Sunday, May 19, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-May 19 (Extreme Nightmare 13: Matter Of Respect 2002, Elimination Round 3 Of Survivor Women's Tournament, Vlad and Guile destroy Mark Night costume, Third Round Of Survivor 2 Tournament, Who are the men in White?, Semifinal Round Of King Of The Ring XI, King Jim Brooks celebration interputed over and over, TWF Tag League Bracket Finals, Extreme Nightmare 35: Judgement Day 2013, Summer Tag Festival III Starts, Haymen Hustle turns on Paul Haymen, Wyatts Reveal, Triple Crown Held Up, Extreme Nightmare 47: Extreme Money In The Bank)

This Day In Wrestling History-May 19:
Wednesday Night Brawl-5/19/1999 results:

1. Doomsday beat Venom
2. Destroyers beat Samurai Kid and Ninja Kid
3. Lady Doomsday beat Baroness to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
4. Rob Van Dam beat Tajiri to win a shot at the EUWF World Crusierweight title this Sunday at Extreme Nightmare 7
5. Snake Eyes, Shadow Ninja, White Ninja, Machine, Evan Hounda beat Rhendo, Blanka, Boxer, Vega, Sagat in a war games match
6. Bison, Commander, Major Blood, Guile, Duke beat Joe, Barbecue, Falcon, Sgt., Roadblock in a war games match.

Saturday Slam Bash-5/19/2001 results:

1. Nightmare beat Wildfire
2. Crazy beat Rhendo and Blanka
3. White Ninja and Shadow Ninja beat Hoodies
4. Guile beat Duke
5. April Hunter and Womankind beat Chyna and Scarlet
6. Ninja Kid beat Trooper 1
7. Ariel Bison beat Lita in a Elimination Round 3 Match Of The Survivor Women's Tournament.
8. Jade beat Lady Trooper in a Elimination Round 3 Match Of The Survivor Women's Tournament.
9. Shad WX beat Falcon to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
10. Joe and Barbecue beat Xtreme and Ranger to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.

Extreme Nightmare 13: Matter Of Respect 2002-5/19/2002 results:

1. Brock Lensar beat Big Show and Rikishi
2. Spirit beat Mike Bison in a Chain, Double Barbed Wire Bat, Double Barbed Wire Singapore Cane Match.
3. Night Brothers beat Hit Squad in a Spiderman Costume Ladder Match.  Vlad and Guile attacked Mark Night and Chris Night after the match.  They stole the costume.  Temptress ran to the back with the costume as Snake Eyes and Ninja Kid run to the ring with straps to start their match.
4. Vlad and Guile beat Snake Eyes and Ninja Kid in a Strap Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.  Vlad, Guile, Temptress were interviewed after the match.
Vlad: "See this?  This represents a bad gimmick and old time in wrestling.  That time is no more.  There is no more heroes."  Vlad sets the costume on fire and drops it on the floor.  Mark Night and Chris Night attacked vlad and guile.  The four brawl till Vlad and Guile ran off.  Mark tried putting the fire out but the costume was ruined by that time.
5. Lady Speed beat Lady Hammer in a Cage Match to win EUWF World Ladies Title.
6. Jesus Bison and Samantha Bison beat Taion and Lady Trooper to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.  The end came when Bison took out a pair of scissors and stabbed Taion with it.  Jesus then covered taion with his feet on the rope and the tights pulled.  Samantha Bison after the match started cutting Lady Troopers hair.  Mike Bison and Naughty By Nature make the save.
7. Speedster Lite beat D'Lo Brown to win the EUWF World European Title.
8. Jerry Lynn beat Edge, Christian, Billy Kidman, Rey Misterio Jr., Juventud Guerrera, Mankind, X-Pac, The Hurricane, Sho Funaki, Lance Storm, Justin Credible to become the #1 Contender To Lightweight Title.
9. Low Ki beat Booker T to win the EUWF World TV Title.
10. S.A.T. beat Piloit, Ken, Ryu in a Table Match to win the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
11. Tommy Dreamer beat Raven, Sandman, Balls Mahoney, Masato Tanaka, Shadow WX, Hardcore Holly, Crash The Terminator in an Exploding Barbed Wire Match to win EUWF World Hardcore Title.
12. Joe beat Nova to win the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
13. Tajiri beat Ric Blade and Super Crazy to win the EUWF IC Title
14. Steve Austin beat Scott Steiner, Triple, Kurt Angle, Mike Awesome, Tazz to become the #1 Contender To The World Title
15. Backseat Boyz beat Hot Stuff, Hardy Boyz, Naughty By Nature in a 4 Way Dance to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles
16. Rob Van Dam beat Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit to win the EUWF US Title.  The end when the two mask men attacked RVD but RVD fights the two off.  He UN masked both of them revealing them to be Spirit and AJ Styles.  Chris Jericho hits RVD with a chair while Benoit chases off Styles and Spirit.  RVD came back and won the title.  A third mask man attacked RVD after the match and beat the crap out of him with a chair.  Joe and Barbecue made the save.
17. RJ Hammer beat Undertaker in a Graveyard Death Match to win control of Monday Night Raw and Saturday Slam Bash.  He also got the #1 pick in the draft on monday.  Flair gets control of Wednesday Night Brawl and Thursday Night Smackdown.  The end came when Undertaker was about to put RJ in the graveyard but a hand came from the ground and stopped Undertaker.  Undertaker then got pulled into the grave and the lights went out.  The grave was covered over when the lights came back on and the ref reluctantly gave the match to RJ.
18. Venom beat Doomsday and Barbecue in a 60 Iron Man Death Match (No Rope Barbed Wire, Bed Of Nails, 200 Light tubes, Tower Of Doom with barbed wire wrapped around the cage and final cage being an exploding one, Barbed Wire Ladders, Ladders with thumbtacks glued to them).  Venom had 4 falls.  Doomsday had 3 and so do Barbecue.  Doomsday had a fall to tie the match and send the match to overtime but the pin was made in top cage.  Problem was that the pinfalls and submission only counted in the first cage and Doomsday didn't know.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/19/2003 results:

