Monday, May 27, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-May 27 (Slam Jam City 45, Extreme Nightmare 11:Revolution Over Or Bloody Vengeance, RJ Squashes JBison and goes Strict, 8th round of Survivor 2 Tournament, Wrestlepoolza 2007 and 2012, Extreme Nightmare 45: Family)

This Day In Wrestling History-May 27:
Slam Jam City 45-2/27/1999 results:

1. Ninja Kid beat Spirit
2. Sgt. and Roadblock beat Crazy
3. Barbecue beat Lash Laroux
4. Joe beat Kaz Hayashi
5. Lance Storm and Chris Jericho beat Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko
6. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Naughty By Nature by dq to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.  Naughty By Nature smashed the bat they stole from Public Enemy over both men's head.  They continued to Speedster and Brooks were bloody messes and the bat was in pieces.  Public Enemy and RJ Hammer ran in to make the save.
7. RJ Hammer and Public Enemy beat Steiner Brothers and Bison
8. Jeff Jarrett beat Steve Austin to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  Night Brothers came to the ring and hoisted Jarrett on their shoulders after the match.

Saturday Slam Jam-2/27/2000 results:

1. Rhendo and Blanka beat Trooper 3 and 4
2. Spirit beat Swinger
3. King Bison and Commander beat New Dangerous Alliance
4. Danny Doring and Roadkill beat Trooper 1 and 2
5. Machine beat Zangief
6. Devon Storm beat Kid Kash
7. Chris Chetti beat Boxer
8. Falcon beat Nova
9. Mr. Venom beat Shadow W*inger
10. Jerry Lynn beat Christian
11. Rob Van Dam beat Edge
12. New Jack, Balls Mahoney, Hollywood Doomsday, Shadow WX, Honma, Yamakawa beat Baldies, Naughty By Nature, Taion in a 12 Man Hardcore Elimination Match.  Originally it was supposed to be Mike Bison but Taion came out instead dressed liked Mike and was the first one eliminated.

Extreme Nightmare XI: Revolution Over Or Bloody Vengeance
2/27/2001 results:

RJ Hammer announced on Sunday Night Heat that there has been changes made in the TLC Barbed Wire Match and 12 Man Barbed Wire Board and Light Tube Elimination Match.
1. Al Snow beat Mankind in a Ladder Match to win back head.
2. Balls Mahoney, Sandman, Kintaro Kanemura, Masato Tanaka beat Rhyno, Tazz, Matsunaga, Perry Saturn in a Falls Count Anywhere, Light Tube, Barbed Wire Board Elimination Match.
3. Joe, Barbecue, Piloit, Dynamic Duo beat Spirit, Low Ki, Ken, Ryu, Machine in a No Rope Barbed Wire and Fans Bring The Weapons Match.
4. Chris Benoit beat Lance Storm in a I Quit Match to retain the EUWF IC Title.
5. Speedster Lite beat Chris Jericho in a 30 Minute Iron Match to win EUWF US Title.
6. Naughty By Nature beat Mike Bison/Guile, Dudleys, Edge/Christian, Hardy Boys, Shadow WX/Winger in a No Rope Barbed Wire TLC Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Doomsday beat Venom in a 2 Out Of Three Falls No Rope Barbed Wire Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title  Venom had the third fall won but RJ Hammer ran to the ring and dragged the ref out of the ring.  He then knocked out the ref.  RJ distracted Venom while Rhyno ran into the ring and gored Venom.  RJ then hit his Hammer Driver through a light tube board and then put Doomsday on top of Venom.  RJ threw in the ref and order him to make the count.
8. RJ Hammer beat Jesus Bison in a Career v.s. Career No Rope Barbed Wire, Hell In A Cell, Exploding Ring Death Match.  Jesus Bison now must retire and is now banned from ever appearing or being at an EUWF show.  This was a squash match since Bison was in no condition to wrestle.  RJ powerbombed Jesus off the top of the cage, through the cage top, through a table, through an exploding barbed wire board and finally through the ring.  RJ dragged Jesus out of the whole and beat on Jesus with a chair.  Queen Bison runs to the ring to beg him to stop but RJ hits her with a chair and throws her into the barbed wire.  RJ then decide to finally pin bison but standing on him with one foot.  RJ kept on pounding onto Jesus with a chair after the match until Undertaker ran to the ring.  The two brawled until Extreme Alliance ran into the ring and attacked Undertaker.  Doomsday's Alliance ran to the ring and made the save.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/27/2002 results:

The show opens with RJ Hammer in the ring.  All the wrestlers he drafted and the EUWF champions around ringside and on the ramp way. 
RJ: "Welcome to the first raw back under my full control once again.  Tonight is the start of something new.  Starting with the fact anyone puts there hands on me outside of a match, they will be fined $1,000 and suspend a week.  Each time they do it the fine and suspend worse.  There is no one to protect any one of you Doomsday Alliance members or nWo elite members.  By the way no wrestler is allowed to wear a nWo elite or Doomsday alliance t-shirt during the raw or Saturday slam bash shows.  Also they are not allowed to wear anything that has any markers, signs or anything that shows that affiliation to the Doomsday Alliance or nWo Elite.  Tonight there will be the following matches.  Joe will defend the Lightweight Title against #1 contender Jerry Lynn.  Backseat Boyz will defend the tag team titles against Impact Players.  Tajiri will give Ric Blade a rematch for the IC Title.  Triple H will wrestle me tonight.  Tommy Dreamer will defend the hardcore title against Doomsday.  Our main event tonight will feature mr. loser Rob Van Dam defending the US Title against the soon to be new champion, Chris Benoit.  Anyone have a problem with that?  To bad!"  All the sudden a big fight starts around ringside and on the rampway.  RJ tries to get to stop but the fight leads backstage.  Out of the crowd came Steve Austin and ran into the ring.  He gave RJ the stone cold stunner and then ran back into the crowd.  Security follows and RJ is left in the ring looking very mad.
1. Balls Mahoney beat Test
2. Jason Jett beat Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Spike Dudley in a Three Way Dance.
3. Super Crazy beat Shannon Moore
4. Lady Speed beat Lady Hammer and Jade in a Three Way Dance.
5. Hardy Boyz beat Snake Eyes and Ninja Kid
6. Low Ki beat Red
7. Jerry Lynn beat Joe to win the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
8. Tajiri beat Ric Blade
9. Backseat Boyz beat Impact Players
10. Doomsday beat Tommy Dreamer to win EUWF World Hardcore Title.  Doomsday was attacked by several guys after the match trying to beat him for the title but he fought them off and kept the belt.
11. Triple H beat RJ Hammer
12. Rob Van Dam beat Chris Benoit to retain the EUWF US Title.  RJ Hammer before the matches tries to make Benoit leave Spirit and Raven's nWo and join his but Benoit turns him down.  RVD had the match won but the ref got hit by Benoit when Benoit got hit with the van damanitor and Benoit land into the ref.  RJ ran down and hit a power bomb onto a chair onto RVD.  Benoit and RJ starts arguing.  Benoit knocks RJ to the floor and Benoit tries to wake the ref.  RJ gets the us title from ringside and hits Benoit in the back of the head.  He then puts RVD on top of Benoit for the win.

TTWF 2/27/2003 results:

1. Venom beat Johnny Kashmere
2. Jerry Lynn beat Mike Quackenbush
3. Quiet Storm and Joey Mathews beat Reckless Youth and Samoa Joe in a 8th Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
4. Juventud Guerrera, Little Guido, Jay Briscoe, CM Punk beat Ruckus, Paul London, Red, Christopher Daniels in a 8th Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
5. Masato Tanaka, Ric Blade, Eddie Guerrero, Spanky beat Justin Credible, Spirit, Spike Dudley, Billy Kidman in a 8th Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
6. Chris Hero, Rey Misterio Jr., Trent Acid, Brian Thunder beat Super Crazy, Christian, Matt Hardy, Homicide in a 8th Round Survivor 2 Tournament Match.
7. American Dragon beat Barbecue to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy for EUWF World Heavyweight Title
8. Taion beat Ultimo Dragon to retain the TTWF US Title.

ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-2/27/2005 results:

1. Masato Tanaka and Petey Williams beat 2 Tuff Tony and JC Bailey
2. Sonjay Dutt beat Nate Webb
3. Edge beat Doomsday
4. Tajiri and Super Crazy beat Naughty By Nature
5. Jimmy Jacobs beat Sexxy Eddy
6. Trent Acid beat BJ Whitmer
7. Taion beat Venom
8. B-Boy beat Ace Steel to retain the ECW World TV Title.
9. America's Most Wanted beat CM Punk and Colt Cabana to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
10. Sabu beat Mike Bison and Jesus Bison in a 3 Way Dance to win the #1 Contenders Trophy For ECW World Heavyweight Title and shot at the belt at Great American Bash 2005 on June 26.  Jesus will get the shot at UWC 6 on June 5 and Mike will get it at Sunday Night Party 55 on June 19.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-2/27/2006 results:

1. Venom beat Nerco Butcher to retain the ECW World Hardcore Triple Crown Title.
2. El Generico beat Milano Collection AT to retain the ECW IC Title.
3. Night Brothers beat Naughty By Nature
4. Shelton Benjamin beat Super Crazy, Edge, Joe in a 4 Way Dance to win a shot at ECW US Title at Wrestlepalooza 2006.
5. Nick Berk beat Amazing Red, B-Boy, Piloit in a 4 Way Dance to win a shot At ECW World TV Title at Wrestlepalooza 2006.
6. Homicide beat Jay Lethal, Low Ki, Super Dragon in a 4 Way Dance to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For ECW World Heavyweight Title.
7. Bison Brothers and Taion beat Triple H/Kings Of Wrestling (Castagnoli/Hero) and Nigel McGuiness/Paul Burchill/William Regal in a 3 Way Dance.
8. BJ Whitmer and Jack Crystal beat Rob Van Dam and Sabu

ECW's Wrestlepalooza 2007-5/27/2007 results:

1. Mickie Knuckles beat Lady Backlot Assassin to win back the ECW World Ladies Title.
2. Matt Sydal beat Christopher Daniels, Little Guido, Delirious in a 4 Way Dance to win a shot at ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title at Saturday Night's Main Event on June 2.
3. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Nerco Butcher and Toby Klein to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
4. Milano Collection At beat Jerry Lynn to retain the ECW IC Title.
5. Chris Harris beat Justin Credible to retain the ECW World TV Title.
6. Drake Younger beat Mike Bison in a Barbed Wire Cage Match to retain the ECW World Triple Crown Hardcore Title.
7. Motor City Machine Guns beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.  After the match Shelley and Sabin said that they would continue the tradition of Lite and Brooks and wrestle anyone from around the world who wanted a shot at the titles.
8. Samoa Joe wrestled Chris Benoit to a Time Limit Draw to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title. The match was going to go to an overtime but Edge ran and speared Joe and then Benoit ran him off.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-5/27/2009 results:

1. Machine beat Cody Rhodes in a Non Title Match.
2. Tommy Dreamer beat Ray Gordy
3. Harry Smith beat Drake Younger
4. Vulgar Display Of Power beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous in a Non Title Match.
5. Eddie Kingston beat Petey Williams to win the Ultimate Wrestling Championship 10 ECW World Heavyweight Title Shot.
6. Abyss beat Broadie Lee to win the Living Dangerously 09 Title Shot and ECW's #1 Contenders Trophy.
7. AJ Styles beat Colt Cabana to win their Best Of 5 Series 3 Falls To 2.
8. Claudio Castagnoli and Jimmy Rave beat Necro Butcher and CM Punk

TWF/EUWF's Superstars-5/27/2010 results:
TWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament-Quarter-Final Round:

1. Spirit beat Venom
2. Doomsday beat Jack Crystal
3. Taion beat Jim Brooks
4. Speedster Lite beat Cyrus Bourne

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-5/27/2011 results:
Former Champions #1 Contenders Tournament For Spot In Triple Crown Title Match at Great America Bash 2011:

1. The Miz beat Spirit
2. Tyler Black beat Amazing Red
3. Roderick Strong beat Bryan Danielson
4. AJ Styles beat Piloit
5. Christopher Daniels beat Kane
6. Speedster Lite beat Big Show
7. Randy Orton beat Jim Brooks
8. Colt Cabana beat John Cena

ECW's Wrestlepoolza 2012-5/27/2012 results:

1. Mike Bison and Taion beat All Night Express in a Summer Tag Festival II Match to win the Unified US Tag Team Titles.
2. Kings Of Wrestling beat Night Brothers in a Non Title Summer Tag Festival II Match.
3. Motor City Machine Guns beat LAX in a Summer Tag Festival II Match.
4. Samoa Joe and CM Punk beat Eddie Edwards and Adam Cole (filling for Davey Richards) in a Summer Tag Festival II Match.
5. Sagat beat Brett Wayfield and Drake Younger in a 3 Way Dance to win the Unified World HC Title.
6. Speedster Lite beat Mike Bison in a Last Man Standing Weapons Match.
7. Dolph Ziggler (filling in for Jimmy Jacobs) beat Austin Aries to win the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
8. Jim Brooks beat Power Donity to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.  The end came with Power had the match won but ref was distracted by Star Pryde and Lady Warrior fight.  Jim went to hit power with his cane but Power blocked it and hit jim with it.  He went to hit him again but the ref took it away from him.  Mike Bison came down passing Jim the World Title belt and Jim hit power with it while the ref was putting the cane out of the ring.  Power after match went after Jim and Mike with a chair as they tried to make it to the back.  He grabs Jim and throws him back in the ring beating him with the chair till MVWs made the save.  Power grabbed the Triple Crown Title as he left to end the show.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/27/2013 results:

1. Jack Crystal beat John Moxly in a Non Title Match.
2. El Generico beat Nick Jackson
3. WN Alpha beat Bryan Danielson in a Non Title Match.
4. Machine, Sagat, Jim Brooks, Brett Wayfield beat Speedster Lite, Kings Of Wrestling, Jackson Rouch

Summer Tag Festival III:

1. Danny Havoc and Devon More beat New Gangtas
2. LAX beat Prime Time Players
3. Samoa Joe and BJ Whitmer beat Austin Aries and BJ Whitmer
4. Mike Bison and Taion beat Brett Wayfield and Piloit
5. Ricochet and Rich Swan beat All Night Express and Hot Shots in a 3 Way Dance.
6. Motor City Machine Guns wrestled American Wolves and Doomsday/Venom to a 3 Way Draw.

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-5/27/2014 results:
Summer Tag Festival IV:

1. Snake Eyes and John Fire beat WN Red and White
2. New Bruise Brothers beat Dangerous and Nightmare Backlot Warrior
3. Trooper 5 and 6 beat Richie Borando and Tristian Heartsend
4. WN Alpha and Black beat Samurai Ninja II and Ninja Kid III
5. Road Knights beat Naughty By Nature
6. East/West Dragons beat Crazy
7. Hoodies beat Masion Dixie and Jackson Rouch
8. Guile and Taion beat New Demolition

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-5/27/2015 results:
Summer Tag Festival V

1. Rockness Monsters beat Brodie Lee and Eric Rowan
2. Wade Barrett and Sheamus beat Lucha Dragons
3. James Storm and Abyss beat Oi4K
4. Prince Devitt and Pac beat Kenny King and Low Ki
5. World's Cutest Team beat Devon Moore and Lucky 13
6. Colony beat Austin Aries and Robert Roode
7. Bad Influence beat The Kingdom
8. Briscoe Brothers beat Primo and Epico

ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-5/27/2016 results:

1. Dolph Ziggler, Jay Briscoe, Kofi Kingston advance to the Money In The Bank Ladder Match at Great American Bash 2016.  Bad Influence, Heath Slater, Marc Briscoe, Eddie Kingston, The New Day, Motor City Machine Guns TJ Perkins, Lucha Dragons, Wyatt Family, Ron Killings, Jigsaw, Hallowicked, James Storm, All Night Express, Sonjay Dutt, Abyss, Willie Mack, Tommaso Ciampa, Amazing Red, Adam Cole, 3.0, The Kingdom, Sheamus, Dudleyz, Moose, Colt Cabana, Robert Roode were also in the match.

Summer Tag Festival VI:

1. Rusev and Zangief wrestled Nightwings to a Draw
2. Rex Lion and Gary J beat Pretty Young Thugs
3. Grey and Gold Dragons beat Danny Havoc and Devon Moore
4. Hype Brothers beat Dagger and Knight Hunter
5. Saviors beat Team Tremaondous
6. Bo Wyatt and Eric Rowan beat Blood Ninja and Samurai Ninja II
7. Blk Jeez and Pepper Parks beat Knockout and Slasher
8. Jack Flap and Chris Gun wrestled Eric Young and Dolph Ziggler to a Draw
9. Gentlemen's Club wrestled Briscoe Brothers to a Draw.

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-5/27/2017 results:

1. Marcus Croft beat John Fire, Machine, Mr. Venom, Bloody Donity in a Money In The Bank Qualifying Match.
2. Mr. America beat King Peter, Freddie Waldeno, Speedster Lite in a Money In The Bank Qualifying Match.

