Thursday, May 16, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-May 16 (Wrestlewar 1999, Elimination Round Of Survivor Women's Tournament, Mike Bison taunts Spirit, Mask Man Threatens RVD, Round 2 Of Survivor 2 Tournament Extreme Nightmare 17: Unfinished Business 2004, Evolution Strikes, Straight Edge Rules?, Punk tries to take over raw but gets a surprise, More Summer Tag Festival Preview Matches, Cena sets a trap, TV Title Tournament Quarter-Final Round, Sir Stanley calls out Mike Bison, Extreme Nightmare 51: A 25 Year Nightmare Part 1)

This Day In Wrestling History-May 16:
EUWF's Wrestlewar 99-5/16/1999 results:

1. Hawk beat Little Guido
2. Snake Eyes and Shadow Ninja beat Rhendo and Blanka
3. Commander beat Tajiri
4. Super Crazy beat Major Blood
5. Night Brothers beat Dudleys
6. Billy Kidman beat Taka Michinoku
7. Steve Austin beat Justin Credible to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. Public Enemy beat Road Warriors to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
9. Taz beat Undertaker
10. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko in a two out of three falls match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles and EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
11. RJ Hammer and Sting beat Steiner Brothers
12. Steve Austin beat Bison in a cage match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  A match that was a total blood bath.  Barbwire, chairs, tables, a trash can were all used during the match after Bison brought them to the ring.  Austin bleed from the top of his head.  Bison bleed from the front and back of his head.

Wednesday Night Brawl-5/16/2001 results:

1. Jill Night beat Molly Holly in a Elimination Round 1 Match Of The Survivor Women's Tournament.
2. Lita beat Lady Xtreme in a Elimination Round 1 Match Of The Survivor Women's Tournament.
3. Lady Speed beat Extreme Woman in a Elimination Round 1 Match Of The Survivor Women's Tournament.
4. Lady Trooper beat Lady Surfer in a Elimination Round 1 Match Of The Survivor Women's Tournament.
5. Naughty By Nature beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Spirit beat Ninja Kid, Guile, Joe, Barbecue, Piloit in a 6 Way Dance to win the EUWF World Lightweight Title.  The match was a squash as the rest of Spirit's group attacked the faces and let Spirit pin each of them easily.  The heals held off anymore help that came for Joe, Barbecue, Piloit, Guile, Ninja Kid.  Spirit stood over Ninja Kid after the match.
Spirit: "The belt is back where it belongs."
7. Chris Jericho beat Mankind to retain the EUWF US Title.
8. Venom beat Chris Benoit to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-5/16/2002 results:

The show began with a highlight video of the entire RJ Hammer/Undertaker feud going back to 1991.
1. Big Show, Rikishi, Brock Lensar wrestled Hulk, Massacre, Destroyer to a no contest.  The end came when five seconds after the bell ring, Big Show and Rikishi turned on Lensar and all five beat on him.  RJ Hammer then made a handicap match with Brock Lensar v.s. Big Show and Rikishi. 
2. Hit Squad, Jesus Bison, Commander beat Night Brothers, Mike Bison, Taion
Mike Bison walks up to spirit backstage.
Mike: "Isn't it funny.  I pick on you about no titles and then you grab three by joining up with Raven's nWo group."
Spirit: "Don't you think that maybe the best of the nWo is getting back together is the best way to get titles."
Mike: "The best of nWo?  I don't see no Hogan.  I don't see no RJ Hammer or Chris Jericho or Ric Blade."
Spirit: "They maybe not with us right now but they will after my nWo destroys RJ's nWo."
Mike: "Get real.  You maybe able to knock Brock Lensar with a five on one but RJ will come back ten fold.  The doomsday alliance will be glad to just sit back and watch it happen.  Good luck destroying each other because I get what is left of you this Sunday."  Mike Bison walks away from Spirit with a smile.  Spirit looks pissed.
3. S.A.T., Tajiri, Super Crazy beat Ric Blade, X-Pac, Piloit, Ken, Ryu
4. Low Ki and Billy Kidman beat Booker T and Juventud Guerrera
A video of one of the mask man that has been attacking Rob Van Dam was shown.  His voice was distorted.
Mask Man: "RVD you appear to be real happy and have big time confidence about this Sunday.  I'm here to give you a rude awakening.  This Sunday I will make sure you do not have any chance to become the US Champion and I will destroy you this Sunday.  Me and my partners will break every bone in your body and end your career.  I will have my revenge on you for holding back my career."
5. Tazz beat Scott Steiner
6. Naughty By Nature, Snake Eyes, Ninja Kid beat Hot Stuff, Vlad, Guile
7. RJ Hammer, Chris Jericho, Backseat Boyz beat Undertaker, Rob Van Dam, Hardy Boyz
8. Venom beat Edge and Raven in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