The show began with highlights from the night before including stuff that happen after the ppv went off the air.  That included Carnage Crew and Vic Grimes attack on Naughty By Nature in the parking lot and Devil Bison disappearing in a white light.  Mike Bison and Doomsday were shown in the locker room talking to each other.  Mike apologized to Doomsday after Doomsday gave mike the world title belt he left in the ring the night before.  Doomsday said it was okay and that he understood about the anger.  Mike wanted to give Doomsday a title match later in the night but RJ Hammer came in and said that he was given Mike and jill two weeks off.  Mike recently accepted it and then told Doomsday that he can get a title shot but must win the shot at Survivor 2 Tournament PPV by winning the #1 Contenders Trophy Battle Royal later tonight.  Doomsday agreed to it.
1. Samoa Joe and Reckless Youth beat Jay Briscoe and CM Punk in a Third Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
2. Juventud Guerrera and Little Guido beat Brian XL and Christopher Daniels in a Third Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
RJ Hammer comes to the ring and announced that Lady Speed hasn't been around due to some stuff can't fulfill her end of being GM.  He then introduced Steve Austin as the new GM.
3. Paul London and Red beat Joey Mathews and Xavier in a Third Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
4. Psicosis and Ruckus beat Billy Kidman and Quiet Storm in a Third Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
5. Naughty By Nature and Road Warriors beat Carnage Crew and Vic Grimes.  New Demolition joined on an attacked on LOD and NBN after the match till Joe, Speedster Lite, Doomsday, SAT, Dudleyz made the save.  RJ confronted the heals after the match up and was told that he had more to worry about then what he had done.  RJ was left confused.
6. Speedster Lite beat Tajiri to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
7. Night Brothers beat Briscoe Brothers to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Doomsday won the 20 Man battle royal for #1 Contenders Trophy for EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  Joe, Matt Hardy, Brock Lensar, Booker T, Sabu, Christian, Homicide, Ric Flair, Lance Storm, Justin Credible, Rob Van Dam, Michael Shane, Billy Kidman, Messiah, Christopher Daniels, Donovan Morgan, AJ Styles, Xavier, Raven was also in the battle royal.
The lights went out after the battle royal and several mysterious guys in a white is shown walking to the ring under a white spotlight.  Doomsday and the others wrestlers around ringside leave.  They come to the ring claming they were sent by god to clean the business and the world.  None of their faces were shown.  RJ Hammer comes out demands that the people reveal what this is really about but he only gets an answer of you will found out.  A blinding bright light is seen and the guys are gone.

