Thursday, May 9, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-May 9 (7th Round Of Survivor Women's Tournament, Light Game, 10 Years At Viking Hall, Randy Orton Apologizes and then punts Shane Douglas, Ultimate Wrestling Championship 11, Monster Army takes out John Morrison, TV Title Tournament, Payback 2021)

This Day In Wrestling History-May 9:
Wednesday Night Brawl-5/9/2001 results:

1. Lita beat Lady Xtreme in a Round 7 Match Of The Survivor Women's Tournament.
2. Lady Speed beat Womankind in a Round 7 Match Of The Survivor Women's Tournament.
3. Ivory beat Fire Girl in a Round 7 Match Of The Survivor Women's Tournament.
4. Molly Holly beat Sand Girl in a Round 7 Match Of The Survivor Women's Tournament.
5. Jungle Girl beat Extreme Woman in a Round 7 Match Of The Survivor Women's Tournament.
6. Queen Bison beat Lady Surfer in a Round 7 Match Of The Survivor Women's Tournament.
7. Chavo Guerrero Jr. beat Sho Funaki
8. Taka Michinoku beat Mike Bison
9. Ninja Kid beat Jerry Lynn to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
10. Triple H and Jade beat Mike Awesome and Ariel Bison
11. Shadow WX beat X-Pac to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
12. Joe, Barbecue, Piloit, Al Snow, Dynamic Duo beat Spirit, Low Ki, Machine, Mankind, Ken, Ryu

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-5/9/2002 results:

The show starts with a shot of a very bloody and beaten RJ Hammer in his office which was trashed.  Brock Lensar, Big Show, Rikishi, Scott Steiner, Leviathan, Machine, Sagat walked into the office.
RJ: "What the hell was that? Where were you guys?"
Machine: "We just got here."
RJ: "Go find who did this." The others left the locker room as paramedics ran into the room.
1. Lady Hammer beat Trish Stratus to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
RJ Hammer comes to the ring bandaged up.
RJ: "I want whoever did this to me to come out here because I'm going to fire you when you do.  Come out here now!  Are you chicken?"  The lights go out and a crash was heard.  When they came on RJ had been put through a table and busted open again.  RJ's hired guns came to the ring and helped him to the back.  A motorcycle just like one of the Undertaker's was at ring side.  RJ is put into an ambulance.
Machine: "Anything you want us to do?"
RJ: "Find whoever did this and destroy him."
2. Nova beat Billy Kidman to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
3. Vlad and Guile beat Jesus Bison and Commander to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
Undertaker is shown pull into the building on his motorcycle.  Machine walked up to him.
Machine: "About time you showed up again."
Undertaker: "What is that supposed to mean?  I had something to take care of and that's why I'm late."
Machine: "I know what that was.  Attack my boss with the lights out?"
Undertaker: "What the hell are you talking?"
Machine: "You attacked RJ earlier with the lights off."  Undertaker grabs Machine by the throat and choke slams him.  Undertaker walks off.
4. Raven and Hot Stuff beat Backseat Boyz and Christian
5. Hardy Boys and Booker T beat Naughty By Nature and Low Ki
6. Chris Jericho and Mask Man beat Rob Van Dam and Chris Benoit.  RVD went for the mask but a second mask man came from under the ring and threw a fireball into RVD's face.  Benoit chased both mask men to the back with a chair while Y2J covered RVD for the win.
7. Doomsday, Undertaker, Barbecue beat Brock Lensar, Leviathan, Scott Steiner.  The lights went out after the match and they came back on to soon.  Lights came on the Elite standing over a fallen Doomsday and Barbecue.  Ric Flair had the lights turned back on earlier then Elite had planned.  Doomsday Alliance and Undertaker made the save.
8. Venom beat Taion and Triple H in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

TTWF 5/9/2003 Viking Hall:
10 Years Of Wrestling At Viking Hall Day 1 results:

1. Jill Night beat Ariel Bison in a Ladies v.s. Women's Champion Non Title Match.
2. Venom beat Masato Tanaka and Eddie Guerrero in a 3 Way Dance.
3. Jim Brooks beat The Messiah in a #1 Contenders Trophy Holder Non Title Match.
4. Tommy Dreamer beat Sabu in a Hardcore Champion Non Title Match.
5. Spanky beat Joe in a Lightweight v.s. Junior Weight Champion Non Title Match.
6. Reckless Youth and Mike Quackenbush beat Night Brothers in a Tag Team Champions Non Title Match.
7. Doomsday beat Taion in a US Title Champions Non Title Match.
8. Jerry Lynn beat Mike Bison in a TTWF World Heavyweight Champion v.s. EUWF World Heavyweight Champion non title match.  Devil Bison tried to interfere by hitting Mike with the EUWF World Heavyweight Title but Booker T stopped him.  Lynn picked up the belt and hit mike with it.  He then cradle piledrove mike onto the belt for the win.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/9/2005 results:

The show started with Spirit going up to RJ Hammer begging him to change the world title match at Extreme Nightmare 19 from a Hell In A Cell Match.  RJ then said that Speedster Lite has asked for a dog collar match for tonight against spirit for the trophy and RJ booked it for the main event.
1. Trish Stratus beat Lacy to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. Jack Evans beat Jack Crystal
3. Batistia beat Roderick Strong
4. Austin Aries beat Booker T to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
5. Shelton Benjamin beat Michael Shane to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
6. Chris Jericho beat Chris Benoit to retain the EUWF IC Title.
7. John Cena beat Shawn Michaels to retain the EUWF US Title.
8. Spirit beat Speedster Lite in a Dog Collar Match to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  After the match Jim Brooks attacked Spirit with a crutch and april held up Spirit's legs.  Jim hit the crutch to the family jewels of Spirit and then threw him out of the ring.  Other members of MVWs came out and helped Spirit to the back.  Jim, April, Lady Speed checked on Lite to end the show.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-5/9/2007 results:

The show began with Mike Bison storming into Paul Haymen's office demanding to know why his match v.s. taion isn't on tonight's show and haymen said he is the booker and GM around here not them.  Haymen said if taion wants another shot then he can have it this saturday in a 3 way with mike and m-dogg 20. 
1. Naughty By Nature beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.
2. Justin Credible beat BJ Whitmer
3. Jim Brooks beat Sabian
4. Ruckus beat Speedster Lite
5. Austin Aries and M-Dogg 20 beat FBI
6. Chris Benoit beat Colt Cabana to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For ECW World Heavyweight Title.
7. Homicide beat CM Punk in a Non Title Match.
8. Samoa Joe beat AJ Styles to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-5/9/2008 results:

It was announced that there will be ecw and euwf wrestlers on all shows next week to get ready for Extreme Nightmare 25: Judgement Day 2008.
1. Harry Smith, TJ Wilson, Team Fist beat Rhendo, Blanka, Night Brothers
2. Brian Thunder beat Piloit
3. Chris Jericho beat Kevin Steen
4. Edge and Bryan Danielson beat Chris Hero and Randy Orton
5. El Generico beat Jimmy Rave to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
6. Delirious and Hallowicked beat Doomsday and Venom to win the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Mr. America beat Mr. Kennedy in a EUWF's #1 Contenders Trophy Tournament Semifinal Round Match.  It was announced during the match that Doomsday and Venom will get their rematch for Lightweight Tag Titles at EN25 in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match.
8. King Jim Brooks and Speedster Lite beat Samoa Joe and RJ Hammer

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-5/9/2009 results:

The show began with Randy Orton apologizing for attacking Haymen on Wednesday.  It was announced that Orton won't be suspend but will be forced to wrestle without pay for a month for his actions.  That is because it would be better to let ECW Locker Room try to get vengeance on him then instead of letting him and sending him home.
1. Taion beat Ray Gordy
2. Harry Smith and TJ Wilson beat Ruckus and Sabian
Shane Douglas made a surprise return coming to the ring and said he may not be friends with Paul Haymen he didn't like what Orton did.  Shane said that Orton crossed a line and Orton came out calling Shane not a has been but never was been.  Shane hit Orton with the mic and starting pounding him till Legacy came out beating on Shane.  Orton then rkoed Shane and then punted him before locker room chased them out of the building.
3. Rhino beat Guile
4. Petey Williams and Eric Young beat Motor City Machine Guns in a Non Title Match.
5. Colt Cabana beat AJ Styles in Fall 1 Of Their Best Of 5 Series.
6. Jimmy Rave beat Rey Misterio Jr. in Fall 1 Of Their Best Of 5 Series.
7. Randy Orton, Eric Bison, Ted Dibiase Jr., Cody Rhodes beat Necro Butcher, Jimmy Jacobs, Naughty By Nature
8. Samoa Joe and Abyss beat Mike Bison and Machine

Ultimate Wrestling Championship 11-5/9/2010 results:

EUWF Bracket-First Round:

1. Kofi Kingston beat Jim Brooks
2. John Moxly beat Eric Bison
3. Sami Callihan beat Guile
4. Speedster Lite beat Hernadez
5. MVP beat RJ Hammer
6. Dolph Ziggler beat Randy Orton
7. Christian Cage beat The Miz
8. Jack Swagger beat Mr. America
9. Kenny Omega beat Brian Thunder
10. Bryan Danielson beat Rhett Titus
11. Chuck Taylor beat Mat Hardy
12. Matt Sydal beat Colt Cabana

Second Round:

1. Kofi Kingston beat Speedster Lite
2. Christian Cage beat John Moxly
3. Bryan Danielson beat Sami Callihan
4. MVP beat Jack Swagger
5. Kenny Omega beat Dolph Ziggler
6. Matt Sydal beat Chuck Taylor

Quarter-Final Round:

1. Kofi Kingston beat Bryan Danielson
2. Christian Cage beat MVP
3. Matt Sydal beat Kenny Omega

Semifinal Round:

1. Kofi Kingston beat Christian Cage and Matt Sydal in a 3 Way Dance.

ECW Bracket-First Round:

1. Jerry Lynn beat Sheamus
2. Samoa Joe beat John Morrison
3. Roderick Strong beat Low Ki
4. Nigel McGuiness beat Chris Hero
5. Davey Richards beat Claudio Castagnoli
6. Homicide beat Eddie Edwards
7. Frankie Karazarian beat Rey Misterio Jr.
8. Venom beat Joey Ryan
9. Eddie Kingston beat Spirit
10. Rhino beat Shelton Benjamin
11. Doomsday beat Lance Hoyt
12. Eric Young beat Taion

Second Round:

1. Samoa Joe beat Eric Young
2. Roderick Strong beat Jerry Lynn 
3. Nigel McGuiness beat Rhino
4. Davey Richards beat Doomsday
5. Homicide beat Frankie Kazarian
6. Venom beat Eddie Kingston

Quarter-Final Round:

1. Davey Richards beat Samoa Joe
2. Roderick Strong beat Venom
3. Nigel McGuiness beat Homicide

Semifinal Round:

1. Roderick Strong beat Nigel McGuiness and Davey Richards in a 3 Way Dance.

TWF Bracket-First Round:

1. Piloit beat Warrior Ninja #2
2. Tommy Knight beat Joe
3. Christian Gales beat Barbecue
4. Jack Crystal beat Power Warrior
5. Machine beat Crazy Backlot Warrior
6. Trooper 1 beat Warrior Ninja #3
7. Commander beat Johnny The Kid
8. Brett Wayfield beat Duke
9. Sagat beat Trooper 6
10. Warrior Ninja #1 beat Trooper 2
11. John Fire beat Sgt.
12. Rhendo beat Blood Warrior

Second Round:

1. Piloit beat John Fire
2 Brett Wayfield beat Rhendo
3. Machine beat Tommy Knight
4. Christian Gales beat Commander
5. Warrior Ninja #1 beat Sagat
6. Jack Crystal beat Trooper 1

Quarter-Final Round:

1. Brett Wayfield beat Piloit
2. Machine beat Christian Gales
3. Jack Crystal beat Warrior Ninja #1

Semifinal Round:

1. Brett Wayfield beat Machine and Jack Crystal in a 3 Way Dance.

Final Round:

1. Kofi Kingston beat Roderick Strong and Brett Wayfield in a 3 Way Dance to win a EUWF World Heavyweight Title shot at Summerslam 2010.

Non Tournament Matches:

1. Harley Wayfield beat Michelle McCool
2. Ms. America beat Layla
3. Miss Lee beat Nattie Neidhart in a Non Title Match.
4. Jade Thunder beat Sara Del Ray
5. Amazing Kong, Star Pryde, Pink Dudley beat Ariel Bison, HC Bytch, Lady Speed
6. Mark Night beat Brian Kendrick to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
7. AJ Styles beat Necro Butcher to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
8. CM Punk beat John Cena to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/9/2011 results:

The show began with footage from after this past saturday's Saturday Nights At The Arena of John Morrison being carted off after being attacked by Alliance's Monster Army.  It was announced that the title is vacant and a battle royal will decide who will face EUWF IC Champion Roderick Strong or Bryan Danielson as ECW IC champion at Extreme Nightmare 31: Unification.
1. Blonde Admonition beat North/South Side Dragons to retain the EUWF/TWF/ECW World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
2. Naughty By Nature beat Young Bucks
3. Hoodies beat Uso Brothers
4. Sin Cara beat Speedster Lite
5. Amazing Red beat Jim Brooks
6. Jay Lethal beat El Generico, Ron Killings, Heath Slater in a 4 Way Dance.
7. Roderick Strong beat Bryan Danielson to win the EUWF IC Title.
8. Christian Cage, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels beat CM Punk, Randy Orton, Wade Barrett

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-5/9/2012 results:

1. Alcarda Vania beat Mercedes Martinez in a Non Title Match.
2. Mark Night beat Jigsaw
3. Jack Crystal beat Frankie Kazarian
4. Machine beat Robert Roode
5. Chris Sabin beat Dolph Ziggler
6. AJ Styles beat Rhett Titus
7. Christopher Daniels beat Spirit and El Generico in a 3 Way Dance.
8. Bryan Danielson, Power Warrior, CM Punk, Samoa Joe beat Mike Bison, TJ Wilson, Kevin Steen, Colt Cabana

TWF's Thursday Night Fire-5/9/2013 results:

1. Harley Wayfield beat Laurie Hammer
2. Jackson Rouch beat Venom
3. Speedster Lite beat Masion Dixie.  After the match Lite celebrated the win by reshowing everyone been taken out recently.  He even claimed that Randy Orton was taken out by injuries Zangief gave him.  That even though orton tried to wrestle after the match the injuries suffered during their match took him out.  Orton music started up surpringly and he threw the crowd attacking Lite.  He rkoed before sceurity forced Orton to leave as he still not allowed on TWF or ECW shows.
4. New Public Enemy beat Machine and Sagat to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-5/9/2014 results:

1. Randy Orton and Batista beat Brett Wayfield and Machine

Summer Tag Festival IV:

1. Dogs Of War beat Trooper 3 and 4
2. Knockout and Slasher beat John Moxly and Sami Callihan
3. Saviors beat Roman Reigns and Tyler Black
4. Gran Akuma and Icarus beat Bravado Brothers
5. Blood and Crazy Ninja beat Dynamic Duo
6. Throwbacks beat Blk Out
7. Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexander beat Outlaw Inc.
8. Uso Brothers beat Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano

EUWF's House Show-5/9/2015 results:

1. Ms. America beat Hardcore Bytch, Jade Thunder, Justine Hounda in a 4 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
2. Naughty By Nature beat Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
3. East/West Dragons beat Hoodies in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
4. Ligi Brothers beat The Masters in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
5. Black Valkyrie beat Vlad and Impaler in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
6. Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno beat Sheamus and Wade Barrett to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Eric Bison beat Randy Orton
8. Mr. America beat Speedster Lite to retain the EUW World Triple Crown Title.