TTWF 5/16/2003 Viking Hall results:

1. Super Crazy beat Reckless Youth in a Second Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
2. Christian beat Samoa Joe in a Second Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
3. Brian XL beat Matt Hardy in a Second Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
4. Christopher Daniels beat Lance Storm in a Second Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
5. Jerry Lynn beat Venom to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
6. Homicide beat Red in a Second Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
7. Justin Credible beat Paul London in a Second Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
8. Psicosis beat Spirit in a Second Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
9. Ruckus beat Spike Dudley in a Second Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
10. Mike Bison, Jigglin Jimbro Brooks, American Heroes, Taion beat The Messiah/La Resistance/Kaos/Devil Bison, Kevin Sullivan/Kane/Hulk/Destroyer/Massacre, Jerry Lynn/SAT/Paul London in a 4 Way Falls Count Anywhere Street Fight.  This was a special bonus cross promotion match made after the events of last week.  Kane turned on Sullivan during the match.  Sullivan wanted Kane to chokeslam Mike Bison off the entrance way through 4 tables but he didn't and chokeslammed Sullivan onto the entrance way.  He then chokeslamed Devil Bison.  This lead to both Sullivan's and Devil's team being eliminated.

Extreme Nightmare 17: Unfinished Business 2004-5/16/2004 results:


1. Dynamic Duo beat Tajiri/Sho Funaki, Gothics, Wildfire, Crazy, Hoodies, 2 Backlot Assassins, Maximo Brothers, Izzy/Dixie, Hard Luck Fighters, FBI, Jimmy Yang/Ryan Sakoda in a Scramble Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
2. Super Crazy won the first fall to retain EUWF World Lightweight Title and Red won the second fall to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title. Taion, Jerry Lynn, Hydro, Low Ki, Jesus Bison, Sonjay Dutt, Rey Misterio Jr., Chris Benoit, Spirit were also in the match.
3. Trent Acid beat Colt Cabana, Chris Hero, Michael Shane, Bryan Danielson, Christopher Daniels in a 6 Way Mayhem Match to win the TTWF World TV Title.
4. Jimmy Rave beat Mr. America and Rob Van Dam in a 3 Way Dance to win EUWF World TV Title. The came down to America and Rave.  Rave had America in from dusk till dawn but America turned him over.  The ref went to started counting and got two but it looked like America was taping.  The ref got up accidentally slapping the ring mat and then rang for the bell.  America thought he won but got mad when the ring announcer called Rave the new champion.  America took the belt from the ref and hit Rave with the tv title.  He then hit the ref with it and dropped the belt on rave.  He then left.