Wednesday Night Brawl-5/19/2004 results:

1. Mordecai beat Spirit
2. Mr. America beat Rhyno
3. Homicide beat Val Venis
4. John Cena beat Jay Briscoe
5. Jimmy Rave beat Randy Orton to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
6. Mike Bison beat Hardcore Holly to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
7. Masato Tanaka beat Joe to retain the EUWF IC Title.
8. Chris Jericho beat Piloit to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-5/19/2005 results:

The show started with Spirit walking up to RJ Hammer and demanding a match against April Hunter tonight.  RJ just laughed at him and said that he could never do that.  Spirit asked why because he thought he kick april's ass?  RJ said no because April would destroy spirit and with just 3 days before the ppv there is no need to mess up the main event of the ppv.  RJ did say that he would make a special mix match with them later tonight though.
1. Hard Luck Fighters and Victoria beat Gothics and Temptress
2. New Demolition beat SAT to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
3. Jack Evans beat Scotty Too Hotty
4. Nightmare beat Heart Throbs
5. Austin Aries beat Batistia
6. Carlito Caribbean Cool beat Machine
7. Chris Benoit beat John Cena, Chris Jericho, Shelton Benjamin in a 4 Way Non Title Match.
8. Spirit, Jack Crystal, Christine beat Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, April Hunter in a 6 Person Dog Collar Match.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-5/19/2006 Card:

1. New Troopers beat FBI to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
2. Speedster Lite beat Chris Sabin to retain the EUWF IC Title.
3. Doomsday beat Snake Eyes to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
4. Matt Bentley beat Charlie Haas to retain the EUWF US Title.
5. Brian Thunder, Duke, John Fire beat Austin Aries, Matt Sydal, Jack Evans in an Elimination Tag Match.
6. Bryan Danielson beat AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
7. Chris Hero beat Shawn Michaels
8. Roderick Strong beat Alex Shelley in a King Of The Ring XI Tournament Semifinal Round Match.

ECW Saturday Night's At The Arena-5/19/2007 results:

1. Chris Harris beat Claudio Castagnoli.  Harris was being interview after the match but Justin Credible interrupted and he said Harris doesn't belong in ECW.  The two started fighting till security split them apart.
2. Milano Collection At beat AJ Styles to retain the ECW IC Title.
3. Jim Brooks beat Christian Cage
4. Takeshi Morishima beat Mike Bison in a Non Title Match.  Mike came out to answer the challenge and Morishima attacked him from behind.  He then hit a backdrop driver but only for two count.  It would take four backdrop drivers including one through a table before Morishima would get the win.
5. Speedster Lite beat Edge
6. Justin Credible, Doomsday Kid, Venomous beat Rhino, Nerco Butcher, Toby Klein
7. Austin Aries and M-Dogg 20 beat Homicide and Ricky Reyes
8. Samoa Joe beat CM Punk in an Anything Goes Non Title Match.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/19/2008 results:

The show was suppose to start with King Jim Brooks talking about winning the EUWF World Heavyweight Title the night before but instead Larry Sweeny came out.  Chris Hero was shown standing over a fallen Jim and Sweeny demanded that Lawler get in the ring now.
1. Jerry Lawler beat Larry Sweeny.  The end came when JR distracted Sweeny allowing Lawler to roll him up for the win.  Hero ran out attacking Lawler with Sweeny till King Jim Brooks came with a chair making the save.  Jim challenged sweeny and hero to a tag match against him and lawler next week on raw.  Sweeny said only if Hero gets the EUWF World Heavyweight Title match at Owen Hart Memorial Show 2008 and Jim agrees to it.  Jim stayed in the ring saying that last night was the end of a long three years since spirit cheated him out of the EUWF World Title at Extreme Nightmare 19.  He said he got screwed in every rematch and then had to scratch and claw his way back to this.  He said that he wants to make sure no one will ever have to go through that again including himself and that he will defend it against anyone who wants a shot.  He said he is not going to back down from anyone even if they are the Biggest, the smallest, the strongest, fastest, or fattest.  He will hold onto this a long time proving himself as champion and that he will be a fighting champion unlike some champions that have been since he held this title.  He was about to leave when he turned around into a superkick from Shawn Michaels and then a pedigree from Triple H.  Triple H says that he should enjoy it for as long as they allow it because of king of kings is the only real king and then left as Speedster Lite came to the ring.  No Remorse Core came from the crowd attacking Jim and Lite.  Till hardy boyz and night brothers made the save chasing them off to the crowd.
2. Kevin Steen beat Matt Hardy
3. Jeff Hardy beat Jay Lethal
4. Night Brothers beat John Fire/Snake Eyes and Vlad/Impaler in a 3 Way Dance.
5. Sara Del Rey beat Jade to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
6. Triple H/Shawn Michaels and Bryan Danielson/Edge being the last two teams  advanced in a #1 Contenders Trophy Tournament to next weeks raw in the 40 Tag Team Rumble Match (Two teams start and another team comes in ever minute.  One member is eliminated the other member isn't) The winning team members on raw will have to wrestle each other the following Friday on smackdown for the Trophy.  Larry Sweeny and Matt Sydal, Speedster Lite and Barbecue, Joe and Piloit, Kevin Steen and El Generico, Hardy Boyz, Mr. America and Umaga, Brian Thunder and Duke, Hallowicked and Delirious, Motor City Machine Guns, Team Fist, Jimmy Rave and Randy Orton, John Morrison and The Miz, Paul London and Spanky, John Cena and Batistia, Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt, Kenny King and Chasyn Rance, Undertaker and Kane, Nigel McGuiness and Carlito, Rhendo and Blanka, Zach Ryder and Kurt Hawkins, Chuck Taylor and MVP, Billy Kidman and Ricochet, Power and Blood Backlot Assassin, Chris Jericho and Milano Collection At, Hot Shots, Trooper 1 and 2, Kevin Thorn and Dagger, Ax and Smash From New Demolition, Knockout and Slasher, John Fire and Snake Eyes, Night Brothers, Vlad and Impaler, Mike Quackenbush and Cody Rhodes, Deuce and Domino, Ken Doane and Johnny Jetter, Shanon Moore and Chavo Guerrero Jr., Irish Airborne, Warrior Ninja #1 and #2 were other teams in the match.

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-5/19/2009 results:

1. Power Warrior beat Taion to retain the TWF World TV Title.
2. Venom beat Jim Brooks in Fall 2 Of Their Best Of 5 Series to take a 2 Falls to 0 Lead.
3. Machine beat Speedster Lite in Fall 2 Of Their Best Of 5 Series to take a 2 Falls to 0 Lead.
4. Mr. America and Venomous won the Tag Team Battle Royal and advanced in #1 Contenders Tournament.  The two will face on Superstars Sunday Night Party 79 title shot. Duke and Impaler as the runner up team faces for Ultimate Championship Wrestling 10 title shot on Superstars. Losers Enter UWC 10 Tournament. John Fire/Doomsday, Mark Night/Power Warrior, Street Warrior/Vlad, Snake Eyes/Dagger, Taion/Blood Warrior, Eric Bison/Ken, Guile/Ryu, Rhendo/Sgt., Blanka/Roadblock, Spirit/Chris Night, Sagat/Doomsday Kid, Venomous/Mr. America, Johnny The Kid/Trooper 1, Christian Gales/Warrior Ninja #1, Tommy Knight/Darkness Backlot Warrior, Street Hustler/Crazy Backlot Warrior, Car Jacker/Nightmare Backlot Warrior were also in the match.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-5/19/2010 results:

1. Amazing Kong beat Erica Tempted
2. Briscoe Brothers beat Osirin Portal
3. Drake Younger beat Masada in a Non Title Match.
4. American Wolves and Naughty By Nature beat Kings Of Wrestling and Colon Brothers
5. Chris Jericho beat Doomsday
6. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Amazing Red
7. Low Ki and Homicide beat Young Bucks and Dudleyz in a 3 Way Non Title Match.  After the match Dudleyz out of frustration attacked Bucks went to put them through a table but Homicide and Ki made the save.  Instead of just leaving Ki hit the ghetto double stomp on matt through the table.
8. John Morrison beat AJ Styles and Machine in a 3 Way Non Title Match.

