen beat Randy Orton
4. Low Ki beat Jimmy Rave
5. Machine and Sagat beat Roderick Strong and Davey Richards
6. Bryan Danielson beat Rocky Romero in a Non Title Match.
7. Briscoe Brothers beat Hardy Boyz to retain the Non Title Match.
8. Mr. America, Nick Berk, Chris Hero, Mark Henry beat Doomsday, Venom, Bobby Lashley, Ric Flair

ECW's Wrestlepalooza 2008-5/25/2008 results:

1. Homicide beat Eric Young, Jerry Lynn, Shelton Benjamin in a 4 Way Dance to retain the ECW IC Title.
2. Roderick Strong beat Justin Credible to retain the ECW World TV Title.
3. Delirious and Hallowicked beat Cheech and Cloudy to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Machine and Sagat beat CM Punk and Colt Cabana to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
5. Doomsday, Venom, Brain Damage beat Drake Younger, Dustin Lee, Scotty Vortekz in a Fans Bring The Weapons.  Scotty came out interfering for his fellow naptown dragons which lead to BD coming out making it a 6 man.
6. Motor City Machine Guns beat Davey Richards and Rocky Romero to retain the ECW/EUWF US Tag Team Titles.
7. Rhino beat AJ Styles to win the #1 Contenders Trophy Tournament and #1 Contenders Trophy For ECW World Heavyweight Title to get a title shot at Vengeance 2008 on June 29.  AJ will get the title shot at Sunday Night Party 73 on June 22.
8. Mike Bison beat Samoa Joe in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Hell In A Cell Match to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.  After the match the two shook hands and Joe said that he has Mike's back whenever no matter what happens on wednesday.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/25/2009 results:

1. Star Pryde beat Alexis Lariee in a Non Title Match.
2. Thorn Rose and Sabrina beat Bella Twins in a Non Title Match.
3. Jim Brooks beat Mike Knox
4. Doomsday beat Chuck Taylor to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
5. Jason Blade beat Shelton Benjamin
6. Charlie Haas beat Kenny King
7. Austin Aries and The Brian Kendrick beat James Gibson and Jay Briscoe
8. Chris Jericho, Chris Hero, Jeff Hardy beat Bryan Danielson, John Cena, Christopher Daniels

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-5/25/2010 results:

The show began with Thomas Boss in ring confirming that due to the injuries suffered at hands of Randy Orton at Extreme Nightmare 29 Mark Night sadly has stripped of TWF World Heavyweight Title.   Thomas demanded that Orton bring the belt that he stole after the match on sunday and Orton came out with the belt.  He rkoed Thomas and said that he won't give the belt back.  That the belt is in a special safe place and will be there for a long, long, long time.  He then said that he won't let TWF tournament go on and even if did there is no belt.  He then grabbed a chair from ringside and put thomas' head into the chair.  He went to put Thomas but G Lantern came from the announce table and tackling Orton making the save.  GL got off of Orton to check on Thomas when Orton was passed a chair by star pryde who came from the back and Orton went to smash the chair but return of TWF Original Flash stopped Orton.  Flash and GL put Orton head in the chair looking to punt him but two guys attacked them.  The two guys held Flash and GL back as Orton attempted to punt thomas and Orton says here goes another GM.  The lights went out and Undertaker was in the ring when they came on.  Taker cleared the ring of the heals and then Thomas made a six man tag match right then.
1. Undertaker, G Lantern, Flash beat Randy Orton and Jimmy/Jules Uso (The two guys who attacked Heart Dynasty last night on raw last night irl and the two from tonight's twf)
2. Speedster Lite (Winner), Jim Brooks, Doomsday, Venom, Spirit, Jack Crystal, Taion, Cyrus Bourne advance in the TWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament in the Gauntlet Battle Royal. Guile, Brian Thunder, Chris Night, Duke, Eric Bison, Troopers 1-6, Warrior Ninjas 1-6, Mr. America, Cyrus Bourne, Sgt., Roadblock, Machine, Sagat, Doomsday, Venom, Naughty By Nature, Snake Eyes, John Fire, Joe, Piloit, Barbecue, Brett Wayfield, Dynamic Duo, Power Warrior, Blood Warrior, Hoodies, Wildfire, Crazy, Hot Shots, Backlot Warriors, Dangerous Trio, Nightmare, New Demolition, Vampire Nation, G Lantern, Flash were also in the match.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-5/25/2011 results:

The show started with RJ Hammer and Teddy Long coming to the ring.  RJ said that he teddy want to be out done by Thomas Boss and TWF so they decide will do a big Tag Team Tournament called Summer Tag Festival.  Teams from EUWF and ECW will compete most of summer from June 6th Monday Night Raw till August 13th Saturday Nights At The Arena.  The winner of two brackets will face Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Champions at Summerslam 2011.  Hero and Claudio came out saying that after they beat Ronin and Nights it won't matter who wins STF they will beat them.  RJ said they won't get past Ronin or Nights.  Kings then attacked RJ till CM Punk came out at first stopping them and joining in on the attack.  Mike Bison and Night Brothers made the save.  RJ then made a 8 man with RJ, Mike, Nights v.s. Punk and Kings for Saturday instead of Pick your poison matches.  Mike announced RJ as punk's Pick Your Poison series match for Wrestlepoolza 2011.  Punk then announced that mike will face Samoa Joe at PPV.

Former/Current World Champions #1 Contenders Tournament For Spot In Triple Crown Title Match at Living Dangerously 2011:

1. Venom beat Necro Butcher
2. Chuck Taylor beat Brian Thunder
3. Eddie Edwards beat Duke
4. Austin Aries beat Doomsday
5. Samoa Joe beat Machine
6. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Taion
7. Claudio Castagnoli beat Christian Cage
8. Chris Hero beat Low Ki

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-May 25 results:
Summer Tag Festival II:

1. Future Shock beat East/West Dragon
2. Uso Brothers beat Dynamic Duo
3. War and Crash Backlot Warriors beat Bravado Brothers
4. Joe and Babrcue beat Cedric Alexander and Caprice Coleman
5. Brian Thunder and Duke beat Primo and Epico

Non Tournament:

1. Low Ki won the for Battle Royal For Great American Bash 2012 Title Shot. Tyler Black, The Miz, American Wolves, John Moxly, Sami Callihan, Bubba Jones, Kane, Homicide, Kings Of Wrestling, Ricochet, Ezikael Jackson, Young Bucks, Dark City Fight Club, Roderick Strong, Michel Elgin, Ronin, David Otunga, Great Khali, Albert, Ryback, Future Shock were also in the match.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-5/25/2013 results:

1. Doomsday beat Jack Swagger
2. Smasher beat Chris Sabin
3. Alex Shelley beat Basher
4. Venom beat Jimmy Jacobs
5. El Generico and Kevin Steen beat Speedster Lite and Big E. Langsteen

Summer Tag Festival III:

1. Austin Aries and Robert Roode beat New Bruise Brothers
2. Joey Ryan and Scorpio Sky beat Team Rhodes Scholar
3. Devon Moore and Danny Havoc beat Colony

ECW's Wrestlepoolza 2014-5/25/2014 results:

1. Cyrus Bourne beat Bryatt Wyatt to Get To Pick TWF's War 2014 Stipulation.  After the match Lee and Rowan attacked Cyrus with Bryatt until Samoa Joe, Colt Cabana, Sami Zayn made the save.  Cyrus announced the match at War 2014 will be a No Rope Barbed Wire Match.

Summer Tag Festival IV:

1. Austin Aries and Robert Roode beat All Night Express
2. Jigsaw and Hallowicked beat Goldust and Cody Rhodes
3. Kofi Kingston and Ron Killings beat Kevin Steen and Jimmy Jacobs
4. Colony beat Rockeness Monsters
5. Chris Sabin and TJ Perkins beat Ray Rosas and Peter Avalon
6. Briscoe Brothers beat Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel
7. Oi4K beat Joey Ryan and Willie Mack
8. Bad Influence beat Super Smash Brothers

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/25/2015 results:

1. King Peter and Freddie Waldeno beat Kevin Steen and Rhino in a Non Title Match.
Triple H announced during the show that he will be at ringside for EUWF World Triple Crown Title Match at War 2015 to make sure everything goes well.  Later he ran into Hardcore Bytch and Pink Dudley both wanting the next Women's Title Match.  Triple H said they both get it in second ever Women's Elimination Chamber Match at Great American Bash 2015.  It will be Ms America defending the Unified World Ladies Title against Hardcore Bytch, Pink Dudley, Bella Twins, Paige.
2. Mr. America beat John Cena

Summer Tag Festival V:

1. Beaver Boys beat Richie Borndo and Tristin Heartsend
2. Gambit Inc beat Chris Prime and Matt Pigpen
3. Rhendo and Blanka beat Brian Thunder and Duke to retain the Unified World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
4. Hoodies beat Sgt. and Roadblock
5. Wade Barrett and Sheamus beat Bad Influence
6. Prince Devitt and Pac beat Oi4K
7. American Wolves beat Prime Time Players
8. reDragon beat Kings Of Wrestling

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-5/25/2016 results:
Summer Tag Festival VI:

1. Prime Time Players beat Hallowicked and Frightmare
2. War Machine beat Trevor Lee and Andrew Everett
3. Kevin Steen and Adam Cole beat Dudleyz
4. American Alpha wrestled Jeffery Alpha and Jack Pink to a Draw.
5. Vermin beat Masion Dixie and Piloit
6. Bravado Brothers beat Chris Jericho (filling in for Enzo Amora) and Colin Cassady
7. ASH Hyde and Seth Owens beat N_R_G
8. Snake Byte beat The Beaver Boys
9. Devastation Corp wrestled Richie Borndo and Tristin Heartsend to a Draw.