1. Mike Bison beat Messiah in a Ultimate Death Match (No Rope Barbed Wire, Bare Foot Thumbtack, Bed Of Nails, 200 Light Tube, Skyway Of Hell, Plate Glass, Mouse Traps, Salt, Barbed Wire Ring Boards) to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.  Mike said that he challenged the winner to the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Match and or #1 Contenders Trophy match winner to a match.
2.  Venom beat Raven in a Non Sanction Nope Rope Barbed Wire and Clock Work House Of Orange Death Match with Mick Foley Guest Ref to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
3. Sabu and Sandman (replacing Tommy Dreamer) beat Randy Orton and RJ Hammer in a Street Fight.  The end came when Sabu jumped off the Unfinished Business sign putting orton through a table and covering him.  Batistia, Ric Flair, Triple H ran out and Batistia power bombed sabu several times on the entrance ramp.  Triple H pedigreed Sandman and Flair put him in the figure four leg lock while RJ held sandman's arms.  Mike Bison, Naughty By Nature, Doomsday, Venom made the save.  RJ after the match claimed to have taken care of Dreamer, Sandman, sabu in one night and that Batistia is going to take care of the Undertaker while he gets back his company.
4. Joe beat Piloit in a Hair v.s. Mask Match.
5. Dudleyz beat Backlot Assassins in a Out In The Street Death Match.
6. Hardy Boyz beat Night Brothers in a Ladders Legal Match.
7. Naughty By Nature beat Carnage Crew (Credible and Masada) in a Weapons Match to retain TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles
8. Speedster Lite beat Teddy Hart to retain the EUWF US Title.
9. Edge beat Jim Brooks to win the #1 Contenders Trophy For TTWF World Heavyweight Title and win a shot at the TTWF World Heavyweight Title at Ultimate Wrestling Championship 5 on June 13.
10. Chris Jericho beat Shawn Michaels and Eddie Guerrero in a 3 Way Dance to win the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title and get a shot at the EUWF World Heavyweight Title at Ultimate Wrestling Championship 5 on June 13. Mike Bison was seen sitting on the entrance ramp watching the match.
11. Doomsday beat CM Punk in a Straight Edge Rules Match to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title. Before the match Punk asked it to be a Straight Edge Rules Match and Doomsday agreed.  Doomsday was rammed into the post by Punk and got busted open.  Punk looked mad at the ref and eventually Doomsday got the win.  Punk claimed that Doomsday should have been dqed for bleeding and the belt would go to him under straight edge rules.  Ref refused it and still gave the match to Doomsday.
12. AJ Styles beat Masato Tanaka to retain EUWF World Heavyweight Title. Mike Bison was sitting on commentary during the match and afterwords confronted AJ.  AJ kept trying to walk away but Mike wouldn't let him.  The two look to be about to brawl with each other but security separated them to end the show.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/16/2005 results:

The show started with the announcement that Michelle and Paul Haymen have come to agreement so that the first 6 falls of the best of 7 series between Mike Bison and Shadow WX would take place on all the tv shows this week instead of the just the 2 ecw shows.
1. Trish Stratus beat Lady Speed to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. Gothics beat Shane Helms and Shannon Moore to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
Michelle went into Mike Bison's locker room and asked how he was.  Mike looked a little down and if he had something on his mind.  Mike said he had a lot on his mind and doesn't really want to talk about it.  Michelle asked if it had to do with best of 7 series and Mike said part of it was.  Mike said he kinda regretted doing it after agreeing to the match in anger last week and Michelle asked why.  Mike said he wanted to focus on winning ECW's #1 Contenders Trophy next week and he let wx get to him.  He sighed saying he has a lot other stuff on his mind too and Michelle wondered what.  Mike asked her to leave and she did.
3. Shelton Benjamin beat Booker T to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
4. Chris Jericho beat Machine to retain the EUWF IC Title.
5. Roderick Strong and Jack Evans beat Rhendo and Blanka to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. John Cena beat Chad Collyer to retain the EUWF US Title.
7. Shadow WX beat Mike Bison in a Chain Match in Fall One Of Best Of 7 Series for ECW World Hardcore Triple Crown Title.
8. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Jack Crystal and Spirit in a Tag Team Strap Match.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-5/16/2007 results:

1. Lady Backlot Assassins beat Mickie Knuckles to win the ECW World Ladies Title by forfeit. It was announced before the match Mickie was not there due to an injury and had to forfeit the match to LBA because of that.
2. Bison Brothers beat M-Dogg 20 and Taion.  Drake Younger was pulled out because of being injured.
3. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Nerco Butcher/Toby Klein, Dudleyz, Baka Gaijin, Naughty By Nature, Hoodies in a 6 Way Dance to win the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles. Nerco and Toby got eliminated after Takeshi Morishima made a surprise appearance hitting a backdrop driver on Nerco through a table letting Doomsday Kid get the pin.  After the match Nerco demanded a Texas Death Match against Morishima at Extreme Nightmare 23.
4. Milano Collection At beat AJ Styles to win the ECW IC Title.
5. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Edge/Christian and Brian Thunder/Duke in a 3 Way Dance to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Justin Credible beat Rhino to retain the ECW World TV Title.
7. Austin Aries beat Homicide to retain the ECW US Title Rematch.
8. CM Punk and Colt Cabana beat Samoa Joe and Chris Benoit

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-5/16/2008 results:

1. Sara Del Rey, HC Bytch, Alexis Lariee beat Sabrina, Pink Dudley, Beth Phoenix
2. Joe and Piloit beat Kevin Steen/El Generico and Harry Smith/TJ Wilson in a 3 Way Dance.
3. Rhino and Stevie Richards beat Tommy Dreamer and Balls Mahoney
4. Team Fist, Chris Hero, Matt Sydal beat LAX, Rhendo, Blanka
5. Claudio Castagnoli, Doomsday, Venom beat James Gibson, Hallowicked, Delirious
6. Mr. America, Austin Aries, Eric Stevens, RJ Hammer, Matt Cross, John Cena, AJ Styles beat Samoa Joe/Speedster Lite/King Jim Brooks/Motor City Machine Guns/Machine/Sagat and CM Punk/Rocky Romero/Davey Richards/Roderick Strong/Jimmy Jacobs/Nerco Butcher/Tyler Black in a 3 Way Falls Count Anywhere Elimination Tag Team Match

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-5/16/2009 results:

The show began with RJ Hammer announcing that Orton has extended another month to the time working without pay and if this continues Legacy will two work the same time without pay.
1. Necro Butcher beat Ray Gordy
2. TJ Wilson beat Little Guido
3. Harry Smith beat Stevie Richards
4. Jerry Lynn beat Cody Rhodes
5. Randy Orton beat Eddie Kingston (filling for Rhino after the attack after Wednesday's show)
6. AJ Styles beat Colt Cabana in Fall 3 Of Their Best Of 5 Series to take the lead in the series 2 falls to 1.
7. Jimmy Rave beat Rey Misterio Jr. in Fall 3 Of Their Best Of 5 Series to take the lead in the series 2 falls to 1.
8. Samoa Joe and Claudio Castagnoli beat Mike Bison and CM Punk

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/16/2011 results:

The show started with CM Punk coming out announcing that there has been some transportation issues RJ Hammer, his wife Michelle, Lady Speed, Speedster Lite to all have missed tonight's show.  Since he is the Triple Crown champion he is charge.  He started by making the main event now Christian and Mr. America v.s. Alliance Monster army.
1. Kong and Star Pryde beat Justine Hounda/Ariel Bison and Pink Dudley/Lady Doomsday in a 3 Way Dance to get to pick EN31 Stipulation.
2. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel beat Jay Lethal in a handicap match.
3. Hoodies and El Generico beat Ron Kills and Uso Brothers
4. Ricochet and Piloit beat Kofi Kingston and Joe to get to pick EN31 Stipulation.
A limo pulled up to the arena and Laurie Hammer came out of it.  She said she was here to talk to her father but was told he wasn't here and Punk was in charge.  Laurie said that was going to change and went to RJ's office.  Punk was in it obviously and she told him to get out.  Punk wouldn't and had the Big Show pull her out of the room.  He told him to take her back to her limo and make sure she leaves in it.  Show walks her out of the room and the door closes.  All the sudden crashing noises are heard outside the door and Punk said that he didn't tell them to rough her up as he opened the door.  Mike Bison with his barbed wire singapore cane was standing there.  Mike chased Punk around the room and then out of it.  Laurie stopped him from following saying he would get his chance latter.
5. Roderick Strong and Michel Elgin beat WN Alpha and Sigma to get to pick EN31 Stipulation. Alpha ran from Strong's chop match long which seem to anger Strong.  Towards the end Alpha ran instead making the save.
6. Machine and Sagat beat Davey Richards/John Cena and Doomsday/Venom in a 3 Way Dance to get to pick EN31 Stipulation.
7. Eddie Edwards and Alberto Del Rio beat Naughty By Nature (in for Frankie Kazarian) to get to pick EN31 Stipulation.
8. Christian Cage, Machine, Sagat, Mike Bison, Mr. America wrestled CM Punk and Big Show to a no contest in a handicap match.  The match turned a huge brawl between Alliance members and Mike's group.  This lead to punk escaping and Mike trying to follow but was blocked.  Mike jumped off a ladder onto those blocking his way and then Punk came out dragging Laurie.  He hit GTS on her just before Mike made it up the entrance way and Punk ran away to end the show.