TWF's Thursday Night Brawl-5/19/2011 results:

1. Jinx beat Lady Warrior Ninja
2. Brian Thunder and Duke beat Spirit and Jack Crystal in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls, Must Be A Winner-TWF Tag League Bracket A Finals Match (Team that wins match Gets The Others Team's points)
3. Night Brothers beat Doomsday and Venom in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls, Must Be A Winner-TWF Tag League Bracket B Finals Match (Team that wins match Gets The Others Team's points) Match went 45 plus minutes and show went over 20 minutes.  Advantage of being web series now.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-5/19/2012 results;

1. Colt Cabana beat Bryan Danielson
2. El Generico beat TJ Wilson in a Non Title Match.
3. Naughty By Nature and All Night Express beat Motor City Machine Guns and Beer Money in a Summer Tag Festival II Preview Match.
4. CM Punk beat Eric Bison
5. Machine beat Jay Lethal to win the Unified World TV Title.
6. WN Alpha beat Cyrus Bourne to win the Unified World Lightweight Title.
7. Kevin Steen beat Zach Ryder to win the Unified IC Title.
8. Mike Bison and Jimmy Jacobs beat Power Warrior and Austin Aries

Extreme Nightmare 35: Judgement Day 2013-5/19/2013 results:

Youtube Pre Show:
1. Joe and Barbecue beat Crazy in a Summer Tag Festival III Match.
2. El Generico and Kevin Steen beat Super Smash Brothers in a Summer Tag Festival III Match. Generico was seen asking someone to be his partner that wasn't seen.  Generico was depressed about it as he couldn't get the guy to be his partner.  Generico was there by himself and then Steen came out stood in corner.  At first didn't reach for a tag but eventually did.  After the match Generico asked for a hand shake but Steen flipped him off and left.  He stopped half way coming back shaking anyway saying lets win this whole tournament.
3. Jigsaw and Hallowicked beat Joey Ryan and Scorpio Sky in a Summer Tag Festival III Match.
4. LAX beat Bravado Brothers in a Summer Tag Festival III Match.


1. American Wolves won the Tag Team Battle Royal For Title Shot Later In The Night and 10 STF3 Points. Nights Brothers, Christopher Daniels/Frankie Kazarian, New Gangtas, Uso Brothers, Prime Time Players, Saviors, Brian Thunder/Duke, Vlad/Impaler, Crazy, Wildfire, Epico/Primo, Samoa Joe/BJ Whitmer, Jimmy Jacobs/Steve Corino were also in the match.
2. Machine beat Bryan Danielson in a Strap Match to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
3. Mr. America beat Jack Swagger in a Bootcamp Match.
4. Jackson Rouch beat Jack Crystal, Masion Dixie, Taion in a 4 Dog Collar Match to win the Unified World Lightweight Title.
5. Dolph Ziggler beat Cyrus Bourne in a 3 Stages Of Hell Match to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title when Dominatrixic turned on Cyrus giving him a low blow.  Speedster Lite and her helped a really dazzed ziggler get the belt for the win.
6. Wade Barrett beat Michel Elgin in a Falls Count Anywhere Match to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
7. New Public Enemy beat American Wolves in a Brawl Game Match to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Dudleyz, Speedster Lite, Pink Dudley beat Doomsday, Venom, Randy Orton, HC Bytch in a Extreme Tables Match.
9. Chris Hero beat Claudio Castagnoli in a Knockout or Sumbission Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
10. Mike Bison beat Brock Lensar in a Hell In A Cell Death Match to retain his % of ownership and force Paul Haymen to leave.  During the match Brett Wayfield and Jim Brooks came from under the ring stopping brock from getting a weapon for a few minutes.   Towards the end of the match the ref got knocked out and outside ref tried to open the door.  Haymen knocked down the second ref stealing the key and opening the door.  Janet Lee Bison attacked Haymen but Brock came from Cell throwing her into the cell.  Haymen called out for Haymen Hustle to come out but no one did while mike went crazy on brock.   Haymen continued to call for his group as mike beat on brock with a barbed wire chair and then put Brock in a barbed wire chair camel clutch.  First ref woke up as Haymen Hustle finally came out standing in entrance way.  They looked like they were coming to help but left just before Brock started tapping.  A bloody Janet got mike off of Brock as the two celebrated and Haymen cried to end the ppv.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/19/2014 results:

1. Sara Jane beat Star Pyde to win the Unified World Ladies Title.  After the match Sara introduced the rest of Wyatt Family.  Bryatt said that his children finally have a mother and Sara said finally found someone that will treat her right.  Not throw her away like Dolph and Cyrus.  Bryatt said that the EUWF World Triple Crown Title is not going anywhere anytime soon.  Cyrus Bourne ran to the ring attacking Bryatt but was overwhealmed 3 on 1 attack.  Lee and Rowan held cyrus for Sara jane to hit low blow kick.  It seemed to hurt sara jane instead as cyrus said he was ready for that this time and Bryatt grabbed him hitting sister abigal on him.  Samoa Joe, Sami Zayn, Colt Cabana came out attacking Wyatts clearing the ring of them.  All 6 brawled to the floor as Sara jane tried to scratch out cyrus eyes but out of nowhere Alex Kisner came out making the save.  The two girls brawled till Sara was pulled out Bryatt as the wyatts retreated.  Joe and Sami helped Cyrus to his feet and cyrus thanked kissing alex.  Cyrus announced the reason he never got back with Sara other then not trusting her was that he moved on and was now with Alex.
2. Richie Borndo and Tristin Heartsend beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks in a Summer Tag Festival IV Match.
3. Brian Thunder and Duke beat Bison Brothers in a Summer Tag Festival IV Match.
4. Colony beat Super Smash Brothers in a Summer Tag Festival IV Match.
It was announced after much discussion about how Bryatt Wyatt won the EUWF World Triple Crown Title that the belt would be held up.   Since Sara Jane was only offical for the door not to be offical in any real way she had no business counting the three.  So since the finish was invalid the title change should but after much argument all day about it the title is held up.  New champion will be decided at War 2014 PPV between in the match between Cyrus and Bryatt.
5. Rockness Monsters beat Briscoe Brothers in a Summer Tag Festival IV Match.
7. reDragon beat John Moxly and Sami Callihan in a Summer Tag Festival IV Match.
8. Roman Reigns and Tyler Black beat Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexander in a Summer Tag Festival IV Match.
9. Throwbacks beat Ricochet and Rich Swan in a Summer Tag Festival IV Match.
10. Uso Brothers beat Young Bucks in a Summer Tag Festival IV Match.
11. Michel Elgin and Roderick Strong beat Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano in a Summer Tag Festival IV Match.
11. Mike Bison wrestled Randy Orton to a No Contest when Wyatt Family attacked both men.  Batista, Machine, Sagat, Triple H all got invovled leading to crazy brawl to end the show

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-5/19/2015 results:
Summer Tag Festival V:

1. GQ Wiley and Taylor Wad beat Kappa Knights
2. Brett and Chris Prowl beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
3. Team Apocalypse beat Macrus Dove and Owen Star
4. Gambit Inc beat Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood
5. Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme beat Hot Shots
6. Hard Luck Figters beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks
7. Sgt. and Roadblock beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous
8. Rhendo and Blanka beat Hollywood Doomsday and Mr. Venom to win the Unified World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-5/19/2016 results:
Summer Tag Festival VI:

1. Rhendo and Blanka beat Devestation Corp
2. Lightning Duo beat Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano
3. Lucky 13 and Connor Claxton beat Purple Haze
4. Ron Killings (Filling in for Enzo) and Collin Cassidy wrestled Marcus Dove and Owen Star to a Draw.
5. Rick Knife and Stu Bomb beat Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson
6. Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio beat Black and White
7. Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme beat Dudleyz
8. The Masters beat Eric Young and Dolph Ziggler
9. Hallowicked and Frightmare beat Jack Flap and Chris Gun

ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-5/19/2017 results:

1. Sami Zayn beat Claudio Castagnoli in a Non Title Match.

Summer Tag Festival VII:

1. Primo and Epico beat Authors Of Pain
2. #DIY beat Roderick Strong and Austin Aries
3. Road Knights beat Scarlet and Graves
4. Young Bucks beat Tyler Breeze and Fandago
5. Enzo Amore and Big Cass beat Prince Devitt and KENTA
6. Dub Boys beat PYT
7. Hallowicked and Frightmare beat Kings Of Wrestling

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-5/19/2018 results:

1. Mark Night beat Freddie Waldeno, Sagat, Taion in a 4 Way TWF's Money In The Bank Qualifying Match.

Summer Tag Festival VIII:

1. Zen Warriors beat Daryl Ranger/Daniel Xtreme, All Night Express, Crazy Lightning in a 4 Way Dance.
2. Hot Shots beat Link Rod and Kong Remer, Kings Of Wrestling, Hype Brothers in a 4 Way Dance.
3. Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz beat LAX, Bloody Donity/Crazy Warrior, Bubba Jones/Will Nightmare in a 4 Way Dance.
4. Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch beat Jump Start, Taylor Wad/GQ Wiley. Stu Bomb/Rick Knife in a 4 Way Dance.
5. Jeffery Alpha and Jack Pink beat Ash Hyde/Seth Owens, Brusie Brothers, Knight Hunter/Dagger in a 4 Way Dance.
6. The Masters beat PYT,  Spirit/Jack Crystal, Sir Tristan/Sqaure Stanley in a 4 Way Dance.
7. Bruce Doomsday and Eddie Venom beat Chris Gun/Jack Flap,  Adam Cole/Michael Benett, Gambit Inc. in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF US Tag Team Titles.
8. Vlad/Impaler beat Dogs Of War, Hodoies, Blood/Crazy Ninja in a 4 Way Dance to wim the TWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.

Extreme Nightmare 47: Extreme Money In The Bank-5/19/2019 results:

Pre Show:
1. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 7 Match: Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno beat The Kingdom
2. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 7 Match: Adam Cole and Roderick Strong beat Dogs Of War
3. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 7 Match: Drew Gulak and Tony Neese beat Vlad and Impaler
4. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 7 Match: Donity Brothers beat Briscoe Brothers


1. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 6 Tables Match: Kevin Steen and Sami Zayn beat Rascals
Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, Carol Ninja,. Jade Thunder, Taylor Lanley beat Nattie Neidhart, Bayley, Asuka, Ruby Riot, Nikki Cross
3. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 6 Weapons Match: Ascension beat Desi Hit Squad
4. Extreme Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Gary J beat Joe Henning, Drew Gulak, Shelton Benjamin, The Miz, Kevin Steen, Andrade Almas, Rex Lion, Fisher Star.  The end came when Brock Lesnar made a surprise return caming out attacking everyone but Gary.  He been sent through a lego covered table.  Brock layed everyone out and left.  Gary crawled back in the ring and grabbed the briefcase.
5. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 6 Chairs Match: ANX beat Heavy Machinery
6. Hardcore Match For TWF World Lightweight Title: Mark Lite (c) beat Sami Callihan
7. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 6 Falls Count Anywhere Match: oVe beat Spirit and Jack Crystal
8. EUWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Tommy End (c) beat Tyer Black

TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-5/19/2020 results:

1. Preliminary Round Match Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 39: Greyson America (5-0-0) beat Clay Ninja (Crazy Ninja) (5-18-0)
2. Tag Festival X Round 14 Points v.s. Points Match: Hard Luck Fighters wrestled Dean Nuke and Nicky Acid to a 15 Minute Draw.
3. Preliminary Round Match Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 39: Dominick Dark (10-6-0) beat Ren (10-24-0)
4. Tag Festival X Round 14 Points v.s. Points Match: Connor Stark and Bruce Blood beat Hoodies
5. Preliminary Round Match Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 39: Matt Riddle (1-1-0) beat Jeff Yang (0-1-0)
6. Tag Festival X Round 14 Points v.s. Points Match: Chris Prime and Matt Pigpen beat Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc
7. Preliminary Round Match Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 39: Raymond Roadblock (20-16-0) beat Tony Neese (23-8-0)
8. Tag Festival X Round 14 Points v.s. Points Match: Alistar Hound and Travis Jazz beat Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch
9. Pick Your Poison Match: Ash Hyde beat Seth Owens