Summer Tag Festival VII:

1. Link Rod and Kong Remer beat Darkness and Doomsday Warriors
2. Mark Night and Brian Thunder beat Hot Shots
3. Kappa Knights beat Hoodies
4. Patrick Thorne and Colt Star beat Road Knights
5. Machine and Sagat wrestled Dogs Of War to a Draw.
6. Spirit and Jack Crystal wrestled Hollywood Doomsday and Mr. Venom to a Draw.
7. Connor Stark and Bruce Summers beat Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood
8. Donity Brothers beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous to win the TWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.

Extreme Nightmare 45: Family-5/27/2018 results:

Pre Show:
1. Ascension wrestled the Hoodies to a Draw in a Points v.s. Points Summer Tag Festival VIII Match.
2. Mr. America and Cyrus Bourne beat Authors Of Paon in a Points v.s. Points Summer Tag Festival VIII Match.
3. Prince Devitt beat Brett Wayfield in a TWF World TV Title Tournament-Semifinal Round Match.
4. Sir Tristan beat Shinsuke Nakuamara in a TWF World TV Title Tournament-Semifinal Round Match.


1. Roderick Strong beat Bryan Danielson to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
2. Los Ice Creams beat Uso Brothers n a Points v.s. Points Summer Tag Festival VIII Match.
3. TM61 beat Rusev and Aiden English in a Points v.s. Points Summer Tag Festival VIII Match.
4. Mike Bison beat The Miz
5. War Machine beat Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno in a Points v.s. Points Summer Tag Festival VIII Match.
6. Taion and Guile beat The Revival in a Points v.s. Points Summer Tag Festival VIII Match.
7. Sir Tristan beat Prince Devitt to win the TWF World TV Title Tournament Final Round and Title.
8. The Kingdom beat Kings Of Wrestling in a Points v.s. Points Summer Tag Festival VIII Match.
9. Briscoe Brothers beat Brodie Lee and Eric Rowan in a Points v.s. Points Summer Tag Festival VIII Match.
10. Samoa Joe beat Andrade Almas to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
11. High Flyers beat Broken inc in a No Rope Barbed Wire Double Hell Match.  After the match barbecue tried to convince BI to return the TWF Army to break from the control/brainwashing Broken Empire did to them.  That they were family still to come back and Doomsday says he is right why he hates doing this.  Bruce then kicks barbecue and says he loves him but this for the good of everyone.  As rest of BI attacked rest of HF Bruce picks up Barbecue hitting a running power bomb to the floor.  This sent barbecue into a barbed wire boards, light tubes, and stuff on the floor.  Ash Hyde, Cyrus Bourne, Seth Owens, Guile, Taion, Sagat, Eric Bison made the save.  The show ended with EMTs checking on barbecue who says he can't feel his legs as show goes off the air.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/27/2019 results

1. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 8 Match: oVe beat Taion and Guile
2. Jeff Cob, Roman Reigns, Bryan Danielson beat Bobby Lashley, Joe Henning. Matt Hardy
3. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 8 Match: Kevin Steen and Sami Zayn beat Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable
4. Johnny Garganno, Eric Young, The Revial beat Briscoe Brothers, Mojo Riley, Mustafa Ali
5. Randy Orton, EC3, Uso Brothers beat Cyrus Bourne, Matt Riddle, Team Apocalypse
6. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 8 Match: Ascension v.s. Drew Gulak and Tony Neese
7. Shinsuke Nakumara, AJ Styles, Baron Corbin beat Jack Gallagher, Brian Kendrick, Jay Lethal
8. Drew McIntyre, Tyler Breeze, Ron Killings beat The Kingdom
9. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 8 Match For EUWF US Tag Team Titles: Titus World Wide beat LAX (c) by DQ.
10. #1 Contenders Battle Royal Match: Drew McIntyre won the Super Showdown EUWF World Heavyweight Title Match.  Titus World Wide, Ron Killings, Tyler Breeze, Shinsuke Nakuamara, AJ Styles, Baron Corbin, Ascesion, Randy Orton, EC3, Uso Brothers, Johnny Garganno, Eric Young, The Revival, Kevin Steen, Sami Zayn, Jeff Cob, Roman Reigns, Bryan Daneislon, oVe was aslo in the match.