ECW's Wednesday Night Braw-5/16/2012 results:

1. Doomsday Inc. beat Colony and Up In Smoke in a Summer Tag Festival II Preview Match.
2. WN Alpha beat Player Uno in a Summer Tag Festival II Preview Match.
3. Rhett Titus beat Alex Shelley in a Summer Tag Festival II Preview Match.
4. Chris Sabin beat Charlie Haas in a Summer Tag Festival II Preview Match.
5. Frankie Kazarian beat Spirit
6. Jack Crystal beat Christopher Daniels
7. Mike Bison, TJ Wilson, Kevin Steen, Jimmy Jacobs, Colt Cabana beat CM Punk, Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, El Generico in a Elimination Street Fight Match.

TWF's Thursday Night Fire-5/16/2013 results:

1. Speedster Lite beat Doomsday
2. Jackson Rouch beat Piloit
3. New Public Enemy beat Joe and Barbecue in a Non Title Match.
4. Team Hell No beat Machine and Sagat

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-5/16/2014 results:

1. Dogs Of War beat Hulk and Destroyer in a Summer Tag Festival IV Match.
2. American Wolves beat Trooper 3 and 4 in a Summer Tag Festival IV Match.
3. John Moxly and Sami Callihan beat Dynamic Duo in a Summer Tag Festival IV Match.
4. reDragon beat Blood and Crazy Ninja in a Summer Tag Festival IV Match.
5. Blk Out beat Gambit Inc in a Summer Tag Festival IV Match.
6. Young Bucks beat Bravado Brothers in a Summer Tag Festival IV Match.
7. Outlaw Inc beat Joe Henning and Ryback in a Summer Tag Festival IV Match.
8. Gran Akuma and Icarus beat Uso Brothers in a Summer Tag Festival IV Match.
9. Mr. America beat Cody Rhodes, Jack Crystal, Michel Elgin in a 4 Way Dance to win the Unified US Title.
10. Cyrus Bourne, Freddie Waldeno, Ash Hyde, Brett Wayfield wrestled Dolph Ziggler, Peter Spider, Bryatt Wyatt, Randy Orton to a No Contest.  The show ended big chaos brawl between everyone involved in EN37 before there was a finish.

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-5/16/2015 results:

The show began with highlights from TWF post show.  John Cena had challenge to meet Mr. America in the parking lot after the show but it was trap.  MA and Cena brawled around till they ended up on a car.  He went to powerbomb cena on it but Claudio Castagnoli attacked him from behind with a chair.  Cena hit FU onto the windshield of the car and Claudio said that what he does to MA sunday will be worse then this.

Summer Tag Festival V:

1. Premier Athlete Brand beat Dogs Of War
2. Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch beat Richie Borndo and Tristin Heartsend
3. New Bruise Brothers beat Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood
4. Macrus Dove and Owen Star beat Brett and Chris Prowl
5. Hot Shots beat Crazy
6. Wildfire beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous
7. Knockout and Slasher beat Trooper 1 and 2
8. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Eric Bison and Sagat

EUWF's House Show-5/16/2015 results:

1. Ms. America beat Hardcore Bytch, Justine Hounda, Pink Dudley in a 4 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
2. Ligi Brothers beat Macrus Dove and Owen Star in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
3. Team Apocalypse beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
4. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Naughty By Nature in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
5. Prime Time Players beat John Moxly and Sami Callihan in a Summer Tag Festival V Match.
6. TJ Wilson beat Taion to retain the Unified World TV Title.
7. Freddie Waldeno beat Wade Barrett, King Peter, Sheamus in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
8. Mr. America beat Randy Orton, Eric Bison, Claudio Castagnolin in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/16/2016 results:

1. Kevin Steen and Samoa Joe beat Sami Zayn and Prince Devitt in a Dream Partner Tag Team Match.

Summer Tag Festival VI:

1. The Beaver Boys beat Goldust and Cody Rhodes
2. World's Cutest Team beat Los Ice Creams
3. N_R_G beat Ricochet and Rich Swan
4. All Night Express beat Bravado Brothers
5. American Alpha beat Bo Wyatt and Eric Rowan
6. Roderick Strong and Michel Elgin beat Team Tremondous
7. Colony beat The Batari
8. Briscoe Brothers wrestled Bad Influence to a Draw.
9. Donity Brothers beat Young Bucks to win the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.