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-5/19/2021 results:

1. Mark Lite, Jim Brooks, Star Pryde, Rachel Lite, Molly Moonshine beat Ash Hyde, Seth Owens, Carol Ninja, Tabitha Bosuhida, Faith Fire
2. Tag Festival XI Round 12 Points v.s. Points Match: Connor Stark and Bruce Summers beat Elijah Crash and John Rose
3. Tag Festival XI Round 12 Points v.s. Points Match: Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin beat Tommaso Ciampa and Timmy Thatcher
4. Tag Festival XI Round 12 Points v.s. Points Match: Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock beat Storm Wave
5. Tag Festival XI Round 12 Points v.s. Points Match: PYT wrestled Snake Byte to a 15 Minute Draw.
6. Tag Festival XI Round 12 Points v.s. Points Match: Dark Brothers wrestled David Omega and Mercury Manson to a 15 Minute Draw.
7. Tag Festival XI Round 12 Points v.s. Points Match: Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch beat Gambit Inc
8. Tyler Black, Buddy Murphy, Stanley Hammer beat Kenny Omega and Young Bucks

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-5/19/2022 results:

1. Tag Festival XII Round 13 Bracket B Points v.s. Points Match: Mercury Manson and Thomas Berad beat Snake Byte
2. Tag Festival XII Round 13 Bracket E Points v.s. Points Match: David Omega and Gabriel Lock beat Fin Sandy and Ben Apocalypse
3. Tag Festival XII Round 13 Bracket B Points v.s. Points Match: Kevin Steen and Sami Zayn beat Alan Jacks and Tony Torpedo
4. Tag Festival XII Round 13 Bracket E Points v.s. Points Match: Hugo Robin and Ivan Shroud wrestled Clifford Darkness and Emanuel Fire to a Draw.
5. Tag Festival XII Round 13 Bracket B Points v.s. Points Match: Jeffery Alpha and Jack Pink beat Baron Corbin and Riddick Moss
6. Tag Festival XII Round 13 Bracket E Points v.s. Points Match: Kong Remer and Link Rod beat Barney White and Black Jack
7. Tag Festival XII Round 13 Bracket B Points v.s. Points Match: Eddie Venom and Anthony Venomous beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
8. Tag Festival XII Round 13 Bracket E Points v.s. Points Match: Tom Master and Remy Who beat Dean Nuke and Nick Acid
9. Tag Festival XII Round 13 Bracket B Points v.s. Points Match: Mark Lite and Jim Brooks beat Vincet Vlad and Ian Impaler
10. Tag Festival XII Round 13 Bracket E Points v.s. Points Match: Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock beat Raheem Rhendo and Ben Blanka
11. Pick Your Poison Match: King Stan beat Baron Corbin

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-5/19/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 12 Points v.s. Points Matches:

1. Bracket D Match: Creed Brothers beat Bruce Doomsday and Steven Doomsday
2. Bracket A Match: Axel Grey and Andrew Gold beat Malik Blade and Edris Enofé
3. Bracket D Match: Purple Haze beat Naughty By Nature
4. Bracket A Match: Mac Yates and Mane MacAlister beat Benson Fire and Clay Ninja
5. Bracket D Match: Rafel Lake and Horus Venus beat Kong Remer and Link Rod
6. Bracket A Match: Cheesy Warriors beat Ligi Brothers
7. Bracket D Match: Raheem Rhendo and Ben Blanka beat Hugo Robin and Ivan Shroud
8. Bracket A Match: Veer and Sanga beat Snake Byte
9. Bracket D Match: American Brothers beat Gallus
10. Bracket A Match: Hit Row beat Imperium
11. Non Tournament Match: Misterios and Santos Escobar beat Security Knights

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