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-5/9/2015 results:
Summer Tag Festival V:

1. The Masters beat Brett and Chris Prowl
2. Kappa Knights beat Gambit Inc
3. Vlad and Impaler beat Team Apocalypse
4. Nightwings beat GQ Wiley and Taylor Wad
During the show a backstage confrontation continued the problems between the American Heroes and non TWF members of Honor Brigade.  This lead to Austin Aries and Robert Roode interrupting them saying that they might have been forgotten members of HB and challenge Joe for leadership with a match at Wrestlepoolza 2015.  Joe agreed.
5. Hard Luck Fighters beat Wildfire
6. Knockout and Slasher beat Hoodies
7. Rhendo and Blanka beat Hot Shots
8. Hollywood Doomsday and Mr. Venom wrestled Spirit and Jack Crystal to a draw to retain the Unified World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/9/2016 results:

1. Kevin Steen beat Austin Aries in a Pick Your Poison Match.
2. Sami Zayn beat Adam Cole in a Pick Your Poison Match.

Summer Tag Festival VI:

1. Young Bucks beat Harrison Boss and Tommy Bernard to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
2. Trevor Lee and Andrew Everett beat Throwbacks
3. Night Brothers beat War Machine
4. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson
5. ACH and Matt Sydal beat Vaudvillians
6. Danny Havoc and Devon Moore beat Roman Reings and John Moxly
7. Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano beat N_R_G
8. Trooper 4 and 5 beat Lucha Dragons
9. reDragon beat Kings Of Wrestling

EUWF's Smackdown Live-5/9/2017 results:

1. Bravado Brothers beat Sanity in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match.
2. The Miz beat Brian Thunder in a Non Title Match.
3. Uso Brothers beat Wyatt Brothers in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match.
4. Throwbacks beat AJ Styles and Samoa Joe in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match.
5. Cyrus Bourne beat Frankie Kazarian
6.  Bollywood Boyz beat Drew Gulak and Tony Neese in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match.
7. #Broken Hardies beat Ricochet and Rich Swan in a Summer Tag Festival VII Match to retain the EUWF US Tag Team Titles.
8. Seth Owens beat Christopher Daniels in a Non Title Match.  After the match Ash Hyde ran to the ring hitting Seth with exploding barbed wire bat.  Ash then said they he will get his TWF World Heavyweight Title Rematch at War 2017 in a Explosion Match.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-5/9/2018 results:
Summer Tag Festival VIII:

1. The New Day beat Hoodies
2. Wyatt Brothers beat Marcus Croft and Tyson Bronx
3. Tyler Breeze and Fandago beat Sir Tristan and Squire Stanley
4. Gran Matelik and Akira Taozawa beat Ash Hyde and Seth Owens
5. Titus O'Neil and Apollo Crews beat LAX
6. Taion and Guile wrestled Street Profits to a Double Count-Out.
7. Crazy Lightning beat Sanity
8. Hype Brothers beat The Kingdom

TV Title Tournament (Airing Exclusivily on EUWF Networl)-Third Round:

1. Chris Hero beat Drew McIntyre
2. Shinsuke Nakumara beat Kyle O'Reily

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-5/9/2019 results:

1. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 5 Match: Chris Prime and Matt Pigpen beat Axel Grey and Andrew Gold
2. The Miz beat Fisher Star
3. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 5 Match For TWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles: Chris Gun and Jack Flap beat Brian Thunder John Fire
4. Rex Lion beat Andrade Almas
5. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 5 Match: Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson beat Black Valkyrie
6. Gary J beat Drew Gulak
7. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 5 Match: Connor Stark and Bruce Blood beat Bruise Brothers
8. Hardcore Match: Harrison Boss and Ash Hyde beat Cyrus Bourne and Eric Bison