EUWF's Smackdown Live-5/16/2017 results:

1. Cyrus Bourne, Seth Owens, The Shield, Bryatt Wyatt, Brodie Lee beat Bad Influence, #Broken Matt Hardy, Mike Bison, Taion, Guile, Ash Hyde in a War Games Rules Elimination Match.  After the match Cyrus told Bryatt to finish Matt Hardy off sunday or there will be major changes come monday.

Summer Tag Festival VII:

1. Uso Brothers beat Bravado Brothers
2. Sanity beat Throwbacks
3. Ricochet and Rich Swan beat Bo Wyatt and Mathew Tremont (Filling in for Bryatt)
4. Ascension beat AJ Styles and Samoa Joe
5. Colony beat Jeff Hardy and Brian Thunder (Filling in for Matt) in a Non Title Match.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-5/16/2018 results:

The Miz hosted Miz TV with Bobby Lashley.  Bobby explained why he left Impact as he dominated everyone there and came back here for more comptition .  Except the fact that he was insulted by the offer he was given by Mike Bison after Raw 25th Anniversary Show.  He accepted better offer from The Miz and Prestige.  Mike Bison came from the back saying that Lashley was overrated and wanted to much money.  If he wanted competition then he got some announced Mike v.s. Lashley at EN45.

Summer Tag Festival VIII:

1. The New Day v.s. Hot and Spicy
2. Dogs Of War beat Ascension
3. Brusie Brothers beat Tyler Breeze and Fandago
4. Ruseev and Aiden English beat Spirit and Jack Crystal
5. Ligi Brothers beat Titus O'Neil and Apollo Crews
6. The Revival wrestled Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno to a Draw.
7. Link Rod and Kong Remer beat Heavy Machinery
8. Bad Influence beat Brodie Lee and Eric Rowan

TV Title Tournament Quarter-Final Round (Airing Exclusivily on EUWF Network):

1. Brett Wayfield beat Apollo Crews

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-5/16/2019 results:

1. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 6 Match: Nightwings beat Link Rod and Kong Remer
2. Non Title Match: Speedster Lite beat Jake Crist
3. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 6 Match: Brian Thunder and John Fire beat Creed Gatson and Derek Vamp
4. Cyrus Bourne beat Chris Gun
5. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 6 Match: Nightmare beat Phat Boys
6. Non Title Match: Jim Brooks beat Dave Crist
7. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 6 Match: Stu Bomb and Rick Knife wrestled Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock to a 15 Minute Draw.
8. Non Title Match: Harrison Boss beat Taion

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-5/16/2020 results:

1. Stacy America beat Star Pryde
2. Tag Festival X Round 14 Points v.s. Points Match: Marcus Croft and Tyson Bronx beat Bruise Brothers
3. 4 Way Dance For Becky Lynch's spot in ECW's Women's Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Bianca Blair beat Nikki Cross, Alexia Bliss, Carmella
4. Tag Festival X Round 14 Points v.s. Points Match: Shane Thorne and Brendan Vink beat Taylor Wad and GQ Wiley
5. Princess Tabitha beat Candice LaRae
6. Tag Festival X Round 14 Points v.s. Points Match: Rock Holder and Crusher Jack beat The Forgettton Sons
7. Io Shirai beat Queen Patricia
8. Tag Festival X Round 14 Points v.s. Points Match: Prince Thomas and Sir Stan beat Axel Grey and Andrew Gold.  After the match Stan cut a promo on Mike Bison saying that if anyone got issues with him then would be him.  As him blames Mike for issues he had Wrestlemania last year and not menatoring him like he promised.  Mike came to the ring mentioning he got badly hurt at WM35 and Stan said what was his excuse when he was healed.  Mike said he got distracted but doesn't excuse Stan going backwards into Knights Of Squared Circle.  Stan said King Gary treated him way thnn Theodore ever did and teaching more then mike did.  Stan wants mike in a match on mike's retirement tour.  Mike agrees saying that Stan wants to man and show he can hang he has an idea.  He says that will fight at Wrestlepoolza 2020 in a ECW Original Match.  A Taipei Death Match.  Thomas was tenative about it but Stan was like bring it.
9. Jim Brooks, Brett Wayfeild, Jackson Rouch, Victor America beat Keith Lee, Tommy End, Ricochet, Drew McIntyre

Extreme Nightmare 51: A 25 Year Nightmare Part 1-5/16/2021 results:

Pre Show:
1. Tag Festival XI Round 12 Points v.s. Points Match: Stu Bomb and Rick Knife beat Kong Remer and Link Rod
2. Tag Festival XI Round 12 Points v.s. Points Match: Colin East and Colton West beat Grizzled Young Veterans
3. 3 Way No DQ Match For EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles: Donity Brothers beat Angel Garza/Humberto and Uso Brothers


The show began with tribute and moment of silence for New Jack.
Video aired celebrating 25 years of Extreme Nightmare with moments from all 50 of them.
1. Fall 6 of Best Of Seven Series For Vacant ECW World Tag Team Titles-Bundles Of Death Match: Mark Lite and Jim Brooks beat Seth Owens and Ash Hyde.  Series is now even at 3 falls a piece.
2.Tag Festival XI Round 12 Points v.s. Points Match: Axel Grey and Andrew Gold beat Jupiter Jordan and Xander Seed
3. Tag Festival XI Round 12 Points v.s. Points Match: Claudio Castagnoli and Sheamus beat Leoroy Piloit and Masion Dixie
4. Rematch For EUWF IC Title: Trevor Lee (c) beat Bruce Doomsday
5. Rematch For EUWF World Heavyweight Title: Shinsuke Nakumara beat Punishment Martinez (c)
6. Tag Festival XI Round 12 Points v.s. Points Match: Benson Fire and Clay Ninja beat Jump Start
7. Tag Festival XI Round 12 Points v.s. Points Match: Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend beat Naughty By Nature
8. ECW World Heavyweight Title: Kenny Omega beat Stanley Hammer (c)

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/16/2022 results:

1. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Masion Dixie and Leoroy Piloit beat Road Knights
2. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Samson Sanchez and Hayden Sander beat Stew Rosen and Leo Ambrose
3. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz beat Jupiter Jordan and Xander Seed
4. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: PYT beat American Brothers
5. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Hoodies beat Barbecue Jones and Joe Jr
6. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Malik Blade and Edris Enofé beat Baker Badar and Kagen Kass
7. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Dogs Of War beat Cheesy Warriors
8. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher beat Chad Gable and Otis
9. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Security Knights beat Mac Yates and Mane MacAlister
10. Tag Festival XII 12 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Rafel Lake and Horus Venus beat Street Profits
11. Stacy America, Jade Thunder, Julie Fire beat Eliana Flynn and Lady Bruisers
12. #1 Contenders Battle Royal Match For Great American Bash 2022 Title Shot: Apollo Crews, Crow Brothers, Colin East, Colt West, Benson Fire, Clay Ninja, Kenneth Knockout, Santiago Slasher, Axel Grey, Andrew Gold, Angel Garza, Humberto, Jupiter Jordan, Xander Seed. Street Profits, Quinton Snyder, Clyde Neptune, Solomon Spirit, Jack Crystal, Uso Brothers, Nathan Blaster, Caleb Scare, Baker Badar, Kagen Kass, Barbecue Jones, Joe Jr, American Brothers, Alistair Hound, Travis Jazz, Stew Rosen, Leo Ambrose, Road Knights, Chad Gable, Otis, Cheesy Warriors was also in the match

TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-5/16/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 12 Points v.s. Points Matches:

1. Bracket B Match: Colt Star and Patrick Thorne beat Dean Nuke and Nick Acid
2. Bracket E Match: Jupiter Jordan and Xander Seed beat Abel Moon and Isaiah Saturn
3. Bracket B Match: Mr. Williams and Mr. Donald beat Hoodies
4. Bracket E Match: Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher beatThe Masters
5. Bracket B Match: Elijah Crash and John Rose beat Chris Prime and Matt Pigen
6. Bracket E Match: Luke Reed and Angel Coal beat Taylor Wad and GQ Wiley
7. Bracket B Match: Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson beat Fin Sandy and Ben Apocalypse
8. Bracket E Match: Road Knights beat Nate Blaster and Caleb Scare
9. Bracket B Match: Baker Badar and Kagen Kass beat Gavin Guile and Ulysses Taion
10. Bracket E Match: Creed Gaston and Derek Vamp beat Gambit Inc
11. 4 Way Dance For TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles: Mark Lite and Jim Brooks (c) beat Hit Row, Uso Brothers, Good Brothers

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