Filmed exclusively for EUWF Network:
Summer Tag Festival IX-Round 8:

1. Nightwings beat Mark Lite and Jim Brooks
2. Street Profits beat Ligi Brothers
3. Oney Lorcan and Danny Buch beat Purple Haze
4. Gallus beat Bruise Brothers

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-5/27/2020 results:

1. Ricochet beat Victor America
2. Tag Festival X Round 15 Points v.s. Points Match: Prince Thomas and Sir Stan beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
3. Princess Tabitha and Queen Patricia beat Candice LaRae and Biance Blair
4. Tag Festival X Round 15 Points v.s. Points Match:  Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme beat Dark Brothers
5. Tommy End beat Drew McIntyre
6. Tag Festival X Round 15 Points v.s. Points Match: Dogs Of War beat Otis and Braun Strowman
7. Io Shiari beat Stacy America
8. Tag Festival X Round 15 Points v.s. Points Match: Brian Thunder and John Fire beat Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock
9. Dream Partner Tag Match: Keith Lee and Eric Bison beat Jim Brooks and Mike Bison

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-5/27/2021 results:
Tag Festival XI Round 13 Points v.s. Points Matches:

1. Nathan Blaster and Caleb Care beat Bearnard Cast and Jacob Clark
2. Oney Lorcan and Pete Dunne beat Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno
3. Zen Warriors beat Hugo Robin and Ivan Shroud
4. Matt Riddle and Jeff Hardy beat Street Profits
5. Prowl Brothers beat Road Knights
6. American Brothers wrestled Dutch Lane and Abram Max to a 15 Minute Draw.
7. Raheem Rhendo and Ben Blanka beat Remy Who and Tom Master
8. Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher wrestled Imperium to a Double DQ.
9. Bobby Lashley won the Non Tournament #1 Contenders Battle Royal For War 2021 Title Shot. Jeff Hardy, Peter Spider, Oney Lorcan, Matt Riddle, Pete Dunne, Johnny Garganno, Harrison Boss, Santos Escobar, Kevin Steen. Tommaso Ciampa. Marcus Croft, Greyson America. Killian Dane, Cederick Alexander, Austin Tehory, Mark Night, Tyson Bronx were also in the Match

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-5/27/2022 results:

1. Tag Festival XII 14 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Stew Rosen and Leo Ambrose beat Sheepard Mars and Edison Samurai
2. Tag Festival XII 14 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Benson Fire and Clay Ninja beat Hoodies
3. Tag Festival XII 14 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: American Brothers beat Rafel Lake and Horus Venus
4. Tag Festival XII 14 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Security Knights beat Masion Dixie and Leoroy Piloit
5. Tag Festival XII 14 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Mr. Williams and Mr. Donald beat Baker Badar and Kagen Kass
6. Tag Festival XII 14 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Axel Grey and Andrew Gold beat Jupiter Jordan and Xander Seed
7. Tag Festival XII 14 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Gary J and Rex Lion beat Gambit Inc
8. Tag Festival XII 14 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Quinton Snyder and Clyde Neptune beat William Shock and Ethan Rogue
9. Tag Festival XII 14 Points v.s. Points Bracket A Match: Luke Reed and Angel Coal beat Chad Gable and Otis
10. Tag Festival XII 14 Points v.s. Points Bracket D Match: Dogs Of War beat Chris Prime and Matt Pigen
11. Marcus Croft beat Mustafa Ali

ECW's Saturday Nights Back On The Road-5/27/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 13 points v.s. points Matches:

1. Bracket C Match: Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
2. Bracket F Match: Road Ragers beat Dark Brothers
3. Bracket C Match: Jack Flap and Chris Gun beat Carl War and Brent Jet
4. Bracket F Match: Baron Corbin and Riddick Moss beat Samson Sanchez and Hayden Sander
5. Bracket C Match: Stu Bomb and Rick Knife beat PYT
6. Bracket F Match: Braxton Bulk and Dennis Destroyer beat Brandom Scarlet and Braden Olsen
7. Bracket C Match: Hot Shots beat Good Brothers
8 .Bracket F Match: Rock Holder and Crasher Jack beat Wade Wallace and Westley Watson
9. Bracket C Match: Eric Bison and Frank Pluto beat Raymond Roadblock and Yuri Knight
10. Bracket F Match: Angel Garza and Humberto beat Nightwings
11. Non Tournament Match: American Brothers beat Prince Devitt and AJ Styles

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