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-5/25/2017 results:

1. Mark Night beat Spirit, Brett Wayfield, Brian Thunder in a Money In The Bank Qualifying Match.

Summer Tag Festival VII:

1. Carson Jackson and Daily Watson beat Chris Gun and Jack Flap
2. Bison Brothers beat Black Valkyrie
3. Piloit qnd Masion Dixie beat Taion and Guile
4. Jeff Shot and Alex Havc beat Team Apocalypse
5. Mr. America and John Fire beat Ligi Brothers
6. Freddie Waldeno and Tristin Heartsend beat Brett Wayfield Jackson Rouch
7. Bruise Brothers beat Harrison Boss and Tommy Bernard
8. King Peter and Richie Borndo wrestled Naughty By Nature to a Draw

ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-5/25/2018 results:

1. Tyler Black beat Ricochet, AJ Styles, Joe Henning in a 4 Way ECW Money In The Bank Qualifying Match.

Summer Tag Festival VIII:

1. Marcus Croft and Tyson Bronx beat The New Day
2. Vlad and Impaler beat KENTA and Prince Devitt
3. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Tyler Breeze and Fandago
4. Dagger and Knight Hunter beat Gran Mateliek and Akira Tozawa
5. Stu Bomb and Rick Knife beat The Revival
6.  Bloody Donity and Crazy Warrior beat Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson
7. Kings Of Wrestling beat Iron Gloves II
8. The Kingdom wrestled Brisoce Brothers to a Draw

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-5/25/2019 results:

1. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 7 Match: Jeffery Alpha and Jack Pink beat Yuri Knight and Bishop Rider
2. Unified World Ladeis Tag Team Titles: Pink Dudley and Hardcore Bytch (c) beat Naomi and Nattie Neidhart.  After the match HB came out saying that she had been developing feelings for Pink.  Pink asked what about Sagat and she said they broke up.  Bully Ray made a surprise appearence saying that he wasn't going to allow this.  Saying that HB was just using Pink and knows that Pink had a thing for her for years.  Bully attack HB and went to power bomb her but Pink grabbed him.  She was pushed away and Sagat made the save.  He challenged Bully to a New York City Street Fight at War 2019 and he agreed.
3. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 7 Match: Cheesy Warriors wrestled Creed Gatson and Derek Vamp to a 15 Minute Draw.
4. Mark Lite, Jim Brooks, Roadblock beat Phat Boys and Prince Thomas
A video aired of former Mr. America saying that he will be filing a counter law suit against Mike Bison.  Filing a lawsuit against against Metlife Stadium for unsafe working conditions.  He said that the real reason he botched the move at WM35 was because of Metlife Stadium crappy workings.  He is also suing TWF, EUWF, ECW, Triple H, and others
5. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 7 Match:  Bruno Crazy and Gabriel Locke beat Clifford Darkness and Brent Jet
6. oVe beat Eric Bison, Guile, Taion.  Sami after the match demanded that oVe be put into the 6 Man Tag Team Title Match at War 2019.  As question if Gary J will be at the PPV due to death in his family.  Rex Lion and Fisher Star came out saying they will find a good fill in for Gary if he can't be at War.  Mark Lite, Jim Brooks, Roadblock, Phat Boys and Prince Thomas, Eric Bison, Guile, Taion all wanted in the match too.  Commander came out saying they will all be in the match at War 2016 and will be 6 Way Ladder Match.
7. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 7 Match: Bruise Brothers beat Dagger and Knight Hunter
8. Dream Partner Tag Team Match: Cyrus Bourne and Bruce Doomsday beat Harrison Boss and Eddie Venom

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/25/2020 results:

1. Tag Festival X Round 15 Points v.s. Points Match: War Machine beat Emanuel Fire and Clifford Darkness
2. #1 Contendes Tournament First Round Match: Christian Gales beat Rick Knife
3. Tag Festival X Round 15 Points v.s. Points Match: Kong Remer and Link Rod beat Bobby Fish and Roderick Strong
4. #1 Contendes Tournament First Round Match: Gavin Guile beat Jack Pink
5. Tag Festival X Round 15 Points v.s. Points Match: Naughty By Nature beat Benson Fire and Clay Ninja
6. #1 Contendes Tournament First Round Match: Phillip Donity beat Cliff Yang
7. Tag Festival X Round 15 Points v.s. Points Match: Remy Who and Tom Master beat Shepard Mars and Edison Samurai
8. #1 Contendes Tournament First Round Match: Nathan Blaster beat Conrad Crow
9. Tag Festival X Round 15 Points v.s. Points Match: The New Day beat Purple Haze
10. #1 Contendes Tournament First Round Match: Elias beat Kushida

TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-5/25/2021 results:

1. Women's Money In The Bank Ladder Qualifying Match: Stacy America beat Jessica Jane, Alicia Jacks, Io Shiari
2. Tag Festival XI Round 13 Points v.s. Points Match: Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood beat Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson
3. Tag Festival XI Round 13 Points v.s. Points Match: Kappa Knights wrestled Bobby Lashley and Cederick Alexander to a 15 Minute Draw.
4. Tag Festival XI Round 13 Points v.s. Points Match: Ligi Brothers beat Carl War and Brent Jet
5. Tag Festival XI Round 13 Points v.s. Points Match: Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mandez beat Bollywood Boyz
6. Tag Festival XI Round 13 Points v.s. Points Match: Marvel Warriors wrestled Barney White and Black Jack to a Double Count-Out.
7. Tag Festival XI Round 13 Points v.s. Points Match: Hoodies beat Breezango
8. Women's Money In The Bank Ladder Qualifying Match: Asuka beat Nikki Cross, Jade Thunder, Dakota Kai

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-5/25/2022 results:

1. Tag Festival XII Round 14 Bracket F Points v.s. Points Match: Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson beat Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc
2. Tag Festival XII Round 14 Bracket C Points v.s. Points Match: Issah Saturn and Yuri Knight beat Bruise Brothers
3. Tag Festival XII Round 14 Bracket F Points v.s. Points Match: Nightwings beat Taylor Wad and GQ Wiley
4. Tag Festival XII Round 14 Bracket C Points v.s. Points Match: Phat Boys beat Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend
5. Tag Festival XII Round 14 Bracket F Points v.s. Points Match: Andre Chase and Bodhi Hayward beat Bishop Rider and Arthur Star
6. Tag Festival XII Round 14 Bracket C Points v.s. Points Match: Brandom Scarlet and Braden Olsen beat Macrus Dove and Owen Star
7. Tag Festival XII Round 14 Bracket F Points v.s. Points Match: Rock Holder and Crasher Jack beat Wade Wallace and Westley Watson
8. Tag Festival XII Round 14 Bracket C Points v.s. Points Match: Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler beat War Machine
9. Tag Festival XII Round 14 Bracket F Points v.s. Points Match: Dark Brothers beat Marvel Warriors
10. Tag Festival XII Round 14 Bracket C Points v.s. Points Match: Pretty Deadly beat Eric Bison and Frank Pluto
11. Imperium beat RKBro.  After the match Walter laid out Orton while Riddle was tied up in the ropes.  Prince Devitt and Doomsday Inc made the save to end the show

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-5/25/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 13 Points v.s. Points Matches:

1. Non Tournament Match: Duke Thunder beat Danny Red
2. Bracket B Match: King Stan and Thomas Berad beat Baker Badar and Kagen Kass
3. Bracket E Match: The Masters beat Luke Reed and Angel Coal
4. Bracket B Match: Hot and Spicy beat. Apollo Crews and Ricochet
5. Bracket E Match: Gambit Inc beat Crow Brothers
6. Non Tournament Match: Simon Seyes beat Emanuel Fire
7. Bracket B Match: Dean Nuke and Nick Acid beat Hoodies
8. Bracket E Match: Gary J and Rex Lion beat Creed Gaston and Derek Vamp
9. Bracket B Match: Mr. Williams and Mr. Donald beat Solomon Spirit and Jack Crystal
10. Bracket E Match: Jeffery Alpha and Jack Pink beat Black Valkyrie.  After the match Duke Thunder and Simon Seyes ran out attacking Jeffery and Jack.  The two teams went at it till a man a hoodie attacked Jeffery with a chair.  It was revealed to be Chris Night.  Black Valkyrie, King Stan, Thomas Beard made the save.
11. Bracket B Match: Elias and Rick Boggs beat Uso Brothers
12. Bracket E Match: Isaac Block and Trey Widow beat Chase U
13. Non Tournament Match: Kyle Donity beat AJ Styles

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