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-5/9/2020 results:

1. Non Title Match: Jim Brooks beat Jeff Hardy
2. Tag Festival X Round 13 Points v.s. Points Match: Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme beat Guardian Knights
3. Tommy End beat Brett Wayfield
4. Tag Festival X Round 13 Points v.s. Points Match: Bruise Brothers beat Dark Brothers
5. Jackson Rouch beat Ricochet
6. Tag Festival X Round 13 Points v.s. Points Match: Brian Thunder and John Fire beat Marcus Croft and Tyson Bronx
7. Drew McIntyre beat Victor America
8. Tag Festival X Round 13 Points v.s. Points Match: Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock beat Axel Grey and Andrew Gold
9. Non Title Match: Keith Lee beat Seth Owens

TWF's Payback 2021-5/9/2021 results:

Pre Show:
1. Tag Festival XI Round 11 Points v.s. Points Match: Marvel Warriors beat The Masters
2. Tag Festival XI Round 11 Points v.s. Points Match: Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher beat Street Profits


1. TWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Caroline Venom beat Shotzi Blackheart (c)
2. Tag Festival XI Round 11 Points v.s. Points Match: Prowl Brothers beat Raheem Rhendo and Ben Blanka
3. Tag Festival XI Round 11 Points v.s. Points Match: Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mandez beat Imperium
4. Tag Festival XI Round 11 Points v.s. Points Match: Hugo Robin and Ivan Shroud beat Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme
5. Tag Festival XI Round 11 Points v.s. Points Match: Hard Luck Fighters beat Breezango
6. Tag Festival XI Round 11 Points v.s. Points Match: Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc beat Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson
7. Tag Festival XI Round 11 Points v.s. Points Match: Matt Riddle and Jeff Hardy beat Oney Lorcan and Pete Dunne
8. Rematch For TWF World Heavyweight Title: Eddie Venom (c) beat Kevin Steen

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/9/2022 results:

1. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Crow Brothers beat Chris Prime and Matt Pigen
2. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Colin East and Colton West beat Gambit Inc
3. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Benson Fire and Clay Ninja beat Dogs Of War
4. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher beat Brian Thunder and John Fire
5. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Axel Grey and Andrew Gold beat Hoodies
6. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Angel Garza and Humberto beat Malik Blade and Edris Enofé
7. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Jupiter Jordan and Xander Seed beat Security Knights
8. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Street Profits beat PYT
9. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Quinton Snyder and Clyde Neptune beat Masion Dixie and Leoroy Piloit
10. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Solomon Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Samson Sanchez and Hayden Sander
11. 4 Way Dance For EUWF IC Title: Apollo Crews (c) beat Mutafa Ali, Gary J, Elias

TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-5/9/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 11 Points v.s. Points Matches:

1. Bracket E Match: Road Knights beat Luke Reed and Angel Coal
2. Bracket B Match: Fin Sandy and Ben Apocalypse beat Baker Badar and Kagen Kass
3. Bracket E Match: Taylor Wad and GQ Wiley beat Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher
4. Bracket B Match: Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson beat Elijah Crash and John Rose
5. Bracket E Match: The Masters beat Jupiter Jordan and Xander Seed
6. Bracket B Match: Dutch Lane and Abram Max beat Chris Prime and Matt Pigen
7. Bracket E Match: Jeffery Alpha and Jack Pink beat Abel Moon and Isaiah Saturn
8. Bracket B Match: Dean Nuke and Nick Acid beat Clifford Darkness and Emanuel Fire
9. Bracket E Match: Isaac Block and Trey Widow beat Barbecue Jones and Joe Jr
10. Bracket B Match: Elias and Rick Boggs beat Mr. Williams and Mr. Donald
11. 3 Way Non Tournament Match: Cederick Alexander and Shelton Benjamin beat Cody Rhodes/Ash Hyde, Kyle Dontiy/LA Knight

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